75 experts: Trump is a psychopath (University of Amsterdam, peer reviewed)


Russian spy ship lurks off Connecticut coast
If that's Connecticut, my name is Valerie.
That’s Havana, with the Castillo de los Tres Santos Reyes Magnos del Morro in the background.
So, our newest and bestest friend is hosting Russian ships. Seems superflorous, having an agent in the White House and all.
You can ASSUME all that you like . I heard 'Tillerson' just this morning . He did the same that i would do as he smiled and ignored the question RWinger .
TRUMP just makes me think of Great Americans of the Past . Trump seems American all the way through and i like that as TRUMP ain't no 'john kerry' . Trump reminds me as being an American guy from the past [so far] in his Presidency . His attitude fits right in with the Greatest Generation of WW2 and Korea . He seems to be a hard azz American from the past and thats a good thing .

Trump will be remembered as a mentally unstable traitor and criminal - Not as a great American.
Nope. The Dims and other swamp rats who conspired to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president will be the ones remembered as a mentally unstable traitors and criminals.
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and just remembered but The TRUMP still hasn't show you his taxes RWinger .
Lol how many of the esteemed quacks actually have met Trump?

I never met Charles Manson or Joe McCarthy but can guarantee you they were psychos.
Joe McCarthy certainly wasn't a psycho. He was 100% right about everything he said.

You just proved that you're a dumbass.
Spits the rightard who thinks the Black Sea is by Cuba. :lmao:
No, I hear Connecticut is on the Black Sea, or more recently in the Caribbean.

Russian spy ship lurks off Connecticut coast
If that's Connecticut, my name is Valerie.

are you actually claiming russian spy ships have NOT been lurking off our east coast?

russians are getting away with provocative shenanigans all over.

and all you dumbo traitors are under vlad's spell focusing on attacking your fellow Americans...

but let's have a decorated parade for the buffoon-in-chief?? :fu:

The USS Porter was sailing in the Black Sea when it had three encounters with Russian aircraft Friday. They were deemed unsafe and unprofessional because of how close the Russian planes flew to the American destroyer, according to a senior defense official. The Pentagon later released pictures of the encounter.

Another defense official said that one of the planes, an armed Su-24 attack jet, flew within 200 yards of the Porter, traveling at a speed of 500 knots (about 570 mph) and flying 300 feet above the water.

The Navy said the aircraft did not cross the deck of the Porter but assessed that the Su-24 was carrying out a "mock attack" on the American ship, according to the official.

Two additional Russian aircraft, an IL-38 maritime patrol plane and another Su-24 jet, also flew nearby. The Porter's crew attempted to radio the Russian planes but received no response.

Moscow denied Tuesday that its aircraft had made any unsafe moves.

Russian spy ships have been lurking off your coasts since the 1930s.

Russia denies "simulated attack" on U.S. Navy destroyer USS Donald Cook - CBS News

Official: 'Dangerous' Russian jet fly-by 'straight out of a movie' - CNN

Russian Bombers Flew Within 40 Miles of N. California Coast - Washington Free Beacon


All of this signals to Moscow that Trump doesn't take Congress and its law seriously.

Trump plays turtle on Russia sanctions
Joe McCarthy certainly wasn't a psycho. He was 100% right about everything he said.

You just proved that you're a dumbass.

McCarthy said he had the names of 205 communists working for the US State Dept, when forced to give names he could only name 81 and most of his evidence was total bullshit.

McCarthy was a fascist who tired to turn the US Govt in the the SS
Lol how many of the esteemed quacks actually have met Trump?

I never met Charles Manson or Joe McCarthy but can guarantee you they were psychos.
Joe McCarthy certainly wasn't a psycho. He was 100% right about everything he said.

You just proved that you're a dumbass.
Spits the rightard who thinks the Black Sea is by Cuba. :lmao:
No, I hear Connecticut is on the Black Sea, or more recently in the Caribbean.

A Google image search has it in NC, the Black Sea, Cuba, Connecticut....
On top of our Presidents psychological struggles, there are his intellectual limitations

He seems incapable of reading more than a few lines, has a notoriously short attention span and writes and speaks at a third grade level
Lol how many of the esteemed quacks actually have met Trump?

