300 acts of domestic terrorism in the US are committed by right wing extremists

Not when you're using a term wrong. Fascism, nazism, whatever does not belong on the right wing with limited government. They are diametrically opposed. Look, you're wrong, stop saying ridiculous meaningless things to try to cover for it
You really want to ride this train?

Fascism is totally right wing.

And as far as the "limited government" myth, you say you're for limited government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus or gay marriage. Then you're for government to be all up in her vagina and you don't care how much tax payer money you waste to deal with this non-issue. Furthermore, you fuckers started the Iraq war that cost US taxpayers over $5 trillion and we got nothing in return; how "limited" was that?
The government is a little bigger than vaginas and queers hooking up. You're just deflecting. Fascism is total government control and that very much is a left wing ideology. The one arguing against gravity here is you. You leftists don't even need proof, all you need is an often repeated accusation.
An Objective Political Spectrum: 100% Pro-Choice Means 100% Moral Government


Notice the American flag. Are you trying to deny that the word "liberal" means something very different than it does in America?
I'm saying you're trying to re-define common terms like "liberal" and "fascism", to make your conservative ideology not look so extreme, much the same way the Bush Administration tried to re-define common Geneva Convention terms like "torture", so they couldn't be charged with those crimes later.

I'm a liberal. And what I see, with a Republican President, members of the press being jailed for "ASKING A QUESTION!"

And oath keepers started the Berkeley riots...that's a conspiracy theory I haven't heard. Remember when black people and leftist were dressing up as KKK members trying to start riots...those riots never happened. So even if oath keepers did infiltrate (which I highly doubt), Berkeley leftist still participated in the riots...so I guess they're weak minded and easily swayed huh? So they're not at fault because they're weak minded?
No, Berkeley leftists did participate in the riots and I don't condone those actions. As for the Oath Keepers infiltrating Antifa, why would you doubt that? It is right up their skill set. That is one of the things many of those guys have professional training in.
Not when you're using a term wrong. Fascism, nazism, whatever does not belong on the right wing with limited government. They are diametrically opposed. Look, you're wrong, stop saying ridiculous meaningless things to try to cover for it
You really want to ride this train?

Fascism is totally right wing.

And as far as the "limited government" myth, you say you're for limited government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus or gay marriage. Then you're for government to be all up in her vagina and you don't care how much tax payer money you waste to deal with this non-issue. Furthermore, you fuckers started the Iraq war that cost US taxpayers over $5 trillion and we got nothing in return; how "limited" was that?
Under the European traditional spectrum, yes it is right wing.

NOW ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Do you consider say libertarians, constitutionalist, and even oath keepers to be for more limited government OVERALL? Not just in one single issue, that I'm sure you gonna want to bring up, and place your argument on. But overall, would you say they're against more government regulation, government ran programs, government intervention etc.

And you do not know my mind, and conservatives/constitutionalist usually do believe that life falls under the protection of the constitution, especially the part in the DOI, "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness." And the Iraq war was voted on with a very large majority of congress...so you should be placing blame on your own party. I've been all for gay marriage, what I'm not for is the government to decide who married who, and people having to ask the permission of the government to get marriage liscense, government definitely should have no place in that. If 3 people want to marry each other they should be allowed to, whose the government to say they don't love each other?
Give the dimwit a break. He only has 5 or 6 talking points he can memorize.
No, Berkeley leftists did participate in the riots and I don't condone those actions. As for the Oath Keepers infiltrating Antifa, why would you doubt that? It is right up their skill set. That is one of the things many of those guys have professional training in.
Just look it up dumbass, liberals blame conservatives for mass murders, but almost always it turns out to be a liberal that does it.
I'm not going to do YOUR homework for YOU.

It was YOUR claim. YOU provide the evidence.
The government is a little bigger than vaginas and queers hooking up. You're just deflecting. Fascism is total government control and that very much is a left wing ideology. The one arguing against gravity here is you. You leftists don't even need proof, all you need is an often repeated accusation.
Oh, shut up!
Violence? You said terrorism...And again "right wing terrorist" are considered left wing in America.
How Orwellian of you to say.

Right wing militia's, are considered left wing militia's in the US (or according to the FBI).

You fuckers are so pussy, you can't even take ownership over the shit things you do!

Yea but it did occur...not to mention 9/11!!! Which blows all your claims out of the water.
9/11 wasn't committed by Muslims. FBI credit card records showed these 19 hijackers went out to strip clubs, ran up large bar bills and partied constantly using large amounts of coke and weed. Those are not things Muslims do.

And if you're talking about how white "terrorism" (which by your definition, stink bombs, and graffiti count) is done more often than Islamic terrorism in the US....so what?
So burning churches and blowing up the Murrow bldg are okay in your book?

Islamic terrorist more often hurt/kill OTHER MUSLIMS in their countries. That still doesn't mean they aren't a problem.
I agree.
I never did or supported any of whatever shit your trying to say I believe in, and I vehemently disagree with using violence for political beliefs (speaking of Orwellian).

