Zimmerman's a Democrat

What's with the hoodie shit by the way?

It's a sweatshirt with a hood for crying out loud. Now it's a hoddie? And a specific race can only own it.

You don't own it.
What's with the hoodie shit by the way?

It's a sweatshirt with a hood for crying out loud. Now it's a hoddie? And a specific race can only own it.

You don't own it.

Hoodies aren't worn by a specific race but most criminals wear them when in the process of a crime
Hey TM here's another bad guy wearing a hoodie hell he's looks like he's shooting another guy with a hoodie. Why they haten hoodies 4

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WPcLI40r2k]Killer Caught On Camera - New York Post - YouTube[/ame]

This has what to do with the Trayvon Martin case?

Nothing, but if he was a Republican.............

Guess it means you guys can stop defending him now!


Sallow, As much as you sometimes disgust me, I'd defend even YOU from a damn lynch mob. Matter of fact, even Salt Jones, as despicable and hateful a racist as he is, would deserve due process, if he were accused of a crime, and I would insist that he have it. We have a choice; we can have rule of law, or we can have street justice. We cannot have both.
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Democraps are still trying to sell their racist attacks on Zimmerman as legit.

Presente.org in a display of overt racism and utter audacy claims they speak for all Latinos in questioning George Zimmerman's ethnicity and says they want to throw in with blacks against the murderer. George Zimmerman | Latino | Trayvon Martin | The Daily Caller
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Why did the Sanford police chief and the state attorney come to the police station ON A SUNDAY NIGHT to protect George Zimmerman for killing an unarmed teenager?

The answer is Zimmerman's father, a retired judge, undoubtedly called in some favors.

Now if some intrepid reporter would just look into this...
Why did the Sanford police chief and the state attorney come to the police station ON A SUNDAY NIGHT to protect George Zimmerman for killing an unarmed teenager?

The answer is Zimmerman's father, a retired judge, undoubtedly called in some favors.

Now if some intrepid reporter would just look into this...

Zimmerman is a registered democrat the state attorney is a Republican. It's not what you are trying to suggest
Why did the Sanford police chief and the state attorney come to the police station ON A SUNDAY NIGHT to protect George Zimmerman for killing an unarmed teenager?

The answer is Zimmerman's father, a retired judge, undoubtedly called in some favors.

Now if some intrepid reporter would just look into this...

Zimmerman is a registered democrat the state attorney is a Republican. It's not what you are trying to suggest

This is not about politics, but influence.

Once again...

Why did the Sanford police chief and the state attorney come to the police station ON A SUNDAY NIGHT to protect George Zimmerman for killing an unarmed teenager?
Norm Wolfinger is the State Attorney for the 18th Judicial district in the U.S. state of Florida, an office he's held since 1985. In his capacity as State Attorney, Wolfinger is responsible for prosecutions in both Brevard County and Seminole County with a combined population of about 1 million persons.[51][52]

It has been reported that Wolfinger met, in person, with police leaders on the night of the shooting while Zimmerman was still in police custody. Chief Lee and Capt. Robert O'Connor reportedly decided to release George Zimmerman without charges after the two officers met with Wolfinger.[53]

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ABC News reported Tuesday that, after questioning Zimmerman at the Sanford police station, homicide investigator Chris Serino filed an affidavit February 26th stating that he did not believe Zimmerman's account of the shooting. He recommended charging the 28-year-old with manslaughter, but was advised by Wolfinger's office that there wasn't enough evidence to secure a conviction. Zimmerman was subsequently released.

What was not stated was that, on the night of the killing, Wolfinger may have traveled to either the scene of the shooting or the police station to discuss the case with Lee and O'Connor, who was briefly named interim "co-chief" with the current acting chief, Darren Scott, when Lee announced he would step down temporarily last week.

In this case, the source says investigators spoke to the on-duty assistant state attorney -- an unidentified woman -- who did not come to the scene, but that Wolfinger did.

And according to the source, after a conversation between Lee, O'Connor and Wolfinger, the decision was made to "cut Zimmerman loose."

Source: Sanford police chief, state attorney made Zimmerman 'no charge' call in person
Why did the Sanford police chief and the state attorney come to the police station ON A SUNDAY NIGHT to protect George Zimmerman for killing an unarmed teenager?

The answer is Zimmerman's father, a retired judge, undoubtedly called in some favors.

Now if some intrepid reporter would just look into this...

Zimmerman is a registered democrat the state attorney is a Republican. It's not what you are trying to suggest

This is not about politics, but influence.

Once again...

Why did the Sanford police chief and the state attorney come to the police station ON A SUNDAY NIGHT to protect George Zimmerman for killing an unarmed teenager?
Ones a democrat ones a Republican ones white ones Hispanic
And one was suspended from school for 10 days and had drug baggies on them.
It's basically up to a prosecutor to determine what charges should be filed. So far..from where I sit..manslaughter seems the way to go. It would be idiotic to overchage the guy as those cases generally don't go well.

Again..all I think should happen is the process should be followed.

Simple as that.
From where you sit, all you see is what the liberal media and Dem leaders want you to see.
Why don't you watch the ABC vider of Zimmerman in the police station and get to work on some new lies.
Why don't you read the police report?

Oh, wait -- that doesn't fit the "Whitey goes hunting black boys" mantra.

Don't you look at the report. Don't you DARE. You might be exposed to unapproved, dangerous thought.
From where you sit, all you see is what the liberal media and Dem leaders want you to see.
Why don't you watch the ABC vider of Zimmerman in the police station and get to work on some new lies.
Why don't you read the police report?

Oh, wait -- that doesn't fit the "Whitey goes hunting black boys" mantra.

Don't you look at the report. Don't you DARE. You might be exposed to unapproved, dangerous thought.

Like the part of the report which labels the incident as Manslaughter, negligent homicide?
Hi, I just dropped in to point out that Zimmerman is a Democrat.

Hi, I just wanted to point out that you deliberately skipped over this post:
Zimmerman a Democrat! Hey! This is really, really important! Really! Get right on it, people!
The importance lies in exposing how the dishonest left purposefully ginned up racial tension
and animosity by reporting "facts" that turned out to be wrong, all in service of their agenda.

Your mindless guffawing changes that not at all. I thought you should know. Too bad it doesn't have a chance of sinking into your thick head.
You do that. A lot.
Why don't you watch the ABC vider of Zimmerman in the police station and get to work on some new lies.
Why don't you read the police report?

Oh, wait -- that doesn't fit the "Whitey goes hunting black boys" mantra.

Don't you look at the report. Don't you DARE. You might be exposed to unapproved, dangerous thought.

Like the part of the report which labels the incident as Manslaughter, negligent homicide?

And then they let him go, because the prosecutor said there was no crime.

But hey, angry internet retards know SO much more about it that the investigators involved.

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