72 percent of Americans feel hopeful about 2017: poll


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A very bad news for liberals. Indeed.Democrats are weeping and crying out.

Nearly three-quarters of Americans, or 72 percent of those polled, say they are feeling hopeful about 2017, according to a new Morning Consult survey.

Sixty-one percent of respondents say they are feeling optimistic about the upcoming year, and 51 percent of people are feeling excited.

But half of the respondents say they are feeling anxious about the coming year, according to the poll.

72 percent of Americans feel hopeful about 2017: poll

That is a powerful piece of information.

The media types should be shaking in their little booties.
Yep. It'll be great to be rid of this traitor.
What I would like to know is who else will we be saying good bye to in the new year. After reading about Carrie Fisher getting her mom's company just one day later, I wanted to say "Hurry it up and get here already, 2017!", but for all that we know, the new year could be worse than the one that we are still in right now!

God bless you and the rest of that lady's family always!!!

Most people I know are feeling pretty hopeful also.

Sure feels better than the last eight years.
Most people I know are feeling pretty hopeful also.

Sure feels better than the last eight years.
Well, considering most people you know are right-wing 'tards and think like you that is no surprise.

I have plenty of Dem and liberal friends who feel the same way.

You left-wing tards should really catch a clue.

Hillary lost. Trump won. Get over it. Or not. LOL

I have plenty of Dem and liberal friends who feel the same way.

You left-wing tards should really catch a clue.

Hillary lost. Trump won. Get over it. Or not. LOL

I'm not a leftie. I'm a centrist.

And, to put it bluntly, I don't believe you.

Well I really don't give a damn about what you believe.

HIllary lost. Trump won. Get over it. Or not. LOL
I'm hopeful there is a revolution and America goes in the tank.
Oh the leftists will try, no doubt. But they'll get a good spanking. Pepper sprayed, cops face slamming them into the pavement and stuffing them into the meat wagons. It's going to be a fun eight years.
Well I really don't give a damn about what you believe.

HIllary lost. Trump won. Get over it. Or not. LOL

Of course not. You're a deplorable. White trash. I don't expect you give a damn about much. Well, except for the next welfare cheque...

I may be "deplorable" to you dumbass but I voted for the winner and guess what, he won.

As for welfare??

I've never taken a dime of tax payer money. Bet you have. In fact I'd bet you get that EBT card every month and have no problem spending other peoples hard earned money.

Talk about trash.

Carry on dumbass.
I may be "deplorable" to you dumbass but I voted for the winner and guess what, he won.

As for welfare??

I've never taken a dime of tax payer money. Bet you have. In fact I'd bet you get that EBT card every month and have no problem spending other peoples hard earned money.

Talk about trash.

Carry on dumbass.

Never taken a dime from the govt.

No, you voted for a pussy-grabbing, gold-star trashing, misogynistic, disabled mocking loser who only cares about himself.

While he's fucking you up the arse, don't forget to say 'thank you'. I doubt he'll even bother with a "you're welcome"..
I'm hopeful there is a revolution and America goes in the tank.
Oh the leftists will try, no doubt. But they'll get a good spanking. Pepper sprayed, cops face slamming them into the pavement and stuffing them into the meat wagons. It's going to be a fun eight years.

I was speaking to the neighbor yesterday and he said that they were so happy that Trump was elected because they're probably going to be moving to the lower 48 to be closer to an ill family member. (They are both police officers - I actually think the house next door is owned by the state government, so far we've had two FBI agents and four policemen who'd been brought up from the lower 48 to meet our shortages.)

I hadn't really thought about it, but I suppose it is a relief for our boys in blue that America voted for law and order.
I may be "deplorable" to you dumbass but I voted for the winner and guess what, he won.

As for welfare??

I've never taken a dime of tax payer money. Bet you have. In fact I'd bet you get that EBT card every month and have no problem spending other peoples hard earned money.

Talk about trash.

Carry on dumbass.

Never taken a dime from the govt.

No, you voted for a pussy-grabbing, gold-star trashing, misogynistic, disabled mocking loser who only cares about himself.

While he's fucking you up the arse, don't forget to say 'thank you'. I doubt he'll even bother with a "you're welcome"..

LMAO like your opinion matters dipshit.

I voted for a winner and you obviously voted for a loser.

You and Hillary should get together. I'm sure you would enjoy it.

Carry on dumbass. LOL
LMAO like your opinion matters dipshit.

I voted for a winner and you obviously voted for a loser.

You and Hillary should get together. I'm sure you would enjoy it.

Carry on dumbass. LOL

I'm not even American you dumb slapper. You voted for somebody who like grabbing women's pussies. Off you go. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to.
Ugh I wish my lefties were feeling better, they're in such a mess of stupid right now I can't hardly speak or they all lose it. They've been in a damned civil war since about a week after the election and are trying to get me - the person who voted for Trump - to side with Sanders or Clinton in their stupid fantasy politics game. It's redic...

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