300 acts of domestic terrorism in the US are committed by right wing extremists

Look its the Trump effect.....Anything Goes !!!

GOP Councilman Richard Jassterzbski has been accused of harassment after yelling at and berating Susan Enderly-Peracchio, a Passaic County Regular Republican Organization employee.

“You wish you were being f*cked by me,” Jasterzbski said, according to a video filmed by Enderly-Peracchio’s daughter. “You don’t have to worry about me penetrating you at all. You wanted fair and square and you should have been satisfied with that, but you stood there and you let them corrupt the system of political process.”
We had a terror attack in Orlando yesterday that finished off five Americans ...when is the Orange Linguini going to tweet about it
Your own article admits it has to ignore 2 big Muslim extremist attacks to get its number. Also the definition of far right the author uses is the European definition. Which the European spectrum isn't so much of a spectrum, but more of a circle, or horseshoe. With fascism and communism at either tops, and what we consider libertarianism at the bottom of the U. This differs from the American spectrum, in that anarchist is far right, then libertarian, then conservative, moderate R, moderate D, progressive, socialist, national socialist, communist at the far left. Remember, NAZI stands for NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Socialist being the operative word there, and is not far off from communism. The only difference is communism has complete control of essentially everything, fascism has control of most with a little bit of ad lib ability. Which doesn't mix well with anything past moderate R. Stop calling it right wing.
Burning the church in Mississippi is right wing. Stabbing two people on a train in Portland is right wing. The over 900 hate crimes since Trump took office is right wing.

The shoe fits and the right wing is wearing it.
Wasn't it a church in North Carolina? Stupid twit.
Everyone of those attacks have been by a leftist thug. Most were Bernie Sanders supports, so go fuck yourself, you lying sociopathic bitch. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Dylann Roof Manifesto Reveals Racist, Neo-Nazi, Anti-American Beliefs - Breitbart
Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter
Yeah, a leftist would write "vote Trump" on the side of a building?
Your own article admits it has to ignore 2 big Muslim extremist attacks to get its number. Also the definition of far right the author uses is the European definition. Which the European spectrum isn't so much of a spectrum, but more of a circle, or horseshoe. With fascism and communism at either tops, and what we consider libertarianism at the bottom of the U. This differs from the American spectrum, in that anarchist is far right, then libertarian, then conservative, moderate R, moderate D, progressive, socialist, national socialist, communist at the far left. Remember, NAZI stands for NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Socialist being the operative word there, and is not far off from communism. The only difference is communism has complete control of essentially everything, fascism has control of most with a little bit of ad lib ability. Which doesn't mix well with anything past moderate R. Stop calling it right wing.
Burning the church in Mississippi is right wing. Stabbing two people on a train in Portland is right wing. The over 900 hate crimes since Trump took office is right wing.

The shoe fits and the right wing is wearing it.
and you are still a sociopath, just because you say it , doesn't make it true.
Your own article admits it has to ignore 2 big Muslim extremist attacks to get its number. Also the definition of far right the author uses is the European definition. Which the European spectrum isn't so much of a spectrum, but more of a circle, or horseshoe. With fascism and communism at either tops, and what we consider libertarianism at the bottom of the U. This differs from the American spectrum, in that anarchist is far right, then libertarian, then conservative, moderate R, moderate D, progressive, socialist, national socialist, communist at the far left. Remember, NAZI stands for NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Socialist being the operative word there, and is not far off from communism. The only difference is communism has complete control of essentially everything, fascism has control of most with a little bit of ad lib ability. Which doesn't mix well with anything past moderate R. Stop calling it right wing.
Burning the church in Mississippi is right wing. Stabbing two people on a train in Portland is right wing. The over 900 hate crimes since Trump took office is right wing.

The shoe fits and the right wing is wearing it.
Depends on which spectrum you're talking about. In the US spectrum, no it doesn't. If you're referring to the traditional European spectrum...youre talking about two different groups of people. You seem to refer to right wing as anything not on the US left wing. Which is less and less government the further you go right. When is the last libertarian or constitutionalist who carried out one of your so called "terrorist" attacks?

Not to mention your article even says it has to disclude two major Muslim extremist attacks for its claim to be true.
When you hear somebody saying LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER you need only to point to a thread like this to illustrate exactly what that means. Just the fact that they think it is mainstream thinking that people are sitting home terrified of right wing bombers getting in a van and driving through 50 people just shows you a profound disconnect.......I mean holy fuck........its connect the dots issues s0ns.:deal: Always has been.........always will be.

Nobody out there is worried this morning about a Christian nutter running over 100 people with a truck and then jumping out and cutting heads off.......only the mental cases in universities think that.....oh........and the sheep who sat in their classes.:coffee:

C'mon............bubble dwelling is ghey
From the church in Mississippi, to the stabbings in Portland, the majority of terrorist acts in this country are committed by right wing extremist white males.

America's Biggest Terrorist Threat? The Far-Right White Male
The Trump administration may deny it, but the numbers are there.

