300 acts of domestic terrorism in the US are committed by right wing extremists

More proof of right wing terrorism....

According to NAF, since 1977 in the United States and Canada, property crimes committed against abortion providers have included 41 bombings, 173 arsons, 91 attempted bombings or arsons, 619 bomb threats, 1630 incidents of trespassing, 1264 incidents of vandalism, and 100 attacks with butyric acid ("stink bombs").

The New York Times also cites over one hundred clinic bombings and incidents of arson, over three hundred invasions, and over four hundred incidents of vandalism between 1978 and 1993. The first clinic arson occurred in Oregon in March 1976 and the first bombing occurred in February 1978 in Ohio.

the RWNJ's do not consider PP's bombings a crime.

Between 1985 and 2005 there were 3198 terrorism related deaths in the US, 2984 were by Muslims, that's 93% of all terror related deaths coming from the global jihad.

Terrorism 2002/2005

And that number has gone up considerably with the fort hood and Orlando shootings. You fucking morons want to compare property crimes to mass casualty attacks in order to minimize the threat of the global Jihad, get fucked.
Gosh, stink bombs are considered terrorist attacks? I had friends that were terrorists in junior high.

And trespassing and vandalism.

So, standing to close to the door with a sign, or taking a marker into the bathroom and writing a rude message for the staff, could be very likely lumped into "Terrorism" for the dishonest propaganda purposes of this study.

That is, if they aren't just out right lying, which is always a strong possibility with liberals.
As this thread and this image illustrate, Trumptards have a very peculiar standard for terrorism.


The FBI actually you dumb cunnt.

says he's a man.....nobody is really sure. Just semantics though really............:2up:
Confused much?

Why did you make a cluster fuck out of society.. Why do you have to lock your doors?
Why do you belong to the biggest terrorist threat this country is facing?

If I go to a planned parenthood clinic and write on the bathroom wall, God Loves you, would that be counted as an Act of Terrorism?

Because by the cited standards, it seems the answer is yes.

Which makes the OP's claim complete bullshit.
What's wrong with you RWNJs? If you're gonna terrorise, ya' gotta at least include some beheadings and stabbings
THAT'S the domain of the left-wing abortion providers.

I'd post pics, but last time I did, the mods took it down and told me , exposing what you support isn't "family friendy." So I won't post the gruesome reality on this site.
Depends on which spectrum you're talking about. In the US spectrum, no it doesn't. If you're referring to the traditional European spectrum...youre talking about two different groups of people. You seem to refer to right wing as anything not on the US left wing. Which is less and less government the further you go right. When is the last libertarian or constitutionalist who carried out one of your so called "terrorist" attacks?

Not to mention your article even says it has to disclude two major Muslim extremist attacks for its claim to be true.
I'm not referring to any spectrum. The Portland stabber is an admitted right wing supremacist. The guy who murdered Collins belongs to an alt right militia group.

Sean Urbanski, the University of Maryland student who allegedly stabbed Collins to death, belongs to a racist Facebook group called Alt-Reich: Nation.
The left doesn't go out and commit over 900 hate crimes because Trump got elected. It's right wing extremists who feel emboldened by Trump winning the election going out and thinking it is okay and acceptable to commit violence.
If I go to a planned parenthood clinic and write on the bathroom wall, God Loves you, would that be counted as an Act of Terrorism?

Because by the cited standards, it seems the answer is yes.

Which makes the OP's claim complete bullshit.
He's also convinced himself that National SOCIALISTS are "right-wing". Most American leftists support the group that murdered over 100 million (Communism) over the group that murdered 11 million.
More than 90% of terrorist related deaths between 1985 and 2005 were the result of Muslims that figure has gone up over the last ten years so get fucked.
Where's your evidence?

Already posted it you stupid faggot read your own thread fucktard:

Between 1980 and 2005 there were 3198 terrorism related deaths in the US, 2984 were by Muslims, that's 93% of all terror related deaths coming from the global jihad.

Terrorism 2002/2005

And that number has gone up considerably with the fort hood and Orlando shootings. You fucking morons want to compare property crimes to mass casualty attacks in order to minimize the threat of the global Jihad, get fucked.
Between 1985 and 2005 there were 3198 terrorism related deaths in the US, 2984 were by Muslims, that's 93% of all terror related deaths coming from the global jihad.

Terrorism 2002/2005

And that number has gone up considerably with the fort hood and Orlando shootings.
I don't see anywhere in the link you provided that 2984 deaths were caused by Muslims. The total deaths are valid. But who's responsible for them remains to be proven.
You are correct s0n.....its about mental cases who think like you and live in a makey-uppey world that nobody else concurs with.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: A breed by the way that will be dying off in the years to come as PCness increasingly gets the scarlet letter label in America as sympathizers to the jihad. Asswipes like you will sit on the sidelines.......quietly with your thumb up your ass btw and like it. Or it wont be going swimmingly...............:deal::popcorn::popcorn:
This thread is not about that either. This thread is about right wing terrorism as the biggest threat to this country. Even bigger than ISIS.
You are presenting facts to folks who have a mental disorder. Has nothing to do with intellect......its a connect the dots thing. Huge difference. That's why I never call these people "retarded". They're not. Clinically......its a serotonin fuck up........remedied only with pharmacological aid. In the field for 32 years........you can spot it 5,000 miles way. It is quite beyond their control......they really believe this stuff. It is not at all unlike the guy who walks naked down main street shaking a banana at people speaking of the apocalypse. That's their reality.........when it strays that far from the mean, you know you are speaking to a mental case.

Take a guy like Tyrone Slypot.......dollar to a million stale donuts this guy has significant depression in one or both parents.
Look at all the right wing posts in this thread and others and it becomes more than obvious you fuckers personally attack everyone you disagree with, then claim you're the ones not committing the violence.

You don't even realize how retarded you sound.
The left doesn't go out and commit over 900 hate crimes because Trump got elected. It's right wing extremists who feel emboldened by Trump winning the election going out and thinking it is okay and acceptable to commit violence.
You're delusional. The left has and does commit violence when they don't get their way. How did Trump "embolden" violence? They are expecting pardons? We won, you lost. There's no reason for the right to be upset.

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