$15 minimum wage would destroy 1.4 Million jobs

And tell me, speaking for all those opposed to the minimum wage...

Just How Low Will You GO?

Why do you hate poor, unskilled workers?
Why do you hate and complain about taxes for social services which help subsidize cheap labor for Capitalists?

Unskilled workers earning low wages reduce the cost of social services.
Not when the cost of living is above the minimum wage. It is why some firms were helping their labor force sign up for social welfare benefits.

Not when the cost of living is above the minimum wage.

When the cost of living is above the minimum wage, welfare is still lower for workers than for bums.
I agree to disagree. Labor usually incurs housing costs and may have kids to take care of.

You think non-workers collect less welfare than workers?

I may have discovered why you're unemployable. You're a moron.
50 grand in today's america doesn't even sniff middle class anywhere. Wages are woefully behind the cost of living increases. The gap continues to grow no end in sight.
Tell me at what price point will my customers buy less than they do now?

At what point will they stop buying my product?

Since everyone who is already making close to 15 an hour now will see their purchasing power drop it is inevitable that I will lose business
Another disingenuous argument? All of your competition (unless they are better managed) are in the same boat as you.

How many more hamburgers can minimum wage labor afford at their new minimum wage versus the previous minimum wage?

Exactly so my competition will also see a reduction in their business.

Which is why the CBO estimates that a 15 an hour minimum wage will cost 1.4 million jobs.
Why do you think I would disagree with that?

The fact is most business don't get shit from the government.
More to the point, while more than 170 billion dollars is expended on assorted varieties of corporate welfare the federal government spends 11 billion dollars on Aid for Dependent Children. --https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_welfare#United_States

The fact is most businesses don't get shit from the government.

And I have no problem ending government handouts to businesses including farmers and the meat and dairy industries.
And this is according to the Far Left CBO. Undoubtably it would be a lot more.
Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.
Polishprince, your posted link’s headline implies Congressional Budget office’s, (CBO‘s) reports concerning the House’s passed “Raise the Wage Act” are net unfavorable to the proposed. The headline quotes from a line that doesn’t reflect CBO‘s net analysis and reports regarding federal minimum wage rate increases.

For example, referring to page 3, Table 1, “Effects of Increases in the Federal Minimum Wage on Employment, Income, and Poverty, 2025” within the Congressional budget Office’s publication, The Effects on Employment and Family Income of Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage (cbo.gov) , due to the “Raise the Wage Act” CBO projects a no more than a 1/10 of a single percent unemployment rate increase for all USA’s families; which would be a rate of 1/3 of a single percent increase among only USA’s higher income families.
These are not materially proportional

They project no increase of unemployment among the aggregate remainders of USA families, and employment among our lower income families will increase. CBO projects 5.2% increases among our lowest income earning families.
The CBO reports describe a proposal that would be net economically and socially beneficial to our nation. Respectfully, Supposn

CBO projects a no more than a 1/10 of a single percent unemployment rate increase for all USA’s families;

What is the increase in the unempoyment rate for minimum wage workers?

CBO projects 5.2% increases among our lowest income earning families.

About $600.
When someone who is doing a 7.25 an hour job and that person artificially get a raise to 15 an hour his skills haven't improved so in reality there is no better employee to take his job because all entry level people will have their pay artificially raised for no reason.

And you don't know shit about running a business.

You can't run with the bare minimum because you have to cover sick time, vacation time etc and ideally you don't want to incur overtimes costs when you do that so a business actually runs with a small surplus of labor.

and saying that a guy who does nothing but push a broom has to be paid 15 an hour is not going to result in more broom pushing jobs it fact just the opposite will be true.
That is a disingenuous argument and always has been. What do you when the price of materials rise that you use for input to your business?
When the costs of supplies goes up you raise prices.

When the cost of labor goes up you raise prices.

you have to to maintain a profitable business.

Raising a broom pushers salary from 7.25 to 15 an hour doesn't make his skills worth more and will not result in more broom pushers.
So what; value and price (cost) are two different things. Did your supplies gain more value from the increased price?

It doesn't matter if the value of supplies goes up all that matters is the price I have to pay for them and how much I have to add into the cost of my finished product.
Price went up for labor. Just apply that same concept.
Government artificially and arbitrarily setting prices does not acknowledge market forces and causes more problems than it resolves.
Don't post the job then. It is that easy. Do the work yourself. You should not expect much productivity for 7.25 per hour. So going in you have zero expectations. Pay is always linked to productivity. Always.
I have no expectations for any one I will pay 7.25 an hour for. And no pay is not always linked to productivity. Do you think if MW is changed to 15 an hour that productivity will go up?

