#47Traitors, And It's No Longer 1860 In America!

As far as the Kennedy thing....

This was written by a man who wrote a book....he says he had USSR classified documents that showed this conversation between the two russians... I clicked on the link for the document that this author has put up just recently to show he had one, but guess what, the LINK did not work or was taken down, so I could not see this verification this author claimed he had?

No one believed it at the time his book was written, no one believed it when the author tried to bring it up again after Kennedy had died, and no one believes him now either.... not so much that they think the author made this up, but they dont believe the document of conversation as being true or accurate and perhaps propaganda on the USSR's part. the Russians have since reclassified the documents so no one can verify it in the present day...

Oh, ok. I remember reading about it in the newspapers back then. There were several other instances where senators have had their own treaty aspirations that differed from the current president at the time. I guess those were all fine. This one is different though, right?
I don't think any aspirations of Senators coming up with their own treaty or trying to back stab the President of the United States with foreign nations is a good idea, when this job is clearly defined for the President. If the Kennedy thing was true and could be verified to actually had happened, not just the conversation that was documented by the Russians which was unclassified but then reclassified and could have been propaganda.... then you are darn right it WAS WRONG, WRONG , WRONG of Kennedy.

I think these GOP'ers made a HUGE boo boo and probably made the USA look like incompetent asses and probably also made us less secure as a Nation by showing their disdain for our own office of the Presidency, before the entire world. shame on them....
stop letting this DNC lamestream drive things to also distract you off what this administration is DOING.....YOU voted in Republicans for control OF Congress. FOR A REASON

Anatomy Of A Smear: The Media Vs. Republican Senators On Iran Letter

March 11, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway
This week, a group of Republican senators led by Tom Cotton of Arkansas (pictured above, with a kitten, in Iraq) issued a very brief open letter to the leaders of Iran explaining the differences between mere executive agreements and international treaties ratified by the Senate. It’s a fairly basic letter that includes reminders about the Constitutional system under which we operate. I couldn’t begin to speculate why, but the media lost their collective minds over this letter. Along with other Democrats and progressive activists. You can read the breathless, outraged, totally-over-the-top headlines if you’d like to see this melt-down in action.

Now, that’s fine. That’s their business. To be completely honest, and not that you care, I’m not the biggest fan of such letters myself. I mean, they’re not as bad as Nancy Pelosi going to Syria to undermine Bush’s foreign policy, Jimmy Carter helping North Korea get nuclear weapons, Ted Kennedy secretly asking the Soviets to interfere in the 1984 election or any of the many other interjections we’ve seen, but I think it’s generally a good idea to yield to the president on foreign negotiations, even if it’s a really bad president who couldn’t negotiate his way out of a paper bag if the stakes involved, oh I don’t know, going ahead with Iran as a nuclear power

all of it here:
Anatomy Of A Smear The Media Vs. Republican Senators On Iran Letter
stop letting this DNC lamestream drive things to also distract you off what this administration is DOING.....YOU voted in Republicans for control OF Congress. FOR A REASON

Anatomy Of A Smear: The Media Vs. Republican Senators On Iran Letter

March 11, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway
This week, a group of Republican senators led by Tom Cotton of Arkansas (pictured above, with a kitten, in Iraq) issued a very brief open letter to the leaders of Iran explaining the differences between mere executive agreements and international treaties ratified by the Senate. It’s a fairly basic letter that includes reminders about the Constitutional system under which we operate. I couldn’t begin to speculate why, but the media lost their collective minds over this letter. Along with other Democrats and progressive activists. You can read the breathless, outraged, totally-over-the-top headlines if you’d like to see this melt-down in action.

