Zimmerman's a Democrat

Oh boy, so he's not a 'Racist Whitey' or 'Evil Republican?' My God, the Liberal Press just can't get anything right. But i doubt they wanted to anyway. They had their 'Evil Whitey kills Black Kid' story and they were going to run with it no matter what the facts were. And now we find out he's a registered Democrat too. It makes perfect sense. Our Mainstream Media truly deserves its 'Lamestream Media' label.

Funny..it seems to be you..and most of the right that are focusing on that.

Most of the posts I've seen are focusing on the police and their crappy investigation.

Yes, but you're well-known for being a loyal programmed Obama-Bot. So you seeing it that way is certainly no surprise. Let me know when you have the links showing CNN,NBC,NPR,PBS etc etc..., reporting on him being a registered Democrat. I'll wait. I'm open-minded.
Well what can one say?

The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.

It is unclear whether he voted for President Barack Obama in 2008.

Some in the media have sought to blame Republican politicians and conservative activists for Martin’s death.

“[Republican politicians] reinforce and validate old stereotypes that associate the poor and welfare as criminal behavior with African-Americans and people of color, calling us lazy, undeserving recipients of public assistance. In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences,” said MSNBC political analyst and Democratic fundraiser Karen Finney.

According to the document, Zimmerman’s race is officially listed as Hispanic. The son of a white father and Peruvian mother, he has been described as a “white Hispanic” in most media reports.

Registered Dem Killed Trayvon | Washington Free Beacon


Oh nooooooo.

Now what will you do?

You hate democrats but love racism more.

what will you defend in light of the fact that defending a racist killer means your defending a registered Democratic voter.
HEY! Did you guys hear? Zimmerman was a DEMOCRAT!!!!! Pass it on. For some reason it's gonna make all the difference in the WOOOOOORLD!


Chances are he may have voted for obama. And I'm still defending him until the evidence shows that he is guilty. Imagine that.
Well what can one say?

The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.

It is unclear whether he voted for President Barack Obama in 2008.

Some in the media have sought to blame Republican politicians and conservative activists for Martin’s death.

“[Republican politicians] reinforce and validate old stereotypes that associate the poor and welfare as criminal behavior with African-Americans and people of color, calling us lazy, undeserving recipients of public assistance. In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences,” said MSNBC political analyst and Democratic fundraiser Karen Finney.

According to the document, Zimmerman’s race is officially listed as Hispanic. The son of a white father and Peruvian mother, he has been described as a “white Hispanic” in most media reports.

Registered Dem Killed Trayvon | Washington Free Beacon


Oh nooooooo.

Now what will you do?

You hate democrats but love racism more.

what will you defend in light of the fact that defending a racist killer means your defending a registered Democratic voter.
you are just a plain old idiot racist.
Zimmerman a Democrat! Hey! This is really, really important! Really! Get right on it, people!

I heard he switched over and became a tea party member hows your outrage now?:cuckoo:

Yep you can bet if it was found that he was a republican that would have been one of the first thing we would have known about him.
Whether or not Zimmerman was a Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Anarchist is irrelevant.

The only thing that is relevant is whether or not he acted in self defense when he shot Treyvon.

Unless you were there, and witnessed the shooting, no one has any right to pass judgement on Zimmerman until a full police investigation is completed (I heard a new one started up today) and/or a trial jury determines the guy's innocence or guilt.

This Repub/Dem accusational stuff is just a totally useless back and forth; it's nonsensical and serves absolutely no purpose except for fueling the great divide.

Goes to show that many of you are so clouded from this weird obsession with political affiliation that your brains have little to no room left for rational thought. Give the Republican/Democrat thing a rest. Seriously, it's an obsession for some of you.

Our country needs to get a life, and let the police do their investigation.
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Guess it means you guys can stop defending him now!


Never, if it was self defense we will continue to defend him. We are not like those of you on the left that pick and choose when and how to defend someones liberties when it is convenient to your "Cause". Liberty and justice is for ALL, not to those we pick and choose.

That's fine.

I agree. Liberty and Justice for all. Martin and Zimmerman.

