90% Of Racism In America Is From The Left

I didn't have a government job, troll. I worked for a fortune 500 company for nearly 35 years and consulted for them after retirement.

You would have been unemployable there.
Ok token .. I offer value of experience, you offer a token membership lol

Experience at what? Judging from the poor quality of how you construct a basic sentence, certainly nothing that requires written communication skills.
Ok token

Shouldn't you be working as opposed to trolling on a message board?

So, once again. What do you offer so much "experience" at?
I’m one of the only ones that about an offer a glimpse of the destruction that multiculturalism multiple languages the lack of assimilation can cause.. if you have any questions please ask. I’m here to help token

Ignore this ^^^

He knows nothing about language, culture, immigration or history. Bigotry and weakness do NOT equate to experience, scholarship or understanding.
Ok token .. I offer value of experience, you offer a token membership lol

Experience at what? Judging from the poor quality of how you construct a basic sentence, certainly nothing that requires written communication skills.
Ok token

Shouldn't you be working as opposed to trolling on a message board?

So, once again. What do you offer so much "experience" at?
I’m one of the only ones that about an offer a glimpse of the destruction that multiculturalism multiple languages the lack of assimilation can cause.. if you have any questions please ask. I’m here to help token

Ignore this ^^^

He knows nothing about language, culture, immigration or history. Bigotry and weakness do NOT equate to experience, scholarship or understanding.
More substance from the site troll lol

Shouldn't you be working as opposed to trolling on a message board?

So, once again. What do you offer so much "experience" at?
I’m one of the only ones that can offer a glimpse of the destruction that multiculturalism multiple languages the lack of assimilation can cause.. if you have any questions please ask. I’m here to help token

So that is your occupation? You troll message boards, making ignorant statements about subjects that you lack any knowledge of?



What kind of answer is that?


He just posts that several hundred times a day to increase his post count. Apparently he thinks that’s important.

What kind of answer is that?

I can't dumb down my question any further to compensate for your comprehension challenges.
I mean I am what I am.. no one else like me.. sorry buddy.. let me know if I can answer any questions for you token lol

Here is the same question that you have yet to answer.

What is your occupation? Are you ashamed to answer? It sounds like it.
I work for a high end restaurant in Boston, as a waiter and own a business on the side. A private company, I was hired on my skills of food and wine, I am no token

Sure your not, lol. I traveled to Boston frequently on business, spent a lot of time in Framingham, usually stayed at the Hyatt in the Hynes convention center and ate at most of the better restaurants in Boston. Good waiters are a dime a dozen in most metropolitan areas, and Boston is no exception.

Since you claim to know wine, why is Beaulieu Vineyards Merlot not available in most better restaurants. They usually have Cabernet, which starts at about 125.00 a bottle, but not Merlot.

He doesn't know. He just wants to troll. You killed him when you told him your work experience. He knew he couldn't fuck with your skill set, so he had to call you a token to save face. He's a loser. The only thing he probably knows about wine is the thunderbird he's drinking out of that brown bag.

Lol@ Thunderbird. Haven't heard of that stuff since high school, brother.

What kind of answer is that?

I can't dumb down my question any further to compensate for your comprehension challenges.
I mean I am what I am.. no one else like me.. sorry buddy.. let me know if I can answer any questions for you token lol

Here is the same question that you have yet to answer.

What is your occupation? Are you ashamed to answer? It sounds like it.
I work for a high end restaurant in Boston, as a waiter and own a business on the side. A private company, I was hired on my skills of food and wine, I am no token

Sure your not, lol. I traveled to Boston frequently on business, spent a lot of time in Framingham, usually stayed at the Hyatt in the Hynes convention center and ate at most of the better restaurants in Boston. Good waiters are a dime a dozen in most metropolitan areas, and Boston is no exception.