And so from what you are saying, if a Muslim ever went to a strip club...they are no longer Muslim? The hijackers were just Saudis who got together and decided to ram planes into the WTC, just for fun? Not for allah, and 77 virgins
From the church in Mississippi, to the stabbings in Portland, the majority of terrorist acts in this country are committed by right wing extremist white males.

America's Biggest Terrorist Threat? The Far-Right White Male
The Trump administration may deny it, but the numbers are there.

The number of violent attacks on U.S. soil inspired by far-right ideology has spiked since the beginning of this century, rising from a yearly avarage of 70 attacks in the 1990s to a yearly avarage of more than 300 since 2001. These incidents have grown even more common since President Donald Trump’s election.
Alt right violence is the biggest threat we have in the country today.
If the Alt right had blacks in it, it would be dismantled yesterday!! White people are out for blood and if they keep seeking it, there gonna find it. I just hope they're prepared for the results....this ain't the 60's and Dr. King is dead
From the church in Mississippi, to the stabbings in Portland, the majority of terrorist acts in this country are committed by right wing extremist white males.

America's Biggest Terrorist Threat? The Far-Right White Male
The Trump administration may deny it, but the numbers are there.

The number of violent attacks on U.S. soil inspired by far-right ideology has spiked since the beginning of this century, rising from a yearly avarage of 70 attacks in the 1990s to a yearly avarage of more than 300 since 2001. These incidents have grown even more common since President Donald Trump’s election.
Alt right violence is the biggest threat we have in the country today.

Your own article admits it has to ignore 2 big Muslim extremist attacks to get its number. Also the definition of far right the author uses is the European definition. Which the European spectrum isn't so much of a spectrum, but more of a circle, or horseshoe. With fascism and communism at either tops, and what we consider libertarianism at the bottom of the U. This differs from the American spectrum, in that anarchist is far right, then libertarian, then conservative, moderate R, moderate D, progressive, socialist, national socialist, communist at the far left. Remember, NAZI stands for NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Socialist being the operative word there, and is not far off from communism. The only difference is communism has complete control of essentially everything, fascism has control of most with a little bit of ad lib ability. Which doesn't mix well with anything past moderate R. Stop calling it right wing.


Get OVER it. Naziism was extreme right wing. Always was, always will have been. Sorry, Winston Smith and his Memory Hole are part of a work of fiction. You don't get to rewrite actual history. And btw those elements who style themselves "Nazis" or neoNazis today are still far right wing. That's just the way it works.

I don't care what the name was, Nazis were never "socialists". The actual socialists in Germany at the time, they competed with, assaulted with the brownshirts, and eventually sent to Dachau as the first "guests" there. Unless you're actually willing to appear so naïve as to suggest Hitler and his henchmen were some kind of altruistically honest life form that would never ever resort to propaganda.
Who the fuck told you that and why did you believe them?

Because unlike a right wing conservative, I can think for myself. Where in that document do you see any authorization for the US to go into Iraq and force a regime change? Like I told you before, 678 was about getting Iraq out of Kuwait. That's it. You can't take things in UNSC resolutions out of context. You can't use that document (after Iraq has been out of Kuwait for 10 years) to justify a US invasion.

BTW, do you know what it means when the UNSC ends a resolution with...

Decides to remain seized of the matter.
...because if you don't, then you're not even qualified to be involved in a conversation such as this.
If the Alt right had blacks in it, it would be dismantled yesterday!! White people are out for blood and if they keep seeking it, there gonna find it. I just hope they're prepared for the results....this ain't the 60's and Dr. King is dead
I hear what you're saying. My father always told me,

"Don't ever start a fight, but always finish it."
Who the fuck told you that and why did you believe them?

Because unlike a right wing conservative, I can think for myself. Where in that document do you see any authorization for the US to go into Iraq and force a regime change? Like I told you before, 678 was about getting Iraq out of Kuwait. That's it. You can't take things in UNSC resolutions out of context. You can't use that document (after Iraq has been out of Kuwait for 10 years) to justify a US invasion.

BTW, do you know what it means when the UNSC ends a resolution with...

Decides to remain seized of the matter.
...because if you don't, then you're not even qualified to be involved in a conversation such as this.
What part of the term "all necessary means" are you incapable of comprehending, jackass?

Could you quote the UNSCR resolution that de-authorized the UN Coalition forces cooperating with the government of Kuwait from using Chapter VII military force in the ROI?
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From the church in Mississippi, to the stabbings in Portland, the majority of terrorist acts in this country are committed by right wing extremist white males.

America's Biggest Terrorist Threat? The Far-Right White Male
The Trump administration may deny it, but the numbers are there.

The number of violent attacks on U.S. soil inspired by far-right ideology has spiked since the beginning of this century, rising from a yearly avarage of 70 attacks in the 1990s to a yearly avarage of more than 300 since 2001. These incidents have grown even more common since President Donald Trump’s election.
Alt right violence is the biggest threat we have in the country today.

