300 acts of domestic terrorism in the US are committed by right wing extremists

It was only a matter of time before the children of right wing extremists started mimicking what they see in their racist little homes. And what do they see? Donald Trump green-lighting racism in America.

White Kids Are Bullying Minority Students Using Trump's Words

Buzzfeed reporters analyzed data collected by the Documenting Hate Project, which catalogs reports of bias and bullying, and found more than “50 incidents, across 26 states, in which a K-12 student invoked Trump’s name or message in an apparent effort to harass a classmate during the past school year.” The incidents took place between October 2016 and May 2017. Here are just a fraction of the incidents cited by Buzzfeed investigators:
  • A group of white male students at a high school in Shakopee, Minnesota who surrounded an African-American girl and sang the national anthem, “replacing the closing line with ‘and the home of the slaves.’”
  • In a third-grade classroom in Louisville, Kentucky, a boy chased a Latina girl while screaming “Build the wall!”
  • On the school bus, a white eighth-grader told a Filipino classmate, “You are going to be deported.”
  • A white eighth-grade student in Brea, California, told a black student, “Now that Trump won, you're going to have to go back to Africa, where you belong.”
  • An English teacher in Spokane Valley, Washington, describes discovering a “group of white students following a Latino student in the hallway, taunting him with chants of ‘the wall’s coming!’ and ‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’”
  • The Dallas, Texas mother of a sixth-grader reported that on Election Day, students at her son’s school harassed him and his friends with shouts of, “Heil Hitlary.” One of the bullied students was told, “One million of your lives is worth less than 30,000 deleted emails.”
What part of the term "all necessary means" are you incapable of comprehending, jackass?

Could you quote the UNSCR resolution that de-authorized the UN Coalition forces cooperating with the government of Kuwait from using Chapter VII military force in the ROI?
..."all necessary means" was used for getting Iraq out of Kuwait, not the US into Iraq. 678 was for getting Iraq out of Kuwait. There are no other UNSC resolutions on Iraq that contain those words.
Who the fuck told you that? And why did you believe them?

Are you really that ignorant?
From the church in Mississippi, to the stabbings in Portland, the majority of terrorist acts in this country are committed by right wing extremist white males.

America's Biggest Terrorist Threat? The Far-Right White Male
The Trump administration may deny it, but the numbers are there.

The number of violent attacks on U.S. soil inspired by far-right ideology has spiked since the beginning of this century, rising from a yearly avarage of 70 attacks in the 1990s to a yearly avarage of more than 300 since 2001. These incidents have grown even more common since President Donald Trump’s election.
Alt right violence is the biggest threat we have in the country today.

Your own article admits it has to ignore 2 big Muslim extremist attacks to get its number. Also the definition of far right the author uses is the European definition. Which the European spectrum isn't so much of a spectrum, but more of a circle, or horseshoe. With fascism and communism at either tops, and what we consider libertarianism at the bottom of the U. This differs from the American spectrum, in that anarchist is far right, then libertarian, then conservative, moderate R, moderate D, progressive, socialist, national socialist, communist at the far left. Remember, NAZI stands for NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Socialist being the operative word there, and is not far off from communism. The only difference is communism has complete control of essentially everything, fascism has control of most with a little bit of ad lib ability. Which doesn't mix well with anything past moderate R. Stop calling it right wing.


Get OVER it. Naziism was extreme right wing. Always was, always will have been. Sorry, Winston Smith and his Memory Hole are part of a work of fiction. You don't get to rewrite actual history. And btw those elements who style themselves "Nazis" or neoNazis today are still far right wing. That's just the way it works.

I don't care what the name was, Nazis were never "socialists". The actual socialists in Germany at the time, they competed with, assaulted with the brownshirts, and eventually sent to Dachau as the first "guests" there. Unless you're actually willing to appear so naïve as to suggest Hitler and his henchmen were some kind of altruistically honest life form that would never ever resort to propaganda.

Nope those guys were communist, and they called themselves...wait for it...ANTIFA. And they were the brown shirts of the communist party.

Oh fucking bullshit. Nazis were never called "Antifa" --- which btw is short for "anti-fascist". NOR did I ever even bring up "antifa"; I corrected your ridiculous rewrite of Nazis. And as far as both your naïve assumption that Nazis would never engage in disingenuous propganda AND those brownshirts (SA), you know what Hitler called them? The "Gymnastics and Sports Division". And their job was to beat up and intimidate socialists. That's historical record and there's diddlysquat you an do about that.

And is a European "liberal" the same as an American "liberal?"

"Liberal" is "Liberal". Why would it change depending on which way the Atlantic Ocean is?

The traditional (european) model was France and that whole revolution, and they had split the different parties, one on the right wing of the lawn, one on the left wing of the lawn. Which is where we the traditional right and left wing. In America the progressive movement relabeled itself, as "liberal" even though the original term "liberal" meant limited government, being maximum freedom.

WRONG. The Progressive Movement didn't even occur until over a century after Liberals created this country. They were around roughly three decades and never called themselves "Liberals". Two entirely different entities from two entirely different eras.

Where do you even scrape up these weird ideas? Lush Rimjob? :dunno:

Which we know progressivism is for more government. I wasn't the one who changed history. And I'm not the one blaming the American right (which you would probably agree that a constitutionalist falls pretty far on) for people who support fascism, which is tyranny and pretty much the complete opposite of a constitutionalist. This is why it's important to re-tell history.

Do you mean "rewrite"?

If y'all want to use the the traditional European spectrum, I'm fine with that, but stop lumping in conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalist etc. with NAZIs. ITS RIDICULOUS, and completely intellectually dishonest.

NOBODY "lumped anybody in" with anybody. Those of you who live on Composition Fallacies seem to ass-ume somehow everybody else will go down the same fallacy hole. Again, a fallacy is a fallacy, doesn't matter what side it's on. I'd say this here strawman is what's "intellectually dishonest".
Bomb threats and trespassing? Eh?

What's wrong with you RWNJs? If you're gonna terrorise, ya' gotta at least include some beheadings and stabbings.

Not to worry, they're on it. Ever hear of Jeremy Christian?
Another White Male Terrorist goes off in America ...Kills 3 and then himself ....this is an American Terrorist...bet ya Trump won't start a gun debate
Supermarket killer outlined plan

It's in the link you lying faggot, there is a list of terror attacks from 1980 to 2005 and next to them there are the number of deaths and injuries which resulted, now bust out your big boy calculator and add up the Muslim committed terror attack deaths and non-Muslim terror attack deaths, then add those together and divide Muslim terror attack deaths by that total number and you get the %.

God it's like talking to a toddler or maybe your eyes are just to full of Muslim cum for you to read it.
Sorry, you need to pony up the reference to 2984 number. Because if you don't, then it is you, who is lying.

It's not my fault that you can't read math you stupid faggot troll.
Who the fuck told you that? And why did you believe them?

Are you really that ignorant?[/QUOTE]Who the fuck are you? You can't even prove what I said is false, so until you do, shut your fuckin' mouth!

Now I asked you a question, bitch, are you going to answer it? Or are you going to continue to puss out, like the no balls asshole you are?
Who the fuck told you that? And why did you believe them?

Are you really that ignorant?
Who the fuck are you? You can't even prove what I said is false, so until you do, shut your fuckin' mouth!

Now I asked you a question, bitch, are you going to answer it? Or are you going to continue to puss out, like the no balls asshole you are?[/QUOTE]Hitler's dick!

It's not my fault that you can't read math you stupid faggot troll.
Your math is there, Mr. Chaos. If it was, you would've shown where by now.

It's in the link you scumbag fucking liar.

