1 Side Stays in DC During Shutdown, the Other Vacations


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

I know what it would look like.

Byron York on Twitter
Apparently the Dems feel the Republicans and the President will get the blame from public opinion, so they are not concerned with a resolution. They’re probably right considering the MSM.
It's the Republicans who had best stand up, MSM or not. If they turn on Trump for compromise' sake, his base will turn on them.

1 side controls all three branches of government.

They should be in Washington owning their falure.

But don't worry, Pelosi and the Dems will be in town Thursday, nice and rested after a well deserved vacation of kicking Republican ass, to start kicking more Republican ass starting with the most worthless ass in Washington.
Apparently the Dems feel the Republicans and the President will get the blame from public opinion, so they are not concerned with a resolution. They’re probably right considering the MSM.

Actually, they're right considering the election results.
York sounds pretty jelly that he isn't on holiday in Hawaii.

1 side controls all three branches of government.

They should be in Washington owning their falure.

But don't worry, Pelosi and the Dems will be in town Thursday, nice and rested after a well deserved vacation of kicking Republican ass, to start kicking more Republican ass starting with the most worthless ass in Washington.
I look forward to Trump having Palin to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.
The Democrats are using federal employees as pawns. If they cared, they would be in D.C.

1 side controls all three branches of government.

They should be in Washington owning their falure.

But don't worry, Pelosi and the Dems will be in town Thursday, nice and rested after a well deserved vacation of kicking Republican ass, to start kicking more Republican ass starting with the most worthless ass in Washington.
I look forward to Trump having Palin to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.
Palin isn't on his pre-election list of judges so nominating her would be a promise broken. Regardless of merits he needs to keep his word.

1 side controls all three branches of government.

They should be in Washington owning their falure.

But don't worry, Pelosi and the Dems will be in town Thursday, nice and rested after a well deserved vacation of kicking Republican ass, to start kicking more Republican ass starting with the most worthless ass in Washington.
I look forward to Trump having Palin to replace Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.
Palin isn't on his pre-election list of judges so nominating her would be a promise broken. Regardless of merits he needs to keep his word.

It would be a gift to the Dems for 2020. Who would then control both chambers and the White House.

And first order of business. The appointment of 4 new far far far far left Justices, as the Constitution empowers them to do by simple majority vote in both chambers and the Presidents signature.

Followed the following week by an entire new docket at the court overturning every abortion law, upholding gun regulations, ending Citizens United, and striking down every gerrymandered voting district in the country, guaranteeing Democratic super majorities in both chambers, allowing for the end of the electoral college, ending any chance of a Republican ever being President again, and super majorities of Democrats in state legislatures.

Go ahead. Make my day.

And there are those deluded enough that don't believe any of that can happen, and more than likely will in the not so distant future.

The rightards should be very careful what they wish for in the coming years as they continue their slip into the abyss of the changing demographics that are slowly but surely cleansing them from the landscape.
Sounds like it would be a great time for the party in the majority to get scores of legislation passed.

What is the hold up republicans? Nobody is there to oppose you (if you believe the OP)….

Oh yeah…the OP is a lie.

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