300 acts of domestic terrorism in the US are committed by right wing extremists

IF YOUR CALLING IT RIGHT WING THEN YOU HAVE TO BE REFERRING TO SOME SORT OF SPECTRUM. If it's not a spectrum than the term right wing means absolutely nothing, unless there is somewhere different someone else could fall in a spectrum, say left wing. There is a color spectrum, for different wavelengths of light, I CANT CALL SOMETHING RED, AND THEN SAY IM NOT REFERRING TO THE ANY SORT OF COLOR SPECTRUM. That is exactly what you did there.
If you call something "RED", you could be referring to a communist.

You can't have simple definitions to complex problems.


I am just shaking my head at this response. I don't even think I should respond. But my head will explode if I don't.

Was I referring to communist, or the color. Out of my metophor to help explain to you the concept of a spectrum, using the color spectrum specifically mentioned...you came up with maybe I was talking about a communist. And then you say I can't have simple definitions to complex problems...when you said your not talking about any sort of spectrum...when you used the term right wing, which is a spectrum term...Jesus H fucking Christ.
Let me put this to you a different way since science might not be your strong suit. If you've ever been admitted to a hospital, they'll ask for your pain level on a scale from 1-10, 1 being no pain, 10 being excruciating pain...which is a spectrum. Now if I walked in and said "hey patient x, how's your pain today, what number would you describe it at?" And patient x said, "I'd say it's an 8, but I'm not referring to any sort of pain scale." Well that would be a pretty dumb comment since they in fact did refer to a number, but said it wasn't a part of any spectrum, so there would be no context of that number, thus no point in mentioning the number. Which is what you were saying.

Now what you're actually doing...if I came in the room and said "hey patient x, what would you describe your pain level at?" And patient x said "it's an 8." And I said ok I'll give you some morphine. And then patient x said "morphine? Why? It's only an 8, I feel pretty good and don't need morphine." I would say "then why did you say it's an 8? 8 is a pretty high number." And patient x would say "oh that's not the spectrum I use, the spectrum I use is on a scale 1-10 with 1 being super high pain, and 10 being no pain." Which is what you're doing, which is why it's important when you use the term "right wing" to disclose the scale or spectrum you are referring to. If you're calling fascism right wing, under the American spectrum of politics...you would be very wrong, since it's pretty far down on the left of the spectrum since it requires A LOT of government control, vs a constitutionalist being pretty far down on the right wing, and being for very limited government and personal and individualistic freedom as the founders intended.
What you're trying to do, is replace my definition of pain, with your definition of pain. Which is rather strange, because you won't even take the time to find out what my definition of pain is. You just want it replaced at all costs.
Pain is pain. In that scenario I laid out, there are 2 ways to asses pain...

There are 2 political spectrums used to asses political beliefs, if you're not referring to either of this 2 spectrums, then don't use their terms (I.e. Right wing). If you have your own made up unique spectrum, go ahed and lay it out. Be my guest.

There really needs to be an emoji for over the head.
Your own article says that it's not true, especially when it is admittedly leaving out the two biggest terrorist attacks. How in the world do you think it's ok to keep glossing over that fact?
My own article says what is not true?
It has 2 qualifiers, one is that you have to disclude the Orlando nightclub, and the other is after 2001, being 9/11. Even after 9/11, the article admittedly still needs to disclude the Orlando nightclub, to makes its claims that white extremist are more dangerous than Muslim extremist...with a 3rd qualifier being only in the country of America. If you actually read your article instead of just the headline, you would have seen this.


I am just shaking my head at this response. I don't even think I should respond. But my head will explode if I don't.

Was I referring to communist, or the color. Out of my metophor to help explain to you the concept of a spectrum, using the color spectrum specifically mentioned...you came up with maybe I was talking about a communist. And then you say I can't have simple definitions to complex problems...when you said your not talking about any sort of spectrum...when you used the term right wing, which is a spectrum term...Jesus H fucking Christ.
I know what you're doing. You're trying to hijack this thread and devolve it into an issue of bullshit semantics. This thread is not about the difference between European right and American right. It's about the amount of right wing violence in the US per year.

You trying to argue that the "spectrum" of political ideology means leftists yell racial slurs at Muslim women on trains; that leftists burn Mississippi churches and write "vote Trump" on the side of the burned out building; that the Oath Keepers are a leftist organization, is just a crock of shit!

If you're trying to argue this guy is a leftist according to the European spectrum of right wing ideology...

...then you're deliberately trying to derail the thread.
Pain is pain. In that scenario I laid out, there are 2 ways to asses pain...
Reading your posts is getting quite painful.

