2100 The Year Of Our Lord


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
There isn't a future forum so I decided to put this in History. But it's about the future. Yesterday I saw a baby. One guy pointed out that he "God willing" will live to see 2100. Blew our minds. I'm so jealous. What things will he see that we won't? Things we wouldn't believe possible. The first smart phone was introduced in 1992. 32 years ago. I don't think any of us would have believed the smart phone's we have now would be possible in 1989. Maybe some knew it was coming but the masses (me) had no idea. Even today when I use my phone in front of my 80 year old dad he can't believe it.

74 more years till 2100
There isn't a future forum so I decided to put this in History. But it's about the future. Yesterday I saw a baby. One guy pointed out that he "God willing" will live to see 2100. Blew our minds. I'm so jealous. What things will he see that we won't? Things we wouldn't believe possible. The first smart phone was introduced in 1992. 32 years ago. I don't think any of us would have believed the smart phone's we have now would be possible in 1989. Maybe some knew it was coming but the masses (me) had no idea. Even today when I use my phone in front of my 80 year old dad he can't believe it.

74 more years till 2100
If the world does not blow itself up before then. Hope that will not be the case but given nature of some looney elements on the world stage so to speak its a possibility.
I tend to think either the powers-that-be will kill most of us or we get hit by a massive solar flare and CME that takes out most of mankind, well before 2100.
Smart phones are pretty much a basic tool for survival in the 21st century. If you look closely you can see illegal aliens surging across the border with these things. Yet the democrat party would have us believe that black voters are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. and for some reason black voters accept this insult. I have a photo I.D. but I don't have a smart phone and I don't need one.
Blah.....I'm still waiting for a viable flying car and a Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40 Watt Range. ;)
Enjoy your cellphone. It’s amazing no?

I want an Alexa maid slash sex doll. Rosie from the jetsons but hot with a fake vagina. Why not?

From what I can tell, young people don’t want to have kids. Not just gays. Lol. The planets better off. Plus the future with automation, we don’t need poor people having 3 kids. Actually we do. Even in 2100 we will need poor people. Capitalism relies on them. The more there are the higher the profits.
I tend to think either the powers-that-be will kill most of us or we get hit by a massive solar flare and CME that takes out most of mankind, well before 2100.
My aunt said she thought the world is going to shit. I reminded her everyone with her dna is doing well.

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