Since you claim to know wine, why is Beaulieu Vineyards Merlot not available in most better restaurants. They usually have Cabernet, which starts at about 125.00 a bottle, but not Merlot.
BV SUCKS and if you ordered that cheap shit at my table you would get shitty service.. wtf drinks merlot .. you obviously were never around anyone that knew wine

I don't proclaim to be a wine expert, I seldom even drink it, or any alcohol.

But since you insist that you're an expert, name a good label and I will look into it.
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Experience at what? Judging from the poor quality of how you construct a basic sentence, certainly nothing that requires written communication skills.
Ok token

Shouldn't you be working as opposed to trolling on a message board?

So, once again. What do you offer so much "experience" at?
I’m one of the only ones that about an offer a glimpse of the destruction that multiculturalism multiple languages the lack of assimilation can cause.. if you have any questions please ask. I’m here to help token

Ignore this ^^^

He knows nothing about language, culture, immigration or history. Bigotry and weakness do NOT equate to experience, scholarship or understanding.
More substance from the site troll lol

So far you've made an excellent case for YOU being the site troll. Unkotare has never avoided a question from what I've seen.

Shouldn't you be working as opposed to trolling on a message board?

So, once again. What do you offer so much "experience" at?
I’m one of the only ones that about an offer a glimpse of the destruction that multiculturalism multiple languages the lack of assimilation can cause.. if you have any questions please ask. I’m here to help token

Ignore this ^^^

He knows nothing about language, culture, immigration or history. Bigotry and weakness do NOT equate to experience, scholarship or understanding.
More substance from the site troll lol

So far you've made an excellent case for YOU being the site troll. Unkotare has never avoided a question from what I've seen.
2008 silver oak Napa cab, your welcome

Shouldn't you be working as opposed to trolling on a message board?

So, once again. What do you offer so much "experience" at?
I’m one of the only ones that about an offer a glimpse of the destruction that multiculturalism multiple languages the lack of assimilation can cause.. if you have any questions please ask. I’m here to help token

Ignore this ^^^

He knows nothing about language, culture, immigration or history. Bigotry and weakness do NOT equate to experience, scholarship or understanding.
More substance from the site troll lol

So far you've made an excellent case for YOU being the site troll. Unkotare has never avoided a question from what I've seen.
What neighborhood did he grow up in, what high school? He claims to know a lot because where is he from but is to chicken shit to say
Shouldn't you be working as opposed to trolling on a message board?

So, once again. What do you offer so much "experience" at?
I’m one of the only ones that about an offer a glimpse of the destruction that multiculturalism multiple languages the lack of assimilation can cause.. if you have any questions please ask. I’m here to help token

Ignore this ^^^

He knows nothing about language, culture, immigration or history. Bigotry and weakness do NOT equate to experience, scholarship or understanding.
More substance from the site troll lol

So far you've made an excellent case for YOU being the site troll. Unkotare has never avoided a question from what I've seen.
2008 silver oak Napa cab, your welcome

Ok. We will see how well you know what your talking about. I have a former colleague who now owns a winery in Napa.
Shouldn't you be working as opposed to trolling on a message board?

So, once again. What do you offer so much "experience" at?
I’m one of the only ones that about an offer a glimpse of the destruction that multiculturalism multiple languages the lack of assimilation can cause.. if you have any questions please ask. I’m here to help token

Ignore this ^^^

He knows nothing about language, culture, immigration or history. Bigotry and weakness do NOT equate to experience, scholarship or understanding.
More substance from the site troll lol

So far you've made an excellent case for YOU being the site troll. Unkotare has never avoided a question from what I've seen.
What neighborhood did he grow up in, what high school? He claims to know a lot because where is he from but is to chicken shit to say

I've never asked him. Why don't you? Maybe he has looked at your trolling and decided not to engage you. Frankly, the only reason that I am doing so, is for entertainment purposes.

And you have not failed to deliver.
Shouldn't you be working as opposed to trolling on a message board?

