100,000 expected at Trump's Tulsa Rally--many have already arrived

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You are such a hypocrite.
Wuhan virus is now a concern but it was no issue for the BLM klan rallies and cross-burnings.
You have zero credibility.
This is a political rally, not a protest protected by the 1st Amendment. There were protests all over this country--even in Maine!! -- about the extended lockdowns and restrictions. They weren't told to go home because of Covid. You would have had a cow if they were.

You may not choose to believe anything I say--or believe anything being said by anyone I've linked. But you can't use the old saw "hypocrite" as your excuse. Just be honest and say you don't like what I said so you've chosen not to believe me.
You are such a hypocrite.
Wuhan virus is now a concern but it was no issue for the BLM klan rallies and cross-burnings.
You have zero credibility.
This is a political rally, not a protest protected by the 1st Amendment. There were protests all over this country--even in Maine!! -- about the extended lockdowns and restrictions. They weren't told to go home because of Covid. You would have had a cow if they were.

You may not choose to believe anything I say--or believe anything being said by anyone I've linked. But you can't use the old saw "hypocrite" as your excuse. Just be honest and say you don't like what I said so you've chosen not to believe me.
Prigs annoy me.
It might be for the same reason that no one stopped the armed protesters in Michigan from storming their capital as legislators prepared to vote on the lockdown. Because the first amendment gives us the right to peacefully protest? I'm just guessing that's why they weren't all illegally sent home.
How the fuck do you "storm" someplace when you wait in line to get your temperature taken first dingbat?
Intimidation is what it was. The legislators were very aware that there were protesters with rifles just outside their chamber doors as they got ready to vote.
That was unforgiveable. I knew they only allowed in 200 at a time--but this is the first I heard they took temps! lol
You are such a hypocrite.
Wuhan virus is now a concern but it was no issue for the BLM klan rallies and cross-burnings.
You have zero credibility.
This is a political rally, not a protest protected by the 1st Amendment. There were protests all over this country--even in Maine!! -- about the extended lockdowns and restrictions. They weren't told to go home because of Covid. You would have had a cow if they were.

You may not choose to believe anything I say--or believe anything being said by anyone I've linked. But you can't use the old saw "hypocrite" as your excuse. Just be honest and say you don't like what I said so you've chosen not to believe me.
Bullshit! Those who protested lockdowns in Michigan were threatened with arrest.
And the lockdown protests weren’t even a drop in the bucket compared to the ongoing BLM klan rallies/riots.
Dear Trombie nutbags,

For the most part, BLM protesters, who have been gathering at great risk to demand rights for all citizens, are wearing masks and are doing their thing outside.

Trombie weirdo’s, on the other hand, are gathering to praise their weird leader so he can feel good about himself. They will be inside, not wearing masks, cheering and laughing at Trump’s lame snark. They all believe that the virus is a media hoax.

Of course you are all too stupid to see how the two things are different.
Wuhan virus is now a concern
It has been a concern since March, when the governments turned our economy and lives upside down to try and protect us from it. Where the FUCK have you been? And it's still a concern, genius.
I am appalled that there are actually this many people who would put their faith in any human. I've been alive 87 years and have never ever been ignorant enough to attend a rally for the lying give it all a at Dems or the rich boot licking GOP. What a waste of time.
It might be for the same reason that no one stopped the armed protesters in Michigan from storming their capital as legislators prepared to vote on the lockdown. Because the first amendment gives us the right to peacefully protest? I'm just guessing that's why they weren't all illegally sent home.
How the fuck do you "storm" someplace when you wait in line to get your temperature taken first dingbat?
Intimidation is what it was. The legislators were very aware that there were protesters with rifles just outside their chamber doors as they got ready to vote.
That was unforgiveable. I knew they only allowed in 200 at a time--but this is the first I heard they took temps! lol
Storm, my ass. What worries me is that you were ever allowed to infect children with your nonsense. As if just being a prig wasn't enough!
You are such a hypocrite.
Wuhan virus is now a concern but it was no issue for the BLM klan rallies and cross-burnings.
You have zero credibility.
This is a political rally, not a protest protected by the 1st Amendment. There were protests all over this country--even in Maine!! -- about the extended lockdowns and restrictions. They weren't told to go home because of Covid. You would have had a cow if they were.

