2018 - War, Or No War?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
As long Deep State and its imbecile doormat Trump run USA exist a huge probability of broad scaled war with Russia and other independent states. Are you ready to die for Neocons, Deep State, Trump and Israel?
What crazy system we have when a bunch of psychopaths can easily destroy our planet.

And the most amazing thing is that they know that everybody knows, yet they donā€™t care one bit. Why? Because they profoundly believe in four fundamental things:
  1. We can buy anybody
  2. Those we cannot buy, we bully
  3. Those we cannot bully we kill
  4. Nothing can happen to us, we live in total impunity not matter what we do


Russia option 1: rumors that the US would disconnect Russia from SWIFT or steal (that is politely called ā€œfreezeā€) Russian assets and funds in the USA have been going in for a long time already. And the Russians have been making all sorts of menacing noises about this, but all of them very vague which tells me that Russia might not have any good retaliatory options and that this time around the hot air is blowing from Moscow. Of course, Putin is a unpredictable master strategist and the folks around him are very, very smart. They might hold something up their sleeve which I am not aware of but I strongly suspect that, unlike me, the US intelligence community must be fully aware of what this might be. I am not an economist and there is much I donā€™t know here, I therefore assessed the risk as ā€œunknownā€ for me.

Russia option 2: the reaction of Russia to the shooting down by Turkey of a SU-24 in 2015 might well have given the US politicians and commanders that they could do the same and get away with it. In truth, they might be right. But they might also be wrong. The big difference with the case of the SU-24 is that Russia has formidable air-defenses deployed in Syria which present a major threat for US forces. Furthermore, if a Russian aircraft is under attack and the Russians reply by firing a volley of ground-to-air missiles, what would the US do ā€“ attack a Russian S-400 battery? The USA is also in a tricky situation in an air-to-air confrontation. While the F-22 is an excellent air superiority fighter it has one huge weakness: it is designed to engage its adversaries from a long range and to shoot first, before it is detected (I mention only the F-22 here because it is the only US aircraft capable of challenging the Su-30SM/Su-35). But if the rules of engagement say that before firing at a Russian aircraft the F-22 has to issue a clear warning or if the engagement happens at medium to short range distances, then the F-22 is at a big disadvantage, especially against a Su-30SM or Su-35. Another major weakness of the F-22 is that, unlike the Su-30/Su-35, it does not have a real electronic warfare suite (the F-22ā€™s INEWS does not really qualify). In plain English this means that the F-22 was designed to maximize itā€™s low radar cross section but at a cost of all other aspects of aerial warfare (radar power, hypermaneuverability, electronic warfare, passive engagement, etc.). This all gets very technical and complicated very fast, but I think that we can agree that the Neocons are unlikely to be very impressed by the risks posed by Russian forces in Syria and that they will likely feel that they can punch the russkies in the nose and that these russkies will have to take it. Local US commanders might feel otherwise, but that is also entirely irrelevant. Still, I place the risk here at ā€˜mediumā€™ even if, potentially, this could lead to a catastrophic thermonuclear war because I donā€™t think that the Neocons believe that the Russians will escalate too much (who starts WWIII over one shot down aircraft anyway, right?!). Think of it: if you were the commander of the Russian task force in Syria, what would you do if the US shot down on of your aircraft (remember, you assume that you are a responsible and intelligent commander, not a flag-waving delusional maniac)?

What will not stop is the full-spectrum demonization of Russia, thus the relationship between the two countries will further deteriorate. Putinā€™s Russia is a kind of Mordor which represents all evil and stands behind all evil. Denouncing and openly hating Russia has now become a form of virtue-signaling. Since the entire US political elites have endorsed this phobia, it is exceedingly unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.

2018 - War, Or No War? | Zero Hedge
The Deep State has been trying to deep six Trump. Why would Trump go along with their desires to turn the planet into a radioactive pile of rubble?

I do not doubt that Trump will take the nation to war. His missile attack on Syria was absurd, yet amazingly the MSM who shits on him every day, loved it...indicating they are controlled by the Deep State. His verbal assaults toward Iran and NK are absurd and dangerous.

2018 could be the Year of War.....again.

War is ALWAYS the heath of the state.
The Deep State has been trying to deep six Trump. Why would Trump go along with their desires to turn the planet into a radioactive pile of rubble?

I do not doubt that Trump will take the nation to war. His missile attack on Syria was absurd, yet amazingly the MSM who shits on him every day, loved it...indicating they are controlled by the Deep State. His verbal assaults toward Iran and NK are absurd and dangerous.

2018 could be the Year of War.....again.

War is ALWAYS the heath of the state.

the middle east is in a state of war right now-----DA WHOLE DAMN THING-----the USA has been involved
in that war from about two decades so far
The Deep State has been trying to deep six Trump. Why would Trump go along with their desires to turn the planet into a radioactive pile of rubble?