And technology is one way that allows a low skilled person to produce more than a skilled laborer.

How much would you pay for furniture made by a master craftsman who did all the work by hand compared to furniture made by a guy with no carpentry skill whatsoever who pushes a button on an automatic milling machine?
Meh - Biden's plan is a slow PHASE-IN. It would destroy nothing and cost very little. Had the minimum wage kept up with inflation, it would be $24 and hour at present. Try supporting a family as a single parent (let alone yourself) on $7.25 an hour (15 grand a year) and let us know how that goes.

So any job that won't "support a family" should be outlawed? Why?

Nope, these are essential workers for the most part. None of us could live well without them.

If you establish a minimum wage that will support a family, then you're saying all jobs that pay less than that are illegal, right? How are you not?

I'm saying nothing of the sort. I'm saying that the last minimum wage increase to $7.25 occurred in 2009. Ya figure we're about due for at least 12 bucks?

Hmmm.... it seems like you're lying. But maybe you just don't understand reality.

If we have a national minimum wage, that makes jobs that pay less illegal. That's the fucking point of the law.

It's funny that's you are trying to deny that. Do you not understand how the law works?

Yes, I'm saying that anything less than 12 bucks should be illegal. Remember too that the Biden plan is INCREMENTAL and not a sudden deal. A buck a year for the next 5 years seems pretty reasonable. Would you disagree?
Why should it be illegal? Why can't I work for $3 bucks an hour if I so choose ?

Because the law says that no employer is permitted to pay you that...

Are you just playing dumb? Or are you really too fucking stupid to realize that he was asking for the justification for the law? Why should it be illegal?

He asked a clear and concise question. I gave him a clear and concise answer.

So eat a dick, you stupid fuck...

I guess you're not playing.

The question was, "Why should it be illegal?"... You didn't answer - you dodged.

I did no such thing.

If it's illegal, the "why" doesn't really matter. It is what it is.

You want to discuss something that's not relevant, and I'm just inclined to climb down any rabbit holes today...
CBO projects a no more than a 1/10 of a single percent unemployment rate increase for all USA’s families;
What is the increase in the unempoyment rate for minimum wage workers?

CBO projects 5.2% increases among our lowest income earning families.
About $600.
Toddsterpatriot, you're unable to quit whining?

Congressional Budget office’s projection among USA’s lowest income families are aggregate income increases of 5.2 %. Those include all members regardless if they’re employed or unemployed.

That net increase of incomes due to increasing the purchasing powers of the minimum wage rate can logically be attributed to low-income families’ non-wage incomes, (i.e. unemployment and insurance and public assistance benefits) being replaced with wage incomes. Many of USA's lowest income family members are social security recipients.CBO projects no proportionally material increased rate of unemployment among USA’s lowest wage rate earners.

Many of USA's lowest income family members are social security recipients. Although they are shielded from inflation, they receive no direct benefit from their following generations' increased wage earnings. This is an additional reason why the lowest income families percentage of income increase is only 5.2%. Minimum wage rate increases are only directly benefecial to wage earners and those are inversely beneficial to the wage earners' wage income.
Respectfully, Supposn
CBO projects a no more than a 1/10 of a single percent unemployment rate increase for all USA’s families;
What is the increase in the unempoyment rate for minimum wage workers?

CBO projects 5.2% increases among our lowest income earning families.
About $600.
Toddsterpatriot, you're unable to quit whining?

Congressional Budget office’s projection among USA’s lowest income families are aggregate income increases of 5.2 %. Those include all members regardless if they’re employed or unemployed.

That net increase of incomes due to increasing the purchasing powers of the minimum wage rate can logically be attributed to low-income families’ non-wage incomes, (i.e. unemployment and insurance and public assistance benefits) being replaced with wage incomes. Many of USA's lowest income family members are social security recipients.CBO projects no proportionally material increased rate of unemployment among USA’s lowest wage rate earners.

Many of USA's lowest income family members are social security recipients. Although they are shielded from inflation, they receive no direct benefit from their following generations' increased wage earnings. This is an additional reason why the lowest income families percentage of income increase is only 5.2%. Minimum wage rate increases are only directly benefecial to wage earners and those are inversely beneficial to the wage earners' wage income.
Respectfully, Supposn

Pointing out your errors and laughing at you.
CBO projects a no more than a 1/10 of a single percent unemployment rate increase for all USA’s families;
What is the increase in the unempoyment rate for minimum wage workers?

CBO projects 5.2% increases among our lowest income earning families.
About $600.
Toddsterpatriot, you're unable to quit whining?