You may not choose to believe anything I say--or believe anything being said by anyone I've linked. But you can't use the old saw "hypocrite" as your excuse. Just be honest and say you don't like what I said so you've chosen not to believe me.
Bullshit! Those who protested lockdowns in Michigan were threatened with arrest.
And the lockdown protests weren’t even a drop in the bucket compared to the ongoing BLM klan rallies/riots.Th
The size of the crowds doesn't change the law. I don't recall any of those lockdown protests being broken up simply because they were not social distancing. Not one. You got a link saying otherwise, I'm glad to see it.
Dear Trombie nutbags,

For the most part, BLM protesters, who have been gathering at great risk to demand rights for all citizens, are wearing masks and are doing their thing outside.

Trombie weirdo’s, on the other hand, are gathering to praise their weird leader so he can feel good about himself. They will be inside, not wearing masks, cheering and laughing at Trump’s lame snark. They all believe that the virus is a media hoax.

Of course you are all too stupid to see how the two things are different.
BLM is a racist hate group fomenting and perpetrating violence. They are the new klux klan.
They aren’t protesting — because they have nothing to protest. Their entire narrative is a factual and data-proven lie.
They’re a violent mob.
The COVID narrative is over. It was dead when you and your ilk celebrated thousands of people in the streets looting and burning everything in sight.
Sorry to tell you, but looting and burning didn't eradicate the Germ. It's still infecting and killing people, INCLUDING IN TULSA.
The point is that when millions of people crowded together for Black Lives Matter protests, Democrats, liberals and other lowlife leftists didn't seem worried and still don't about the likelihood of a covid19 outbreak but now that Republicans will congregate you are all in a tizzy over it.
Epidemiologists and public health officials were warning about it. No one listened, just like you guys aren't listening. So what?
Democrats were not concerned about the health threat from the protests because they thought they saw some political advantage in it they could exploit, but now that they think Republicans might gain something from the rally, they pretend to be concerned.
I can't speak for Democrats, but I AM concerned, not "pretending."
I see, you are concerned about health threat of 100,000 Republicans congregating but not about the health threat of millions of Democrats congregating
Nothing I could do about those protesters. Trump could have done something about this crowd. He invited them.
There was nothing you could do about the health risk of millions of Democrats gathering to chant slogans about non existent racism in the George Floyd death while they burned down whatever they liked and intimidated local governments into surrendering to their demands and there is nothing you can do about the health risk of hundreds of thousands of Republicans gathering to support the President, so it is clear this is not about covid19 but just an opportunity for you to take a cheap shot at the President.
There is nothing "cheap" about it. This is definitely about Covid19 and you know damned well the President deserves all the criticism he's getting.
I see, so you think Republicans should be locked down but not Democrats. Why do you think Democrats should be allowed to gather in the millions despite the health risk but Republicans should not be allowed to attend a rally? If the President deserves criticism for allowing Republicans to go to the rally, why not condemn all the Democratic politicians who made no effort to stop Democrats from gathering in the millions?
It might be for the same reason that no one stopped the armed protesters in Michigan from storming their capital as legislators prepared to vote on the lockdown. Because the first amendment gives us the right to peacefully protest? I'm just guessing that's why they weren't all illegally sent home.
The First Amendment does not give you the right to assemble anywhere you like at any time you like regardless of what harm you might be doing. Local and state governments have the right to restrict where and when you can gather so that you do not impinge on the rights or welfare of others. While the sight of these gun toting protesters may have left you steaming like an old tea kettle, open carry is legal in Michigan, and they did not "storm" the capitol but stayed in public areas.

Since these protesters did not violate any local or state regulations, it would have been illegal to remove them, but the BLM protests did impinge or the rights, health and welfare of other citizens and and did considerable damage to property and local and state governments had the, and by any practical measure the responsibility, to regulate them but Democratic politicians actually encouraged these assaults on the public welfare, but of course they are not Republicans so you have no problems with their actions.
I am appalled that there are actually this many people who would put their faith in any human. I've been alive 87 years and have never ever been ignorant enough to attend a rally for the lying give it all a at Dems or the rich boot licking GOP. What a waste of time.
Apparently, according to MaxDeath, it's a giant tailgating party. As someone put it, "Redneck Woodstock" [giggle]
It's against the law to Riot.......Loot.........Declare a new country.........

hmmm..........but a Rally isn't accepted because well IT'S TRUMP

Ok then..................it is no longer a RALLY......it's a PROTEST THEN...........There fixed all the outrage over it.

Your Welcome
Funny how you are so worried about a Trump rally yet not a single word about how bad it was that protesters, rioters and looters were standing side by side without masks. Funny that you are not as worried about those in CHAZ or CHOP or whatever it is called now.
But you were oh so worried about those that were protesting when they wanted to go back to work.
I am starting to wonder that you know that Biden is in trouble.
I keep hearing this argument over and over, so I'll reply to it here, to all that have raised it:
There is one BIG difference, which all of you are insisting to ignore:
The President of the United States INVITED this. He purposely organized, planned and mailed tickets to it with no cap on the # that might show up, and knowing full well that there would be counter protests --in light of what's ha ppened the past three weeks, are you kidding that he is setting up a situation that could easily explode?

