20 children hospitalized each day with gun injuries

Jump through hoops? Geez, you just put your thumb on the bottom of the handle, and all kids would be safe. You could even store your gun with the ammo in it, since it would need a scan to work anyways, making it faster to shoot an intruder or commit suicide or whatever.

And what happens when the scanner doesn't work? Or you happen to be wearing gloves in the winter?

Sorry That's like telling me I have to have child seats in my car when I don't have kids.

If you are a parent and you want to put trigger locks and scanners on your weapons feel free. There is no meed to force others to do so.

Just like all cars have seat belts. So you wouldn't want to do something simple to protect children from accidental shootings? Fuck, what a moron you are. :cuckoo:

You don't want seat belts you want child seats in all cars.

It is not my job to protect your kids

If you want kids then you protect them. You put 50 locks on your medicine cabinet. You put locks on your weapons. Shit wrap your kid in fucking bubble wrap for all I care.

I do not have to watch your kids for you.
and what happens when the scanner doesn't work? Or you happen to be wearing gloves in the winter?

Sorry that's like telling me i have to have child seats in my car when i don't have kids.

If you are a parent and you want to put trigger locks and scanners on your weapons feel free. There is no meed to force others to do so.

just like all cars have seat belts. So you wouldn't want to do something simple to protect children from accidental shootings? Fuck, what a moron you are. :cuckoo:

you don't want seat belts you want child seats in all cars.

It is not my job to protect your kids

if you want kids then you protect them. You put 50 locks on your medicine cabinet. You put locks on your weapons. Shit wrap your kid in fucking bubble wrap for all i care.

I do not have to watch your kids for you.

^^^^^^^^^^^ moron alert!!!!!!!!
Just like all cars have seat belts. So you wouldn't want to do something simple to protect children from accidental shootings? Fuck, what a moron you are. :cuckoo:

We already have them... They're called safes. BTW- I am doing something 'simple' to protect children... MY children..... My kids are way more likely to be harmed by an attacker than by a gun in our home

it's all about priorities

So how long does it take you to open your safe and load your weapon? A fingerprint scanner is way faster. Btw, 20 kids A DAY! Are being hurt by guns, meaning the safes obviously aren't working. That all you got to protect children. Man, you're a fucking moron.

You are making the idiotic assumption that these kids are being harmed by guns in their own home.

Most of those injuries are from criminal activity. In fact the leading cause of gun shot wounds to kids 14 to 20 are gang activities.
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just like all cars have seat belts. So you wouldn't want to do something simple to protect children from accidental shootings? Fuck, what a moron you are. :cuckoo:

you don't want seat belts you want child seats in all cars.

It is not my job to protect your kids

if you want kids then you protect them. You put 50 locks on your medicine cabinet. You put locks on your weapons. Shit wrap your kid in fucking bubble wrap for all i care.

I do not have to watch your kids for you.

^^^^^^^^^^^ moron alert!!!!!!!!

Sorry Boy you have to be responsible for your own kids

you don't want seat belts you want child seats in all cars.

It is not my job to protect your kids

if you want kids then you protect them. You put 50 locks on your medicine cabinet. You put locks on your weapons. Shit wrap your kid in fucking bubble wrap for all i care.

I do not have to watch your kids for you.

^^^^^^^^^^^ moron alert!!!!!!!!

Sorry Boy you have to be responsible for your own kids


perhaps the goons at child protection should take kids from homes that do not protect them with a firearm

Sorry Boy you have to be responsible for your own kids


perhaps the goons at child protection should take kids from homes that do not protect them with a firearm


It's amazing how you people are arguing against something simple that could save children's and other people's lives. Fucking amazing!

Except one major problem... It does nothing to protect MY KIDS. That's my and Smith & Wessons job

There are an estimated 300 million guns in the US. According to the CDC, there are 11,078 gun related homicides in the US.

This means that 0.0024% of our firearms were used to injure "children", and a whopping 0.0037% were used in murders per year.

I am not heartless and I am sorry that children have been injured and people have been killed. But when less than one-one hundredth of a percent of the guns in the US were used to kill or have harmed children, the problem is not gun related.

The stat in the OP claims 20 gun injuries per day for children. But then, that same link claims that 3 of that 20 are under 15, so the overwhelming majority of gun injurires are for kids who are old enough to drive.
Sorry Boy you have to be responsible for your own kids


perhaps the goons at child protection should take kids from homes that do not protect them with a firearm


It's amazing how you people are arguing against something simple that could save children's and other people's lives. Fucking amazing!

It's a wonder how a woman won't have protected sex. Think how that would reduce the killing of innocent babys. F$#king amazing!
Well good for you and I'm sure you handle your family and your guns in your own personal manner.

