6 Ways Income Inequality Makes Your Life Worse

The beauty of this nation is we can disagree without any animosity. I have no problem with you disagreeing with me on this. I have no doubt you have no problem with me disagreeing with you on it. That's what makes this nation truly great.

My main issue is there is no reason to divide us because of income. Just because someone makes alot of money doesn't mean they are my enemy. Nor does someone making less than me make them my enemy. We are brethren no matter how much success we have in life. And the fact is some may have hard times one time and good times another time. In fact, i think we all have times like that. We should not let them divide us on bogus class warfare.

On this I agree wholeheartedly. The one who makes a lot of money isn't who I despise, but who I emulate, so that I might enjoy their success. Sometimes I see high earners and decide it isn't worth the sacrifice. I've done the 5 days a week on planes thing in the past, and have no desire to do it now, even for a bit more cash.

Here's the difference....

A dimocrap sees a nice car, a gold chain or a $300 pair of sneakers and all he can think of is how to steal them.

A Republican sees them and tries to figure how he can earn them.

Same with everything else. dimocrap scum, because they're all thieves at heart, think that everything that anybody has ever earned HAD to be because they're dishonest and must have cheated somebody at some point to garner those riches.

They CAN NOT conceive of EARNING it. It completely escapes them how that might be possible.

Politics is no different. All dimocraps know how to do is stal money from people who work for it and give to people who will vote dimocrap.

dimocraps aren't just dirtbags, they're demented dirtbags.

And lazy. And stupid. And unimaginative (except in ways of thievery)

THAT is what we're faced with, people.
Income equality cannot be achieved until everybody has absolutely nothing.

Just another slice of reality the left prefers to not understand. But that's because "everybody" would include them.

You presented two alternative states as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist.
Also known as the false dilemma, this insidious tactic has the appearance of forming a logical argument, but under closer scrutiny it becomes evident that there are more possibilities than the either/or choice that is presented. Binary, black-or-white thinking doesn't allow for the many different variables, conditions, and contexts in which there would exist more than just the two possibilities put forth. It frames the argument misleadingly and obscures rational, honest debate.

Once again, you are dead wrong. There are no alternatives to income equality. For all to be equal, all have to have the same income, and that means that all are equally poor and equally destitute. There are no jobs because no one has the funds to hire anyone. There is no enterprise because no one has the funds to create one. Then, if you grow more carrots in your backyard garden than your neighbor, you have just screwed up income equality.
I cant to you because you require sense.

The great depression was caused by it. Get it now? Now heres the part where you say "No it didnt" and call a name then run to your corner
No income inequality did not cause the Great Depression. Sorry, fail. Total fail.

Must be an Echo or just your usual bullshitter tactics

It makes as much sense to say Prohibition caused the Great Depression.
You have been completely humiliated on this thread. Poster after poster has pounded every aspect of your post, and your follow ups. You failed to show anything, merely asserting things you think are correct. This might be the most failed thread by a leftist that was not started by RDean.
Until democrats created the buzz word, there was no such thing as income inequality. There was success and failure.

Tell that to the Great Depression

So the Great Depression occured because of income inequality?

Well lets see oh one of many questions:

Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two economists of the 1920s, Waddill Catchings and William Trufant Foster, popularized a theory that influenced many policy makers, including Herbert Hoover, Henry A. Wallace, Paul Douglas, and Marriner Eccles. It held the economy produced more than it consumed, because the consumers did not have enough income. Thus the unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920s caused the Great Depression.[41][42]

Feel free to dismiss this with the power of lip flap like you've done the other points here. Or maybe they are liberal economists! Oh dear!

Are you going to count this as question #2. Yes, really

I thought it was because people got greedy and dishonest trying to get money without thought about the consequences of their actions?

That too

I thought it was because people arrogantly assumed the market would always go up up up and took risk they shouldn't have. I thought it was because the government never stopped trying to fix and stop natural corrections to the market that created more and more problems for a prolonged period of time and prevented the natural recovery.

Maybe, I included a link you should find that out for yourself

Silly me, I guess I shouldn't have listened to the economists and historians i got that from.

I linked those economists I got it from. Funny thing is that you seem to Always forget to link your "proof". Almost like you are "full of shit" and have "nothing but lip flap" for "proof"
Who said one side stresses and another doesnt? You'll notice you didnt ask me a question but I did ask you one, that you ignored then asked why I ignore questions that arent there.

You seem to talk a lot about things that no one brought up at all...