Now, that’s fine. That’s their business. To be completely honest, and not that you care, I’m not the biggest fan of such letters myself. I mean, they’re not as bad as Nancy Pelosi going to Syria to undermine Bush’s foreign policy, Jimmy Carter helping North Korea get nuclear weapons, Ted Kennedy secretly asking the Soviets to interfere in the 1984 election or any of the many other interjections we’ve seen, but I think it’s generally a good idea to yield to the president on foreign negotiations, even if it’s a really bad president who couldn’t negotiate his way out of a paper bag if the stakes involved, oh I don’t know, going ahead with Iran as a nuclear power

all of it here:
Anatomy Of A Smear The Media Vs. Republican Senators On Iran Letter
Steph, you post an article from someone who is regurgitating the lie about Pelosi, and the unverified stuff on Kennedy, and expect us to take this author in any kind of serious matter is laughable!

the Senators messed up, and should have NEVER EVER sent that letter....there is no dancing around it and it made the USA look stupid in the eyes of the World. It hurt us, as a Nation. It hurt the stature of the Senate in our Nation as well.

It may have helped our future, by teaching these nincompoops a lesson...so that they will be judicious and careful with their words and less anxious to display their partisanship and childishness and egos, before a Foreign Nation, in the future.
Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.
The newly elected Senator from Arkansas, Cotton, famously likes to remind people that everyone Ivy League is better than everyone else.
Hmm, yet another liberal thread that starts by lying about a Republican and then bashing him for it.


So recently, in foreign relations, he wrote a letter.
I actively support and agree with your outrage against U.S. Senators sending letters of support to enemies of this country who are threatening us with nuclear weapons.

Sen. Ted Kennedy's (D-MA) letter to USSR Premier Yuri Andropov in 1983, offering to help him evade then-President Reagan's attempts to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in both countries, ranks among the top treasonous missives in U.S. history.

Kennedy offered to come to Moscow to help the Russians develop propaganda to defeat Reagan's disarmament attempts. He also tried to arrange for Andropov to interview with U.S. media outlets for the same purpose.

As you said, to advise a US enemy, to encourage them to develop a weapon to use against us, these scum have really hit bottom.

Did they commit a felony? Quite possibly. To openly sell out their own country, as you described it, is the worst of the worst.

This happened with a U.S. enemy that had already developed nuclear weapons AND the systems to deliver them onto U.S. cities. They had them aimed right at us, ready to fire. Not just to some backwater wannabe 7th-century dictatorship which the Democrats were insisting would never develop nuclear weapons at all, just nuclear power for "peaceful purposes". So I'm sure you'd agree that what Kennedy did was far more serious than what present-day Republicans have done. Right?

Flashback Big Three Ignored Ted Kennedy s Letter to Soviet Union


Oops, wrong thread. Can you tell me where's the thread Democrats wrote, expressing their outrage over Kennedy's strange treason? I'll transfer this post there, and erase it here, as soon as I find it.
Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.
Well except the whole thing about a treaty requires approval of the senate or it is null and void.
It's been explained by libs to cons, but you just don't understand it. That's your problem: you don't get it, RGS.

What is easily understood is that you are not the conservative you've long claimed to be.
What is easily understood is that I am a mainstream Republican and you are a far right reactionary.
Bwhahahaah thats the funniest thing I have read all day,thanks for the chuckle!!
It's been explained by libs to cons, but you just don't understand it. That's your problem: you don't get it, RGS.

What is easily understood is that you are not the conservative you've long claimed to be.
What is easily understood is that I am a mainstream Republican and you are a far right reactionary.
Bwhahahaah thats the funniest thing I have read all day,thanks for the chuckle!!
Says chiken, the far right wing gastric penguin mouth belching farts. You are no mainstream, True Blue red blooded American.
Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.
Well except the whole thing about a treaty requires approval of the senate or it is null and void.
Sigh. Hint: there is no treaty. We don't have an embassy or diplomatic relations with Iran. Obama and mullahs can play hoops and there is nothing anyone can do anything about it. The two executives can sign an agreement, and the Senate can do nothing.
It's been explained by libs to cons, but you just don't understand it. That's your problem: you don't get it, RGS.