So, once again. What do you offer so much "experience" at?
I’m one of the only ones that about an offer a glimpse of the destruction that multiculturalism multiple languages the lack of assimilation can cause.. if you have any questions please ask. I’m here to help token

Ignore this ^^^

He knows nothing about language, culture, immigration or history. Bigotry and weakness do NOT equate to experience, scholarship or understanding.
More substance from the site troll lol

So far you've made an excellent case for YOU being the site troll. Unkotare has never avoided a question from what I've seen.
...He claims to know a lot because where is he from . ....y

I know what I know because of many many long years of experience, education, training, work, and relationships. You know nothing because your experience involves nothing more than being a troll and telling idiotic, transparent lies on the Internet. Grow up.
I’m one of the only ones that about an offer a glimpse of the destruction that multiculturalism multiple languages the lack of assimilation can cause.. if you have any questions please ask. I’m here to help token

Ignore this ^^^

He knows nothing about language, culture, immigration or history. Bigotry and weakness do NOT equate to experience, scholarship or understanding.
More substance from the site troll lol

So far you've made an excellent case for YOU being the site troll. Unkotare has never avoided a question from what I've seen.
What neighborhood did he grow up in, what high school? He claims to know a lot because where is he from but is to chicken shit to say

I've never asked him. Why don't you? Maybe he has looked at your trolling and decided not to engage you. Frankly, the only reason that I am doing so, is for entertainment purposes.

And you have not failed to deliver.
A lot of conversation has to do with culture of the city, I have stated where I grew up, what schools I went to to back up my knowledge.. he refuses, he’s a troll and a fraud who claims he’s from places he is not
I've been pointing this out for years.....now somebody has admitted it.....and he was a leftist at one time:


90% of the Racism in America Comes from the Democratic Party and the Left

By Roger L. Simon June 25, 2015
chat comments
Ninety percent of the racism in America today comes from the Democratic Party and the Left. They live off it and exploit it. It is unconscionable to the degree they do this, ruining the lives and futures of the very people they say they are helping in the process.

I am uniquely positioned to say this because I spent most of my life on the Left and was a civil rights worker in the South in my early twenties. I was also, to my everlasting regret, a donor to the Black Panther Party in the seventies.

So I have seen this personally from both sides and my conclusion is inescapable. The Left is far, far worse. They are obsessed with race in a manner that does not allow them to see straight. Further, they project racism onto others continually, exacerbating situations, which in most instances weren't even there in the first place. From Al Sharpton to Hillary Clinton, they all do it.

Barack Obama is one of the worst offenders in this regard. Recently, in reaction to the horrid actions of the deranged, but solitary racist Dylann Root, the president claimed racism is in our DNA.

How could he possibly utter such nonsense and who was he talking about? The majority of Americans are from families that came to this country after slavery existed. Many of those were escaping oppression of their own. In my case my family was fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe. Many of the members of my family who stayed behind ended up gassed in Auschwitz or exterminated in Treblinka.

Is Obama telling me that racism is in my DNA? What a wretched and insulting statement. If he means that, he should tell it to me face-to-face.

If he does, I will tell him what I think. The racial situation in this country has gotten decidedly worse since he took office. And he is a great deal to blame. Ever since the beer summit it was obvious he was disingenuous and harmful on the subject of race, seeking to stir the pot when it was actually empty or nearly. His claim that if he had had a son he would look like Travyon Martin was ridiculous and self-serving in the extreme. Barack Obama is a product of the fanciest private school in Hawaii and his children go to Sidwell Friends, the fanciest school in D. C. He takes vacations on Oahu and his wife parties in Switzerland. He had as much in common with Trayvon as I do with the queen of Spain.

The truth is the USA is remarkably un-racist for a country its size. We weren't always that way, obviously, but we walked the walk and we are now. Or were. The Democrat Party and its assorted media hacks are trying to take us backwards. They suffer from nostalgia for racism for the glorious days when they could assert their moral superiority. Sorry, those days are over. The only way to stop remaining racism is to stop it, not talk about it, impute racism to people who don't have it and generally do everything possible to divide the American people from themselves.