Terrorism 2002/2005

Terrorism 2002-2005

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    • Chronological Summary of Terrorist Incidents in the United States 1980-2005

      Date Location Incident Type
      Perpetrator Killed Injured
      1/7/1980 San Juan, PR Pipe Bombing Anti-Communist Alliance
      1/13/1980 New York, NY Bombing Omega 7 4
      1/13/1980 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
      1/19/1980 San Juan, PR Bombing Omega 7
      3/12/1980 Hato Rey, PR Armed Assault Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      3/15/1980 Chicago, IL Hostile Takeovers (2) Armed Forces of National Liberation
      3/17/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters 3
      3/25/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      4/19/1980 Chattanooga, TN Shooting Justice Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 4
      4/30/1980 New York, NY Assault Revolutionary Communist Party
      6/3/1980 Washington, DC Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
      6/3/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
      7/14/1980 Dorato, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
      San Juan, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
      7/14/1980 Ponce, PR Multiple Arsons (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
      Mayaguez, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
      7/22/1980 Hato Rey, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Revolutionary Commandos of the People,
      Santurce, PR Ready and at War
      Rio Piedras, PR
      8/20/1980 Berkeley, CA Pipe Bombing Iranian Free Army 2
      9/11/1980 New York, NY Shooting Omega 7 1
      10/7/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing International Committee Against Nazism
      10/12/1980 New York, NY Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 4
      10/12/1980 Hollywood, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 1
      10/14/1980 Fort Collins, CO Shooting Libyan Revolutionary Committee 1
      12/21/1980 New York, NY Pipe Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
      12/30/1980 Hialeah, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      1/8/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple IncendiaryBombings (3) People’s Revolutionary Commandos
      Ponce, PR
      Rio Piedras, PR
      1/12/1981 San Juan, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      1/23/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
      1/26/1981 San Francisco, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League/American Revenge
      2/2/1981 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Bombing 3-Oct
      2/9/1981 Eugene, OR Assault Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
      2/22/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation
      of Armenia
      3/15/1981 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
      4/21/1981 Santurce, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      4/27/1981 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Iranian Patriotic Army
      5/16-18/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Puerto Rican Armed Resistance 1
      6/25/1981 Torrance, CA Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defenders
      6/26/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
      7/30/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Libyan Students
      8/7/1981 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran 3
      8/20/1981 Washington, DC Arson Black Brigade
      8/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
      8/27/1981 Carolina, PR Bombing Grupo Estrella
      8/31/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Jewish Defense League
      9/3-4/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
      9/9/1981 Washington, DC Assault Concerned Sierra Leone Nationals
      9/11/1981 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
      9/12/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Omega 7
      9/22/1981 Schenectady, NY Bombing Communist Workers Party
      9/24/1981 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      10/1/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia

      10/25/1981 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
      11/11/1981 Santurce, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      11/14/1981 Glen Cove, NY Shooting Unaffiliated Extremists
      11/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
      11/27/1981 Fort Buchanan, PR Shooting National Liberation Movement 1
      11/27/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      Condado, PR
      12/24/1981 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Jewish Defense League
      1/28/1982 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
      2/19/1982 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
      2/19/1982 Washington, DC Bombing Jewish Defense League
      2/21/1982 Rio Piedras, PR Pipe Bombing Antonia Martinez Student Commandos
      2/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (4) Armed Forces of National Liberation
      3/22/1982 Cambridge, MA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
      4/5/1982 Brooklyn, NY Arson Jewish Defense League 1 7
      4/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
      4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
      Bayamon, PR Labor Self-Defense Group
      4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
      Labor Self-Defense Group
      5/4/1982 Somerville, MA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
      5/16/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/ 1 3
      Group for the Liberation of Vieques
      5/17/1982 Union City, NJ Incendiary Bombing Omega 7
      5/19/1982 Villa Sin Miedo, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1 12
      5/20/1982 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      5/25/1982 San German, PR Kidnapping Grupo Estrella 1
      5/30/1982 Van Nuys, CA Attempted Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of
      6/10/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Bombings (3) Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
      7/4/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Croatian Freedom Fighters
      Astoria, NY Bombings (2)
      7/5/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Jewish Defense League
      Bombings (2)
      8/20/1982 Old San Juan, PR Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
      9/1/1982 Naranjito, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      9/2/1982 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
      9/8/1982 Chicago, IL Bombing Omega 7
      9/20/1982 New York City, NY Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
      9/25/1982 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      10/15/1982 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover Islamic Extremists
      10/22/1982 Philadelphia, PA Attempted Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
      11/4/1982 New York City, NY Smoke Bombing Jewish Defense League
      11/16/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Robberies (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
      12/8/1982 Washington, DC Attempted Bombing Norman David Mayer 1
      12/16/1982 Elmont, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
      12/21/1982 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League

      12/22/1982 McLean, VA Hostile Takeover People of Omar
      12/31/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Armed Forces of National Liberation 3
      1/11-12/83 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (3) Omega 7
      1/28/1983 New York City, NY Bombing Revolutionary Fighting Group
      2/13/1983 Medina, ND Shooting Sheriff’s Posse Comitatus 2 4
      2/15/1983 Killeen, TX Hijacking Hossein Olya
      2/19/1983 Washington, DC Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
      3/20/1983 San Antonio, TX Bombing Republic of Revolutionary
      4/26/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
      4/27/1983 Miami, FL Attempted Bombings (4) Haitian Extremists
      4/29/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Hostile Takeover Ejercito Popluar Boricua Macheteros
      5/12/1983 Uniondale, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      5/13/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      5/27/1983 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
      7/8/1983 Miami, FL Kidnapping Ejercito Revolucionario Del Pueblo
      7/15/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
      8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Attempted Incendiary Bombing Fuqra

      8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Shooting Fuqra 1
      8/9/1983 Detroit, MI Arson Fuqra 2
      8/16/1983 Los Angeles, CA Hostile Takeover Carlos Martinez
      8/18/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
      8/21/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      8/27/1983 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Unknown
      10/12/1983 Miami, FL Pipe Bombing Omega 7
      10/30/1983 Hato Rey, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      11/7/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
      12/13-14/83 East Meadow, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
      New York City, NY
      1/29/1984 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      2/23/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Jewish Direct Action
      3/19/1984 Harrison, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      4/5/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      4/20/1984 Washington, DC Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      5/9/1984 New York City, NY Attempted Assassination Bashir Baesho
      8/22/1984 Melville, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      9/26/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      9/26/1984 Mount Pleasant, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      12/10/1984 Levittown, PR Multiple Bombings (5) Organization of Volunteers for the
      Rio Piedras, PR Puerto Rican Revolution
      Ponce, PR
      Mayaguez, PR
      Cayey, PR
      1/25/1985 Old San Juan, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

      2/23/1985 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      5/15/1985 Northridge, CA Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
      8/15/1985 Paterson, NJ Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 1
      9/6/1985 Brentwood, NY Bombing Jewish Defense League 1
      10/11/1985 Santa Ana, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 7
      11/6/1985 Bayamon, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1

      1/6/1986 Cidra, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Ejercito Revolucionario Clandestino/ National Revolutionary Front of Puerto Rico
      Toa Baja, PR
      Guanica, PR
      Santurce, PR
      3/17/1986 Ponce, PR Attempted Bombing Commando Rojo
      4/14/1986 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

      4/29/1986 San Juan, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1 1

      5/14/1986 Phoenix, AZ Sabotage Earth First Organization
      9/2/1986 New York City, NY Tear Gas Bombing Jewish Defense League 17
      9/15/1986 Coeur d’Alene, ID Pipe Bombing Aryan Nations
      9/29/1986 Coeur d’Alene, ID Multiple Bombings (4) Aryan Nations
      10/20/1986 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
      10/28/1986 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
      Fajardo, PR
      Mayaguez, PR
      Aguadilla, PR
      Santurce, PR
      Fort Buchanan, PR
      11/4/1986 Puerta De Tierra, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      12/28/1986 Yauco, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      Guayama, PR
      4/16/1987 Davis, CA Arson Animal Liberation Front
      5/25/1987 Caguas, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Guerrilla Forces of Liberation
      Carolina, PR
      Mayaguez, PR
      Cidra, PR
      Aibonita, PR
      Ponce, PR
      11/9/1987 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist
      International Conspiracy
      1/12/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Incendiary Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
      Bombings (2)
      5/26/1988 Coral Gables, FL Bombing Organization Alliance of Cuban
      7/22/1988 Caguas, PR Pipe Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      9/19/1988 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
      9/25/1988 Grand Canyon, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
      10/25/1988 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
      11/1/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
      4/3/1989 Tucson, AZ Arson Animal Liberation Front
      6/19/1989 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      7/3-4/89 Lubbock, TX Malicious Destruction of Property
      Animal Liberation Front
      1/12/1990 Santurce, PR Multiple Pipe Bombings (2) Eugenio Maria de Hostos International Brigade of the Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
      Carolina, PR

      2/22/1990 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
      4/22/1990 Santa Cruz County, CA Malicious Destruction of Property Earth Night Action Group

      5/27/1990 Mayaguez, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
      9/17/1990 Arecibo, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Group Revolutionary Forces
      Vega Baja, PR
      2/3/1991 Mayaguez, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
      2/18/1991 Sabana Grande, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
      3/17/1991 Carolina, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
      4/1/1991 Fresno, CA Bombing Popular Liberation Army
      7/6/1991 Punta Borinquen, PR Bombing Popular Liberation Army

      4/5/1992 New York, NY Hostile Takeover Mujahedin-E-Khalq
      11/19/1992 Urbana, IL Attempted Firebombing Mexican Revolutionary Movement
      12/10/1992 Chicago, IL Car Fire and Attempted Boricua Revolutionary Front
      Firebombing (2)
      2/26/1993 New York, NY Car Bombing International Islamist Extremists 6 1042
      7/20-22/93 Tacoma, WA Multiple Bombings (2) American Front Skinheads
      11/27-28/93 Chicago, IL Firebombings (9) Animal Liberation Front