What is easily understood is that you are not the conservative you've long claimed to be.
What is easily understood is that I am a mainstream Republican and you are a far right reactionary.
Bwhahahaah thats the funniest thing I have read all day,thanks for the chuckle!!
Says chiken, the far right wing gastric penguin mouth belching farts. You are no mainstream, True Blue red blooded American.
LOL don't stop now fake your on a roll. shit son,you don't even know yourself,let alone anyone else.
You have no credibility at all.
It's been explained by libs to cons, but you just don't understand it. That's your problem: you don't get it, RGS.

What is easily understood is that you are not the conservative you've long claimed to be.
What is easily understood is that I am a mainstream Republican and you are a far right reactionary.
Bwhahahaah thats the funniest thing I have read all day,thanks for the chuckle!!
Says chiken, the far right wing gastric penguin mouth belching farts. You are no mainstream, True Blue red blooded American.
LOL don't stop now fake your on a roll. shit son,you don't even know yourself,let alone anyone else. You have no credibility at all.
Says one of the least credible folks on the Board. 9-11 has more cred than you. :lol:
It's been explained by libs to cons, but you just don't understand it. That's your problem: you don't get it, RGS.

Feel free to consider me a moron and explain it for me...in your own words, if possible. How, specifically, are these people committing treason? Please cite the applicable law(s) too.

FYI, I think these people who signed this letter are morons, but if being a moron made one a traitor, we'd have to pretty much charge half the country with treason.
They can be charged under the Logan Act, as could have Jane Fonda, but they won't. You don't want to believe it, go for it.
Thank God treason is rigidly defined in the US Constitution under Article 3, Section 3, otherwise merely disagreeing with the Usurper would be considered treason.
When your enemies are eating themselves alive....pass them the salt.


Problem here is Obama won't be held accountable when this deal goes to shit, much like the way he's avoiding blame for all of the genocide that's going on in Libya and Iraq.:alirulz::alirulz:

Obama couldn't figure out way to get us out of Iraq without blowing the place up. All he had to do was negotiate a new status of forces agreement and ISIS wouldn't exist today. So we leave and Iranian backed politicians started murdering Sunnis by the bushel. In comes ISIS, trained by former members of Saddam's Republican Guard, and they wax a bunch of Shiites and Kurds. Now Iran is helping get back Tekrite and soon Mosal.

Iran was on the outside looking in when Obama got the hell out of there. Now Iran has taken over 4 countries. So Iran controls Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia. Obama let them have it. Now he wants to let them keep their nuke program.

So 47 Republicans wrote a letter to Iran, letting them know America may have a fool in the Whitehouse, but not everyone in Washington has their head up their ass.
That is great advice, Mud, because that is exactly what the far right is doing on the Board.
Kerry quite emphatically said that the Senate 47 can squat and shit on the Capitol steps and yet be able do nothing legally about any agreement between the executives of Iran and the USA.

Senators can shit until the go blind; they can't do anything to interfere with it.
Well except the whole thing about a treaty requires approval of the senate or it is null and void.
Sigh. Hint: there is no treaty. We don't have an embassy or diplomatic relations with Iran. Obama and mullahs can play hoops and there is nothing anyone can do anything about it. The two executives can sign an agreement, and the Senate can do nothing.
Wrong, The Senate MUST approve any foreign deal Obama makes as per the Constitution.
They can be charged under the Logan Act, as could have Jane Fonda, but they won't. You don't want to believe it, go for it.

You would have to make the case that this letter is a negotiation for the Logan Act to be applicable. Feel free to make that attempt, citing the relevant passages from the letter and the relevant passage of that act that applies.
Thank God treason is rigidly defined in the US Constitution under Article 3, Section 3, otherwise merely disagreeing with the Usurper would be considered treason.

Still can't believe the left is calling this treason after what Pelosi and Ted Kennedy did.

Obama is bypassing congress and pretending to form a treaty with Iran. Fact is that they agreement will not be legally binding and we can't trust Iran. If Obama would follow the constitution and have congress working on this, we might find a more permanent solution.

Obama refuses to get tough on radicals and that is bad for America now and in the future.

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