#47Traitors, And It's No Longer 1860 In America!

Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.
Well except the whole thing about a treaty requires approval of the senate or it is null and void.
Sigh. Hint: there is no treaty. We don't have an embassy or diplomatic relations with Iran. Obama and mullahs can play hoops and there is nothing anyone can do anything about it. The two executives can sign an agreement, and the Senate can do nothing.
Wrong, The Senate MUST approve any foreign deal Obama makes as per the Constitution.
Doesn't matter.

Obama will cheat on the deal and make it look the resulting mess was caused by Republicans.
Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.
Well except the whole thing about a treaty requires approval of the senate or it is null and void.
Sigh. Hint: there is no treaty. We don't have an embassy or diplomatic relations with Iran. Obama and mullahs can play hoops and there is nothing anyone can do anything about it. The two executives can sign an agreement, and the Senate can do nothing.
Wrong, The Senate MUST approve any foreign deal Obama makes as per the Constitution.
Not when it is an agreement between two executives.

Senate has no say.
They can be charged under the Logan Act, as could have Jane Fonda, but they won't. You don't want to believe it, go for it.

You would have to make the case that this letter is a negotiation for the Logan Act to be applicable. Feel free to make that attempt, citing the relevant passages from the letter and the relevant passage of that act that applies.
You don't get "just once more." Take it up with Kerry. :lol:
Thank God treason is rigidly defined in the US Constitution under Article 3, Section 3, otherwise merely disagreeing with the Usurper would be considered treason.

Still can't believe the left is calling this treason after what Pelosi and Ted Kennedy did.

Obama is bypassing congress and pretending to form a treaty with Iran. Fact is that they agreement will not be legally binding and we can't trust Iran. If Obama would follow the constitution and have congress working on this, we might find a more permanent solution.

Obama refuses to get tough on radicals and that is bad for America now and in the future.
Was it treason when Obama sent a letter to Iraq demanding they never sign any agreements with Bush? The Iraqis spilled the beans on his "secret" letter.

Obama demanded that no agreement made with Bush was valid unless Congress signed off on it.

Obama Demands Iraq War Changes
Posted 2008-11-07 20:28 GMT

Obama's transition office posted a statement on its Web site, declaring that any agreement on the future of U.S. troops in Iraq "should be negotiated in the context of a broader commitment by the U.S. to begin withdrawing its troops and forswearing permanent bases."

The statement also insisted that the agreement authorizing the presence of U.S. troops on Iraqi soil beyond a United Nations mandate that expires Dec. 31 "must be subject to Congressional approval."

Obama's transition office noted the irony that the Iraqi government was submitting the agreement to its parliament while the Bush administration was set on approving the troop deal on its own authority.

"It is unacceptable that the Iraqi government will present the agreement to the Iraqi parliament for approval -- yet the Bush administration will not do the same with the U.S. Congress," the statement read. "The Bush administration must submit the agreement to Congress or allow the next administration to negotiate an agreement that has bipartisan support here at home and makes absolutely clear that the U.S. will not maintain permanent bases in Iraq."

Iraqi political leaders are demanding revisions in the current draft of the "status of forces agreement" to firm up a Dec. 31, 2011, withdrawal date for U.S. troops. President George W. Bush wants a departure date that is flexible depending on conditions in Iraq.​

Obama Demands Iraq War Changes
They can be charged under the Logan Act, as could have Jane Fonda, but they won't. You don't want to believe it, go for it.

You would have to make the case that this letter is a negotiation for the Logan Act to be applicable. Feel free to make that attempt, citing the relevant passages from the letter and the relevant passage of that act that applies.
You don't get "just once more." Take it up with Kerry. :lol:

Kerry has no more standing to charge them with treason than you or I. Try again, cupcake...this time see if you can think for yourself, rather than regurgitating partisan talking points.
The United States has entered non binding agreements with Russia and China without the consent of Congress before. Here we have another Left/Right tug of war with lips flapping and feet stomping. Neither of which will do a damn bit of good in the long run.
Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.

