#47Traitors, And It's No Longer 1860 In America!

Yanno..............I joined the military back in 1982, and was happy to do it.

Patriotism, my Grandparents being proud of me, all that stuff.

I also said (in my oath of enlistment) that I would do certain things, as well as defend the government of the United States, and protect this country.

Sorry, but the 47 Republicans who signed a letter that said they were in solidarity with Iran? Nope................they decided to go against the government, which means they are no better than an overthrow group trying to create a banana republic.

Throw out those 47 who signed that letter, and maybe we could get something done in the government.

Sucks that so many white people are pissed that there is a black man in the White House.
Look I realize you are brain damaged but be specific and point out where they said they supported or were in solidarity with Iran. Come on be specific and quote it for us.

Quick question...........................wanna talk about Reagan and his whole thing about the Iran Contra hearings?

Reagan wanted to support Iran, he just didn't have the support in Congress.

Do we now support Iran (a terrorist regime) that we said we would never even talk to (we don't negotiate with terrorists) and have the GOP support their plans?

Sorry....................but the GOP and those who support it are nothing more than the terrorists that they claim to oppose.

Fire all of those that signed the letter.

They are nothing more than terrorists.

I hope they lose their offices, and I hope they also lose their credibility.

Reagan wanted to support Iran, he just didn't have the support in Congress.

Reagan wanted to support the Contras, he just didn't have the support in Congress.
Fixed it for you.
So Reagan broke the law and put the military at risk by getting munitions to our enemies.

Why do you think so many officers and NCOs left in 1988 to 1990.
Yanno..............I joined the military back in 1982, and was happy to do it.

Patriotism, my Grandparents being proud of me, all that stuff.

I also said (in my oath of enlistment) that I would do certain things, as well as defend the government of the United States, and protect this country.

Sorry, but the 47 Republicans who signed a letter that said they were in solidarity with Iran? Nope................they decided to go against the government, which means they are no better than an overthrow group trying to create a banana republic.

Throw out those 47 who signed that letter, and maybe we could get something done in the government.

Sucks that so many white people are pissed that there is a black man in the White House.
Look I realize you are brain damaged but be specific and point out where they said they supported or were in solidarity with Iran. Come on be specific and quote it for us.

Quick question...........................wanna talk about Reagan and his whole thing about the Iran Contra hearings?

Reagan wanted to support Iran, he just didn't have the support in Congress.

Do we now support Iran (a terrorist regime) that we said we would never even talk to (we don't negotiate with terrorists) and have the GOP support their plans?

Sorry....................but the GOP and those who support it are nothing more than the terrorists that they claim to oppose.

Fire all of those that signed the letter.

They are nothing more than terrorists.

I hope they lose their offices, and I hope they also lose their credibility.
What the hell are you babbling about? The letter was reminder to Iran that any deal they made with Obama would not be honored by a republican President. No one in the Republican camp supports Iran, In fact Obama is the one trying to give them time to build a nuke.
Once again for the sow and painfully stupid Treason is ONLY raising arms against the US or aiding and abetting the US enemies. Be specific and explain how writing a letter to Iran that tells them any deal to allow them a nuke in 10 years will die with a new President is either of those things.
For everyone, know that RGS's complaint have been competently and thoroughly addressed.

No, he does not get "just once more."
Wrong you have not explained how writing a letter is either of the two specific acts of treason. Writing a letter letting a Country know that a treaty won't be honored is not aiding and abetting enemies of the US, Nor is it raising arms against the US. Moron.
Wrong you have not explained how writing a letter is either of the two specific acts of treason. Writing a letter letting a Country know that a treaty won't be honored is not aiding and abetting enemies of the US, Nor is it raising arms against the US. Moron.
Then that is your problem with comprehension. Other than that, no, you don't get "just once more."
John Kerry is alleged to have met with North Vietnamese representatives during the Vietnam war when he was still in the Navy reserves while on a holiday in Paris. What did he tell them and what kind of a deal did he make? The "winter soldiers" fiasco invented by Kerry and fellow traveler Jane Fonda was designed to falsely charge American Troops with atrocities. Kerry's own testimony before congress claiming atrocities by U.S. Troops was based on hearsay and imagination. The ignores the treason because the left considers Kerry a hero.
Wrong you have not explained how writing a letter is either of the two specific acts of treason. Writing a letter letting a Country know that a treaty won't be honored is not aiding and abetting enemies of the US, Nor is it raising arms against the US. Moron.
Then that is your problem with comprehension. Other than that, no, you don't get "just once more."
Look you retard, there are only two conditions that are treason and unless you can explain how a letter to Iran meets either of those conditions then you must admit it wasn't treason. The intelligent members of the opposition have already admitted it was not treason. You keep digging a deeper and deeper hole of stupidity when you claim otherwise.
whitehall, there were atrocities by our side in Vietnam. Lots of them. You don't get victimize the victims with your mean stupidity.

RGS, you don't "just once more."
whitehall, there were atrocities by our side in Vietnam. Lots of them. You don't get victimize the victims with your mean stupidity.

RGS, you don't "just once more."
Look you retard unless the supposed offense is levying war against the US or aiding and abetting our enemies it is not treason and no amount of you claiming otherwise makes it so. The Logan act does not apply to Congress to boot. As for Kerry he ADMITTED he met with the North Vietnamese delegation as a private citizen which is EXACTLY what the Logan act covers so if you defend his meeting you don't get to condemn SENATORS sending a letter to advice a foreign head of Government about HOW the US Government works.
RGS, you are now trolling.
No you refuse to provide evidence that the letter was treason. And then claim you did. You are a liar and YOU not I are trolling. I provided the definition of what the Constitution calls treason and nothing in the letter amounts to either of the two specifications.
The evidence was provided, you did not like it, and have been trolling ever since.
Still waiting for the explanation of how this was treason.

Article3 Section 3

1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Constitution for the United States - We the People

I mean really explain which of the two parts of Treason are involved.
The Logan Act.

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