A trial by judge and jury should be able to sort out innocence or guilt.

Well the jury system worked well in the O.J. case, I'm sure it would work well here too. Spike "NO TALENT" Lee could be counted on to Tweet the addresses of all serving on the defense team and the jury.
Never, if it was self defense we will continue to defend him. We are not like those of you on the left that pick and choose when and how to defend someones liberties when it is convenient to your "Cause". Liberty and justice is for ALL, not to those we pick and choose.

That's fine.

I agree. Liberty and Justice for all. Martin and Zimmerman.

A trial by judge and jury should be able to sort out innocence or guilt.

Well the jury system worked well in the O.J. case, I'm sure it would work well here too. Spike "NO TALENT" Lee could be counted on to Tweet the addresses of all serving on the defense team and the jury.

This is not going to be like the OJ case. For starters, I doubt Zimmerman is going to be able to afford the best lawyers money to buy (which was the reason OJ was able to get off).
Guess it means you guys can stop defending him now!


Never, if it was self defense we will continue to defend him. We are not like those of you on the left that pick and choose when and how to defend someones liberties when it is convenient to your "Cause". Liberty and justice is for ALL, not to those we pick and choose.

That's fine.

I agree. Liberty and Justice for all. Martin and Zimmerman.

A trial by judge and jury should be able to sort out innocence or guilt.

The only verdict that will be agreeable to those who want Zimmerman's head is guilty.
That's fine.

I agree. Liberty and Justice for all. Martin and Zimmerman.

A trial by judge and jury should be able to sort out innocence or guilt.

Well the jury system worked well in the O.J. case, I'm sure it would work well here too. Spike "NO TALENT" Lee could be counted on to Tweet the addresses of all serving on the defense team and the jury.

This is not going to be like the OJ case. For starters, I doubt Zimmerman is going to be able to afford the best lawyers money to buy (which was the reason OJ was able to get off).

Good point. But there are similarities. Both cases are race issue cases. OJ's wasn't supposed to be about race, but in the end it was. If Zimmerman really did say 'Fucking Coons', the Feds will likely charge him under Hate Crimes statutes. And no Jury is gonna treat him kindly after hearing the tapes. It was likely self-defense, but those two words he uttered will end up deciding his fate in the end.
Well the jury system worked well in the O.J. case, I'm sure it would work well here too. Spike "NO TALENT" Lee could be counted on to Tweet the addresses of all serving on the defense team and the jury.

This is not going to be like the OJ case. For starters, I doubt Zimmerman is going to be able to afford the best lawyers money to buy (which was the reason OJ was able to get off).

Good point. But there are similarities. Both cases are race issue cases. OJ's wasn't supposed to be about race, but in the end it was. If Zimmerman really did say 'Fucking Coons', the Feds will likely charge him under Hate Crimes statutes. And no Jury is gonna treat him kindly after hearing the tapes. It was likely self-defense, but those two words he uttered will end up deciding his fate in the end.

We'll see how it plays out.

Obviously if it is determined that Zimmerman 1.) said "fucking coons" then 2.) shot and killed a black kid after following him, he could very well get charged under hate crime status...

...But is that undeserved?

If a slur did come out of his mouth (no one forced him to say it), and it was coupled with a killing, wouldn't it be his responsibility to own up to that one?
zimmermann was undoubtably inspired by sheriff joe arpaio and the term targeting by sarah palin.... its their fault............

not to mention the nra, they share in the blame................lol
zimmermann was undoubtably inspired by sheriff joe arpaio and the term targeting by sarah palin.... its their fault............

not to mention the nra, they share in the blame................lol

I'm thinking the NRA might front Zimmerman a lawyer... :D
This goes to my point and my observation for a long time, Democrats should not have a right to guns and gun laws need to reflect the dangers of allowing Dems from carrying. Giffords attacker and now this, scary these types walk the street. :)
This goes to my point and my observation for a long time, Democrats should not have a right to guns and gun laws need to reflect the dangers of allowing Dems from carrying. Giffords attacker and now this, scary these types walk the street. :)

Even democrats have a right to firearms.

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