100 days till riots

Unlike Brandon, Trump wasn’t and isn’t racist.

The balance of you lame attempt to argue is pure nonsense. As usual.
The closest we get to dictatorship is from the fascist ideology of shitheads like Obumbler and Brandon with their mandates. You are terminally confused Bobbly.

Post 79 is for wobbles. I think I clicked on Bobob’s post because he had quoted wobbles. Just to clarify.
I think that you cannot think. Your easily manipulated mind is wobbled with Tumps bullshit.
My only fear is that we are gonna be forced to deal with them personnally,

Now the topic is RIOT SEASON is coming up before the elections. It kind of a get out the HOOD burning event for votes. The Unions used to do it and beat people from the other party but it was transferred to ANTIFA and BLM.. ......You know .......the Burn Loot and Murder guys.

Anyways. That's the topic............Not we are ALL AFRAID.........Same Psy Ops shit you always try here. lol
If ya stay away from the assholes doing the rioting, your fears, or lack thereof, will not be challenged.
If ya stay away from the assholes doing the rioting, your fears, or lack thereof, will not be challenged.
I don't go to them Idiot. I work for a fucking living. No time to go Burn Loot and Murder. How about they go get jobs and then they woulnd't have time to burn places down either.

I think. Unlike you.
Keep flapping, sonny. Your ignorance is exceeded only by your lack of common sense. I said--stay away, and you are staying away. Good boy. My comments are directed at the BLM and white supremacist activities.
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If ya stay away from the assholes doing the rioting, your fears, or lack thereof, will not be challenged.
Great advice from a craven coward: When the filthy scumbags are busy destroying property and engaging in violence on the streets of your city, town or village make sure to concede to them the unrestricted and I impeded access they demand.

That is typical asshole lib “logic.”
I don't go to them Idiot. I work for a fucking living. No time to go Burn Loot and Murder. How about they go get jobs and then they woulnd't have time to burn places down either.

You sound like the idiot by supporting my thoughts, in an odd sort of way.
Keep flapping, sonny. Your ignorance is exceeded only by your lack of common sense.
Lol. An asshole ^ lacking any sense is pretending to lecture anyone on “common” sense.

Fuck off, blobblob, you useless twit.
Keep flapping, sonny. Your ignorance is exceeded only by your lack of common sense. I said--stay away, and you are staying away. Good boy. My comments are directed at the BLM and white supremacist activities.
Your babble is strong today. Since you are pretty much unconcerned with being coherent, I have to guess at whatever the fuck it is you seem to think you are grunting.

You keep making reference to ignorance. Obviously, you don’t understand what the word actually means. So much for that.

You also suffer from the delusion that you ever did or ever could tell me to stay away. If you did ever say any such thing, I never saw it. I certainly wouldn’t accept any direction from you. And you remain too stupid to notice that I obviously haven’t stayed away. You were responding to me, you poor pathetic retard.

I couldn’t care less to whom or about what your “comments” are “directed.” I focus more on how absurd your alleged “thought process” is. Your own ignorance is legendary. Your ability to employ logic is utterly lacking. But you are clearly incapable of any independent “thinking” since you parrot DNC bullshit talking-point garbage all the time.
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Your babble is strong today. Since you are pretty much unconcerned with being coherent, I have to guess at whatever the fuck it is you seem to think you are grunting.

You keep making reference to ignorance. Obviously, you don’t understand what the word actually means. So much for that.

You also suffer from the delusion that you ever did or ever could tell me to stay away. If you did ever say any such thing, I never saw it. I certainly wouldn’t accept any direction from you. And you remain too stupid to notice that I obviously haven’t stayed away. You were responding to me, you poor pathetic retard.

I couldn’t care less to whom or about what your “comments” are “directed.” I focus more on how absurd your alleged “thought process” is. Your own ignorance is legendary. Your ability to employ logic is utterly lacking. But you are clearly incapable of any independent “thinking” since you parrot DNC bullshit talking-point garbage all the time.
My comment was referring to riots and where intelligent Americans should be during a riot if they
don't wish to be exposed to violence. You sound like a Gin- Mill kind of guy. You know, a beer in one hand and your pants hanging below the crack of your ass. That's where you get your expertise.
My comment was referring to riots and where intelligent Americans should be during a riot if they
don't wish to be exposed to violence. You sound like a Gin- Mill kind of guy. You know, a beer in one hand and your pants hanging below the crack of your ass. That's where you get your expertise.
Your comment confirms that your advice is that of a craven cowardly pussy. Your fantasy imagery is also all on you, and kinda confirms things about you.

Are you out of your closet?

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