21 to buy an AR? The ignorance of Democrats and the anti-gun left.

This is a lie.

And so, you agree your request for examples has been filled.
You're welcome.
And thus, you concede the point.
Thank you

Actually, it wasn't a lie. When they listed the weapons used, they said either handguns or semi automatics when those weapons were used. No, I don't agree with you, as shotguns were used in only 3 incidents, and the injury/death rate was less with the shotguns than many of the other incidents with semi automatic rifles or handguns. Face it, you get a higher injury rate/body count with semi automatics than you do with shotguns.
Actually, it wasn't a lie.
It was. The examples I provided were perpetrated with shotguns.
No, I don't agree with you, as shotguns were used in only 3 incidents,
You asked for examples. I gave them.

Every mass shooting in the US with an 'assault weapon', save one, could have been equally perpretrated with a pump-action shotgun because a pump-action shotgun is more than capable of being used to kill the same number of people in the same amount of time.
You can disagree, but you have no factual basis for doing do.
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It was. The examples I provided were perpetrated with shotguns.

You asked for examples. I gave them.

Every mass shooting in the US with an 'assault weapon', save one, could have been equally perpretrated with a pump-action shotgun because a pump-action shotgun is more than capable of being used to kill the same number of people in the same amount of time.
You can disagree, but you have no factual basis for doing do.
I don't want examples, you need to demonstrate.
It was. The examples I provided were perpetrated with shotguns.

You asked for examples. I gave them.

Every mass shooting in the US with an 'assault weapon', save one, could have been equally perpretrated with a pump-action shotgun because a pump-action shotgun is more than capable of being used to kill the same number of people in the same amount of time.
You can disagree, but you have no factual basis for doing do.

All of the examples you gave in your link were done with semi automatic rifles or handguns with the exception of 3. According to your link, out of the 133 incidents listed as mass shootings, only 3 of them were done with shotguns. That is around 2 percent that were committed with shotguns. And no, if shotguns had been used for all those other mass shootings, the injury/death rate would have in all probability been much less, as when the shooter stopped to reload, the police would have had a much better chance to stop them. Why else do you think that more than one weapon was used, as well as the fact they mainly used semi automatics in those incidents? They didn't want to have to stop to reload and wanted to throw as much ammo downrange as possible in the shortest amount of time.
All of the examples you gave in your link were done with semi automatic rifles or handguns with the exception of 3.
The fact your statement is a lie aside, at this point it is irrelevant as I provided the examples you asked for.

Every mass shooting in the US with an 'assault weapon', save one, could have been equally perpetrated with a pump-action shotgun because a pump-action shotgun is more than capable of being used to kill the same number of people in the same amount of time.
You can disagree, but you have no factual basis for doing do.
When you have all the time in the world, why does this matter?

He could have bought a pump-action shotgun.
Big difference Between a pump shot gun and AR15. You may not be educated enough to know…..do you need help ?
All of the examples you gave in your link were done with semi automatic rifles or handguns with the exception of 3. According to your link, out of the 133 incidents listed as mass shootings, only 3 of them were done with shotguns. That is around 2 percent that were committed with shotguns. And no, if shotguns had been used for all those other mass shootings, the injury/death rate would have in all probability been much less, as when the shooter stopped to reload, the police would have had a much better chance to stop them. Why else do you think that more than one weapon was used, as well as the fact they mainly used semi automatics in those incidents? They didn't want to have to stop to reload and wanted to throw as much ammo downrange as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Mass shooters seldom choose weapons with such high recoil. They are generally whimps like most AR15 owners.
You need a safe fun culture and reasonable types of guns.
We already have that.

The UK needs to change and become like we are in America.
Lol, watch me refuse commie. The jack boots will have to kill me, but I won't go without a fight.
Oleg Volk FTW!
Fortunately the NRA protects us and will not allow you to do so.
The NRA, managed by convicted felons. The only organization where you have to be a crook and steal from the membership before they accept you as one of theirs.
Yah. The 2a that provides for and mandates a well regulated militia. There is nothing in the 2a that says a PERSON has an individual right to bear arms. Nothing. It says PEOPLE. That’s a collective or group of persons.
It is a group that includes the entire populace of the nation.

Having a few well regulated in a militia armed, is all that’s required by the constitution.
Wrong. The Second Amendment says that the right to keep and bear arms is held by the people, not limited to members of an organized militia.

Not wrong. M14 Shooter is correct. A pump shotgun can kill just as many people just as fast.

You don’t seem to know much about firearms do you ?
You are the one who is making incorrect statements about them.
The NRA, managed by convicted felons. The only organization where you have to be a crook and steal from the membership before they accept you as one if theirs.
Damn you scum lie. Come get them boy.
Damn you scum lie. Come get them boy.
Yup, nothing but felons and frauds stealing membership money. NRA members are like abused children. They wouldn’t know what it’s like to be led by an honest person.
Yup, nothing but felons and frauds stealing membership money. NRA members are like abused children. They wouldn’t know what it’s like to be led by an honest person.
You're a liar, all day long. Likely a traitor to boot.

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