There are 2 political spectrums used to asses political beliefs, if you're not referring to either of this 2 spectrums, then don't use their terms (I.e. Right wing). If you have your own made up unique spectrum, go ahed and lay it out. Be my guest.
This is not a black and white issue. There are more choices than either/or.

There really needs to be an emoji for over the head.
Is that where your ego resides?
It has 2 qualifiers, one is that you have to disclude the Orlando nightclub, and the other is after 2001, being 9/11. Even after 9/11, the article admittedly still needs to disclude the Orlando nightclub, to makes its claims that white extremist are more dangerous than Muslim extremist...with a 3rd qualifier being only in the country of America. If you actually read your article instead of just the headline, you would have seen this.
The Orlando nightclub incident doesn't change the fact that right wing terrorists commit over 300 incidents of violence each year in the United States.

The Orlando incident doesn't occur every year at that magnitude.
Ordinary street crime is not terrorism. If it was, there would be more black terrorists than muzz terrorists.


I am just shaking my head at this response. I don't even think I should respond. But my head will explode if I don't.

Was I referring to communist, or the color. Out of my metophor to help explain to you the concept of a spectrum, using the color spectrum specifically mentioned...you came up with maybe I was talking about a communist. And then you say I can't have simple definitions to complex problems...when you said your not talking about any sort of spectrum...when you used the term right wing, which is a spectrum term...Jesus H fucking Christ.
I know what you're doing. You're trying to hijack this thread and devolve it into an issue of bullshit semantics. This thread is not about the difference between European right and American right. It's about the amount of right wing violence in the US per year.

You trying to argue that the "spectrum" of political ideology means leftists yell racial slurs at Muslim women on trains; that leftists burn Mississippi churches and write "vote Trump" on the side of the burned out building; that the Oath Keepers are a leftist organization, is just a crock of shit!

If you're trying to argue this guy is a leftist according to the European spectrum of right wing ideology...

...then you're deliberately trying to derail the thread.

Yes under the US spectrum, most these guys are leftist that you're talking about. Dylan roof, neo Nazi, which has no place on the right.

I don't remember oath keepers being responsible for any terrorist attacks?
Pain is pain. In that scenario I laid out, there are 2 ways to asses pain...
Reading your posts is getting quite painful.

There are 2 political spectrums used to asses political beliefs, if you're not referring to either of this 2 spectrums, then don't use their terms (I.e. Right wing). If you have your own made up unique spectrum, go ahed and lay it out. Be my guest.
This is not a black and white issue. There are more choices than either/or.

There really needs to be an emoji for over the head.
Is that where your ego resides?
Not when you're using a term wrong. Fascism, nazism, whatever does not belong on the right wing with limited government. They are diametrically opposed. Look, you're wrong, stop saying ridiculous meaningless things to try to cover for it
It has 2 qualifiers, one is that you have to disclude the Orlando nightclub, and the other is after 2001, being 9/11. Even after 9/11, the article admittedly still needs to disclude the Orlando nightclub, to makes its claims that white extremist are more dangerous than Muslim extremist...with a 3rd qualifier being only in the country of America. If you actually read your article instead of just the headline, you would have seen this.
The Orlando nightclub incident doesn't change the fact that right wing terrorists commit over 300 incidents of violence each year in the United States.

The Orlando incident doesn't occur every year at that magnitude.
Violence? You said terrorism...And again "right wing terrorist" are considered left wing in America. Yea but it did occur...not to mention 9/11!!! Which blows all your claims out of the water. And if you're talking about how white "terrorism" (which by your definition, stink bombs, and graffiti count) is done more often than Islamic terrorism in the US....so what? Islamic terrorist more often hurt/kill OTHER MUSLIMS in their countries. That still doesn't mean they aren't a problem.
Huh? You changed the subject then make demands? You stupid dishonest shithead.
You tried to justify the invasion of Iraq by saying Hussein broke UN resolutions and I simply asked you to show me one resolution that contained the words "regime change". There weren't any, because the UN did not authorize the removal of Saddam Hussein and it wasn't Bush's call to make that decision.

By your logic, should we invade Israel? They've broken over a hundred more UN resolutions than Iraq did.
There is a huge difference between a UN Resolution and a UN Security Council Resolution.

Chapter VII | United Nations

Educate yourself.

ROI repeatedly violated our international peace treaty.
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Yes under the US spectrum, most these guys are leftist that you're talking about. Dylan roof, neo Nazi, which has no place on the right.
Arguing those people are leftists, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

I don't remember oath keepers being responsible for any terrorist attacks?
They're the ones who infiltrated Antifa and started the Berkley riots.

