#47Traitors, And It's No Longer 1860 In America!

Still waiting for the explanation of how this was treason.

Article3 Section 3

1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Constitution for the United States - We the People

I mean really explain which of the two parts of Treason are involved.
The Logan act is not treason. I listed the two specific charges that are the ONLY thing treason is by the law and Constitution. Further the Logan act does NOT apply to Members of Congress. Or perhaps you can explain why none of the democrats that violated were ever charged under it? or the fact a Court of law ruled it did not apply?
You are giving your opinion, RGS. They can be charged under the Logan Act. And, yes, they all fit the definition of treason. They conspired to commit a criminal act against the US and then acted on it. The Gang of 47 are all Jane Fondas.
The newly elected Senator from Arkansas, Cotton, famously likes to remind people that everyone Ivy League is better than everyone else. So recently, in foreign relations, he wrote a letter. Now, days later, no one can agree with the mainly, mentally, misguided version of the world, anymore. U. S. Law can otherwise be shown to be mainly, mentally, misguided. People like Senator Cotton, are better now regarded as being a real part of that.

Senate GOP s Iran letter sparks outrage 47Traitors trend - NY Daily News

History recalls that Republicans are hard to predict. Like much of what they do, no one notes the great North American attempted genocide, 1861-1865, of U. S. white nationals. The Russians remember the Nazis. The Israeli Prime Minister recalled that Jews were only actually a part of the 50 million killed in WWII. Even now GOP mostly celebrates, "Freedom" as leading to a seat at the back of the bus. The skin is black. The mental heritage of the national and tribal, heritage and cultures: Was successfully eradicated in the slave trade.

So the world again has noted the Republican mentality, through their Senator from Arkansas, not at all a Clinton. The Secretary of State Clinton even had the good sense to keeps emails in a location, guarded by Secret Service. GOP representative Issa, comparing, may have even burned his location down--through an arsonist.

Now the #blackprez, of cartoonist notoriety, has created an initiative in the Middle East. The leader of the Israelis came to the Congress, showing that apparently there are no alternatives to the initiative under way. There is no apparent GOP alternative initiative in the offing.

Now the absence of clear direction is widely being noted, likely worldwide: And generally like is GOP as usual.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Holy Father in Rome now intends a patron saint of genocide, Father Junipero Serra, following along the moral tradition of the likely regarded, Pedophile Missionary Saint. Many maybe not aware of the differing versions of "How The West Was Won(?)! For this, we just used to have TV(?)!)
Where do crazies like you come from?
The Logan act is not treason. I listed the two specific charges that are the ONLY thing treason is by the law and Constitution. Further the Logan act does NOT apply to Members of Congress. Or perhaps you can explain why none of the democrats that violated were ever charged under it? or the fact a Court of law ruled it did not apply?
No one gets prosecuted for violations of the Logan act, but where do you get it doesn't apply to members of Congress?
You are giving your opinion, RGS. They can be charged under the Logan Act. And, yes, they all fit the definition of treason. They conspired to commit a criminal act against the US and then acted on it. The Gang of 47 are all Jane Fondas.
Was Fonda ever charged under the Logan Act?


Move On is more than a dot org
Funny many on the left consider Edward Snowden a hero but Tom Cotton a traitor the liberal mindst is a truly fascinating thing.
Snowden is a hero of the right dummy. Putin too. And anything that damages America while Obama's in the White House.

Snowden is a hero of the right dummy. Putin too.

Snowden and Putin both deserve a bullet in the brain, and I'm "of the right".
Snowden is an imbecile and why Putin? Let him kill as many of those crazy people as he wants. who cares?
The newly elected Senator from Arkansas, Cotton, famously likes to remind people that everyone Ivy League is better than everyone else. So recently, in foreign relations, he wrote a letter. Now, days later, no one can agree with the mainly, mentally, misguided version of the world, anymore. U. S. Law can otherwise be shown to be mainly, mentally, misguided. People like Senator Cotton, are better now regarded as being a real part of that.

