5 years ago today - Sandy Hook




Elections have consequences.. I am sorry for the families who lost their young ones, but when you don't give a shit to protect your children and rely on the government to protect them, then you will not like the outcome.
By the way, why didn't Obama, Pelosi and Reid ban all guns in the first two years of Obama's admin when they were in the majority? Because they were spineless liberals who had to FORCE, ACA on US instead of protecting those young children. So blow me bitch and your worthless argument.
Then you dont deserve freedom or safety. Pansy ass, irresponsible bedwetter.
The govt is corrupt, why in the holy fuck would you trust them to protect you?

Because they are trained professionals?

I don't feel "Free" or "Safe" when I have to walk past a metal detector or armed guards or need a key card to move from one office to another because they need internal locks to frustrate a mass shooter.

It seems to me that we all make a lot of sacrifices so that a few of you can compensate for tiny dicks.
And what has congress done?

Bupkis ... Sad :(

Sandy Hook shooting victims remembered - CNN
Nothing will ever be done. As a nation, we don't care about these massacres....only the people personally affected care.

My thoughts and prayers are with those young children

What more could you ask
Thoughts and prayers are very effective. They've done a lot towards preventing future massacres.

But they are so comforting to the parents of a first grader who was riddled with bullets
Effective gun legislation could never bring such comfort
What should they do? Amend the Constitution of our most important right?

No, they should ban bump stocks, demand universal background checks, and up their game on keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people like Adam Lanza.

In short, they should do what 95% of the American people (including 90% of NRA members) want them to do.
Why ban bump stocks? You reactionaries didnt even know what those were 6 months ago. One guy abuses them and BOOM ruin it for everyone. Grow up.
What do you mean by "universal background check?"
Adam Lanza killed his mom and broke into her shit. How do you stop that, genius?
Why ban anything? Body Counts Don`t Matter do they?
33,000 babies are aborted each month so the parts of the babies can be sold for auction. Body Counts Don't Matter do they?
Right....because we as a nation don't care about our fellow citizens being massacred.....unless it affects us personally.
Why dont you go after cars? Regulate alcohol and prescription meds more.
Seems to me the whole movement is disingenuous. You dont care about lives. You care about a collective and dependency!
Then you dont deserve freedom or safety. Pansy ass, irresponsible bedwetter.
The govt is corrupt, why in the holy fuck would you trust them to protect you?

Because they are trained professionals?

I don't feel "Free" or "Safe" when I have to walk past a metal detector or armed guards or need a key card to move from one office to another because they need internal locks to frustrate a mass shooter.

It seems to me that we all make a lot of sacrifices so that a few of you can compensate for tiny dicks.
You pathetic sheep. Good day.
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?

Remind me the next time someone is murdered with two refrigerators

Ah yes, a picture of what I'm told is "our most important right".

The right to take life, cause misery and end multiple pursuits of happeiness I guess. Because nothing is more "important" than Numero Uno and his firearm fetish. :gay:
Yet not one of my weapons has taken a life, so your stupid fucking claim is baseless. But when you liberals release 250,000 known felons so they can go vote, then end up buying illegal weapons that Obama let across the border along with future democrat voters, you have to expect violence of the worst , yet you wont blame the true EVIL people who set up the deaths of the young children. Suck ass liberals need to pull their head out of Uranus, but they wont..

There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?

Remind me the next time someone is murdered with two refrigerators
I thought it was about NEED?
You couldnt argue your way out of a 3 walled box, RW
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
I just bought one of these, for my collection.. Why? Because I can...

That alone tells us all we need to know about the depth of your "intellect".
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
I just bought one of these, for my collection.. Why? Because I can...

That alone tells us all we need to know about the depth of your "intellect".
Must really piss you off, when I exercise my constitutional right to CHOOSE whether to buy one or not? Arent you for "CHOICE"?
Conservatives follow the law, believe in the Right of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. Liberals (R) and (D) only are for themselves and their miserable lives must force their misery upon the rest of US. Liberals kill babies in or out of the womb and have no sanctity for life, so this attitudes start affecting the liberal mentally ill who take it out on children.