Congressional Budget office’s projection among USA’s lowest income families are aggregate income increases of 5.2 %. Those include all members regardless if they’re employed or unemployed.

That net increase of incomes due to increasing the purchasing powers of the minimum wage rate can logically be attributed to low-income families’ non-wage incomes, (i.e. unemployment and insurance and public assistance benefits) being replaced with wage incomes. Many of USA's lowest income family members are social security recipients.CBO projects no proportionally material increased rate of unemployment among USA’s lowest wage rate earners.

Many of USA's lowest income family members are social security recipients. Although they are shielded from inflation, they receive no direct benefit from their following generations' increased wage earnings. This is an additional reason why the lowest income families percentage of income increase is only 5.2%. Minimum wage rate increases are only directly benefecial to wage earners and those are inversely beneficial to the wage earners' wage income.
Respectfully, Supposn

CBO projects no proportionally material increased rate of unemployment among USA’s lowest wage rate earners.



The Effects on Employment and Family Income of Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage (cbo.gov)

Page 1.


Page 9.

And that's why states and cities should be free to set their own MW where it makes sense for them, instead of having the federal government force fit everyone into one level.
Hadit, to the extent of its purchasing power and enforcement, the federal minimum wage rate reduces incidences and extents of poverty in our nation. That it’s purpose and justification.
That federal rate passed by our Congress and signed off on by our president is a minimum rate limiting the extent a state’s wage rates can undermine the minimum wage rates of other states in our nation.

Employees and their dependents within states of governments having lesser consideration for their citizens, (i.e. states of lower applicable minimum wage rates), are proportional to their wages, the greatest beneficiaries of the federal minimum wage rate. Respectfully, Supposn*
You really need a link to see that wages are rising at a pittance? Take off the red white and blue blinders and see the real america.
And that's why states and cities should be free to set their own MW where it makes sense for them, instead of having the federal government force fit everyone into one level.
Hadit, to the extent of its purchasing power and enforcement, the federal minimum wage rate reduces incidences and extents of poverty in our nation. That it’s purpose and justification.
That federal rate passed by our Congress and signed off on by our president is a minimum rate limiting the extent a state’s wage rates can undermine the minimum wage rates of other states in our nation.

Employees and their dependents within states of governments having lesser consideration for their citizens, (i.e. states of lower applicable minimum wage rates), are proportional to their wages, the greatest beneficiaries of the federal minimum wage rate. Respectfully, Supposn*
Some states have lower costs of living than others. Should they not be allowed to set their MW to the level that works best for them, then other states and cities can set theirs higher if they wish?
Meh - Biden's plan is a slow PHASE-IN. It would destroy nothing and cost very little. Had the minimum wage kept up with inflation, it would be $24 and hour at present. Try supporting a family as a single parent (let alone yourself) on $7.25 an hour (15 grand a year) and let us know how that goes.

So any job that won't "support a family" should be outlawed? Why?

Nope, these are essential workers for the most part. None of us could live well without them.

If you establish a minimum wage that will support a family, then you're saying all jobs that pay less than that are illegal, right? How are you not?

I'm saying nothing of the sort. I'm saying that the last minimum wage increase to $7.25 occurred in 2009. Ya figure we're about due for at least 12 bucks?

Hmmm.... it seems like you're lying. But maybe you just don't understand reality.

If we have a national minimum wage, that makes jobs that pay less illegal. That's the fucking point of the law.

It's funny that's you are trying to deny that. Do you not understand how the law works?

Yes, I'm saying that anything less than 12 bucks should be illegal. Remember too that the Biden plan is INCREMENTAL and not a sudden deal. A buck a year for the next 5 years seems pretty reasonable. Would you disagree?
Why should it be illegal? Why can't I work for $3 bucks an hour if I so choose ?

Because the law says that no employer is permitted to pay you that...

Are you just playing dumb? Or are you really too fucking stupid to realize that he was asking for the justification for the law? Why should it be illegal?

He asked a clear and concise question. I gave him a clear and concise answer.

So eat a dick, you stupid fuck...

I guess you're not playing.

The question was, "Why should it be illegal?"... You didn't answer - you dodged.

I did no such thing.

If it's illegal, the "why" doesn't really matter. It is what it is.

You're quite the dullard. The question is "why should it be illegal?" We already know that it IS illegal. Do you seriously not understand the question?
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to the extent of its purchasing power and enforcement, the federal minimum wage rate reduces incidences and extents of poverty in our nation.

To the extent that it reduces employment and raises prices, the federal minimum wage rate increases incidences and extents of poverty in our nation.

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