I do not doubt that Trump will take the nation to war. His missile attack on Syria was absurd, yet amazingly the MSM who shits on him every day, loved it...indicating they are controlled by the Deep State. His verbal assaults toward Iran and NK are absurd and dangerous.

2018 could be the Year of War.....again.

War is ALWAYS the heath of the state.

Go to google and watch 'Murals of Denver Airport'. It's the Plan.
The Deep State has been trying to deep six Trump. Why would Trump go along with their desires to turn the planet into a radioactive pile of rubble?

I do not doubt that Trump will take the nation to war. His missile attack on Syria was absurd, yet amazingly the MSM who shits on him every day, loved it...indicating they are controlled by the Deep State. His verbal assaults toward Iran and NK are absurd and dangerous.

2018 could be the Year of War.....again.

War is ALWAYS the heath of the state.

the middle east is in a state of war right now-----DA WHOLE DAMN THING-----the USA has been involved
in that war from about two decades so far

Are these wars our wars or Israel's ones?
The Deep State has been trying to deep six Trump. Why would Trump go along with their desires to turn the planet into a radioactive pile of rubble?

I do not doubt that Trump will take the nation to war. His missile attack on Syria was absurd, yet amazingly the MSM who shits on him every day, loved it...indicating they are controlled by the Deep State. His verbal assaults toward Iran and NK are absurd and dangerous.

2018 could be the Year of War.....again.

War is ALWAYS the heath of the state.

the middle east is in a state of war right now-----DA WHOLE DAMN THING-----the USA has been involved
in that war from about two decades so far

Are these wars our wars or Israel's ones?

Mostly -----the wars of Russia, Iran, and the BAATHIST PIGS (UAR). North Korea is
The Deep State has been trying to deep six Trump. Why would Trump go along with their desires to turn the planet into a radioactive pile of rubble?

I do not doubt that Trump will take the nation to war. His missile attack on Syria was absurd, yet amazingly the MSM who shits on him every day, loved it...indicating they are controlled by the Deep State. His verbal assaults toward Iran and NK are absurd and dangerous.

2018 could be the Year of War.....again.

War is ALWAYS the heath of the state.

the middle east is in a state of war right now-----DA WHOLE DAMN THING-----the USA has been involved
in that war from about two decades so far

Are these wars our wars or Israel's ones?

Mostly -----the wars of Russia, Iran, and the BAATHIST PIGS (UAR). North Korea is

Do not forget thousands of Russian nukes targeting USA. It could be malfunctions ( as many times happened already ) and Russians have only few minutes to decide.
When 'salivation' is big, they decide to strike back.
Planet Earth ceases out to exist.
The Deep State has been trying to deep six Trump. Why would Trump go along with their desires to turn the planet into a radioactive pile of rubble?

I do not doubt that Trump will take the nation to war. His missile attack on Syria was absurd, yet amazingly the MSM who shits on him every day, loved it...indicating they are controlled by the Deep State. His verbal assaults toward Iran and NK are absurd and dangerous.

2018 could be the Year of War.....again.

War is ALWAYS the heath of the state.

the middle east is in a state of war right now-----DA WHOLE DAMN THING-----the USA has been involved
in that war from about two decades so far

Are these wars our wars or Israel's ones?

Mostly -----the wars of Russia, Iran, and the BAATHIST PIGS (UAR). North Korea is

Do not forget thousands of Russian nukes targeting USA. It could be malfunctions ( as many times happened already ) and Russians have only few minutes to decide.
When 'salivation' is big, they decide to strike back.
Planet Earth ceases out to exist.

salivators ---drool patiently
The Deep State has been trying to deep six Trump. Why would Trump go along with their desires to turn the planet into a radioactive pile of rubble?

I do not doubt that Trump will take the nation to war. His missile attack on Syria was absurd, yet amazingly the MSM who shits on him every day, loved it...indicating they are controlled by the Deep State. His verbal assaults toward Iran and NK are absurd and dangerous.

2018 could be the Year of War.....again.

War is ALWAYS the heath of the state.

the middle east is in a state of war right now-----DA WHOLE DAMN THING-----the USA has been involved
in that war from about two decades so far

Are these wars our wars or Israel's ones?

Mostly -----the wars of Russia, Iran, and the BAATHIST PIGS (UAR). North Korea is

Do not forget thousands of Russian nukes targeting USA. It could be malfunctions ( as many times happened already ) and Russians have only few minutes to decide.
When 'salivation' is big, they decide to strike back.
Planet Earth ceases out to exist.

salivators ---drool patiently

Deep States provokes Russia, with threats, jokes, sanctions, salivations etc.
The finale can be only one.


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