Leave other people alone. You aren't responsible for their children.

If you are concerned about you or your family being around them, stay away.

If people come to my house, I tell them which rooms they are allowed in because most of my weapons are ready and loaded all the time.

If they don't like it they can leave.

Do you sell drugs, or are you paranoid schizophrenic? Ya'know, I take my dog to the dog park, and what I've discovered is that some dogs are socialized and some are not; some dog owners are socialized, and some are not.

We have 2 cats, no dogs.

Cats don't need to be walked.

Have you ever heard of a cat park?

No, but I have heard of cat houses........
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perhaps the goons at child protection should take kids from homes that do not protect them with a firearm


It's amazing how you people are arguing against something simple that could save children's and other people's lives. Fucking amazing!

Except one major problem... It does nothing to protect MY KIDS. That's my and Smith & Wessons job


Proof of your stupidity and shortsightedness, again.

Let us say you have a child. ( i know it is a stretch) but pretend. Kid is 7 yo. A school friend asks your kid to come over to their house and play. The kid whose house your kid is visiting knows where dads loaded gun is. And decides what could be better than showing off dads gun to a new friend. And your kid gets shot.

So now you and your S&W have done exactly WHAT to protect your kid from the idiocy of another gun owner?
Sorry Boy you have to be responsible for your own kids


perhaps the goons at child protection should take kids from homes that do not protect them with a firearm


It's amazing how you people are arguing against something simple that could save children's and other people's lives. Fucking amazing!

It's Fucking amazing how many people like you buy into the Democrats and media messages ideology for taking away our 2nd amendment rights for passing laws that will never work and just makes you feel safe when you still won't be safe at all.
When I was shot at working security, my grandfather was shot (careeer cop,) and one of my cousins also shot working as a cop, none of us blamed guns. We blamed the a-hole who shot at us.

Instead of letting your emotions run wild because some innocent falls victim to violence, don't blame the means with which violence occurs but blame the attacker.
So how long does it take you to open your safe and load your weapon? A fingerprint scanner is way faster. Btw, 20 kids A DAY! Are being hurt by guns, meaning the safes obviously aren't working. That all you got to protect children. Man, you're a fucking moron.

More people die wearing seat belts everyday. The number you quote, if true, is a statistical outlier not worthy of data points requiring corrective action

BTW- Who said I keep unloaded firearms in a safe?
Got a link to your seatbelt deaths? No? Why does that not surprise me?

A fingerprint scanner would work, just admit it and move on.

What if the husband who's finger print is the one in the scanner and he is gone. An intruder breaks in their house and the wife cannot us the gun, because of the scanner?
It's amazing how you people are arguing against something simple that could save children's and other people's lives. Fucking amazing!

Except one major problem... It does nothing to protect MY KIDS. That's my and Smith & Wessons job


Proof of your stupidity and shortsightedness, again.

Let us say you have a child. ( i know it is a stretch) but pretend. Kid is 7 yo. A school friend asks your kid to come over to their house and play. The kid whose house your kid is visiting knows where dads loaded gun is. And decides what could be better than showing off dads gun to a new friend. And your kid gets shot.

So now you and your S&W have done exactly WHAT to protect your kid from the idiocy of another gun owner?

That is the responsibility of all parents to teach their kids about guns and gun safety. Whether you own a gun or not.
When this was done in the past by all American parents we did not have any kids that did not know that guns were not a toy and something to just be played with and to be showed to any other kid without adult supervision.
Keep a very capable combat knife in the bathroom (think about it, it's a good place to keep a weapon,) and another under the sofa. Guns aren't the only weapon that kills people yet the only one people try to ban when they do what they're designed for. No one suggest banning cars after drunk driving murders, or outlawing alcohol again. No ones suggest closing down martial arts school when some kid seriously injures another kid doing what they learned how to do. But when ever guns are involved legally or not, the gun grabber crowds rush in like ducks on a pond being thrown bits of bread trying to ban them.
More people die wearing seat belts everyday. The number you quote, if true, is a statistical outlier not worthy of data points requiring corrective action

BTW- Who said I keep unloaded firearms in a safe?
Got a link to your seatbelt deaths? No? Why does that not surprise me?

A fingerprint scanner would work, just admit it and move on.

What if the husband who's finger print is the one in the scanner and he is gone. An intruder breaks in their house and the wife cannot us the gun, because of the scanner?

I'm going to pretend I'm a libtard and answer your question.

A woman living with a gun nutter is probably a gun nutter herself or if she's a liberal who made a bad choice in a man there is plenty of help available to get out of the relationship, therefore she's making a choice to stay.

In either case she's getting what she deserves.

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