And, Democrats, above all if you care about black people, stop it. All you're doing is making their lives worse. 90% of the Racism in America Comes from the Democratic Party and the Left


I've been saying it forever it seems like, white liberals are the problem in/with America...blaming minorities is what they want from white America, it plays right into their hands.
I've been pointing this out for years.....now somebody has admitted it.....and he was a leftist at one time:


90% of the Racism in America Comes from the Democratic Party and the Left

By Roger L. Simon June 25, 2015
chat comments
Ninety percent of the racism in America today comes from the Democratic Party and the Left. They live off it and exploit it. It is unconscionable to the degree they do this, ruining the lives and futures of the very people they say they are helping in the process.

I am uniquely positioned to say this because I spent most of my life on the Left and was a civil rights worker in the South in my early twenties. I was also, to my everlasting regret, a donor to the Black Panther Party in the seventies.

So I have seen this personally from both sides and my conclusion is inescapable. The Left is far, far worse. They are obsessed with race in a manner that does not allow them to see straight. Further, they project racism onto others continually, exacerbating situations, which in most instances weren't even there in the first place. From Al Sharpton to Hillary Clinton, they all do it.

Barack Obama is one of the worst offenders in this regard. Recently, in reaction to the horrid actions of the deranged, but solitary racist Dylann Root, the president claimed racism is in our DNA.

How could he possibly utter such nonsense and who was he talking about? The majority of Americans are from families that came to this country after slavery existed. Many of those were escaping oppression of their own. In my case my family was fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe. Many of the members of my family who stayed behind ended up gassed in Auschwitz or exterminated in Treblinka.

Is Obama telling me that racism is in my DNA? What a wretched and insulting statement. If he means that, he should tell it to me face-to-face.

If he does, I will tell him what I think. The racial situation in this country has gotten decidedly worse since he took office. And he is a great deal to blame. Ever since the beer summit it was obvious he was disingenuous and harmful on the subject of race, seeking to stir the pot when it was actually empty or nearly. His claim that if he had had a son he would look like Travyon Martin was ridiculous and self-serving in the extreme. Barack Obama is a product of the fanciest private school in Hawaii and his children go to Sidwell Friends, the fanciest school in D. C. He takes vacations on Oahu and his wife parties in Switzerland. He had as much in common with Trayvon as I do with the queen of Spain.

The truth is the USA is remarkably un-racist for a country its size. We weren't always that way, obviously, but we walked the walk and we are now. Or were. The Democrat Party and its assorted media hacks are trying to take us backwards. They suffer from nostalgia for racism for the glorious days when they could assert their moral superiority. Sorry, those days are over. The only way to stop remaining racism is to stop it, not talk about it, impute racism to people who don't have it and generally do everything possible to divide the American people from themselves.

And, Democrats, above all if you care about black people, stop it. All you're doing is making their lives worse. 90% of the Racism in America Comes from the Democratic Party and the Left


I love how you picked up the lie about MLK Jr. being a republican.
I've been pointing this out for years.....now somebody has admitted it.....and he was a leftist at one time:


90% of the Racism in America Comes from the Democratic Party and the Left

By Roger L. Simon June 25, 2015
chat comments
Ninety percent of the racism in America today comes from the Democratic Party and the Left. They live off it and exploit it. It is unconscionable to the degree they do this, ruining the lives and futures of the very people they say they are helping in the process.

I am uniquely positioned to say this because I spent most of my life on the Left and was a civil rights worker in the South in my early twenties. I was also, to my everlasting regret, a donor to the Black Panther Party in the seventies.

So I have seen this personally from both sides and my conclusion is inescapable. The Left is far, far worse. They are obsessed with race in a manner that does not allow them to see straight. Further, they project racism onto others continually, exacerbating situations, which in most instances weren't even there in the first place. From Al Sharpton to Hillary Clinton, they all do it.

