46 Democrat Senators Who Betrayed Us

You are lying again, Jake. I just clarified that I do not support NK, The Syrian leader Assad, nor do I support the Hitler of Iran, Achminijad. The very suggestion is ridiculous. Truth be known? YOU are ridiculous. You're dismissed now.

- Jeri
You are lying again, Jake. I just clarified that I do not support NK, The Syrian leader Assad, nor do I support the Hitler of Iran, Achminijad. The very suggestion is ridiculous. Truth be known? YOU are ridiculous. You're dismissed now. - Jeri

You support those who oppose the treaty just like you: Iran, Syria, and North Korea, and their leaders. You are an AINO, no doubt about it
You are lying again, Jake. I just clarified that I do not support NK, The Syrian leader Assad, nor do I support the Hitler of Iran, Achminijad. The very suggestion is ridiculous. Truth be known? YOU are ridiculous. You're dismissed now.

- Jeri

I'm afraid you do as you support an open pipeline of weapons to Americas enemies
Obama is the one arming Al Qaeda and the Islamic radicals who just issued a fatwa for rape of Syrian women! These are the guys Obama is arming inside Syria. Some as young as 8 yrs old. Proud to say I didn't vote for him. Unfortunately you did. So blame yourselves. Not me. - Jeri
Obama is the one arming Al Qaeda and the Islamic radicals who just issued a fatwa for rape of Syrian women! These are the guys Obama is arming inside Syria. Some as young as 8 yrs old. Proud to say I didn't vote for him. Unfortunately you did. So blame yourselves. Not me. - Jeri

Jeri, it is you not BHO, you are the enemy. You are the one who supports Syria, North Korea, and Iran, the enemies of America.

You are an AINO, marked by it forever, marred for life for what you are doing as is Jane Fonda, the lefty liberal.
Jake, this may come as a shock to you but..... You are a liberal lefty.
Say hello to Jane. Good night. - Jeri
Jake, this may come as a shock to you but..... You are a liberal lefty.
Say hello to Jane. Good night. - Jeri

:lol: Jeri, I am not the one supporting the enemies of America: you are.

I am liberal to you because you are a reactionary fringie far, far to the right.
I'm not supporting the enemies of America. You have provided not a single shred of evidence to support such a claim. You pull accusations out of thin air and then call me reactionary? Have a look in the mirror, Starkey. Eventually all of you liberals will have to face your own actions here. When you realise how foolish you all have been to trust this man enough to sign over your 2nd amendment rights as if they are nothing. You have lost your ability to think for yourselves. That is the only explanation I can find for your naivete'. - Jeremiah
If you are siding with NK, Iran, and Syria on the UN Treaty against the USA, then you are in favor of small arms cartels that are spreading death and destruction. Our own Senate acted stupidly as well.

The dems are going to build that 90% popularity of sensible gun registration and ram that with immigration down our throats next years along with women, hispanics, and other minorities that we supposedly hate.

If the far right and libertarian sides of our party don't get the demographics, the GOP is screwed for the future, particularly as the youth come of voting age and Hispanic votes take over Texas to Arizona.
Are you telling me you are a republican? You write......if the far right and libertarian sides of OUR PARTY? Am I getting that right? lol! I can't believe it! You told me you were a liberal Starkey. Now you are saying you aren't?

You're a tough one to figure out but as I have noticed you stand up for Israel? You are alright in my book. ( I have my priorities in order here ) Even if you are not making sense to me on this small arms cartels stuff. I have never supported NK, Iran or Syria so I don't know what to tell ya.

In fact, I don't want any of those civilian populations touched because there are alot of innocent people in there. Yes, wicked ones too but I cannot justify killing NK civilians - their lives count. same for iranian civilians - although Israel has never put their civlians in harms way anyhow. They just need to protect themselves. Whats happening in Syria is reprehensible. So no, I don't side with those guys. - Jeri
Jeri, you can post where I said I was a liberal. But you are a birther, so I guess you might really think that without any justification.

Yes, the far side of the GOP is pulling it to far too the right, and the rest of the country has made it quite clear they won't give us a majority to get the Presidency or the Senate when Porky Pig should have been able to beat BHO last year.

I am glad we agree on Israel.
Jeri, you can post where I said I was a liberal. But you are a birther, so I guess you might really think that without any justification.

Yes, the far side of the GOP is pulling it to far too the right, and the rest of the country has made it quite clear they won't give us a majority to get the Presidency or the Senate when Porky Pig should have been able to beat BHO last year.

I am glad we agree on Israel.

Hi there. You flatly called me a reactionary in our little discussion a week or so ago. Who uses that term the most? Liberals.

Please by all means, be a RINO if you'd like.
Jeri, you can post where I said I was a liberal. But you are a birther, so I guess you might really think that without any justification.

Yes, the far side of the GOP is pulling it to far too the right, and the rest of the country has made it quite clear they won't give us a majority to get the Presidency or the Senate when Porky Pig should have been able to beat BHO last year.

I am glad we agree on Israel.

Actually? My mistake! I read your posts again and what you actually said was you'd see why I'd see you as a liberal not that you were one.......sorry about that! :eusa_angel:

ha! ha! I can laugh at myself. I do agree we should have beat BHO - my character was daffy duck! lol! I said it for a full year, daffy duck could beat him. Not happening. The GOP is stuck in some strange vortex and now they are talking Rubio? No. I see major trouble with GOP and Libertarians make good points. Anyhow - Long Live Israel! - Jeri
I'd like to see the wording of the bill, especially that part that grants the UN control over gun ownership in this nation.
Obama is the one arming Al Qaeda and the Islamic radicals who just issued a fatwa for rape of Syrian women! These are the guys Obama is arming inside Syria. Some as young as 8 yrs old. Proud to say I didn't vote for him. Unfortunately you did. So blame yourselves. Not me. - Jeri

I'm afraid not

You are the one who supports an uninterrupted supply of weapons to Americas enemies

Conservatives support a Second Amendment for Terrorists
Jeri, you can post where I said I was a liberal. But you are a birther, so I guess you might really think that without any justification.

Yes, the far side of the GOP is pulling it to far too the right, and the rest of the country has made it quite clear they won't give us a majority to get the Presidency or the Senate when Porky Pig should have been able to beat BHO last year.

I am glad we agree on Israel.

Hi there. You flatly called me a reactionary in our little discussion a week or so ago. Who uses that term the most? Liberals.

Please by all means, be a RINO if you'd like.

I am a mainstream Republican, and your are a RINO or an AINO. Take your choice.
It's odd. When RINO first came into vogue, it referred to a republican who generally held to small govt ideals, but who was willing to compromise on taxes because he/she generally thought medicare and soc sec were here to stay, so we probably should pay for them.

Along the way it took some turns. If a Senator from ... say ... Miss wanted to remove an old bridge across the Big River that tied up barge traffic, and replace it with a modern one, then the only way to get that kind of money was an earmark. Earmarks were of course abused, but it came into vogue to simply not get infrastructure. I think seeign how Sandy relief did get funded has sort of put that to rest.

But, now Rino seems to include not just the old guys who'd compromise on Soc Sec, like Reagan did, but now it encompases social conservativism, as well as the notion that ANYTHING govt does is inherently evil.

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