300 acts of domestic terrorism in the US are committed by right wing extremists

No, what happened was you failed miserably at defending your OP. :laugh:
I didn't see the right protesting the Iraq war. It was the left that spoke out against US state sponsored terrorism, not the right.

You, on the other hand, haven't provided jack shit to prove your claim. All you do, is shoot your big god-damn mouth off.
The Iraq war was US terrorism? (smile) Your dung heap gets taller and stinkier by the minute. Hillary voted for it so I guess that makes her a terrorist.
We had a terror attack in Orlando yesterday that finished off five Americans ...when is the Orange Linguini going to tweet about it
It wasn't a terror attack. The looney left wants to make all crime a terrorist attack which only makes them really really stupid.

How come you complain about Trump being orange when your obamalama was the actual color of shit! Not only him, his whole family is shit color! Justify that.
Post the top 10 worst acts of rightwing terrorism. I'll even accept just the top 3. Let's see what all the fuss is about.

  1. Oklahoma City bombing
  2. Invasion of Afghanistan
  3. Invasion of Iraq
None of them are acts of terrorism. Oklahoma did not want to effect change, which is a cornerstone of terrorism. It was an act of revenge.

War isn't terrorism.
They represent? What does that mean? You pretended they represent they right, when did I say I support them? Fact is it's you maggots trying to over throw democracy and you get uglier every day you can't. You need a good ass kicking, it's the only thing you can understand. Hope for your sake it happens soon.
You are certainly proving what I said in the OP to be true. You're a bunch of big mouth assholes running around trying to get people to fear you when you're no more than clowns at a rodeo.

You don't scare me, junior.
The Iraq war was US terrorism? (smile) Your dung heap gets taller and stinkier by the minute. Hillary voted for it so I guess that makes her a terrorist.
You fuckers on the right constantly bitch about "illegal aliens" coming into this country to commit terrorist acts and kill god-damn Americans; well, we entered Iraq illegally and are bombs in their country certainly created a significant amount of terror for it's population and over a million innocent men, women and children lost their lives as a result.

We were the illegal aliens in their country.

Yeah, it was fuckin' terrorism! State sanctioned terrorism.
You are certainly proving what I said in the OP to be true. You're a bunch of big mouth assholes running around trying to get people to fear you when you're no more than clowns at a rodeo.

You don't scare me, junior.
Translation: you made me look like an uninformed fool in my own thread.
Already posted it you stupid faggot read your own thread fucktard:

Between 1980 and 2005 there were 3198 terrorism related deaths in the US, 2984 were by Muslims, that's 93% of all terror related deaths coming from the global jihad.

Terrorism 2002/2005

And that number has gone up considerably with the fort hood and Orlando shootings. You fucking morons want to compare property crimes to mass casualty attacks in order to minimize the threat of the global Jihad, get fucked.
And I saw your evidence and no where did I see the "2984" number in your claim.

It's in the link you lying faggot, there is a list of terror attacks from 1980 to 2005 and next to them there are the number of deaths and injuries which resulted, now bust out your big boy calculator and add up the Muslim committed terror attack deaths and non-Muslim terror attack deaths, then add those together and divide Muslim terror attack deaths by that total number and you get the %.

God it's like talking to a toddler or maybe your eyes are just to full of Muslim cum for you to read it.
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Confused much?

Why did you make a cluster fuck out of society.. Why do you have to lock your doors?
Why do you belong to the biggest terrorist threat this country is facing?
Sorry bitch, but the last 8 years was the biggest terrorist threat this country ever faced(since 1865). Thank God that the US citizens woke the fuck up and voted out 4 more years of that corruption. I used to wonder why liberals hated the US so much, but watching the tards on this site, they fit in with the rest of the liberal tards. Just plain stupidity of liberalism.

Depends on which spectrum you're talking about. In the US spectrum, no it doesn't. If you're referring to the traditional European spectrum...youre talking about two different groups of people. You seem to refer to right wing as anything not on the US left wing. Which is less and less government the further you go right. When is the last libertarian or constitutionalist who carried out one of your so called "terrorist" attacks?

Not to mention your article even says it has to disclude two major Muslim extremist attacks for its claim to be true.
I'm not referring to any spectrum. The Portland stabber is an admitted right wing supremacist. The guy who murdered Collins belongs to an alt right militia group.