      3/1/1994 New York, NY Shooting Rashid Najib Baz 1 3
      4/19/1995 Oklahoma City, OK Truck Bombing Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols 168 754
      (Michael Fortier found guilty of failing to alert authorities of plot)

      4/1/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
      Spokane Bank Robbers
      7/12/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
      Spokane Bank Robbers
      7/27/1996 Atlanta, GA Pipe Bombing Eric Robert Rudolph 2 112
      1/2/1997 Washington, DC Letter Bombing Unknown
      Leavenworth, KS (Counted as 1 incident)
      1/16/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Abortion Clinic
      Eric Robert Rudolph 8
      2/21/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Alternative Lifestyle Nightclub
      Eric Robert Rudolph 5
      1/29/1998 Birmingham, AL Bombing of Reproductive Services Clinic
      Eric Robert Rudolph 1 1
      3/31/1998 Arecibo, PR Bombing of Superaqueduct Construction Project
      Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      6/9/1998 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
      Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      6/25/1998 Santa Isabel, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
      Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros suspected
      6/27/1998 Espanola, NM Arson Raymond Anthony Sandoval
      10/19/1998 Vail, CO Arson Fire at Ski Resort
      Earth Liberation Front
      3/19/1999 Santa Fe, NM Attempted Bombing Raymond Anthony Sandoval
      3/27/1999 Franklin Township, NJ
      Bombing of Circus Vehicles
      Animal Liberation Front
      4/5/1999 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
      Malicious Destruction and Theft
      Animal Liberation Front
      5/9/1999 Eugene, OR Bombing Animal Liberation Front
      7/2-4/99 Chicago, IL Multiple Shootings Benjamin Nathaniel Smith 2 8
      Skokie, IL
      Northbrook, IL
      Bloomington, IN
      8/10/1999 Granada Hills, CA Multiple Shootings Buford O’Neal Furrow 1 5
      8/28-29/99 Orange, CA Malicious Destruction and Theft
      Animal Liberation Front
      10/24/1999 Bellingham, WA Malicious Destruction and Theft
      Animal Liberation Front
      11/20/1999 Puyallup, WA Malicious Destruction Animal Liberation Front
      12/25/1999 Monmouth, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      12/31/1999 East Lansing, MI Arson Earth Liberation Front
      1/3/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
      1/15/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
      1/22/2000 Bloomington, IN Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/7/2000 Olympia, WA Arson Revenge of the Trees
      7/2/2000 North Vernon, IN Arson Animal Liberation Front
      7/20/2000 Rhinelander, WI Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
      12/1/2000 Phoenix, AZ Multiple Arsons Mark Warren Sands
      12/9-30/00 Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
      Multiple Arsons Earth Liberation Front
      1/2/2001 Glendale, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      2/20/2001 Visalia, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      3/9/2001 Culpeper, VA Tree Spiking Earth Liberation Front
      3/30/2001 Eugene, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      4/15/2001 Portland, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/17/2001 Harrisburg, PA Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
      5/21/2001 Seattle, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/21/2001 Clatskanie, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      7/24/2001 Stateline, NV Destruction of Property Earth Liberation Front
      9/9/2001 Morgantown, WV Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
      9/11/2001 New York, NY Aircraft Attack Al-Qa’ida 2972 est. 12000
      Washington, DC
      New Cumberland, PA
      9/01-11/01 New York, NY Bacillus anthracis Unknown 5 17
      Washington, DC Mailings
      Lantana, FL
      10/14/2001 Litchfield, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      11/12/2001 San Diego, CA Burglary and Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
      3/18/2002 Erie, PA Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
      3/24/2002 Erie, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/11-12/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

      7/4/2002 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Hesham Mohamed Ali Hedayat 2
      8/02-10/02 Henrico and Goochland Counties, VA
      Vandalism and Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front
      8/11/2002 Warren, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      9/15-16/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

      11/26/2002 Harborcreek, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

      1/1/2003 Girard, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      3/3/2003 Chico, CA Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
      8/03-9/03 San Diego, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      8/22/2003 West Covina, CA Vandalism and Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front
      8/28/2003 Emeryville, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected

      9/26/2003 Pleasanton, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected

      1/19/2004 Henrico County, VA
      Arson Earth Liberation Front Suspected

      4/1/2004 Oklahoma City, OK Arson Sean Michael Gillespie/Aryan Nations
      4/20/2004 Redmond, WA Vandalism and Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/04-7/04 Provo, UT Vandalism and Arson Animal Liberation Front
      12/27/2004 Lincoln, CA Attempted Arson Earth Liberation Front
      1/05-2/05 Auburn, CA Attempted Arson and Arson
      Earth Liberation Front
      Sutter Creek, CA
      4/13/2005 Sammanish, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      7/7/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal rights extremists Suspected

      9/16/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal Liberation Front
      11/20/2005 Hagerstown, MD Arson Earth Liberation Front
Last edited:
It has 2 qualifiers, one is that you have to disclude the Orlando nightclub, and the other is after 2001, being 9/11. Even after 9/11, the article admittedly still needs to disclude the Orlando nightclub, to makes its claims that white extremist are more dangerous than Muslim extremist...with a 3rd qualifier being only in the country of America. If you actually read your article instead of just the headline, you would have seen this.
The Orlando nightclub incident doesn't change the fact that right wing terrorists commit over 300 incidents of violence each year in the United States.

The Orlando incident doesn't occur every year at that magnitude.

This islamic imperialist collaborator wants to conflate property crimes with mass casualty attacks, get in the fucking gas chamber scumbag.
It's in the link you scumbag fucking liar.

Terrorism 2002/2005

Terrorism 2002-2005

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    • Chronological Summary of Terrorist Incidents in the United States 1980-2005

      Date Location Incident Type
      Perpetrator Killed Injured
      1/7/1980 San Juan, PR Pipe Bombing Anti-Communist Alliance
      1/13/1980 New York, NY Bombing Omega 7 4
      1/13/1980 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
      1/19/1980 San Juan, PR Bombing Omega 7
      3/12/1980 Hato Rey, PR Armed Assault Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      3/15/1980 Chicago, IL Hostile Takeovers (2) Armed Forces of National Liberation
      3/17/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters 3
      3/25/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      4/19/1980 Chattanooga, TN Shooting Justice Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 4
      4/30/1980 New York, NY Assault Revolutionary Communist Party
      6/3/1980 Washington, DC Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
      6/3/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
      7/14/1980 Dorato, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
      San Juan, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
      7/14/1980 Ponce, PR Multiple Arsons (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
      Mayaguez, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
      7/22/1980 Hato Rey, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Revolutionary Commandos of the People,
      Santurce, PR Ready and at War
      Rio Piedras, PR
      8/20/1980 Berkeley, CA Pipe Bombing Iranian Free Army 2
      9/11/1980 New York, NY Shooting Omega 7 1
      10/7/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing International Committee Against Nazism
      10/12/1980 New York, NY Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 4
      10/12/1980 Hollywood, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 1
      10/14/1980 Fort Collins, CO Shooting Libyan Revolutionary Committee 1
      12/21/1980 New York, NY Pipe Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
      12/30/1980 Hialeah, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      1/8/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple IncendiaryBombings (3) People’s Revolutionary Commandos
      Ponce, PR
      Rio Piedras, PR
      1/12/1981 San Juan, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      1/23/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
      1/26/1981 San Francisco, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League/American Revenge
      2/2/1981 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Bombing 3-Oct
      2/9/1981 Eugene, OR Assault Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
      2/22/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation
      of Armenia
      3/15/1981 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
      4/21/1981 Santurce, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      4/27/1981 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Iranian Patriotic Army
      5/16-18/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Puerto Rican Armed Resistance 1
      6/25/1981 Torrance, CA Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defenders
      6/26/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
      7/30/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Libyan Students
      8/7/1981 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran 3
      8/20/1981 Washington, DC Arson Black Brigade
      8/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
      8/27/1981 Carolina, PR Bombing Grupo Estrella
      8/31/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Jewish Defense League
      9/3-4/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
      9/9/1981 Washington, DC Assault Concerned Sierra Leone Nationals
      9/11/1981 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
      9/12/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Omega 7
      9/22/1981 Schenectady, NY Bombing Communist Workers Party
      9/24/1981 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      10/1/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia

