#47Traitors, And It's No Longer 1860 In America!

just as i thought, Miss MASCALE is too fucking cowardly to reply to my post about the traitorist libercrats.

good bye....., PUNK ! :up:

So, if what Democrats did makes them "traitorist libercrats"...what is your name for 47 Republican Senators?
When these people are more upset OVER A LETTER we are in big trouble that they vote

Not one of them said a thing when Pelosi went to Syria though Bush asked her not to go..

How does one aid and abet by telling a Country the future president will not honor a treaty?

By notifying our enemies that we won;t negotiate in good faith and with honesty. Why would a country (any country) deal with us honestly if they think we well just throw an agreement out the window when the next President is elected?

When no one trusts what we (the USA) says we will do, you have aided and abetted your enemies. our enemies are always looking to divide and conquer and the Rethugs in the Senate just did that for them. Divided us again. What a fine group of traitors those Senators are. And people like you elected them. Thanks a lot.
The United States has entered non binding agreements with Russia and China without the consent of Congress before. Here we have another Left/Right tug of war with lips flapping and feet stomping. Neither of which will do a damn bit of good in the long run.
The key phrase is "non-binding", meaning we don't have to adhere to it once Obama moves to NYC.

Once he's gone the next president can start fixing all of the shit he's screwed up, including any Non-Binding Agreements.
just as i thought, Miss MASCALE is too fucking cowardly to reply to my post about the traitorist libercrats.

good bye....., PUNK ! :up:

So, if what Democrats did makes them "traitorist libercrats"...what is your name for 47 Republican Senators?

What did you think they were?

Yea, I get it...political hacks like you believe the only time the office of President needs to be respected is when a Republican occupies the office.
just as i thought, Miss MASCALE is too fucking cowardly to reply to my post about the traitorist libercrats.

good bye....., PUNK ! :up:

So, if what Democrats did makes them "traitorist libercrats"...what is your name for 47 Republican Senators?

What did you think they were?

Yea, I get it...political hacks like you believe the only time the office of President needs to be respected is when a Republican occupies the office.
Uh,....you talk like this lying POS currently occupying the Oval Office is trustworthy.
How many times does he have to lie to us before you'll learn not to trust him?
Are you really this gullible?

Respect must be earned. It's not automatic.


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