You did. When you argued that poor people are less healthy because they are stressed.

I didn't ask you a question? Really? You're going to go with that?


I count at least four. Granted, I was counting fast and could have missed one.

Did you answer any? No. You just got on some tangent about stress making people unhealthy implying that poor people are stressed and the rich aren't. But now you're pretending you didn't. Tell me, if no one brought it up, why are you talking about it instead of answering my questions?

Now i fully you to try to change the subject, probably throwing in an insult to pretend as if you're somehow better than me rather than changing the subject. Quite frankly, I don't care. You're just lying to yourself and the whole board can see that.

Stress has no effect on our bodies is your opinion?

You seriously think the Rich don't get stressed?

You seriously think making the rich poor isn't going to stress more people out?

You didnt quote it so yea. Here it is. I asked a question you responded with a question. Now want to answer the question now or do this again in 2 pages?

Missed it again eh Avatar? I'm sure it was totally a mistake 5 times in a row you little liar you
Tell that to the Great Depression

So the Great Depression occured because of income inequality?

Well lets see oh one of many questions:

Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Feel free to dismiss this with the power of lip flap like you've done the other points here. Or maybe they are liberal economists! Oh dear!

That easy. They were wrong. The gov't spent the next 10 years and untold billions of dollars trying to increase consumption. Partly they did it by setting price floors, hoping artificially to increase profit to business to increase wages and consumption. The results were worse than the disease.
That might be the most failed theory of the Depression.
Oh, Thick One!
The artificial cocaine high produced by both parties resulted in a crash.
You DO remember Sep 2008?

The failure of Lehman Brothers was caused by income inequality? :eek:

The amazing things you learn from KOS fucktards.....

I know. Who knew? I thought it was Greed, Corruption, and Dishonesty that caused it.

Isnt it nice that the economy has a built in system to discourage that?
Oh, Thick One!
The artificial cocaine high produced by both parties resulted in a crash.
You DO remember Sep 2008?

The failure of Lehman Brothers was caused by income inequality? :eek:

The amazing things you learn from KOS fucktards.....

Where did I state that, Mr. Ad Hominem?
When there are no rules, chaos follows.
Lehman got what they deserved.
Who said one side stresses and another doesnt? You'll notice you didnt ask me a question but I did ask you one, that you ignored then asked why I ignore questions that arent there.

You seem to talk a lot about things that no one brought up at all...

You did. When you argued that poor people are less healthy because they are stressed.

I didn't ask you a question? Really? You're going to go with that?


I count at least four. Granted, I was counting fast and could have missed one.

Did you answer any? No. You just got on some tangent about stress making people unhealthy implying that poor people are stressed and the rich aren't. But now you're pretending you didn't. Tell me, if no one brought it up, why are you talking about it instead of answering my questions?

Now i fully you to try to change the subject, probably throwing in an insult to pretend as if you're somehow better than me rather than changing the subject. Quite frankly, I don't care. You're just lying to yourself and the whole board can see that.

Stress has no effect on our bodies is your opinion?

You seriously think the Rich don't get stressed?

You seriously think making the rich poor isn't going to stress more people out?

You didnt quote it so yea. Here it is. I asked a question you responded with a question. Now want to answer the question now or do this again in 2 pages?

I have. Multiple times. In fact, you quoted one of them right here.
You did. When you argued that poor people are less healthy because they are stressed.

I didn't ask you a question? Really? You're going to go with that?


I count at least four. Granted, I was counting fast and could have missed one.

Did you answer any? No. You just got on some tangent about stress making people unhealthy implying that poor people are stressed and the rich aren't. But now you're pretending you didn't. Tell me, if no one brought it up, why are you talking about it instead of answering my questions?

Now i fully you to try to change the subject, probably throwing in an insult to pretend as if you're somehow better than me rather than changing the subject. Quite frankly, I don't care. You're just lying to yourself and the whole board can see that.

You seriously think the Rich don't get stressed?

You seriously think making the rich poor isn't going to stress more people out?

You didnt quote it so yea. Here it is. I asked a question you responded with a question. Now want to answer the question now or do this again in 2 pages?

I have. Multiple times. In fact, you quoted one of them right here.

You said I said that only one side stresses. Where is that? Did you lose it somewhere? I didnt "imply" anything thats how you constructed your strawman.
You didnt quote it so yea. Here it is. I asked a question you responded with a question. Now want to answer the question now or do this again in 2 pages?

I have. Multiple times. In fact, you quoted one of them right here.