Your own article admits it has to ignore 2 big Muslim extremist attacks to get its number. Also the definition of far right the author uses is the European definition. Which the European spectrum isn't so much of a spectrum, but more of a circle, or horseshoe. With fascism and communism at either tops, and what we consider libertarianism at the bottom of the U. This differs from the American spectrum, in that anarchist is far right, then libertarian, then conservative, moderate R, moderate D, progressive, socialist, national socialist, communist at the far left. Remember, NAZI stands for NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Socialist being the operative word there, and is not far off from communism. The only difference is communism has complete control of essentially everything, fascism has control of most with a little bit of ad lib ability. Which doesn't mix well with anything past moderate R. Stop calling it right wing.


Get OVER it. Naziism was extreme right wing. Always was, always will have been. Sorry, Winston Smith and his Memory Hole are part of a work of fiction. You don't get to rewrite actual history. And btw those elements who style themselves "Nazis" or neoNazis today are still far right wing. That's just the way it works.

I don't care what the name was, Nazis were never "socialists". The actual socialists in Germany at the time, they competed with, assaulted with the brownshirts, and eventually sent to Dachau as the first "guests" there. Unless you're actually willing to appear so naïve as to suggest Hitler and his henchmen were some kind of altruistically honest life form that would never ever resort to propaganda.
Nope those guys were communist, and they called themselves...wait for it...ANTIFA. And they were the brown shirts of the communist party.

And is a European "liberal" the same as an American "liberal?"

The traditional (european) model was France and that whole revolution, and they had split the different parties, one on the right wing of the lawn, one on the left wing of the lawn. Which is where we the traditional right and left wing. In America the progressive movement relabeled itself, as "liberal" even though the original term "liberal" meant limited government, being maximum freedom. Which we know progressivism is for more government. I wasn't the one who changed history. And I'm not the one blaming the American right (which you would probably agree that a constitutionalist falls pretty far on) for people who support fascism, which is tyranny and pretty much the complete opposite of a constitutionalist. This is why it's important to re-tell history.

If y'all want to use the the traditional European spectrum, I'm fine with that, but stop lumping in conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalist etc. with NAZIs. ITS RIDICULOUS, and completely intellectually dishonest.
What part of the term "all necessary means" are you incapable of comprehending, jackass?

Could you quote the UNSCR resolution that de-authorized the UN Coalition forces cooperating with the government of Kuwait from using Chapter VII military force in the ROI?
..."all necessary means" was used for getting Iraq out of Kuwait, not the US into Iraq. 678 was for getting Iraq out of Kuwait. There are no other UNSC resolutions on Iraq that contain those words.

You didn't answer my question.
From the church in Mississippi, to the stabbings in Portland, the majority of terrorist acts in this country are committed by right wing extremist white males.

America's Biggest Terrorist Threat? The Far-Right White Male
The Trump administration may deny it, but the numbers are there.

The number of violent attacks on U.S. soil inspired by far-right ideology has spiked since the beginning of this century, rising from a yearly avarage of 70 attacks in the 1990s to a yearly avarage of more than 300 since 2001. These incidents have grown even more common since President Donald Trump’s election.
Alt right violence is the biggest threat we have in the country today.

Your own article admits it has to ignore 2 big Muslim extremist attacks to get its number. Also the definition of far right the author uses is the European definition. Which the European spectrum isn't so much of a spectrum, but more of a circle, or horseshoe. With fascism and communism at either tops, and what we consider libertarianism at the bottom of the U. This differs from the American spectrum, in that anarchist is far right, then libertarian, then conservative, moderate R, moderate D, progressive, socialist, national socialist, communist at the far left. Remember, NAZI stands for NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Socialist being the operative word there, and is not far off from communism. The only difference is communism has complete control of essentially everything, fascism has control of most with a little bit of ad lib ability. Which doesn't mix well with anything past moderate R. Stop calling it right wing.


Get OVER it. Naziism was extreme right wing. Always was, always will have been. Sorry, Winston Smith and his Memory Hole are part of a work of fiction. You don't get to rewrite actual history. And btw those elements who style themselves "Nazis" or neoNazis today are still far right wing. That's just the way it works.

I don't care what the name was, Nazis were never "socialists". The actual socialists in Germany at the time, they competed with, assaulted with the brownshirts, and eventually sent to Dachau as the first "guests" there. Unless you're actually willing to appear so naïve as to suggest Hitler and his henchmen were some kind of altruistically honest life form that would never ever resort to propaganda.
And yes, Hitler's domestic policies were very socialist. Socialized medicine, government programs, control of industry, control of wages, free day care...yea I'd say Bernie would call it a win to get all that done. I'm not re-writing history, telling it like it is. Sorry if you don't like it. Oh and BTW, Woodrow Wilson was a raging racist, FDR said while he didn't agree with how the Nazis handled the Jews, they did bring it in themselves (as well as doing his own concentration camps, so did wilson I'm pretty sure). And Sanger was a eugenicist. I want to clockwork orange you with all this history.

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