I never met Charles Manson or Joe McCarthy but can guarantee you they were psychos.
Joe McCarthy certainly wasn't a psycho. He was 100% right about everything he said.

You just proved that you're a dumbass.
Spits the rightard who thinks the Black Sea is by Cuba. :lmao:

Where did I say the Black Sea is by Cuba, moron? The photo was taken in the black sea, not near Cuba. You have to be a fucking moron to believe the photo is showing the Cuban coast.

How many times does that make it that you have gotten something totally wrong, 1000?
Lol how many of the esteemed quacks actually have met Trump?

I never met Charles Manson or Joe McCarthy but can guarantee you they were psychos.
Joe McCarthy certainly wasn't a psycho. He was 100% right about everything he said.

You just proved that you're a dumbass.
Spits the rightard who thinks the Black Sea is by Cuba. :lmao:
No, I hear Connecticut is on the Black Sea, or more recently in the Caribbean.

A Google image search has it in NC, the Black Sea, Cuba, Connecticut....

I never met Charles Manson or Joe McCarthy but can guarantee you they were psychos.
Joe McCarthy certainly wasn't a psycho. He was 100% right about everything he said.

You just proved that you're a dumbass.
Spits the rightard who thinks the Black Sea is by Cuba. :lmao:
No, I hear Connecticut is on the Black Sea, or more recently in the Caribbean.

A Google image search has it in NC, the Black Sea, Cuba, Connecticut....


You don't know how to do a Google Image search? Really LMAO You don't link it, dope you perform it
Joe McCarthy certainly wasn't a psycho. He was 100% right about everything he said.

You just proved that you're a dumbass.
Spits the rightard who thinks the Black Sea is by Cuba. :lmao:
No, I hear Connecticut is on the Black Sea, or more recently in the Caribbean.

A Google image search has it in NC, the Black Sea, Cuba, Connecticut....


You don't know how to do a Google Image search? Really LMAO You don't link it, dope you perform it

I did a Google Image search and did not come up with the results you claimed to have. So I am asking you to provide some evidence that a Google Image search comes up with such results.

Otherwise you are just full of shit, once again
There is always "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President."

It is true, the contributing experts didn't use the typical intense exam and they admit it (and neither did his doctor with the simple 30 question cognitive screening). These professional mental health experts used observations and comparative evidence-based studies that drove their opinions.
And then there are Trump's rabid supporters:
The Psychology Behind Donald Trump's Unwavering Support
The little Trumpsters' posts on this thread, verify the Psychology Today articles analysis. Read it little Trumpsters, read it.
Given that our President refuses to take a detailed independent psychological assessment.......an observational assessment is the best we have

What we have seen of his psychological struggles is not pretty
----------------------------------------------------------------- still , a quack diagnosing and Guessing from afar is still a quack RWinger !!
Maybe we should accept the assessment of his own advisors who call him a moron

Tillerson calls Trump 'moron,' and tensions escalate - CNNPolitics

Tillerson denies it.
We warned before the election that Trump lacks the personal stability to be President

It is proven to be true

Who's this "we" you hack? Millions of Americans in 30 states say you are wrong and elected Trump our president, deal with it snowflake.
We are dealing with a man psycholicially Ill-suited to be President

It happened once before.......Nixon

Funny how they're all Republicans. But Slick Willy was psychologically suited to be president?

What we are really dealing with is millions of snowflakes having the royal hissyfit of all hissyfits. You just can't cope with the fact that the douchebag you supported lost.
Psychologically, Bill Clinton was well suited to be President
He was also one of our smartest presidents

Clinton was able to compromise, work with the other party and avoid international conflicts

:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: Clinton had to be dragged kicking and screaming into balancing the budget stop lying.
By whom? The same Republicans who blew up the budget after Clinton left office? Not to mention, you ignore how the deficit began coming down before Republicans took control of the Congress in ‘95; and continued falling until Bush was sworn in.

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