      10/25/1981 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
      11/11/1981 Santurce, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      11/14/1981 Glen Cove, NY Shooting Unaffiliated Extremists
      11/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
      11/27/1981 Fort Buchanan, PR Shooting National Liberation Movement 1
      11/27/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      Condado, PR
      12/24/1981 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Jewish Defense League
      1/28/1982 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
      2/19/1982 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
      2/19/1982 Washington, DC Bombing Jewish Defense League
      2/21/1982 Rio Piedras, PR Pipe Bombing Antonia Martinez Student Commandos
      2/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (4) Armed Forces of National Liberation
      3/22/1982 Cambridge, MA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
      4/5/1982 Brooklyn, NY Arson Jewish Defense League 1 7
      4/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
      4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
      Bayamon, PR Labor Self-Defense Group
      4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
      Labor Self-Defense Group
      5/4/1982 Somerville, MA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
      5/16/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/ 1 3
      Group for the Liberation of Vieques
      5/17/1982 Union City, NJ Incendiary Bombing Omega 7
      5/19/1982 Villa Sin Miedo, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1 12
      5/20/1982 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      5/25/1982 San German, PR Kidnapping Grupo Estrella 1
      5/30/1982 Van Nuys, CA Attempted Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of
      6/10/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Bombings (3) Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
      7/4/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Croatian Freedom Fighters
      Astoria, NY Bombings (2)
      7/5/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Jewish Defense League
      Bombings (2)
      8/20/1982 Old San Juan, PR Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
      9/1/1982 Naranjito, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      9/2/1982 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
      9/8/1982 Chicago, IL Bombing Omega 7
      9/20/1982 New York City, NY Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
      9/25/1982 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      10/15/1982 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover Islamic Extremists
      10/22/1982 Philadelphia, PA Attempted Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
      11/4/1982 New York City, NY Smoke Bombing Jewish Defense League
      11/16/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Robberies (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
      12/8/1982 Washington, DC Attempted Bombing Norman David Mayer 1
      12/16/1982 Elmont, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
      12/21/1982 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League

      12/22/1982 McLean, VA Hostile Takeover People of Omar
      12/31/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Armed Forces of National Liberation 3
      1/11-12/83 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (3) Omega 7
      1/28/1983 New York City, NY Bombing Revolutionary Fighting Group
      2/13/1983 Medina, ND Shooting Sheriff’s Posse Comitatus 2 4
      2/15/1983 Killeen, TX Hijacking Hossein Olya
      2/19/1983 Washington, DC Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
      3/20/1983 San Antonio, TX Bombing Republic of Revolutionary
      4/26/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
      4/27/1983 Miami, FL Attempted Bombings (4) Haitian Extremists
      4/29/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Hostile Takeover Ejercito Popluar Boricua Macheteros
      5/12/1983 Uniondale, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      5/13/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      5/27/1983 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
      7/8/1983 Miami, FL Kidnapping Ejercito Revolucionario Del Pueblo
      7/15/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
      8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Attempted Incendiary Bombing Fuqra

      8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Shooting Fuqra 1
      8/9/1983 Detroit, MI Arson Fuqra 2
      8/16/1983 Los Angeles, CA Hostile Takeover Carlos Martinez
      8/18/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
      8/21/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      8/27/1983 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Unknown
      10/12/1983 Miami, FL Pipe Bombing Omega 7
      10/30/1983 Hato Rey, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      11/7/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
      12/13-14/83 East Meadow, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
      New York City, NY
      1/29/1984 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      2/23/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Jewish Direct Action
      3/19/1984 Harrison, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      4/5/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      4/20/1984 Washington, DC Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      5/9/1984 New York City, NY Attempted Assassination Bashir Baesho
      8/22/1984 Melville, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      9/26/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      9/26/1984 Mount Pleasant, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      12/10/1984 Levittown, PR Multiple Bombings (5) Organization of Volunteers for the
      Rio Piedras, PR Puerto Rican Revolution
      Ponce, PR
      Mayaguez, PR
      Cayey, PR
      1/25/1985 Old San Juan, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

      2/23/1985 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      5/15/1985 Northridge, CA Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
      8/15/1985 Paterson, NJ Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 1
      9/6/1985 Brentwood, NY Bombing Jewish Defense League 1
      10/11/1985 Santa Ana, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 7
      11/6/1985 Bayamon, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1

      1/6/1986 Cidra, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Ejercito Revolucionario Clandestino/ National Revolutionary Front of Puerto Rico
      Toa Baja, PR
      Guanica, PR
      Santurce, PR
      3/17/1986 Ponce, PR Attempted Bombing Commando Rojo
      4/14/1986 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

      4/29/1986 San Juan, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1 1

      5/14/1986 Phoenix, AZ Sabotage Earth First Organization
      9/2/1986 New York City, NY Tear Gas Bombing Jewish Defense League 17
      9/15/1986 Coeur d’Alene, ID Pipe Bombing Aryan Nations
      9/29/1986 Coeur d’Alene, ID Multiple Bombings (4) Aryan Nations
      10/20/1986 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
      10/28/1986 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
      Fajardo, PR
      Mayaguez, PR
      Aguadilla, PR
      Santurce, PR
      Fort Buchanan, PR
      11/4/1986 Puerta De Tierra, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      12/28/1986 Yauco, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      Guayama, PR
      4/16/1987 Davis, CA Arson Animal Liberation Front
      5/25/1987 Caguas, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Guerrilla Forces of Liberation
      Carolina, PR
      Mayaguez, PR
      Cidra, PR
      Aibonita, PR
      Ponce, PR
      11/9/1987 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist
      International Conspiracy
      1/12/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Incendiary Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
      Bombings (2)
      5/26/1988 Coral Gables, FL Bombing Organization Alliance of Cuban
      7/22/1988 Caguas, PR Pipe Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      9/19/1988 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
      9/25/1988 Grand Canyon, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
      10/25/1988 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
      11/1/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
      4/3/1989 Tucson, AZ Arson Animal Liberation Front
      6/19/1989 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      7/3-4/89 Lubbock, TX Malicious Destruction of Property
      Animal Liberation Front
      1/12/1990 Santurce, PR Multiple Pipe Bombings (2) Eugenio Maria de Hostos International Brigade of the Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
      Carolina, PR

      2/22/1990 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
      4/22/1990 Santa Cruz County, CA Malicious Destruction of Property Earth Night Action Group

      5/27/1990 Mayaguez, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
      9/17/1990 Arecibo, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Group Revolutionary Forces
      Vega Baja, PR
      2/3/1991 Mayaguez, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
      2/18/1991 Sabana Grande, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
      3/17/1991 Carolina, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
      4/1/1991 Fresno, CA Bombing Popular Liberation Army
      7/6/1991 Punta Borinquen, PR Bombing Popular Liberation Army

      4/5/1992 New York, NY Hostile Takeover Mujahedin-E-Khalq
      11/19/1992 Urbana, IL Attempted Firebombing Mexican Revolutionary Movement
      12/10/1992 Chicago, IL Car Fire and Attempted Boricua Revolutionary Front
      Firebombing (2)
      2/26/1993 New York, NY Car Bombing International Islamist Extremists 6 1042
      7/20-22/93 Tacoma, WA Multiple Bombings (2) American Front Skinheads
      11/27-28/93 Chicago, IL Firebombings (9) Animal Liberation Front

      3/1/1994 New York, NY Shooting Rashid Najib Baz 1 3
      4/19/1995 Oklahoma City, OK Truck Bombing Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols 168 754
      (Michael Fortier found guilty of failing to alert authorities of plot)