Indeed - DAMN THOSE LIB-RULS! :rolleyes-41:





Ah yes, a picture of what I'm told is "our most important right".

The right to take life, cause misery and end multiple pursuits of happeiness I guess. Because nothing is more "important" than Numero Uno and his firearm fetish. :gay:

Who cares if dozens of first graders are sacrificed?

We need to ensure assassins have free access to the weapons of their choice

-- or of their mother's choice. Whatever's available. Or a gun show, or a street sale, doesn't matter. The important thing is --- "must...... have.... gun.... must.... shoot.... gun..... have.... tiny.... dick.... must.... com-pen-sate...... must .... have... gun....
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
I just bought one of these, for my collection.. Why? Because I can...

That alone tells us all we need to know about the depth of your "intellect".
Must really piss you off, when I exercise my constitutional right to CHOOSE whether to buy one or not? Arent you for "CHOICE"?

I said nothing about "pissing off". I made an observation about what your entirely self-centred values are. Which you already volunteered.
Conservatives follow the law, believe in the Right of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. Liberals (R) and (D) only are for themselves and their miserable lives must force their misery upon the rest of US. Liberals kill babies in or out of the womb and have no sanctity for life, so this attitudes start affecting the liberal mentally ill who take it out on children.

Indeed - DAMN THOSE LIB-RULS! :rolleyes-41:




Conservatives follow the law, liberals hate the law. What part of that cant you fucking understand? Oh yeah,

Because they are trained professionals?

I don't feel "Free" or "Safe" when I have to walk past a metal detector or armed guards or need a key card to move from one office to another because they need internal locks to frustrate a mass shooter.

It seems to me that we all make a lot of sacrifices so that a few of you can compensate for tiny dicks.

Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
I just bought one of these, for my collection.. Why? Because I can...

That alone tells us all we need to know about the depth of your "intellect".
Must really piss you off, when I exercise my constitutional right to CHOOSE whether to buy one or not? Arent you for "CHOICE"?

I said nothing about "pissing off". I made an observation about what your entirely self-centred values are. Which you already volunteered.
Bernie Sanders has 3 houses, which he only needs 1. His self-centered values are about taking what is mine and giving it to others, while his wallows like a fucking pig with 3 houses. If I don't have my weapons what is to keep shitfucks like you from stealing my house or what is in it? Or worse keeping shitfucks like you from harming my family or me. You wont knowing that I am well protected....
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?

Remind me the next time someone is murdered with two refrigerators

I have yet to see the refrigerator --- or the car, or the PA system, or the house, that was designed for the express purpose of killing.

Again --- comes down to values. Some of us like to preserve food, get from point A to point B, or be heard in a concert. Others like to take life. Values.
There is a certain type of firearm that is preferred by the crazies. It is a semi-auto with high capacity magazine, pistol or rifle. In the rifle form they can be altered very easily, or, if you are skillful, fired full auto. They should require the same license to have outside your home as a full auto .45 Thompson. 58 dead and 500 injured from just one shooter this year. These are war guns, and really should have never been allowed to be sold to citizens that have no need of them.
Who are you to determine what other people need?
Why do you need an AK or an AR?

Do you need a flamethrower to light a backyard grill? Do you need an Apache helicopter to commuter to the office? Do you need the PA system from a Rolling Stones tour to listen to music?
Do you need 4 houses or 6 cars for 2 people? What about 2 refrigerators? I think you dont NEED freedom for religion. Wanna regulate that? Why regulate my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?
You constitional rights are regulated. Right to bear arms? Where's your howitzer, your mortar, your rocket propelled grenade launcher? How loudly are you permitted to shout "Fire!" In a theater? Where's your right to sacrifice live animals?

You don't need a weapon designed for warfare. Other weapons serve the purpose of self defense. An AR or an AK are not defensive weapons. They are weapons of offense.

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