300 acts of domestic terrorism in the US are committed by right wing extremists

From the church in Mississippi, to the stabbings in Portland, the majority of terrorist acts in this country are committed by right wing extremist white males.

America's Biggest Terrorist Threat? The Far-Right White Male
The Trump administration may deny it, but the numbers are there.

The number of violent attacks on U.S. soil inspired by far-right ideology has spiked since the beginning of this century, rising from a yearly avarage of 70 attacks in the 1990s to a yearly avarage of more than 300 since 2001. These incidents have grown even more common since President Donald Trump’s election.
Alt right violence is the biggest threat we have in the country today.
Post the top 10 worst acts of rightwing terrorism. I'll even accept just the top 3. Let's see what all the fuss is about.
Words hurt your little thin skinned baby ass? Well good. I think your hate will lead you to spraying down a shopping mall in protest. Stupid fuck. Anyone can play your baby head games.
I'm not the one personally attacking people because I don't like the things they say.
If I go to a planned parenthood clinic and write on the bathroom wall, God Loves you, would that be counted as an Act of Terrorism?

Because by the cited standards, it seems the answer is yes.
No standards were cited.

Which makes the OP's claim complete bullshit.
Your analogy has nothing to do with the OP.

Sure they were. Trespassing and vandalism were mentioned as acts of "terrorism", which is of course, complete bullshit.
Sure they were. Trespassing and vandalism were mentioned as acts of "terrorism", which is of course, complete bullshit.
I agree.
So list the best examples of rightwing terrorism that people should be worried about.
Ordering a Tall, Non-Fat Latte With Caramel Drizzle and not using the app to pay for it causing everyone in line to wait another 22 seconds while you swipe your credit card.
No, what happened was you failed miserably at defending your OP. :laugh:
I didn't see the right protesting the Iraq war. It was the left that spoke out against US state sponsored terrorism, not the right.

You, on the other hand, haven't provided jack shit to prove your claim. All you do, is shoot your big god-damn mouth off.
When did I say that, you lying smarmy asshole.
You said the Oath Keepers represent. Well, that's what they are all about. They are training for war against the United States government.
They represent? What does that mean? You pretended they represent they right, when did I say I support them? Fact is it's you maggots trying to over throw democracy and you get uglier every day you can't. You need a good ass kicking, it's the only thing you can understand. Hope for your sake it happens soon.

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