      4/1/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
      Spokane Bank Robbers
      7/12/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
      Spokane Bank Robbers
      7/27/1996 Atlanta, GA Pipe Bombing Eric Robert Rudolph 2 112
      1/2/1997 Washington, DC Letter Bombing Unknown
      Leavenworth, KS (Counted as 1 incident)
      1/16/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Abortion Clinic
      Eric Robert Rudolph 8
      2/21/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Alternative Lifestyle Nightclub
      Eric Robert Rudolph 5
      1/29/1998 Birmingham, AL Bombing of Reproductive Services Clinic
      Eric Robert Rudolph 1 1
      3/31/1998 Arecibo, PR Bombing of Superaqueduct Construction Project
      Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      6/9/1998 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
      Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      6/25/1998 Santa Isabel, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
      Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros suspected
      6/27/1998 Espanola, NM Arson Raymond Anthony Sandoval
      10/19/1998 Vail, CO Arson Fire at Ski Resort
      Earth Liberation Front
      3/19/1999 Santa Fe, NM Attempted Bombing Raymond Anthony Sandoval
      3/27/1999 Franklin Township, NJ
      Bombing of Circus Vehicles
      Animal Liberation Front
      4/5/1999 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
      Malicious Destruction and Theft
      Animal Liberation Front
      5/9/1999 Eugene, OR Bombing Animal Liberation Front
      7/2-4/99 Chicago, IL Multiple Shootings Benjamin Nathaniel Smith 2 8
      Skokie, IL
      Northbrook, IL
      Bloomington, IN
      8/10/1999 Granada Hills, CA Multiple Shootings Buford O’Neal Furrow 1 5
      8/28-29/99 Orange, CA Malicious Destruction and Theft
      Animal Liberation Front
      10/24/1999 Bellingham, WA Malicious Destruction and Theft
      Animal Liberation Front
      11/20/1999 Puyallup, WA Malicious Destruction Animal Liberation Front
      12/25/1999 Monmouth, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      12/31/1999 East Lansing, MI Arson Earth Liberation Front
      1/3/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
      1/15/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
      1/22/2000 Bloomington, IN Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/7/2000 Olympia, WA Arson Revenge of the Trees
      7/2/2000 North Vernon, IN Arson Animal Liberation Front
      7/20/2000 Rhinelander, WI Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
      12/1/2000 Phoenix, AZ Multiple Arsons Mark Warren Sands
      12/9-30/00 Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
      Multiple Arsons Earth Liberation Front
      1/2/2001 Glendale, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      2/20/2001 Visalia, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      3/9/2001 Culpeper, VA Tree Spiking Earth Liberation Front
      3/30/2001 Eugene, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      4/15/2001 Portland, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/17/2001 Harrisburg, PA Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
      5/21/2001 Seattle, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/21/2001 Clatskanie, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      7/24/2001 Stateline, NV Destruction of Property Earth Liberation Front
      9/9/2001 Morgantown, WV Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
      9/11/2001 New York, NY Aircraft Attack Al-Qa’ida 2972 est. 12000
      Washington, DC
      New Cumberland, PA
      9/01-11/01 New York, NY Bacillus anthracis Unknown 5 17
      Washington, DC Mailings
      Lantana, FL
      10/14/2001 Litchfield, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      11/12/2001 San Diego, CA Burglary and Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
      3/18/2002 Erie, PA Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
      3/24/2002 Erie, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/11-12/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

      7/4/2002 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Hesham Mohamed Ali Hedayat 2
      8/02-10/02 Henrico and Goochland Counties, VA
      Vandalism and Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front
      8/11/2002 Warren, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      9/15-16/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

      11/26/2002 Harborcreek, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

      1/1/2003 Girard, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      3/3/2003 Chico, CA Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
      8/03-9/03 San Diego, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      8/22/2003 West Covina, CA Vandalism and Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front
      8/28/2003 Emeryville, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected

      9/26/2003 Pleasanton, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected

      1/19/2004 Henrico County, VA
      Arson Earth Liberation Front Suspected

      4/1/2004 Oklahoma City, OK Arson Sean Michael Gillespie/Aryan Nations
      4/20/2004 Redmond, WA Vandalism and Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/04-7/04 Provo, UT Vandalism and Arson Animal Liberation Front
      12/27/2004 Lincoln, CA Attempted Arson Earth Liberation Front
      1/05-2/05 Auburn, CA Attempted Arson and Arson
      Earth Liberation Front
      Sutter Creek, CA
      4/13/2005 Sammanish, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      7/7/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal rights extremists Suspected

      9/16/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal Liberation Front
      11/20/2005 Hagerstown, MD Arson Earth Liberation Front
Aside from your data dump, where in your link is the number you claim?

BTW, Timothy McVie was not a Muslim.
It's in the link you scumbag fucking liar.

Terrorism 2002/2005

Terrorism 2002-2005

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U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation



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FBI.gov is an official site of the U.S. government, U.S. Department of Justice

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    • Chronological Summary of Terrorist Incidents in the United States 1980-2005

      Date Location Incident Type
      Perpetrator Killed Injured
      1/7/1980 San Juan, PR Pipe Bombing Anti-Communist Alliance
      1/13/1980 New York, NY Bombing Omega 7 4
      1/13/1980 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
      1/19/1980 San Juan, PR Bombing Omega 7
      3/12/1980 Hato Rey, PR Armed Assault Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      3/15/1980 Chicago, IL Hostile Takeovers (2) Armed Forces of National Liberation
      3/17/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters 3
      3/25/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      4/19/1980 Chattanooga, TN Shooting Justice Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 4
      4/30/1980 New York, NY Assault Revolutionary Communist Party
      6/3/1980 Washington, DC Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
      6/3/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
      7/14/1980 Dorato, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
      San Juan, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
      7/14/1980 Ponce, PR Multiple Arsons (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
      Mayaguez, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
      7/22/1980 Hato Rey, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Revolutionary Commandos of the People,
      Santurce, PR Ready and at War
      Rio Piedras, PR
      8/20/1980 Berkeley, CA Pipe Bombing Iranian Free Army 2
      9/11/1980 New York, NY Shooting Omega 7 1
      10/7/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing International Committee Against Nazism
      10/12/1980 New York, NY Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 4
      10/12/1980 Hollywood, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 1
      10/14/1980 Fort Collins, CO Shooting Libyan Revolutionary Committee 1
      12/21/1980 New York, NY Pipe Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
      12/30/1980 Hialeah, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      1/8/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple IncendiaryBombings (3) People’s Revolutionary Commandos
      Ponce, PR
      Rio Piedras, PR
      1/12/1981 San Juan, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      1/23/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
      1/26/1981 San Francisco, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League/American Revenge
      2/2/1981 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Bombing 3-Oct
      2/9/1981 Eugene, OR Assault Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
      2/22/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation
      of Armenia
      3/15/1981 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
      4/21/1981 Santurce, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      4/27/1981 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Iranian Patriotic Army
      5/16-18/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Puerto Rican Armed Resistance 1
      6/25/1981 Torrance, CA Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defenders
      6/26/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
      7/30/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Libyan Students
      8/7/1981 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran 3
      8/20/1981 Washington, DC Arson Black Brigade
      8/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
      8/27/1981 Carolina, PR Bombing Grupo Estrella
      8/31/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Jewish Defense League
      9/3-4/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
      9/9/1981 Washington, DC Assault Concerned Sierra Leone Nationals
      9/11/1981 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
      9/12/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Omega 7
      9/22/1981 Schenectady, NY Bombing Communist Workers Party
      9/24/1981 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      10/1/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia

      10/25/1981 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
      11/11/1981 Santurce, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      11/14/1981 Glen Cove, NY Shooting Unaffiliated Extremists
      11/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
      11/27/1981 Fort Buchanan, PR Shooting National Liberation Movement 1
      11/27/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      Condado, PR
      12/24/1981 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Jewish Defense League
      1/28/1982 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
      2/19/1982 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
      2/19/1982 Washington, DC Bombing Jewish Defense League
      2/21/1982 Rio Piedras, PR Pipe Bombing Antonia Martinez Student Commandos
      2/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (4) Armed Forces of National Liberation
      3/22/1982 Cambridge, MA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
      4/5/1982 Brooklyn, NY Arson Jewish Defense League 1 7
      4/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
      4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
      Bayamon, PR Labor Self-Defense Group
      4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
      Labor Self-Defense Group
      5/4/1982 Somerville, MA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
      5/16/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/ 1 3
      Group for the Liberation of Vieques
      5/17/1982 Union City, NJ Incendiary Bombing Omega 7
      5/19/1982 Villa Sin Miedo, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1 12
      5/20/1982 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      5/25/1982 San German, PR Kidnapping Grupo Estrella 1
      5/30/1982 Van Nuys, CA Attempted Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of
      6/10/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Bombings (3) Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
      7/4/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Croatian Freedom Fighters
      Astoria, NY Bombings (2)
      7/5/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Jewish Defense League
      Bombings (2)
      8/20/1982 Old San Juan, PR Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
      9/1/1982 Naranjito, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      9/2/1982 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
      9/8/1982 Chicago, IL Bombing Omega 7
      9/20/1982 New York City, NY Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
      9/25/1982 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
      10/15/1982 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover Islamic Extremists
      10/22/1982 Philadelphia, PA Attempted Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
      11/4/1982 New York City, NY Smoke Bombing Jewish Defense League
      11/16/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Robberies (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
      12/8/1982 Washington, DC Attempted Bombing Norman David Mayer 1
      12/16/1982 Elmont, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
      12/21/1982 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League

      12/22/1982 McLean, VA Hostile Takeover People of Omar
      12/31/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Armed Forces of National Liberation 3
      1/11-12/83 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (3) Omega 7
      1/28/1983 New York City, NY Bombing Revolutionary Fighting Group
      2/13/1983 Medina, ND Shooting Sheriff’s Posse Comitatus 2 4
      2/15/1983 Killeen, TX Hijacking Hossein Olya
      2/19/1983 Washington, DC Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
      3/20/1983 San Antonio, TX Bombing Republic of Revolutionary
      4/26/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
      4/27/1983 Miami, FL Attempted Bombings (4) Haitian Extremists
      4/29/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Hostile Takeover Ejercito Popluar Boricua Macheteros
      5/12/1983 Uniondale, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      5/13/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      5/27/1983 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
      7/8/1983 Miami, FL Kidnapping Ejercito Revolucionario Del Pueblo
      7/15/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
      8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Attempted Incendiary Bombing Fuqra