If he wasn't aware of the Covid #'s in Oklahoma, I'm sure someone told him.

I know you'd all like to keep mum on this point because you all know damned well how irresponsible it is. It's a whole lot better to deflect to the evil protesters again. But Trump has made a big public health blunder here. This rally is arranged so there will be any number of unmasked, unmonitored folks outside the facility, in droves.
Disease. Violence. What a genius plan!!!
You understand no one's being frog marched in at gun point...they are choosing to attend...just like the other protesters. If you condemned the protesters and you oppose this...hey...I respect that.

But folks have the freedom to choose. Protesters and supporters alike.
Dear Trombie nutbags,

For the most part, BLM protesters, who have been gathering at great risk to demand rights for all citizens, are wearing masks and are doing their thing outside.

Trombie weirdo’s, on the other hand, are gathering to praise their weird leader so he can feel good about himself. They will be inside, not wearing masks, cheering and laughing at Trump’s lame snark. They all believe that the virus is a media hoax.

Of course you are all too stupid to see how the two things are different.
BLM is a racist hate group fomenting and perpetrating violence. They are the new klux klan.
They aren’t protesting — because they have nothing to protest. Their entire narrative is a factual and data-proven lie.
They’re a violent mob.
I must insist you stay on topic. This is about an uncaring, irresponsible and incredibly stupid decision by Donald Trump to hold a party for 100,000 in the midst of a Covid spike in Tulsa. He could have postponed it until the case numbers started to dwindle. But he apparently couldn't wait any longer to get his show back on the road.
His lack of concern for public health is just unbelievable.
It's against the law to Riot.......Loot.........Declare a new country.........

hmmm..........but a Rally isn't accepted because well IT'S TRUMP

Ok then..................it is no longer a RALLY......it's a PROTEST THEN...........There fixed all the outrage over it.

Your Welcome
Who's outraged over it? Pack 'em in ... shoulder to shoulder ... no masks.

Just make sure there's ample supplies of bleach-filled syringes.
Dear Trombie nutbags,

For the most part, BLM protesters, who have been gathering at great risk to demand rights for all citizens, are wearing masks and are doing their thing outside.

Trombie weirdo’s, on the other hand, are gathering to praise their weird leader so he can feel good about himself. They will be inside, not wearing masks, cheering and laughing at Trump’s lame snark. They all believe that the virus is a media hoax.

Of course you are all too stupid to see how the two things are different.
BLM is a racist hate group fomenting and perpetrating violence. They are the new klux klan.
They aren’t protesting — because they have nothing to protest. Their entire narrative is a factual and data-proven lie.
They’re a violent mob.
I must insist you stay on topic. This is about an uncaring, irresponsible and incredibly stupid decision by Donald Trump to hold a party for 100,000 in the midst of a Covid spike in Tulsa. He could have postponed it until the case numbers started to dwindle. But he apparently couldn't wait any longer to get his show back on the road.
His lack of concern for public health is just unbelievable.
Actually, it's your lack of concern for public health that is so striking, but I understand you have strong feelings about the President but have no idea what they are about, so you have to pretend it's about covid19 to have something to carp about.
It's against the law to Riot.......Loot.........Declare a new country.........

hmmm..........but a Rally isn't accepted because well IT'S TRUMP

Ok then..................it is no longer a RALLY......it's a PROTEST THEN...........There fixed all the outrage over it.

Your Welcome
Who's outraged over it? Pack 'em in ... shoulder to shoulder ... no masks.

Just make sure there's ample supplies of bleach-filled syringes.
Oh back to the lie........LOL

Even the CDC finally put the death rate out at 0.26%............we destroyed the economy for it...........

BS............So take your new OBEY LAWS and shove them.

Free country......to hell with those who want to hide from it.

It's against the law to Riot.......Loot.........Declare a new country.........

hmmm..........but a Rally isn't accepted because well IT'S TRUMP

Ok then..................it is no longer a RALLY......it's a PROTEST THEN...........There fixed all the outrage over it.

Your Welcome
Who's outraged over it? Pack 'em in ... shoulder to shoulder ... no masks.

Just make sure there's ample supplies of bleach-filled syringes.
Oh back to the lie........LOL

Even the CDC finally put the death rate out at 0.26%............we destroyed the economy for it...........

BS............So take your new OBEY LAWS and shove them.

Free country......to hell with those who want to hide from it.

What lie??
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