Sean Urbanski, the University of Maryland student who allegedly stabbed Collins to death, belongs to a racist Facebook group called Alt-Reich: Nation.
The left doesn't go out and commit over 900 hate crimes because Trump got elected. It's right wing extremists who feel emboldened by Trump winning the election going out and thinking it is okay and acceptable to commit violence.
The left doesn't go out and commit over 900 hate crimes because Trump got elected. It's right wing extremists who feel emboldened by Trump winning the election going out and thinking it is okay and acceptable to commit violence.
Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter
Jeremy Joseph Christian, the 35-year-old Portland man who allegedly murdered two men and left another critically wounded while yelling anti-Muslim slurs in a knife attack on Friday, has been painted by the mainstream media as a “right-wing extremist,” but posts on his Facebook page indicate he was a supporter of socialist Senator Bernie Sanders and Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

According to screen captures of his Facebook page obtained by Buzzfeed, Christian was not a Trump supporter, as many media outlets claimed, but was a supporter of the idea of a Sanders/Stein ticket.
Sociopaths like you just make the rest of US normal citizens hate you even more. Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

Election Rejection: Liberal Hatred and Hypocrisy Rage in Violence Due to Biased Media | Zero Hedge
Liberals organize for anarchy because of biased media coverage about Trump
Just shows how stupid the liberal ***** on this site really are.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
From the church in Mississippi, to the stabbings in Portland, the majority of terrorist acts in this country are committed by right wing extremist white males.

America's Biggest Terrorist Threat? The Far-Right White Male
The Trump administration may deny it, but the numbers are there.

The number of violent attacks on U.S. soil inspired by far-right ideology has spiked since the beginning of this century, rising from a yearly avarage of 70 attacks in the 1990s to a yearly avarage of more than 300 since 2001. These incidents have grown even more common since President Donald Trump’s election.
Alt right violence is the biggest threat we have in the country today.
And of couyrse you are full of shit.

Dudette, if you have to constantly lie to yourself in order to justify your political viewpoints, perhaps changing your viewpoints would make more sense than changing the facts if you wish to stay connected with realityland.
The Iraq war was US terrorism? (smile) Your dung heap gets taller and stinkier by the minute. Hillary voted for it so I guess that makes her a terrorist.
You fuckers on the right constantly bitch about "illegal aliens" coming into this country to commit terrorist acts and kill god-damn Americans; well, we entered Iraq illegally and are bombs in their country certainly created a significant amount of terror for it's population and over a million innocent men, women and children lost their lives as a result.

We were the illegal aliens in their country.

Yeah, it was fuckin' terrorism! State sanctioned terrorism.
You are stuck on stupid. Saddam broke numerous UN resolutions and surrender terms. The war wasn't illegal and liberals do not get to override whatever they want for political gain. You think Hillary voted for an illegal war, fine, run with that and be a dope.

But Iraq and illegal aliens aren't related in a lucid mind. Your million number is fake, pretty much like all your beliefs. I feel sorry for you, your mind has been hijacked and owned. You are told what to think and they use you for their political aims.
They represent? What does that mean? You pretended they represent they right, when did I say I support them? Fact is it's you maggots trying to over throw democracy and you get uglier every day you can't. You need a good ass kicking, it's the only thing you can understand. Hope for your sake it happens soon.
You are certainly proving what I said in the OP to be true. You're a bunch of big mouth assholes running around trying to get people to fear you when you're no more than clowns at a rodeo.

You don't scare me, junior.
I'm not paid to handle maggots so you have no fear of me. I need not soil my hands. We pay people to deal with garbage in the streets. That's why we hire big burley cops to kneel on your scrawny necks. You aren't capable of learning or understanding that leftists are not the only ones with rights so it's really the only way society can deal with the likes of you.
None of them are acts of terrorism. Oklahoma did not want to effect change, which is a cornerstone of terrorism. It was an act of revenge.

War isn't terrorism.
War is definitely terrorism for the ones getting bombed.
Like Germany? Yeah we should have left Hitler alone and watched the war effort stoned on our couches instead. It sickens me that so many good men died so we could listen to some self righteous asshole spew their garbage years later.
This thread is actually interesting, and it will also be interesting to see if this kind of tactic continues and expands.

The obvious and transparent attempt here is to deflect away from the ongoing jihadist atrocities all over the world by tying as many violent acts on American soil to American right wing extremists.

So the tactic would be to lower the standard for "terrorism" so that it applies to as many of these American acts as possible and equates them with global jihadism, in an effort to dilute and trivialize the jidadist atrocities.

Hmm. That's a pretty smart tactic. Let's see if this is part of a larger trend.

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