Exactly. They can't interfere with this weak ass non-treaty that Obama is working on.
That'll be up to the next president. Who could cancel it with the stroke of a pen.
They can be charged under the Logan Act, as could have Jane Fonda, but they won't. You don't want to believe it, go for it.

You would have to make the case that this letter is a negotiation for the Logan Act to be applicable. Feel free to make that attempt, citing the relevant passages from the letter and the relevant passage of that act that applies.
You don't get "just once more." Take it up with Kerry. :lol:

Kerry has no more standing to charge them with treason than you or I. Try again, cupcake...this time see if you can think for yourself, rather than regurgitating partisan talking points.
You aren't bringing anything to the game.
Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.

Exactly. They can't interfere with this weak ass non-treaty that Obama is working on.
That'll be up to the next president. Who could cancel it with the stroke of a pen.
Of course he could, and if a GOP pres, might very well do so.

The Senate can't do anything.
The United States has entered non binding agreements with Russia and China without the consent of Congress before. Here we have another Left/Right tug of war with lips flapping and feet stomping. Neither of which will do a damn bit of good in the long run.

If somebody told you people jumped off of the Golden Gate Bridge before, would you try it ????

Listen numbnuts, this is a serious situation. STFU until you have a valid point.
The far right once again is imperiling a GOP chance for the presidency by turning off the right of center to left of center mainstream.
Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.

Exactly. They can't interfere with this weak ass non-treaty that Obama is working on.
That'll be up to the next president. Who could cancel it with the stroke of a pen.
Obama wants to go thru the UN. That way the media can crucify anyone who tries to amend it or cancel it out. As long as it's non-binding, he can do that. It's unethical to do this sort of thing, but Obama has no ethics.
It's not unethical at all.

It does isolate the far right and the neo-cons from having any say about it.
The newly elected Senator from Arkansas, Cotton, famously likes to remind people that everyone Ivy League is better than everyone else. So recently, in foreign relations, he wrote a letter. Now, days later, no one can agree with the mainly, mentally, misguided version of the world, anymore. U. S. Law can otherwise be shown to be mainly, mentally, misguided. People like Senator Cotton, are better now regarded as being a real part of that.

Senate GOP s Iran letter sparks outrage 47Traitors trend - NY Daily News

History recalls that Republicans are hard to predict. Like much of what they do, no one notes the great North American attempted genocide, 1861-1865, of U. S. white nationals. The Russians remember the Nazis. The Israeli Prime Minister recalled that Jews were only actually a part of the 50 million killed in WWII. Even now GOP mostly celebrates, "Freedom" as leading to a seat at the back of the bus. The skin is black. The mental heritage of the national and tribal, heritage and cultures: Was successfully eradicated in the slave trade.

So the world again has noted the Republican mentality, through their Senator from Arkansas, not at all a Clinton. The Secretary of State Clinton even had the good sense to keeps emails in a location, guarded by Secret Service. GOP representative Issa, comparing, may have even burned his location down--through an arsonist.

Now the #blackprez, of cartoonist notoriety, has created an initiative in the Middle East. The leader of the Israelis came to the Congress, showing that apparently there are no alternatives to the initiative under way. There is no apparent GOP alternative initiative in the offing.

Now the absence of clear direction is widely being noted, likely worldwide: And generally like is GOP as usual.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Holy Father in Rome now intends a patron saint of genocide, Father Junipero Serra, following along the moral tradition of the likely regarded, Pedophile Missionary Saint. Many maybe not aware of the differing versions of "How The West Was Won(?)! For this, we just used to have TV(?)!)

