800,000 about to lose their jobs

Sometime in the first half of August, no funding would be available for the Departments of Veterans Affairs, Education and Housing and Urban Development as well as unemployment insurance and Internal Revenue Service refunds, according to a report by the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington.

And what was that you were saying???...... recovery????


Which is why the republicans have to do something to stop the recoverhy

What recovery? It's been three years and you're trying to pawn Obama's failed recovery off on Reps for trying to hold him to the same standard he held Bush too? Maybe Bush was a great President, it was people like Obama trying their best to destroy his recovery and economy with voting against the debt ceiling! Odd how Bush still got the raise in the debt ceiling and yet things didn’t get better… Maybe like some form of slut magic things will be different under Obama for no fucking reason!
Sometime in the first half of August, no funding would be available for the Departments of Veterans Affairs, Education and Housing and Urban Development as well as unemployment insurance and Internal Revenue Service refunds, according to a report by the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington.

And what was that you were saying???...... recovery????


Which is why the republicans have to do something to stop the recoverhy

You people are such idiots. You cant have it both ways.

Your god either fucked it up or we are recovering...so which is it idiot?

You were told if you treated blacks as victims it would ruin the black community.

Now blacks have massive unemployment, prison population, anti-family, and half of black women have herpes.

And you wonder why
Ame®icano;3799637 said:
Failure to Raise Debt Cap Would Idle 800,000 Workers, Group Says - Businessweek

The study by Jay Powell, a former Treasury undersecretary under President George H.W. Bush, represents a challenge to Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and other Republicans who dismiss the risks of a government default.

If dems agree to cut spending in order to get reps agreement to raise debt ceiling, then Obama can claim he "saved" 800,000 more jobs.

Wow, that makes sense in the Obamanomics world... TM, do you agree that Obama saved or crated 800k jobs if he can get the debt ceiling raised?

We are all about to be shocked by TM’s answer lol, but she does have this annoy habit of NEVER answering questions
By the governments own statics there are 13.9 million unemployed in the private sector and you think that 800,000 government workers are really going to make a difference to our tanking economy whether or not they get laid off.
It needs to happen to government workers just like the private sector.
It's the government who caused all of this and both parties are to blame.

Employment Situation Summary
we are and have been recovering.

Now the republicans need to stop it so their party isnt distroyed by the recovery.

It amazes how blind you people can be
So you dont care about crashing teh economy of the US once again?

there you have a true example of how much the right cares about this country

Obama is crashing the US economy!

Obama has lost our AAA Credit rating!

Obama has terrified the world off of the US dollar

Obama fucked over Senior secured creditors to pay off the UAW

Obama has run up record debt, deficits, unemployment, poverty and food stamps!

And he says it's all the fault of ATM and airport kiosks.
Nothing is sacred to the right in this country.

They LOVE war when they control the levers of power but hate the people who actually fight it so much they will cut off their benifits for polktical gain.

The "right" is cutting off veteran's benefits?
Last time I checked, Obama was a Democrat. Has he jumped ship?

Your so right. The Dems will be deciding what gets shut down.

You know its gonna be Medicare, SS, Military paychecks and the GOP will get the blame for not wanting to do the ceiling deal.

As for the 800,000 Fed workers. Who the hell would notice they were gone??

Let em hit the bricks like the rest of the jobless. That bubble in DC needs to burst big time.
That is another word that has a defintion.

Can you tell me its definition?
Obama unemploys 800,000 Americans every 2 months and he's been at it for 2 1/2 years...and now you give a fuck?
Why cant you people ever talk in a factual manner?

Your emotions dont change dictionary definitions

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