The Oath Keepers are also a group that is preparing for war against the US government.
Not when you're using a term wrong. Fascism, nazism, whatever does not belong on the right wing with limited government. They are diametrically opposed. Look, you're wrong, stop saying ridiculous meaningless things to try to cover for it
You really want to ride this train?

Fascism is totally right wing.

And as far as the "limited government" myth, you say you're for limited government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus or gay marriage. Then you're for government to be all up in her vagina and you don't care how much tax payer money you waste to deal with this non-issue. Furthermore, you fuckers started the Iraq war that cost US taxpayers over $5 trillion and we got nothing in return; how "limited" was that?
Yes under the US spectrum, most these guys are leftist that you're talking about. Dylan roof, neo Nazi, which has no place on the right.
Arguing those people are leftists, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

I don't remember oath keepers being responsible for any terrorist attacks?
They're the ones who infiltrated Antifa and started the Berkley riots.

The Oath Keepers are also a group that is preparing for war against the US government.
Yes under the US spectrum, most these guys are leftist that you're talking about. Dylan roof, neo Nazi, which has no place on the right.
Arguing those people are leftists, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

I don't remember oath keepers being responsible for any terrorist attacks?
They're the ones who infiltrated Antifa and started the Berkley riots.

The Oath Keepers are also a group that is preparing for war against the US government.
An Objective Political Spectrum: 100% Pro-Choice Means 100% Moral Government


Notice the American flag. Are you trying to deny that the word "liberal" means something very different than it does in America?

And oath keepers started the Berkeley riots...that's a conspiracy theory I haven't heard. Remember when black people and leftist were dressing up as KKK members trying to start riots...those riots never happened. So even if oath keepers did infiltrate (which I highly doubt), Berkeley leftist still participated in the riots...so I guess they're weak minded and easily swayed huh? So they're not at fault because they're weak minded?
Violence? You said terrorism...And again "right wing terrorist" are considered left wing in America.
How Orwellian of you to say.

Right wing militia's, are considered left wing militia's in the US (or according to the FBI).

You fuckers are so pussy, you can't even take ownership over the shit things you do!

Yea but it did occur...not to mention 9/11!!! Which blows all your claims out of the water.
9/11 wasn't committed by Muslims. FBI credit card records showed these 19 hijackers went out to strip clubs, ran up large bar bills and partied constantly using large amounts of coke and weed. Those are not things Muslims do.

And if you're talking about how white "terrorism" (which by your definition, stink bombs, and graffiti count) is done more often than Islamic terrorism in the US....so what?
So burning churches and blowing up the Murrow bldg are okay in your book?

Islamic terrorist more often hurt/kill OTHER MUSLIMS in their countries. That still doesn't mean they aren't a problem.
I agree.
Boys or girls? Which one will you use today? That insanity in its self proves my point bitch.
Don't change the subject, you fuckin' pussy!

You made a claim, back it up!

And if you can't, I suggest you go down to your local sporting goods store, go over to aisle 5, pick yourself up a set of balls, then come back here and argue like man!
Not when you're using a term wrong. Fascism, nazism, whatever does not belong on the right wing with limited government. They are diametrically opposed. Look, you're wrong, stop saying ridiculous meaningless things to try to cover for it
You really want to ride this train?

Fascism is totally right wing.

And as far as the "limited government" myth, you say you're for limited government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus or gay marriage. Then you're for government to be all up in her vagina and you don't care how much tax payer money you waste to deal with this non-issue. Furthermore, you fuckers started the Iraq war that cost US taxpayers over $5 trillion and we got nothing in return; how "limited" was that?
Under the European traditional spectrum, yes it is right wing.

NOW ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Do you consider say libertarians, constitutionalist, and even oath keepers to be for more limited government OVERALL? Not just in one single issue, that I'm sure you gonna want to bring up, and place your argument on. But overall, would you say they're against more government regulation, government ran programs, government intervention etc.

And you do not know my mind, and conservatives/constitutionalist usually do believe that life falls under the protection of the constitution, especially the part in the DOI, "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness." And the Iraq war was voted on with a very large majority of congress...so you should be placing blame on your own party. I've been all for gay marriage, what I'm not for is the government to decide who married who, and people having to ask the permission of the government to get marriage liscense, government definitely should have no place in that. If 3 people want to marry each other they should be allowed to, whose the government to say they don't love each other?
Boys or girls? Which one will you use today? That insanity in its self proves my point bitch.
Don't change the subject, you fuckin' pussy!

You made a claim, back it up!

And if you can't, I suggest you go down to your local sporting goods store, go over to aisle 5, pick yourself up a set of balls, then come back here and argue like man!
Just look it up dumbass, liberals blame conservatives for mass murders, but almost always it turns out to be a liberal that does it.

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