Secret service never guarded Hillary's E-mail. She violated the law by using a private server and Obama violated the law by allowing her to do it. Democrats engaged in treason when they bought a $10,000 full page ad in the NY Times calling the commander of US Troops in Iraq "betray-us". Democrat senate majority leader compounded the treason by informing the Troops "the war is lost" just before the Troop Surge.
Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.
Well except the whole thing about a treaty requires approval of the senate or it is null and void.
Sigh. Hint: there is no treaty. We don't have an embassy or diplomatic relations with Iran. Obama and mullahs can play hoops and there is nothing anyone can do anything about it. The two executives can sign an agreement, and the Senate can do nothing.
Wrong, The Senate MUST approve any foreign deal Obama makes as per the Constitution.
Not when it is an agreement between two executives.

Senate has no say.
Then it is not binding on anyone in the US Not in the Courts and not among private citizens or the Government.
Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.
Well except the whole thing about a treaty requires approval of the senate or it is null and void.
Sigh. Hint: there is no treaty. We don't have an embassy or diplomatic relations with Iran. Obama and mullahs can play hoops and there is nothing anyone can do anything about it. The two executives can sign an agreement, and the Senate can do nothing.
Wrong, The Senate MUST approve any foreign deal Obama makes as per the Constitution.
Not when it is an agreement between two executives.

Senate has no say.
Then it is not binding on anyone in the US Not in the Courts and not among private citizens or the Government.
Sure thing, chief.
The newly elected Senator from Arkansas, Cotton, famously likes to remind people that everyone Ivy League is better than everyone else.
Hmm, yet another liberal thread that starts by lying about a Republican and then bashing him for it.


So recently, in foreign relations, he wrote a letter.
I actively support and agree with your outrage against U.S. Senators sending letters of support to enemies of this country who are threatening us with nuclear weapons.

Sen. Ted Kennedy's (D-MA) letter to USSR Premier Yuri Andropov in 1983, offering to help him evade then-President Reagan's attempts to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in both countries, ranks among the top treasonous missives in U.S. history.

Kennedy offered to come to Moscow to help the Russians develop propaganda to defeat Reagan's disarmament attempts. He also tried to arrange for Andropov to interview with U.S. media outlets for the same purpose.

As you said, to advise a US enemy, to encourage them to develop a weapon to use against us, these scum have really hit bottom.

Did they commit a felony? Quite possibly. To openly sell out their own country, as you described it, is the worst of the worst.

This happened with a U.S. enemy that had already developed nuclear weapons AND the systems to deliver them onto U.S. cities. They had them aimed right at us, ready to fire. Not just to some backwater wannabe 7th-century dictatorship which the Democrats were insisting would never develop nuclear weapons at all, just nuclear power for "peaceful purposes". So I'm sure you'd agree that what Kennedy did was far more serious than what present-day Republicans have done. Right?

Flashback Big Three Ignored Ted Kennedy s Letter to Soviet Union


Oops, wrong thread. Can you tell me where's the thread Democrats wrote, expressing their outrage over Kennedy's strange treason? I'll transfer this post there, and erase it here, as soon as I find it.
Jebus christo




the correspondence was between 2 Soviet leaders....supposedly acquired when the Russians declassified documents, the author that wrote this book that talks about this conversation between these 2 soviets, all of this correspondence has been reclassified and there is no way to verify it.....

No one believed the author when he first came out with the book and stated such about Kennedy, and no one believed the author when he tried to reintroduce what his book said after Ted Kennedy died and no one believes him now and the author is one of the first to tell you that, no one believed this to be True about Kennedy....it's not that they think the author was making it up... Most think that the soviets produced a propaganda correspondence or the interpretation was off... I went to the author's site and he claimed to have a copy of this correspondence between the two Soviet higher ups and gave a link to it, but when I clicked on it, document does not exist.

But to CORRECT YOU for believing what you posted, and the other right wing sites that are spewing this LIE about Kennedy sending a letter to the Soviets. Kennedy did not send such a letter, there never was a letter, a letter never existed from Kennedy, and the author of the book about this NEVER said Kennedy sent a letter....

HOPE that is CLEAR now....

For goodness sakes the distortions and LIES OF THE RIGHTWING has GOT to stop!

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