100 days till riots

I will, and while they live in fear, you all do also, just a different thing you are scared of
My only fear is that we are gonna be forced to deal with them personnally,

Now the topic is RIOT SEASON is coming up before the elections. It kind of a get out the HOOD burning event for votes. The Unions used to do it and beat people from the other party but it was transferred to ANTIFA and BLM.. ......You know .......the Burn Loot and Murder guys.

Anyways. That's the topic............Not we are ALL AFRAID.........Same Psy Ops shit you always try here. lol
No, I do not automatically refer to them as assholes, unless they get too close to me. You have no reason to denigrate those who are wearing masks to protect themselves and you.
Wear 5 masks. Wear a Hazmat suit. I don't care. I'm not doing that crap anymore. Enjoy.
What we have all learned is that blaming other people is good for business. And I never would have believed in my lifetime it was possible we could end up with prison camps in our own nation housing tens of millions of people if they allow it. And it is possible.
I think that you are missing the point.
Yes it does. That is the meaning of taking something out of context. It totally changes the meaning.
Put these remarks right back in context and the interpretation will be the same. Tump isn't the smartest rock in the pile, unless he runs at the mouth because he can. I heard those comments and
the context did not change the interpretation of his rhetoric.
Sounds maybe plausible. But is this guy making money some how from such a prediction

So the guy is saying that people will riot because there is another Covid shutdown on the way?

How did the tards in this topic translate into the lefties going wild in the streets?
Our Democracy is the core of your existence. Keep trump in power and watch our democracy be replaced by autocracy.
“Our Democracy” ? We don’t have a damn democracy. Nor do we want one. So there is no such “core” to our existence. What we want to do is avoid the idiotic liberal/“progressive” Democrat fiction that we even want a democracy.

The alternative is not this bullshit canard about an “autocracy” either. The alternative is our republic. One thing we don’t need is the senile, feeble, old, racist, scumbag fuckwit, Joe “plugs” Alzheimers Brandon in Office.
“Our Democracy” ? We don’t have a damn democracy. Nor do we want one. So there is no such “core” to our existence. What we want to do is avoid the idiotic liberal/“progressive” Democrat fiction that we even want a democracy.

The alternative is not this bullshit canard about an “autocracy” either. The alternative is our republic. One thing we don’t need is the senile, feeble, old, racist, scumbag fuckwit, Joe “plugs” Alzheimers Brandon in Office.


Feeble, old, racist scumbag fuckwit Alzheimer's Tump is what we had for 4 years. Trust me, asshole, this is about either a Democracy or an alternative dictatorship, and dictatorship does not translate into a "Republic". You are comfortable with the good life that you have and you will lose it for sure if your ignorant and naive desires become reality.
What is it like to live your life in a constant state of fear and dread?
About on a par with living in abject seething hatred of the awful Orange Man, like you and the rest of the haters do.

Physician, heal thyself.
About on a par with living in abject seething hatred of the awful Orange Man, like you and the rest of the haters do.

Physician, heal thyself.

No hate at all, contempt for sure, but not hate. Sadly it is the same feeling I have had for every POTUS this century.

But I do not really let the effect my daily life, I never make a decision based upon who is sitting in the White House.
If riots can diminish the Marxist Democrat party and their evil influence on the media and education system, then let there be riots.
"Marxist" Democrat party?

As opposed to the "Fascist" Make America White Again Republican Party?

Newflash, Sparky... they're BOTH full of $hit...
BOTH of 'em.

The Democrats are vote-whores who bend over backwards for minority votes (firstly) and white-folk (secondly).

The Republicans are corporate-whores who bend-over backwards for corporate support (firstly) and white-folk (secondly).

Neither are particularly trustworthy... neither have a good track-record when it comes to serving the American People.

Neither have particularly worthwhile nor endearing nor trustworthy leadership nor spokespersons.

Both are full of Professional Bull$hitter$... they just bull$hit about different things and get triggered by different self-interests.

Feeble, old, racist scumbag fuckwit Alzheimer's Tump is what we had for 4 years. Trust me, asshole, this is about either a Democracy or an alternative dictatorship, and dictatorship does not translate into a "Republic". You are comfortable with the good life that you have and you will lose it for sure if your ignorant and naive desires become reality.
Unlike Brandon, Trump wasn’t and isn’t racist.

The balance of you lame attempt to argue is pure nonsense. As usual.
The closest we get to dictatorship is from the fascist ideology of shitheads like Obumbler and Brandon with their mandates. You are terminally confused Bobbly.
Unlike Brandon, Trump wasn’t and isn’t racist.

The balance of you lame attempt to argue is pure nonsense. As usual.
The closest we get to dictatorship is from the fascist ideology of shitheads like Obumbler and Brandon with their mandates. You are terminally confused Bobbly.
Post 79 is for wobbles. I think I clicked on Bobob’s post because he had quoted wobbles. Just to clarify.

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