2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th

All night long it was speeches about government.
Many repeating the same thing over and over.
Bashing Romney and the Republicans.
A sea of people, dazzled by what government does or will for them. More and more government goodies.
Lots of talk about how their families came here to make a better life for them and their families.
They all did it, without all of the government handouts, yet they said that government must do more to help.
Not one word about getting spending under control or paying down our 16 trillion dollar debt.

None of them are using their brains.
It's Government control over you.
When you live with your parents your get everything you need, food, clothing.your own room and bed,schooling. You also have to live by their rules. You are under your parents control and you don't have freedom until you become an adult and are out there living on your own.
Dem's are doing the same thing to the American people.
They want to give you everything you need with government programs and once again you are under their control,just like when you lived with your parents.
America is about freedom from Government. Not about being your parent with rules and control over you as an adult.


The left calling US zombies is pretty pathetic.
All night long it was speeches about government.
Many repeating the same thing over and over.
Bashing Romney and the Republicans.
A sea of people, dazzled by what government does or will for them. More and more government goodies.
Lots of talk about how their families came here to make a better life for them and their families.
They all did it, without all of the government handouts, yet they said that government must do more to help.
Not one word about getting spending under control or paying down our 16 trillion dollar debt.

None of them are using their brains.
It's Government control over you.
When you live with your parents your get everything you need, food, clothing.your own room and bed,schooling. You also have to live by their rules. You are under your parents control and you don't have freedom until you become an adult and are out there living on your own.
Dem's are doing the same thing to the American people.
They want to give you everything you need with government programs and once again you are under their control,just like when you lived with your parents.
America is about freedom from Government. Not about being your parent with rules and control over you as an adult.

Which is why you folks think the government has the power to kill people practically at will, detain people without challenge, spy on people with no warrants, spend money on weapon systems designed destroy and make sure every single pregnancy goes to term.


Did you hear anything at all about how Dem's are going to pay off the 16 trillion dollar debt?
Taxing the rich for 70 billion more a year is not even going to put a dent into that 16 trillion.
The Government spends over 1.2 trillion a year that needs to be borrowed and now they want to borrow more for more government.
That is what is bullshit.

Plain and simple that debt the Republicans saddled us with is going to be paid off by the U.S. taxpayers. By getting America back to work and growing our economy the tax revenue from businesses and individuals will pay down that debt. The Republican plan is that the middle class will bear the brunt of paying off the debt because the wealthy need to keep more of their money. So elect a Republican who will build the debt and then dump that debt off on the middle class. Now why didn't I think of that? :slap:

Look Sybil, you just said the debt will be paid off by revenue increases from (small) businesses and individuals. For fuck sake, what income range does that include? Could it be "The Middle Class"?
Going to a Dem convention is like going to a Madrassa.

They want you to check your Donkey at the door.

That means come inside with no brain, no principles, and no values. All they want is an empty head.
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All night long it was speeches about government.
Many repeating the same thing over and over.
Bashing Romney and the Republicans.
A sea of people, dazzled by what government does or will for them. More and more government goodies.
Lots of talk about how their families came here to make a better life for them and their families.
They all did it, without all of the government handouts, yet they said that government must do more to help.
Not one word about getting spending under control or paying down our 16 trillion dollar debt.

None of them are using their brains.
It's Government control over you.
When you live with your parents your get everything you need, food, clothing.your own room and bed,schooling. You also have to live by their rules. You are under your parents control and you don't have freedom until you become an adult and are out there living on your own.
Dem's are doing the same thing to the American people.
They want to give you everything you need with government programs and once again you are under their control,just like when you lived with your parents.
America is about freedom from Government. Not about being your parent with rules and control over you as an adult.


The left calling US zombies is pretty pathetic.

Actually if you read peach's description of the DNC convention attendees as I did you would have realized, as I did, that the convention hall is full of ZOMBIES! So I immediately ran out and put the sign up to warn people in the area. :D
Going to a Dem convention is like going to a Madrassa.

They want you to check your Donkey at the door.

That means come inside with no brain, no principles, and no values. All they want is an empty head.

They want to eat your brains. :eusa_shifty:
The DNC is always a freakshow, it's hilarious watching these people, one of these days I might go just to see the crowd, which I imagine is a lot like John Rockers version of New York City.
The DNC is always a freakshow, it's hilarious watching these people, one of these days I might go just to see the crowd, which I imagine is a lot like John Rockers version of New York City.

The DNC is fighting for this country and all the people cutting them down for doing so are just pathetic. If you are just against government then you're clueless. If you are for Romney then I challenge you to name your real motives.
The DNC is always a freakshow, it's hilarious watching these people, one of these days I might go just to see the crowd, which I imagine is a lot like John Rockers version of New York City.

You don't think Obama might have earned his peace prize for getting us out of Iraq? What prize do you think Bush should get for getting us into Iraq?
Missed all the excitement...Padres were playing Dodgers.

You too? I went to the Nats game, and watched the home run derby against the Cubs. Lucky for us we have buckeye and uncensored to give us the recap.
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Did you hear anything at all about how Dem's are going to pay off the 16 trillion dollar debt?
Taxing the rich for 70 billion more a year is not even going to put a dent into that 16 trillion.
The Government spends over 1.2 trillion a year that needs to be borrowed and now they want to borrow more for more government.
That is what is bullshit.
Pass infrastructure/jobs bills that President Obama (praise be unto Him!) has proposed. Get people working again, which widens the tax base. Remove loopholes that allow the mega-wealthy to hide their money or get away with no taxes.

Tax internet sales.

Legalize and tax marijuana just like alcohol.

That's a start.
The DNC is always a freakshow, it's hilarious watching these people, one of these days I might go just to see the crowd, which I imagine is a lot like John Rockers version of New York City.

You don't think Obama might have earned his peace prize for getting us out of Iraq? What prize do you think Bush should get for getting us into Iraq?

I didn't see much of it; don't really care to.

I caught Kathleen Sebelius. My god, she is a wretched speaker.
The DNC is always a freakshow, it's hilarious watching these people, one of these days I might go just to see the crowd, which I imagine is a lot like John Rockers version of New York City.

You don't think Obama might have earned his peace prize for getting us out of Iraq? What prize do you think Bush should get for getting us into Iraq?

Really? Obama followed the Bush plan for leaving Iraq.

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