Barack Obama is one of the worst offenders in this regard. Recently, in reaction to the horrid actions of the deranged, but solitary racist Dylann Root, the president claimed racism is in our DNA.

How could he possibly utter such nonsense and who was he talking about? The majority of Americans are from families that came to this country after slavery existed. Many of those were escaping oppression of their own. In my case my family was fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe. Many of the members of my family who stayed behind ended up gassed in Auschwitz or exterminated in Treblinka.

Is Obama telling me that racism is in my DNA? What a wretched and insulting statement. If he means that, he should tell it to me face-to-face.

If he does, I will tell him what I think. The racial situation in this country has gotten decidedly worse since he took office. And he is a great deal to blame. Ever since the beer summit it was obvious he was disingenuous and harmful on the subject of race, seeking to stir the pot when it was actually empty or nearly. His claim that if he had had a son he would look like Travyon Martin was ridiculous and self-serving in the extreme. Barack Obama is a product of the fanciest private school in Hawaii and his children go to Sidwell Friends, the fanciest school in D. C. He takes vacations on Oahu and his wife parties in Switzerland. He had as much in common with Trayvon as I do with the queen of Spain.

The truth is the USA is remarkably un-racist for a country its size. We weren't always that way, obviously, but we walked the walk and we are now. Or were. The Democrat Party and its assorted media hacks are trying to take us backwards. They suffer from nostalgia for racism for the glorious days when they could assert their moral superiority. Sorry, those days are over. The only way to stop remaining racism is to stop it, not talk about it, impute racism to people who don't have it and generally do everything possible to divide the American people from themselves.

And, Democrats, above all if you care about black people, stop it. All you're doing is making their lives worse. 90% of the Racism in America Comes from the Democratic Party and the Left


so....to stop racism.....you want me to join the KKK or WHITE SUPREMACISTS who say "we don't hate nig----...er....blacks....we just think they are all free loading criminals and we don't want any colored people living in our towns....."

if I do that.....will I no longer be a racist?
Works for the orange cultists.
Ignore this ^^^

He knows nothing about language, culture, immigration or history. Bigotry and weakness do NOT equate to experience, scholarship or understanding.
More substance from the site troll lol

So far you've made an excellent case for YOU being the site troll. Unkotare has never avoided a question from what I've seen.
What neighborhood did he grow up in, what high school? He claims to know a lot because where is he from but is to chicken shit to say

I've never asked him. Why don't you? Maybe he has looked at your trolling and decided not to engage you. Frankly, the only reason that I am doing so, is for entertainment purposes.

And you have not failed to deliver.
A lot of conversation has to do with culture of the city, I have stated where I grew up, what schools I went to to back up my knowledge.. ..

you have no knowledge. Posting the names of public places that can be Googled in five seconds is proof of nothing. You have exposed your ignorance of Boston and the surrounding area many times on many threads. Your act is and transparent. Grow up.
More substance from the site troll lol

So far you've made an excellent case for YOU being the site troll. Unkotare has never avoided a question from what I've seen.
What neighborhood did he grow up in, what high school? He claims to know a lot because where is he from but is to chicken shit to say

I've never asked him. Why don't you? Maybe he has looked at your trolling and decided not to engage you. Frankly, the only reason that I am doing so, is for entertainment purposes.

And you have not failed to deliver.
A lot of conversation has to do with culture of the city, I have stated where I grew up, what schools I went to to back up my knowledge.. ..

you have no knowledge. Posting the names of public places that can be Googled in five seconds is proof of nothing. You have exposed your ignorance of Boston and the surrounding area many times on many threads. Your act is and transparent. Grow up.
You have no standing you ain’t from a urban area

You are still wrong, kid, and repeating your lies won’t change that. It is very clear that you are attempting to cover your well-deserved insecurity over the fact that you have no experience with bluster and stupid little stories. You have no experience education training or understanding from which to comment so you play this stupid little persona and seem to think anybody anywhere will ever take you seriously. They will not.

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