      8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Shooting Fuqra 1
      8/9/1983 Detroit, MI Arson Fuqra 2
      8/16/1983 Los Angeles, CA Hostile Takeover Carlos Martinez
      8/18/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
      8/21/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      8/27/1983 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Unknown
      10/12/1983 Miami, FL Pipe Bombing Omega 7
      10/30/1983 Hato Rey, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      11/7/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
      12/13-14/83 East Meadow, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
      New York City, NY
      1/29/1984 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      2/23/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Jewish Direct Action
      3/19/1984 Harrison, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      4/5/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      4/20/1984 Washington, DC Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      5/9/1984 New York City, NY Attempted Assassination Bashir Baesho
      8/22/1984 Melville, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      9/26/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      9/26/1984 Mount Pleasant, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
      12/10/1984 Levittown, PR Multiple Bombings (5) Organization of Volunteers for the
      Rio Piedras, PR Puerto Rican Revolution
      Ponce, PR
      Mayaguez, PR
      Cayey, PR
      1/25/1985 Old San Juan, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

      2/23/1985 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
      5/15/1985 Northridge, CA Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
      8/15/1985 Paterson, NJ Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 1
      9/6/1985 Brentwood, NY Bombing Jewish Defense League 1
      10/11/1985 Santa Ana, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 7
      11/6/1985 Bayamon, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1

      1/6/1986 Cidra, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Ejercito Revolucionario Clandestino/ National Revolutionary Front of Puerto Rico
      Toa Baja, PR
      Guanica, PR
      Santurce, PR
      3/17/1986 Ponce, PR Attempted Bombing Commando Rojo
      4/14/1986 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

      4/29/1986 San Juan, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1 1

      5/14/1986 Phoenix, AZ Sabotage Earth First Organization
      9/2/1986 New York City, NY Tear Gas Bombing Jewish Defense League 17
      9/15/1986 Coeur d’Alene, ID Pipe Bombing Aryan Nations
      9/29/1986 Coeur d’Alene, ID Multiple Bombings (4) Aryan Nations
      10/20/1986 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
      10/28/1986 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
      Fajardo, PR
      Mayaguez, PR
      Aguadilla, PR
      Santurce, PR
      Fort Buchanan, PR
      11/4/1986 Puerta De Tierra, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      12/28/1986 Yauco, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      Guayama, PR
      4/16/1987 Davis, CA Arson Animal Liberation Front
      5/25/1987 Caguas, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Guerrilla Forces of Liberation
      Carolina, PR
      Mayaguez, PR
      Cidra, PR
      Aibonita, PR
      Ponce, PR
      11/9/1987 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist
      International Conspiracy
      1/12/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Incendiary Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
      Bombings (2)
      5/26/1988 Coral Gables, FL Bombing Organization Alliance of Cuban
      7/22/1988 Caguas, PR Pipe Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      9/19/1988 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
      9/25/1988 Grand Canyon, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
      10/25/1988 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
      11/1/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
      4/3/1989 Tucson, AZ Arson Animal Liberation Front
      6/19/1989 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      7/3-4/89 Lubbock, TX Malicious Destruction of Property
      Animal Liberation Front
      1/12/1990 Santurce, PR Multiple Pipe Bombings (2) Eugenio Maria de Hostos International Brigade of the Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
      Carolina, PR

      2/22/1990 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
      4/22/1990 Santa Cruz County, CA Malicious Destruction of Property Earth Night Action Group

      5/27/1990 Mayaguez, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
      9/17/1990 Arecibo, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Group Revolutionary Forces
      Vega Baja, PR
      2/3/1991 Mayaguez, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
      2/18/1991 Sabana Grande, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
      3/17/1991 Carolina, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
      4/1/1991 Fresno, CA Bombing Popular Liberation Army
      7/6/1991 Punta Borinquen, PR Bombing Popular Liberation Army

      4/5/1992 New York, NY Hostile Takeover Mujahedin-E-Khalq
      11/19/1992 Urbana, IL Attempted Firebombing Mexican Revolutionary Movement
      12/10/1992 Chicago, IL Car Fire and Attempted Boricua Revolutionary Front
      Firebombing (2)
      2/26/1993 New York, NY Car Bombing International Islamist Extremists 6 1042
      7/20-22/93 Tacoma, WA Multiple Bombings (2) American Front Skinheads
      11/27-28/93 Chicago, IL Firebombings (9) Animal Liberation Front

      3/1/1994 New York, NY Shooting Rashid Najib Baz 1 3
      4/19/1995 Oklahoma City, OK Truck Bombing Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols 168 754
      (Michael Fortier found guilty of failing to alert authorities of plot)

      4/1/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
      Spokane Bank Robbers
      7/12/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
      Spokane Bank Robbers
      7/27/1996 Atlanta, GA Pipe Bombing Eric Robert Rudolph 2 112
      1/2/1997 Washington, DC Letter Bombing Unknown
      Leavenworth, KS (Counted as 1 incident)
      1/16/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Abortion Clinic
      Eric Robert Rudolph 8
      2/21/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Alternative Lifestyle Nightclub
      Eric Robert Rudolph 5
      1/29/1998 Birmingham, AL Bombing of Reproductive Services Clinic
      Eric Robert Rudolph 1 1
      3/31/1998 Arecibo, PR Bombing of Superaqueduct Construction Project
      Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      6/9/1998 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
      Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
      6/25/1998 Santa Isabel, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
      Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros suspected
      6/27/1998 Espanola, NM Arson Raymond Anthony Sandoval
      10/19/1998 Vail, CO Arson Fire at Ski Resort
      Earth Liberation Front
      3/19/1999 Santa Fe, NM Attempted Bombing Raymond Anthony Sandoval
      3/27/1999 Franklin Township, NJ
      Bombing of Circus Vehicles
      Animal Liberation Front
      4/5/1999 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
      Malicious Destruction and Theft
      Animal Liberation Front
      5/9/1999 Eugene, OR Bombing Animal Liberation Front
      7/2-4/99 Chicago, IL Multiple Shootings Benjamin Nathaniel Smith 2 8
      Skokie, IL
      Northbrook, IL
      Bloomington, IN
      8/10/1999 Granada Hills, CA Multiple Shootings Buford O’Neal Furrow 1 5
      8/28-29/99 Orange, CA Malicious Destruction and Theft
      Animal Liberation Front
      10/24/1999 Bellingham, WA Malicious Destruction and Theft
      Animal Liberation Front
      11/20/1999 Puyallup, WA Malicious Destruction Animal Liberation Front
      12/25/1999 Monmouth, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      12/31/1999 East Lansing, MI Arson Earth Liberation Front
      1/3/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
      1/15/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
      1/22/2000 Bloomington, IN Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/7/2000 Olympia, WA Arson Revenge of the Trees
      7/2/2000 North Vernon, IN Arson Animal Liberation Front
      7/20/2000 Rhinelander, WI Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
      12/1/2000 Phoenix, AZ Multiple Arsons Mark Warren Sands
      12/9-30/00 Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
      Multiple Arsons Earth Liberation Front
      1/2/2001 Glendale, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      2/20/2001 Visalia, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      3/9/2001 Culpeper, VA Tree Spiking Earth Liberation Front
      3/30/2001 Eugene, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      4/15/2001 Portland, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/17/2001 Harrisburg, PA Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
      5/21/2001 Seattle, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/21/2001 Clatskanie, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
      7/24/2001 Stateline, NV Destruction of Property Earth Liberation Front
      9/9/2001 Morgantown, WV Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
      9/11/2001 New York, NY Aircraft Attack Al-Qa’ida 2972 est. 12000
      Washington, DC
      New Cumberland, PA
      9/01-11/01 New York, NY Bacillus anthracis Unknown 5 17
      Washington, DC Mailings
      Lantana, FL
      10/14/2001 Litchfield, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      11/12/2001 San Diego, CA Burglary and Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
      3/18/2002 Erie, PA Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
      3/24/2002 Erie, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/11-12/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

      7/4/2002 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Hesham Mohamed Ali Hedayat 2
      8/02-10/02 Henrico and Goochland Counties, VA
      Vandalism and Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front
      8/11/2002 Warren, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      9/15-16/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

      11/26/2002 Harborcreek, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

      1/1/2003 Girard, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      3/3/2003 Chico, CA Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
      8/03-9/03 San Diego, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      8/22/2003 West Covina, CA Vandalism and Destruction of Property
      Earth Liberation Front
      8/28/2003 Emeryville, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected

      9/26/2003 Pleasanton, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected

      1/19/2004 Henrico County, VA
      Arson Earth Liberation Front Suspected

      4/1/2004 Oklahoma City, OK Arson Sean Michael Gillespie/Aryan Nations
      4/20/2004 Redmond, WA Vandalism and Arson Earth Liberation Front
      5/04-7/04 Provo, UT Vandalism and Arson Animal Liberation Front
      12/27/2004 Lincoln, CA Attempted Arson Earth Liberation Front
      1/05-2/05 Auburn, CA Attempted Arson and Arson
      Earth Liberation Front
      Sutter Creek, CA
      4/13/2005 Sammanish, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
      7/7/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal rights extremists Suspected

      9/16/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal Liberation Front
      11/20/2005 Hagerstown, MD Arson Earth Liberation Front
Aside from your data dump, where in your link is the number you claim?