Senate GOP s Iran letter sparks outrage 47Traitors trend - NY Daily News

History recalls that Republicans are hard to predict. Like much of what they do, no one notes the great North American attempted genocide, 1861-1865, of U. S. white nationals. The Russians remember the Nazis. The Israeli Prime Minister recalled that Jews were only actually a part of the 50 million killed in WWII. Even now GOP mostly celebrates, "Freedom" as leading to a seat at the back of the bus. The skin is black. The mental heritage of the national and tribal, heritage and cultures: Was successfully eradicated in the slave trade.

So the world again has noted the Republican mentality, through their Senator from Arkansas, not at all a Clinton. The Secretary of State Clinton even had the good sense to keeps emails in a location, guarded by Secret Service. GOP representative Issa, comparing, may have even burned his location down--through an arsonist.

Now the #blackprez, of cartoonist notoriety, has created an initiative in the Middle East. The leader of the Israelis came to the Congress, showing that apparently there are no alternatives to the initiative under way. There is no apparent GOP alternative initiative in the offing.

Now the absence of clear direction is widely being noted, likely worldwide: And generally like is GOP as usual.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Holy Father in Rome now intends a patron saint of genocide, Father Junipero Serra, following along the moral tradition of the likely regarded, Pedophile Missionary Saint. Many maybe not aware of the differing versions of "How The West Was Won(?)! For this, we just used to have TV(?)!)

Secret service never guarded Hillary's E-mail. She violated the law by using a private server and Obama violated the law by allowing her to do it. Democrats engaged in treason when they bought a $10,000 full page ad in the NY Times calling the commander of US Troops in Iraq "betray-us". Democrat senate majority leader compounded the treason by informing the Troops "the war is lost" just before the Troop Surge.
simply not true.

The server that Hillary used was set up for President Clinton, with more security that you could even dream of in your lifetime and mine combined.
Yanno..............I joined the military back in 1982, and was happy to do it.

Patriotism, my Grandparents being proud of me, all that stuff.

I also said (in my oath of enlistment) that I would do certain things, as well as defend the government of the United States, and protect this country.

Sorry, but the 47 Republicans who signed a letter that said they were in solidarity with Iran? Nope................they decided to go against the government, which means they are no better than an overthrow group trying to create a banana republic.

Throw out those 47 who signed that letter, and maybe we could get something done in the government.

Sucks that so many white people are pissed that there is a black man in the White House.
You are giving your opinion, RGS. They can be charged under the Logan Act. And, yes, they all fit the definition of treason. They conspired to commit a criminal act against the US and then acted on it. The Gang of 47 are all Jane Fondas.
Treason is fighting against the US or aiding and abetting her enemies. Be specific, when did they either fight against the US or aid her enemies?
Yanno..............I joined the military back in 1982, and was happy to do it.

Patriotism, my Grandparents being proud of me, all that stuff.

I also said (in my oath of enlistment) that I would do certain things, as well as defend the government of the United States, and protect this country.

Sorry, but the 47 Republicans who signed a letter that said they were in solidarity with Iran? Nope................they decided to go against the government, which means they are no better than an overthrow group trying to create a banana republic.

Throw out those 47 who signed that letter, and maybe we could get something done in the government.

Sucks that so many white people are pissed that there is a black man in the White House.
Look I realize you are brain damaged but be specific and point out where they said they supported or were in solidarity with Iran. Come on be specific and quote it for us.
Yanno..............I joined the military back in 1982, and was happy to do it.

Patriotism, my Grandparents being proud of me, all that stuff.

I also said (in my oath of enlistment) that I would do certain things, as well as defend the government of the United States, and protect this country.

Sorry, but the 47 Republicans who signed a letter that said they were in solidarity with Iran? Nope................they decided to go against the government, which means they are no better than an overthrow group trying to create a banana republic.

Throw out those 47 who signed that letter, and maybe we could get something done in the government.

