46 Democrat Senators Who Betrayed Us

Gun rights? Try 2nd amendment rights. These 46 Democrat Senators are Traitors. We need to demand they step down, get these types out of our Senate and elect some honorable men and women who defend the constitution to replace them. It is the sensible thing to do.

None of those who claim that the 2nd Amendment is there to protect the rest of the rights lifted a finger when the previous administration stomped all over them. So why should anyone bother to help you out now?

Because if they don't defend their 2nd amendment rights by finding honorable men and women who won't betray them ( as these 46 democrat senators already have ) they will be facing the same day Europe faced when Hitler confiscated all the guns from citizens. First he demanded everyone register their weapons. Then he made it a capitol offense if the citizens didn't turn in the guns. ALL CITIZENS - NOT JEWISH CITIZENS - ALL GERMAN - AUSTRIAN CITIZENS WERE ORDERED TO TURN IN THEIR GUNS - OR BE EXECUTED ( CAPITOL PUNISHMENT ) If the American people do not wake up and drive out of office the traitors who are aiding and abetting Communists who have infiltrated our govt via NGO's - they will live in slavery and so will their children and their childrens children. Such are the consequences for any nation whose citizens surrender their firearms. Look at History and learn from it. - Jeremiah

The bill which was sponsored by a Senator who is owned by the arms makers affected by this treaty and by the Koch brothers. The bill is based entirely on a false premise, which you would know if you read the treaty.

Instead, you willfully choose NOT to read it. Because that would shatter your stupid little delusion, as you would be unable to find anything which supports the claims made in the arms makers' Senate bill.

The only traitors to this country are buffoons like yourself and the Senator who wrote this bill on behalf of the arms makers. You are supporting the terrorists and countries like Syria and North Korea and iran.
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Gun rights? Try 2nd amendment rights. These 46 Democrat Senators are Traitors. We need to demand they step down, get these types out of our Senate and elect some honorable men and women who defend the constitution to replace them. It is the sensible thing to do.

53 Senators are in agreement with N. Korea, Iran and Syria and do not want international guns sales to be regulated.

Guess who is leading the world in exporting guns and weapons.

That's what it's all about, not US citizens 2nd amendment right.
The number of false claims Snopes has verified as truth is astonishing. How they have been able to get away with these lies is anyones guess. Maybe people didn't know who founded and operated Snopes? Now they do! Radical progressives who despise the Republicans. You've got the fox in charge of the hen house here but of course you liberals like it this way.

There is nothing honest or honorable about the liberals using such devious tactics such as the Mikkelsons have used by creating SNOPES - but when has that stopped them? - Jeri

Jeri, you are a birther: that's the end of you questioning anybody else's bona fides.

Please post the thread in which I claimed to be a birther. That was your guy rightwinger who is apparently not a right wing at all. If you cannot post the thread in which I stated I am a birther I expect you to retract your claim here. Got that? - Jeri
Honorable men and women, Jeri, do not buddy up with NK, Iran, and Syria.

Honorable men and women do not get in bed with Communists to take away the 2nd amendment rights of Americans. Maybe you need to have another look at what these 46 Democrat Senators are up to here?
The number of false claims Snopes has verified as truth is astonishing. How they have been able to get away with these lies is anyones guess. Maybe people didn't know who founded and operated Snopes? Now they do! Radical progressives who despise the Republicans. You've got the fox in charge of the hen house here but of course you liberals like it this way.

There is nothing honest or honorable about the liberals using such devious tactics such as the Mikkelsons have used by creating SNOPES - but when has that stopped them? - Jeri

Jeri, you are a birther: that's the end of you questioning anybody else's bona fides.

Jake, please provide the post that identifies me as a birther. I'm waiting. In the meantime, if you liberals didn't write personal attacks, baseless accusations and lies about others you wouldn't have an arguement. I have yet to see any of you capable of answering - responding - participating in a debate here. Why is that? Care to explain?

I am glad this bill died.. AGAIN.

The U.N. is a worthless organization who can't even keep their own troops from raping women they are supposed to be protecting.
Gun rights? Try 2nd amendment rights. These 46 Democrat Senators are Traitors. We need to demand they step down, get these types out of our Senate and elect some honorable men and women who defend the constitution to replace them. It is the sensible thing to do.

None of those who claim that the 2nd Amendment is there to protect the rest of the rights lifted a finger when the previous administration stomped all over them. So why should anyone bother to help you out now?

Because if they don't defend their 2nd amendment rights by finding honorable men and women who won't betray them ( as these 46 democrat senators already have ) they will be facing the same day Europe faced when Hitler confiscated all the guns from citizens. First he demanded everyone register their weapons. Then he made it a capitol offense if the citizens didn't turn in the guns. ALL CITIZENS - NOT JEWISH CITIZENS - ALL GERMAN - AUSTRIAN CITIZENS WERE ORDERED TO TURN IN THEIR GUNS - OR BE EXECUTED ( CAPITOL PUNISHMENT ) If the American people do not wake up and drive out of office the traitors who are aiding and abetting Communists who have infiltrated our govt via NGO's - they will live in slavery and so will their children and their childrens children. Such are the consequences for any nation whose citizens surrender their firearms. Look at History and learn from it. - Jeremiah

So I take it you are too crooked to admit you lied about me, Starkey and too much of a coward to show your face on this thread again. Duly noted. You're credibility is shot out now. Good job.