BTW, Timothy McVie was not a Muslim.

The numbers are next to the attack listed the first is deaths the 2nd injuries you fat illiterate fuck.

Chronological Summary of Terrorist Incidents in the United States 1980-2005

Date Location Incident Type
Perpetrator Killed Injured
1/7/1980 San Juan, PR Pipe Bombing Anti-Communist Alliance
1/13/1980 New York, NY Bombing Omega 7 4
1/13/1980 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
1/19/1980 San Juan, PR Bombing Omega 7
3/12/1980 Hato Rey, PR Armed Assault Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
3/15/1980 Chicago, IL Hostile Takeovers (2) Armed Forces of National Liberation
3/17/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters 3
3/25/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing Omega 7
4/19/1980 Chattanooga, TN Shooting Justice Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 4
4/30/1980 New York, NY Assault Revolutionary Communist Party
6/3/1980 Washington, DC Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
6/3/1980 New York, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
7/14/1980 Dorato, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
San Juan, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
7/14/1980 Ponce, PR Multiple Arsons (2) Organization of Volunteers for the
Mayaguez, PR Puerto Rico Revolution
7/22/1980 Hato Rey, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Revolutionary Commandos of the People,
Santurce, PR Ready and at War
Rio Piedras, PR
8/20/1980 Berkeley, CA Pipe Bombing Iranian Free Army 2
9/11/1980 New York, NY Shooting Omega 7 1
10/7/1980 New York, NY Attempted Bombing International Committee Against Nazism
10/12/1980 New York, NY Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 4
10/12/1980 Hollywood, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide 1
10/14/1980 Fort Collins, CO Shooting Libyan Revolutionary Committee 1
12/21/1980 New York, NY Pipe Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
12/30/1980 Hialeah, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
1/8/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple IncendiaryBombings (3) People’s Revolutionary Commandos
Ponce, PR
Rio Piedras, PR
1/12/1981 San Juan, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
1/23/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Croatian Freedom Fighters
1/26/1981 San Francisco, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League/American Revenge
2/2/1981 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Bombing 3-Oct
2/9/1981 Eugene, OR Assault Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
2/22/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation
of Armenia
3/15/1981 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
4/21/1981 Santurce, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
4/27/1981 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Iranian Patriotic Army
5/16-18/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Puerto Rican Armed Resistance 1
6/25/1981 Torrance, CA Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defenders
6/26/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
7/30/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Libyan Students
8/7/1981 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran 3
8/20/1981 Washington, DC Arson Black Brigade
8/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing June 9 Organization
8/27/1981 Carolina, PR Bombing Grupo Estrella
8/31/1981 New York City, NY Hostile Takeover Jewish Defense League
9/3-4/81 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
9/9/1981 Washington, DC Assault Concerned Sierra Leone Nationals
9/11/1981 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
9/12/1981 New York City, NY Bombing Omega 7
9/22/1981 Schenectady, NY Bombing Communist Workers Party
9/24/1981 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
10/1/1981 Hollywood, CA Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia

10/25/1981 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
11/11/1981 Santurce, PR Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
11/14/1981 Glen Cove, NY Shooting Unaffiliated Extremists
11/20/1981 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
11/27/1981 Fort Buchanan, PR Shooting National Liberation Movement 1
11/27/1981 Santurce, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
Condado, PR
12/24/1981 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Jewish Defense League
1/28/1982 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
2/19/1982 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (2) Omega 7
2/19/1982 Washington, DC Bombing Jewish Defense League
2/21/1982 Rio Piedras, PR Pipe Bombing Antonia Martinez Student Commandos
2/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (4) Armed Forces of National Liberation
3/22/1982 Cambridge, MA Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
4/5/1982 Brooklyn, NY Arson Jewish Defense League 1 7
4/28/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (2) Jewish Defense League
4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
Bayamon, PR Labor Self-Defense Group
4/29/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Provisional Coordinating Committee of the
Labor Self-Defense Group
5/4/1982 Somerville, MA Shooting Justice Commandos of the Armenian 1
5/16/1982 San Juan, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/ 1 3
Group for the Liberation of Vieques
5/17/1982 Union City, NJ Incendiary Bombing Omega 7
5/19/1982 Villa Sin Miedo, PR Shooting Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1 12
5/20/1982 San Juan, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
5/25/1982 San German, PR Kidnapping Grupo Estrella 1
5/30/1982 Van Nuys, CA Attempted Bombing Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of
6/10/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Bombings (3) Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
7/4/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Croatian Freedom Fighters
Astoria, NY Bombings (2)
7/5/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Pipe Jewish Defense League
Bombings (2)
8/20/1982 Old San Juan, PR Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
9/1/1982 Naranjito, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
9/2/1982 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
9/8/1982 Chicago, IL Bombing Omega 7
9/20/1982 New York City, NY Bombing Armed Forces of National Liberation
9/25/1982 Miami, FL Attempted Bombing Omega 7
10/15/1982 Washington, DC Hostile Takeover Islamic Extremists
10/22/1982 Philadelphia, PA Attempted Bombing Justice Commandos of the Armenian
11/4/1982 New York City, NY Smoke Bombing Jewish Defense League
11/16/1982 Carolina, PR Multiple Robberies (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
12/8/1982 Washington, DC Attempted Bombing Norman David Mayer 1
12/16/1982 Elmont, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
12/21/1982 New York City, NY Attempted Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League

12/22/1982 McLean, VA Hostile Takeover People of Omar
12/31/1982 New York City, NY Multiple Bombings (5) Armed Forces of National Liberation 3
1/11-12/83 Miami, FL Multiple Bombings (3) Omega 7
1/28/1983 New York City, NY Bombing Revolutionary Fighting Group
2/13/1983 Medina, ND Shooting Sheriff’s Posse Comitatus 2 4
2/15/1983 Killeen, TX Hijacking Hossein Olya
2/19/1983 Washington, DC Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
3/20/1983 San Antonio, TX Bombing Republic of Revolutionary
4/26/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
4/27/1983 Miami, FL Attempted Bombings (4) Haitian Extremists
4/29/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Hostile Takeover Ejercito Popluar Boricua Macheteros
5/12/1983 Uniondale, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
5/13/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
5/27/1983 Miami, FL Bombing Omega 7
7/8/1983 Miami, FL Kidnapping Ejercito Revolucionario Del Pueblo
7/15/1983 Rio Piedras, PR Robbery Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Attempted Incendiary Bombing Fuqra

8/8/1983 Detroit, MI Shooting Fuqra 1
8/9/1983 Detroit, MI Arson Fuqra 2
8/16/1983 Los Angeles, CA Hostile Takeover Carlos Martinez
8/18/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
8/21/1983 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
8/27/1983 Washington, DC Incendiary Bombing Unknown
10/12/1983 Miami, FL Pipe Bombing Omega 7
10/30/1983 Hato Rey, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
11/7/1983 Washington, DC Bombing Armed Resistance Unit
12/13-14/83 East Meadow, NY Multiple Bombings (2) United Freedom Front
New York City, NY
1/29/1984 New York City, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
2/23/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Jewish Direct Action
3/19/1984 Harrison, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
4/5/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
4/20/1984 Washington, DC Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
5/9/1984 New York City, NY Attempted Assassination Bashir Baesho
8/22/1984 Melville, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
9/26/1984 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
9/26/1984 Mount Pleasant, NY Bombing United Freedom Front
12/10/1984 Levittown, PR Multiple Bombings (5) Organization of Volunteers for the
Rio Piedras, PR Puerto Rican Revolution
Ponce, PR
Mayaguez, PR
Cayey, PR
1/25/1985 Old San Juan, PR Rocket Attack Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

2/23/1985 New York City, NY Bombing Red Guerrilla Resistance
5/15/1985 Northridge, CA Pipe Bombing Jewish Defense League
8/15/1985 Paterson, NJ Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 1
9/6/1985 Brentwood, NY Bombing Jewish Defense League 1
10/11/1985 Santa Ana, CA Bombing Jewish Defense League 1 7
11/6/1985 Bayamon, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1