Sucks that so many white people are pissed that there is a black man in the White House.
Look I realize you are brain damaged but be specific and point out where they said they supported or were in solidarity with Iran. Come on be specific and quote it for us.

Quick question...........................wanna talk about Reagan and his whole thing about the Iran Contra hearings?

Reagan wanted to support Iran, he just didn't have the support in Congress.

Do we now support Iran (a terrorist regime) that we said we would never even talk to (we don't negotiate with terrorists) and have the GOP support their plans?

Sorry....................but the GOP and those who support it are nothing more than the terrorists that they claim to oppose.

Fire all of those that signed the letter.

They are nothing more than terrorists.

I hope they lose their offices, and I hope they also lose their credibility.
The newly elected Senator from Arkansas, Cotton, famously likes to remind people that everyone Ivy League is better than everyone else. So recently, in foreign relations, he wrote a letter. Now, days later, no one can agree with the mainly, mentally, misguided version of the world, anymore. U. S. Law can otherwise be shown to be mainly, mentally, misguided. People like Senator Cotton, are better now regarded as being a real part of that.

Senate GOP s Iran letter sparks outrage 47Traitors trend - NY Daily News

History recalls that Republicans are hard to predict. Like much of what they do, no one notes the great North American attempted genocide, 1861-1865, of U. S. white nationals. The Russians remember the Nazis. The Israeli Prime Minister recalled that Jews were only actually a part of the 50 million killed in WWII. Even now GOP mostly celebrates, "Freedom" as leading to a seat at the back of the bus. The skin is black. The mental heritage of the national and tribal, heritage and cultures: Was successfully eradicated in the slave trade.

So the world again has noted the Republican mentality, through their Senator from Arkansas, not at all a Clinton. The Secretary of State Clinton even had the good sense to keeps emails in a location, guarded by Secret Service. GOP representative Issa, comparing, may have even burned his location down--through an arsonist.

Now the #blackprez, of cartoonist notoriety, has created an initiative in the Middle East. The leader of the Israelis came to the Congress, showing that apparently there are no alternatives to the initiative under way. There is no apparent GOP alternative initiative in the offing.

Now the absence of clear direction is widely being noted, likely worldwide: And generally like is GOP as usual.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Holy Father in Rome now intends a patron saint of genocide, Father Junipero Serra, following along the moral tradition of the likely regarded, Pedophile Missionary Saint. Many maybe not aware of the differing versions of "How The West Was Won(?)! For this, we just used to have TV(?)!)

Jim Crow laws were entirely the Democrat's and also there's the fact that a higher percentage of Republicans in Congress voted for the Civil Rights Act than did Democrats.

My question to you is, are all liberals as dumb as you are?
Yes they are.
You are giving your opinion, RGS. They can be charged under the Logan Act. And, yes, they all fit the definition of treason. They conspired to commit a criminal act against the US and then acted on it. The Gang of 47 are all Jane Fondas.
Treason is fighting against the US or aiding and abetting her enemies. Be specific, when did they either fight against the US or aid her enemies?
I have been: the Logan Act, read it. Now you will get only "no just once more" on these questions. They have been fairly and squarely, and if you don't like the answer, that's on you.
Yanno..............I joined the military back in 1982, and was happy to do it.

Patriotism, my Grandparents being proud of me, all that stuff.

I also said (in my oath of enlistment) that I would do certain things, as well as defend the government of the United States, and protect this country.

Sorry, but the 47 Republicans who signed a letter that said they were in solidarity with Iran? Nope................they decided to go against the government, which means they are no better than an overthrow group trying to create a banana republic.

Throw out those 47 who signed that letter, and maybe we could get something done in the government.

Sucks that so many white people are pissed that there is a black man in the White House.

Sorry, but the 47 Republicans who signed a letter that said they were in solidarity with Iran?

Can you do me a favor and cut and paste the portion of their letter that shows they are in solidarity with Iran? Thanks!

Sucks that so many white people are pissed that there is a black man in the White House.

I'm not pissed that he's black, I'm pissed that he's an idiot.

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