You said I said that only one side stresses. Where is that? Did you lose it somewhere? I didnt "imply" anything thats how you constructed your strawman.

C'mon! You're dealing with a Conservative; you have to be explicit!
You didnt quote it so yea. Here it is. I asked a question you responded with a question. Now want to answer the question now or do this again in 2 pages?

I have. Multiple times. In fact, you quoted one of them right here.

You said I said that only one side stresses. Where is that? Did you lose it somewhere? I didnt "imply" anything thats how you constructed your strawman.

Just saw your sig line. Very cool.

Thanks for letting me live in your head.....

Rent free.

Kinda empty in here.... :dunno:
You didnt quote it so yea. Here it is. I asked a question you responded with a question. Now want to answer the question now or do this again in 2 pages?

I have. Multiple times. In fact, you quoted one of them right here.

You said I said that only one side stresses. Where is that? Did you lose it somewhere? I didnt "imply" anything thats how you constructed your strawman.

Post #7. Your hypothesis is that poverty causes stress and increases sickness among lower earning people. That was effectively debunked when it was pointed out that high earning people also experience stress. Maybe more so.
IO realize you are a liberal and so dont take responsibility for anything, but there it is.
I have. Multiple times. In fact, you quoted one of them right here.

You said I said that only one side stresses. Where is that? Did you lose it somewhere? I didnt "imply" anything thats how you constructed your strawman.

Post #7. Your hypothesis is that poverty causes stress and increases sickness among lower earning people. That was effectively debunked when it was pointed out that high earning people also experience stress. Maybe more so.
IO realize you are a liberal and so dont take responsibility for anything, but there it is.

You're missing the part where I said the rich dont experience stress. Good luck with that. You're going to have to use the word "imply" a lot more
You said I said that only one side stresses. Where is that? Did you lose it somewhere? I didnt "imply" anything thats how you constructed your strawman.

Post #7. Your hypothesis is that poverty causes stress and increases sickness among lower earning people. That was effectively debunked when it was pointed out that high earning people also experience stress. Maybe more so.
IO realize you are a liberal and so dont take responsibility for anything, but there it is.

You're missing the part where I said the rich dont experience stress. Good luck with that. You're going to have to use the word "imply" a lot more

It's a pretty easy implication. Inequality causes more health issues because poor people are stressed and stress causes health issues. That is your case. It is debunked because the rich also experience stress, probably more so.
I dont know why I have to spell this out for you. Maybe you are embarassed at posting somethign so stupidly wrong?
You didnt quote it so yea. Here it is. I asked a question you responded with a question. Now want to answer the question now or do this again in 2 pages?

I have. Multiple times. In fact, you quoted one of them right here.

You said I said that only one side stresses. Where is that? Did you lose it somewhere? I didnt "imply" anything thats how you constructed your strawman.

Right here:

You're seriously going to try to argue that because Americans have more money, there is more of a chance of them being sick?.

Stress has no effect on our bodies is your opinion?

Or are you totally unfamiliar with context that you think what your responding to has no correlection to what you are saying?
Post #7. Your hypothesis is that poverty causes stress and increases sickness among lower earning people. That was effectively debunked when it was pointed out that high earning people also experience stress. Maybe more so.
IO realize you are a liberal and so dont take responsibility for anything, but there it is.

You're missing the part where I said the rich dont experience stress. Good luck with that. You're going to have to use the word "imply" a lot more

It's a pretty easy implication. Inequality causes more health issues because poor people are stressed and stress causes health issues. That is your case. It is debunked because the rich also experience stress, probably more so.
I dont know why I have to spell this out for you. Maybe you are embarassed at posting somethign so stupidly wrong?

Like I said you have to use the word imply a lot more since I never said it. You just proved me right.

Now if you think that when I say the poor are stressed then that means that the rich arent then you are a fool. A fucking fool
You're missing the part where I said the rich dont experience stress. Good luck with that. You're going to have to use the word "imply" a lot more

It's a pretty easy implication. Inequality causes more health issues because poor people are stressed and stress causes health issues. That is your case. It is debunked because the rich also experience stress, probably more so.
I dont know why I have to spell this out for you. Maybe you are embarassed at posting somethign so stupidly wrong?

Like I said you have to use the word imply a lot more since I never said it. You just proved me right.

Now if you think that when I say the poor are stressed then that means that the rich arent then you are a fool. A fucking fool

Then your whole hypothesis is bunk. And you are teh biggest fucking idiot on this site. Including RDean and Truthmatters.

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