1/6/1986 Cidra, PR Multiple Bombings (4) Ejercito Revolucionario Clandestino/ National Revolutionary Front of Puerto Rico
Toa Baja, PR
Guanica, PR
Santurce, PR
3/17/1986 Ponce, PR Attempted Bombing Commando Rojo
4/14/1986 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

4/29/1986 San Juan, PR Shooting Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution 1 1

5/14/1986 Phoenix, AZ Sabotage Earth First Organization
9/2/1986 New York City, NY Tear Gas Bombing Jewish Defense League 17
9/15/1986 Coeur d’Alene, ID Pipe Bombing Aryan Nations
9/29/1986 Coeur d’Alene, ID Multiple Bombings (4) Aryan Nations
10/20/1986 New York City, NY Incendiary Bombing Jewish Defense League
10/28/1986 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros 1
Fajardo, PR
Mayaguez, PR
Aguadilla, PR
Santurce, PR
Fort Buchanan, PR
11/4/1986 Puerta De Tierra, PR Attempted Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
12/28/1986 Yauco, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
Guayama, PR
4/16/1987 Davis, CA Arson Animal Liberation Front
5/25/1987 Caguas, PR Multiple Bombings (7) Guerrilla Forces of Liberation
Carolina, PR
Mayaguez, PR
Cidra, PR
Aibonita, PR
Ponce, PR
11/9/1987 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist
International Conspiracy
1/12/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Incendiary Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
Bombings (2)
5/26/1988 Coral Gables, FL Bombing Organization Alliance of Cuban
7/22/1988 Caguas, PR Pipe Bombing Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
9/19/1988 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
9/25/1988 Grand Canyon, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
10/25/1988 Flagstaff, AZ Sabotage Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International
11/1/1988 Rio Piedras, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
4/3/1989 Tucson, AZ Arson Animal Liberation Front
6/19/1989 Bayamon, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
7/3-4/89 Lubbock, TX Malicious Destruction of Property
Animal Liberation Front
1/12/1990 Santurce, PR Multiple Pipe Bombings (2) Eugenio Maria de Hostos International Brigade of the Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
Carolina, PR

2/22/1990 Los Angeles, CA Bombing Up the IRS, Inc.
4/22/1990 Santa Cruz County, CA Malicious Destruction of Property Earth Night Action Group

5/27/1990 Mayaguez, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
9/17/1990 Arecibo, PR Multiple Bombings (2) Pedro Albizu Group Revolutionary Forces
Vega Baja, PR
2/3/1991 Mayaguez, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
2/18/1991 Sabana Grande, PR Arson Popular Liberation Army
3/17/1991 Carolina, PR Arson Unknown Puerto Rican Group
4/1/1991 Fresno, CA Bombing Popular Liberation Army
7/6/1991 Punta Borinquen, PR Bombing Popular Liberation Army

4/5/1992 New York, NY Hostile Takeover Mujahedin-E-Khalq
11/19/1992 Urbana, IL Attempted Firebombing Mexican Revolutionary Movement
12/10/1992 Chicago, IL Car Fire and Attempted Boricua Revolutionary Front
Firebombing (2)
2/26/1993 New York, NY Car Bombing International Islamist Extremists 6 1042
7/20-22/93 Tacoma, WA Multiple Bombings (2) American Front Skinheads
11/27-28/93 Chicago, IL Firebombings (9) Animal Liberation Front

3/1/1994 New York, NY Shooting Rashid Najib Baz 1 3
4/19/1995 Oklahoma City, OK Truck Bombing Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols 168 754
(Michael Fortier found guilty of failing to alert authorities of plot)

4/1/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
Spokane Bank Robbers
7/12/1996 Spokane, WA Pipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
Spokane Bank Robbers
7/27/1996 Atlanta, GA Pipe Bombing Eric Robert Rudolph 2 112
1/2/1997 Washington, DC Letter Bombing Unknown
Leavenworth, KS (Counted as 1 incident)
1/16/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Abortion Clinic
Eric Robert Rudolph 8
2/21/1997 Atlanta, GA Bombing of Alternative Lifestyle Nightclub
Eric Robert Rudolph 5
1/29/1998 Birmingham, AL Bombing of Reproductive Services Clinic
Eric Robert Rudolph 1 1
3/31/1998 Arecibo, PR Bombing of Superaqueduct Construction Project
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
6/9/1998 Rio Piedras, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
6/25/1998 Santa Isabel, PR Bombing of Bank Branch Office
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros suspected
6/27/1998 Espanola, NM Arson Raymond Anthony Sandoval
10/19/1998 Vail, CO Arson Fire at Ski Resort
Earth Liberation Front
3/19/1999 Santa Fe, NM Attempted Bombing Raymond Anthony Sandoval
3/27/1999 Franklin Township, NJ
Bombing of Circus Vehicles
Animal Liberation Front
4/5/1999 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Malicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
5/9/1999 Eugene, OR Bombing Animal Liberation Front
7/2-4/99 Chicago, IL Multiple Shootings Benjamin Nathaniel Smith 2 8
Skokie, IL
Northbrook, IL
Bloomington, IN
8/10/1999 Granada Hills, CA Multiple Shootings Buford O’Neal Furrow 1 5
8/28-29/99 Orange, CA Malicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
10/24/1999 Bellingham, WA Malicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
11/20/1999 Puyallup, WA Malicious Destruction Animal Liberation Front
12/25/1999 Monmouth, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
12/31/1999 East Lansing, MI Arson Earth Liberation Front
1/3/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
1/15/2000 Petaluma, CA Incendiary Attack Animal Liberation Front
1/22/2000 Bloomington, IN Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/7/2000 Olympia, WA Arson Revenge of the Trees
7/2/2000 North Vernon, IN Arson Animal Liberation Front
7/20/2000 Rhinelander, WI Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
12/1/2000 Phoenix, AZ Multiple Arsons Mark Warren Sands
12/9-30/00 Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
Multiple Arsons Earth Liberation Front
1/2/2001 Glendale, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
2/20/2001 Visalia, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
3/9/2001 Culpeper, VA Tree Spiking Earth Liberation Front
3/30/2001 Eugene, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
4/15/2001 Portland, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/17/2001 Harrisburg, PA Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
5/21/2001 Seattle, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/21/2001 Clatskanie, OR Arson Earth Liberation Front
7/24/2001 Stateline, NV Destruction of Property Earth Liberation Front
9/9/2001 Morgantown, WV Bank Robbery Clayton Lee Waagner
9/11/2001 New York, NY Aircraft Attack Al-Qa’ida 2972 est. 12000
Washington, DC
New Cumberland, PA
9/01-11/01 New York, NY Bacillus anthracis Unknown 5 17
Washington, DC Mailings
Lantana, FL
10/14/2001 Litchfield, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
11/12/2001 San Diego, CA Burglary and Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
3/18/2002 Erie, PA Vandalism Earth Liberation Front
3/24/2002 Erie, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/11-12/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

7/4/2002 Los Angeles, CA Shooting Hesham Mohamed Ali Hedayat 2
8/02-10/02 Henrico and Goochland Counties, VA
Vandalism and Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front
8/11/2002 Warren, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
9/15-16/02 Harborcreek, PA Vandalism/Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

11/26/2002 Harborcreek, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

1/1/2003 Girard, PA Arson Earth Liberation Front
3/3/2003 Chico, CA Vandalism Animal Liberation Front
8/03-9/03 San Diego, CA Arson Earth Liberation Front
8/22/2003 West Covina, CA Vandalism and Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front
8/28/2003 Emeryville, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected

9/26/2003 Pleasanton, CA Bombing Daniel Andreas San Diego Suspected

1/19/2004 Henrico County, VA
Arson Earth Liberation Front Suspected

4/1/2004 Oklahoma City, OK Arson Sean Michael Gillespie/Aryan Nations
4/20/2004 Redmond, WA Vandalism and Arson Earth Liberation Front
5/04-7/04 Provo, UT Vandalism and Arson Animal Liberation Front
12/27/2004 Lincoln, CA Attempted Arson Earth Liberation Front
1/05-2/05 Auburn, CA Attempted Arson and Arson
Earth Liberation Front
Sutter Creek, CA
4/13/2005 Sammanish, WA Arson Earth Liberation Front
7/7/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal rights extremists Suspected

9/16/2005 Los Angeles, CA Attempted Arson Animal Liberation Front
11/20/2005 Hagerstown, MD Arson Earth Liberation Front
And that right there tells us all we need to know about this collaborator with a pedophile worshipping death cult, get in the fucking gas chamber you fat fuck.
Here's a little 411, Call Sign Dick in his Mouth, it is against forum rules to accuse someone of pedophilia; it is against forum rules to post entire articles; and it is against forum rules to theaten someones life.

Are you so unhinged from anything remotely considered civil, that you can't act like a responsible adult?

When was the last time you were nice to a liberal?

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