- Jeremiah
The text of the treaty has been linked to twice in this thread, several pages ago.

Yet, not one single, solitary person from the right has yet showed us how the treaty will affect domestic gun owners as the message claims. Not one. What they HAVE done, and continue to do since the first link was posted, is shift the focus of the thread from that treaty to personal attacks and Snopes.

How revealing and predictable. The truth always has the same effect on Nutter's as does light to a congregation of cockroaches.
The text of the treaty has been linked to twice in this thread, several pages ago.

Yet, not one single, solitary person from the right has yet showed us how the treaty will affect domestic gun owners as the message claims. Not one. What they HAVE done, and continue to do since the first link was posted, is shift the focus of the thread from that treaty to personal attacks and Snopes.

How revealing and predictable. The truth always has the same effect on Nutter's as does light to a congregation of cockroaches.

Not much in the way of any rational thought visible from the right in this thread. Mostly just the same tired old rhetoric that was debunked half a decade ago. Little wonder that the nation is leaving them behind.
So I take it you are too crooked to admit you lied about me, Starkey and too much of a coward to show your face on this thread again. Duly noted. You're credibility is shot out now. Good job. - Jeremiah

Hi, Jeri. Just say this. Yeah, I think you are a birther, and I will save this away for when you give yourself away.

You support communists in North Korea, Baathists in Syria, and crazy shi'ites in Iran with your anti-American attitudes.

Time always outs freak fringies like you who support the international arms trade in a silly defense of 2d Amendment rights.
So I take it you are too crooked to admit you lied about me, Starkey and too much of a coward to show your face on this thread again. Duly noted. You're credibility is shot out now. Good job. - Jeremiah

Hi, Jeri. Just say this. Yeah, I think you are a birther, and I will save this away for when you give yourself away.

You support communists in North Korea, Baathists in Syria, and crazy shi'ites in Iran with your anti-American attitudes.

Time always outs freak fringies like you who support the international arms trade in a silly defense of 2d Amendment rights.

Brilliant. You go from Jeri is a birther to I think Jeri is a birther. Next you'll be saying well I "thought" Jeri was a birther. Bottom line, Starkey? You don't THINK. Bye, now! - Jeri
So I take it you are too crooked to admit you lied about me, Starkey and too much of a coward to show your face on this thread again. Duly noted. You're credibility is shot out now. Good job. - Jeremiah

Hi, Jeri. Just say this. Yeah, I think you are a birther, and I will save this away for when you give yourself away.

You support communists in North Korea, Baathists in Syria, and crazy shi'ites in Iran with your anti-American attitudes.

Time always outs freak fringies like you who support the international arms trade in a silly defense of 2d Amendment rights.

Brilliant. You go from Jeri is a birther to I think Jeri is a birther. Next you'll be saying well I "thought" Jeri was a birther. Bottom line, Starkey? You don't THINK. Bye, now! - Jeri

Bottom line for you, Jeri: you are an American In Name Only AINO birfer and gun freak. You will prove it for us eventually.
So I take it you are too crooked to admit you lied about me, Starkey and too much of a coward to show your face on this thread again. Duly noted. You're credibility is shot out now. Good job. - Jeremiah

Hi, Jeri. Just say this. Yeah, I think you are a birther, and I will save this away for when you give yourself away.

You support communists in North Korea, Baathists in Syria, and crazy shi'ites in Iran with your anti-American attitudes.

Time always outs freak fringies like you who support the international arms trade in a silly defense of 2d Amendment rights.

You are typical liberal telling lies based on zero evidence and then refusing to retract when you are caught red handed about it. You are a liar, Jake. Bottom line you have no credibility whatsoever and it is your party of democrats who have supported the communists, befriending people such as Chavez & Castro - you don't mind arming 8 yr old rebels in Syria who are mere children, have stood in the way of serious sanctions against Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions and are the most anti - american party - the Tea Party people pegged you guys right from the start. Those who defend the constitution are true americans not anti americans, Jake. Make a note of it. - Jeremiah
Hi, Jeri. Just say this. Yeah, I think you are a birther, and I will save this away for when you give yourself away.

You support communists in North Korea, Baathists in Syria, and crazy shi'ites in Iran with your anti-American attitudes.

Time always outs freak fringies like you who support the international arms trade in a silly defense of 2d Amendment rights.

Brilliant. You go from Jeri is a birther to I think Jeri is a birther. Next you'll be saying well I "thought" Jeri was a birther. Bottom line, Starkey? You don't THINK. Bye, now! - Jeri

Bottom line for you, Jeri: you are an American In Name Only AINO birfer and gun freak. You will prove it for us eventually.

So now Starkey claims to be a prophet. Brilliant. lol..... - Jeri
And Jeri does not deny he is butt buddies with the North Koreans, the Syrians, and the Iranians.

Yea, a real American, that Jeri.

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