The number of violent attacks on U.S. soil inspired by far-right ideology has spiked since the beginning of this century, rising from a yearly avarage of 70 attacks in the 1990s to a yearly avarage of more than 300 since 2001. These incidents have grown even more common since President Donald Trump’s election.
Alt right violence is the biggest threat we have in the country today.

More than 90% of terrorist related deaths between 1985 and 2005 were the result of Muslims that figure has gone up over the last ten years so get fucked.
As this thread and this image illustrate, Trumptards have a very peculiar standard for terrorism.

More proof of right wing terrorism....

According to NAF, since 1977 in the United States and Canada, property crimes committed against abortion providers have included 41 bombings, 173 arsons, 91 attempted bombings or arsons, 619 bomb threats, 1630 incidents of trespassing, 1264 incidents of vandalism, and 100 attacks with butyric acid ("stink bombs").

The New York Times also cites over one hundred clinic bombings and incidents of arson, over three hundred invasions, and over four hundred incidents of vandalism between 1978 and 1993. The first clinic arson occurred in Oregon in March 1976 and the first bombing occurred in February 1978 in Ohio.

Between 1985 and 2005 there were 3198 terrorism related deaths in the US, 2984 were by Muslims, that's 93% of all terror related deaths coming from the global jihad.

Terrorism 2002/2005

And that number has gone up considerably with the fort hood and Orlando shootings.
Your own article admits it has to ignore 2 big Muslim extremist attacks to get its number. Also the definition of far right the author uses is the European definition. Which the European spectrum isn't so much of a spectrum, but more of a circle, or horseshoe. With fascism and communism at either tops, and what we consider libertarianism at the bottom of the U. This differs from the American spectrum, in that anarchist is far right, then libertarian, then conservative, moderate R, moderate D, progressive, socialist, national socialist, communist at the far left. Remember, NAZI stands for NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Socialist being the operative word there, and is not far off from communism. The only difference is communism has complete control of essentially everything, fascism has control of most with a little bit of ad lib ability. Which doesn't mix well with anything past moderate R. Stop calling it right wing.
Burning the church in Mississippi is right wing. Stabbing two people on a train in Portland is right wing. The over 900 hate crimes since Trump took office is right wing.

The shoe fits and the right wing is wearing it.
Lol, seems like attacks on Americans are first blamed on a conservatives by liberals, but when the facts come out their always Looney liberals that do them.
You are a PERFECT example of a leftist dupe.

Why are you a dupe for the ruling class? You have nothing in common with them.
This thread is not about me.

You are correct s0n.....its about mental cases who think like you and live in a makey-uppey world that nobody else concurs with.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: A breed by the way that will be dying off in the years to come as PCness increasingly gets the scarlet letter label in America as sympathizers to the jihad. Asswipes like you will sit on the sidelines.......quietly with your thumb up your ass btw and like it. Or it wont be going swimmingly...............:deal::popcorn::popcorn:
More proof of right wing terrorism....

According to NAF, since 1977 in the United States and Canada, property crimes committed against abortion providers have included 41 bombings, 173 arsons, 91 attempted bombings or arsons, 619 bomb threats, 1630 incidents of trespassing, 1264 incidents of vandalism, and 100 attacks with butyric acid ("stink bombs").

The New York Times also cites over one hundred clinic bombings and incidents of arson, over three hundred invasions, and over four hundred incidents of vandalism between 1978 and 1993. The first clinic arson occurred in Oregon in March 1976 and the first bombing occurred in February 1978 in Ohio.

Between 1985 and 2005 there were 3198 terrorism related deaths in the US, 2984 were by Muslims, that's 93% of all terror related deaths coming from the global jihad.

Terrorism 2002/2005

You are presenting facts to folks who have a mental disorder. Has nothing to do with intellect......its a connect the dots thing. Huge difference. That's why I never call these people "retarded". They're not. Clinically......its a serotonin fuck up........remedied only with pharmacological aid. In the field for 32 years........you can spot it 5,000 miles way. It is quite beyond their control......they really believe this stuff. It is not at all unlike the guy who walks naked down main street shaking a banana at people speaking of the apocalypse. That's their reality.........when it strays that far from the mean, you know you are speaking to a mental case.

Take a guy like Tyrone Slypot.......dollar to a million stale donuts this guy has significant depression in one or both parents.
Your own article admits it has to ignore 2 big Muslim extremist attacks to get its number. Also the definition of far right the author uses is the European definition. Which the European spectrum isn't so much of a spectrum, but more of a circle, or horseshoe. With fascism and communism at either tops, and what we consider libertarianism at the bottom of the U. This differs from the American spectrum, in that anarchist is far right, then libertarian, then conservative, moderate R, moderate D, progressive, socialist, national socialist, communist at the far left. Remember, NAZI stands for NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Socialist being the operative word there, and is not far off from communism. The only difference is communism has complete control of essentially everything, fascism has control of most with a little bit of ad lib ability. Which doesn't mix well with anything past moderate R. Stop calling it right wing.
Burning the church in Mississippi is right wing. Stabbing two people on a train in Portland is right wing. The over 900 hate crimes since Trump took office is right wing.

The shoe fits and the right wing is wearing it.
I know a lot of right wingers and none have any desire to burn churches. If the asshat fits, wear it.

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