24 Things Wrong With Electric Vehicles That They Don't Tell You

Are you stealing your neighbors electricity or what?
Lol, I never thought of that.

There is no need as there are free community outlets at the library and pay ones nearby in the city I live in. The pay chargers are still free where I live (eventually they'll charge as EVs grow). In the SF-Bay Area where I drove to yesterday, it costs $1.50/hr at the pay chargers. It is more of a hassle if you do not use their "brand" of chargers as you'll have to download their app and some require you to get their card. I didn't notice any free chargers there.
Lol, I never thought of that.

There is no need as there are free community outlets at the library and pay ones nearby in the city I live in. The pay chargers are still free where I live (eventually they'll charge as EVs grow). In the SF-Bay Area where I drove to yesterday, it costs $1.50/hr at the pay chargers. It is more of a hassle if you do not use their "brand" of chargers as you'll have to download their app and some require you to get their card. I didn't notice any free chargers there.
Very informative, but i dont have the patience to wait 30 minutes for a fill up. I get 40mpg in my Lexus hybryd, fill it up in 3 minutes.
Very informative, but i dont have the patience to wait 30 minutes for a fill up. I get 40mpg in my Lexus hybryd, fill it up in 3 minutes.
As comparison, I get 68 mpg using either gas or electric. Obviously, the range is a lot less with electric to about 50 miles. With both, it's about 270 miles, i.e. gas only = 220 miles range.
As comparison, I get 68 mpg using either gas or electric. Obviously, the range is a lot less with electric to about 50 miles. With both, it's about 270 miles, i.e. gas only = 220 miles range.
And i can get up to 540 miles on one tank of gas, fill it up in 3 minutes and do another 540 miles.
And i can get up to 540 miles on one tank of gas, fill it up in 3 minutes and do another 540 miles.
My electric is free where I live. Mostly, I drive in town, so fuel costs are free. If I go to Las Vegas -- 564 miles -- then I'll have to refill my gas, but driving with gas will recharge my battery. EV won't be for everybody, so it remains to be seen if it catches on. I'm sold on it, but charging technology has to become better if I'll go to an all-electric vehicle.
My electric is free where I live. Mostly, I drive in town, so fuel costs are free. If I go to Las Vegas -- 564 miles -- then I'll have to refill my gas, but driving with gas will recharge my battery. EV won't be for everybody, so it remains to be seen if it catches on. I'm sold on it, but charging technology has to become better if I'll go to an all-electric vehicle.

Electric cars can't haul walkin freezers so what good are they.
Tesla's Supercharger network, designed specifically for Tesla vehicles, is marketed as the standard to which all other EV infrastructure should aspire. It operates at 150 kW, which is enough to charge some cars in as little as an hour. The Supercharger, which operates up to 120 kW, can charge a Tesla about 80 percent in about 30 minutes.

Electric Car Charging Goes Super Fast - HowStuffWorks


So if you are on a trip across country and you run out of electric fuel, you have to stay put for 30 minutes if you are lucky to find a supercharging station. If not you have to stay put for up to two days on regular house charging.

Most drivers will need about a couple of days (roughly 40 hours) to charge a fully depleted electric car battery if they use the standard three-prong plugs found in mobile devices, laptops, and the walls of most homes.

How Long Does It Take to Charge an Electric Car - Kelley ...


So if you are on a trip across country

Except for those afraid of flying, I suspect the cross-country road trip will eventually become a thing of the past.
I get that a lot. :(

Reminds me. I have to fill up my Hemi today. Got my Loan Paperwork pre filled out. Contacted my next of kin. Adjusted the worth of the vehicle so the IRS will know what to charge my Nephew when I die. Then it's good for the next 2 to 3 months.

I am going to have to send in the electric for service and replace the headlamp and tail lamp. Funny, that won't cost much more than that tank of gas.
The cost of recharging an EV is increasing, sharply.

Not for me! We put solar on our house and charge our electric car at home. I haven't paid for gas for about 3 years now! And my electricity bill is still, on average $0. (I pay a connection fee to support the grid, but I maintain an excess month over month more than sufficient to cover my electricity usage). It's GREAT!

And now that gas prices are going nuts it's even MORE BETTER!
Not for me! We put solar on our house and charge our electric car at home. I haven't paid for gas for about 3 years now! And my electricity bill is still, on average $0. (I pay a connection fee to support the grid, but I maintain an excess month over month more than sufficient to cover my electricity usage). It's GREAT!

And now that gas prices are going nuts it's even MORE BETTER!
How much did you say the solar install cost and what is the cost difference between your EV and the equivalent ICE vehicle?
How much did you say the solar install cost and what is the cost difference between your EV and the equivalent ICE vehicle?

I never really worried about the ROI on the investment since I knew I was going to use the electricity one way or the other. If I were to add up how much I save on gasoline, energy cost to light the house, air conditioning during the summers and even the benefit of having a means to charge. my phone or run a fridge during a power outage I'm guessing I'm still coming out ahead.

Also there's much less "maintenance" cost for an EV. So I'm saving on that end as well.
I never really worried about the ROI on the investment since I knew I was going to use the electricity one way or the other. If I were to add up how much I save on gasoline, energy cost to light the house, air conditioning during the summers and even the benefit of having a means to charge. my phone or run a fridge during a power outage I'm guessing I'm still coming out ahead.

Also there's much less "maintenance" cost for an EV. So I'm saving on that end as well.
But the investment is important. The van I own, if I replaced it, the EV version is £35,000 more. So when it comes to refuelling, if I had bought the electric version, I've paid £35,000 in advance. If I divide that down in diesel refueling cost and take into account electric charging cost, I would have to do over 200,000 miles to break even. It's taken me 19 years to get 175,000 miles on the clock. So is an EV van cheaper to fuel, no.

The only difference between an EV and ICE is the engine and exhaust. My diesel car, each year I pay for the oil, oil filter, and air filter to be changed. Every other year, the diesel filter. And that's it, every other cost on suspension etc.. is also on an EV. It has had two exhaust back boxes in it's life, totalling £250.

And which garage can I go to? Any. With an EV, which garage can do go to? The main dealer and probably on an expensive servicing scheme. The general garages don't have the equipment to service/check an EV.

And say I bought an EV van and finally broke even in 20 years, what's the condition and lifespan of the batteries?

With solar, a survey of my roof in Southern Scotland said the payback on panels would be a negative £1,800. So it's cheaper not to buy them. Bearing in mind, electricity has now gone up. But I'm hoping to move house next year, can't take the panels with me.

So are EV's cheaper to refuel? Depends if you omit some factors out and is solar the answer? It's fantastic for a minority, those with the money and sunny location.

And when you start to pay drive per mile tax and grants/incentives are phased out, EV reality will start to kick in. And that van price already has £6,000 taken off it by the government. Once that stops, which has started on cars!!!!
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