911 facts no theories

lil ollie blow-hard likes to pretend he has extensive knowledge of thermite
because he played some role in demonstrating its use in a very limited way

its a classic case of...ya you and whose army ?

Me and my Army dumb fuck. now You will have to excuse me while I bring up my military experience that you don't like to hear about. 22 years on active duty, all but 6 years of it involved in Tactical Communications Security. But I don't know jack about thermite and it's uses to destroy stuff. The veterans who read this will know.

Carry on now.

can thernite melt steel ?

can termite cut horizontally ?

are massive amounts needed to do any damage ?

is thermite in common use for underwater cutting and welding ?

sorry lil Ollie you have demonstrated very clearly you have a very limited knowledge on thermite mainly garnered from debwunking sites not personal experience...true story

very true story.:lol:
Mr. DiveCon:

I assume that what you mean is: It is "A waste of time" to argue against physical evidence, science and engineering. This I agree with your assessment.

And thank you for reminding everybody else who read this.
no, it is a waste of time to do anything but ridicule you morons for thinking your delusions are actually evidence

that is always dwivecons way of weaseling out of that which he is incapable of

so very true.
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no, you posted complete BULLSHIT

Mr. DiveCon:

The people who read this thread will be able to make their own opinions about science, engineering and the role of evidence. I am writing for them ... not you.

I am sure some who come later will agree with you, but since all you can do is use foul language to counter hard science, your arguments seem quite weak.

I will request that Mr. EOTS please refrain from ad-hominum attacks and stick to observable science, engineering and evidence. Such personal attacks make it harder for people, such as Mr. DiveCon, to ppause and reassess everything that has been learned.

If you observe enough data you will soon observe the evidence that that Mr Divecon regardless of your approach will never pause or reassess and will consistently claim that he has explained or supplied answers that he never has in a flailing attempt to hide his inability to do so...true story

could not have said it better myself.:clap2:
except in this case, its you troofer morons that are the flat earthers

Mr. DiveCon and anybody else:

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is looking for technicaly competent people to discuss the evidence surrounding the destruction of the World Trade Center, and specifically, the problems in the NIST reports. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth wants to discuss this in a public forum such as radio shows, television shows, town hall events, congressional hearings, etc.

We can't find any.

You will probably say ... "they wouldn't want to waste their time." But an engineer that is shown to be technically competent is good advertisement. Remember, if it would be such a slam dunk, there would be lines of them to debate representatives of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

We can't find any.

I will ask you .... or anyone else reading this ... to ask your engineer friends if they (or other engineers they know) would be willing to discuss the physical destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers in a public venue. No who-dun-it or why ... just the engineering. If they agree, have them contact us at AE911Truth.org

If we "troofer morons" were truly incompetent, it would be easy. But with over 1350 Architects and Engineers agreeing with the evidence for Controlled Demolition we are on solid ground.

true facts that the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists cant get around.they ignore highly credible people such as the ones you listed,what they have to say or what Tom Sullivan the head man of CONTROLLED DEMOLITION INC,that only explosives could have brought down those towers.you can supply them with links where they say that and they wont even bother to read it.thay also wont read books you refer them to that shread to pieces the official version either.they call us twoofers and loons.yeah all those experts you listed must be twoofers and loons and the mainstream media and these government institutions are honest and have our best interests at heart.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
Yeah ... I'm guessing 100 times more.

Mr. SFC Ollie:

About 1 percent seems about right. That is still a lot of credentialed people willing to stand up, be vetted and verified, and stand up to the ridicule of people like yourself (to be called 'twoofers.')

So what about starting a petition of "Archictects and Engineers for the Fire and Structural Trama induced Failure of the WTC Buildings."

See how many will actually stand up with their credentials for that one. Then we will know who to contact about ublic debates.

what Ollie ignores is what you mentioned,many of them are not brave like the over 1000 people that you mentioned are to stand up and put their jobs and livlihood on the line,they dont want to get labeled as a crackpot and loon and miss out on government contracts for speaking the truth.:cuckoo: he never considers things like this.:cuckoo:
Mr. DiveCon:

The people who read this thread will be able to make their own opinions about science, engineering and the role of evidence. I am writing for them ... not you.

I am sure some who come later will agree with you, but since all you can do is use foul language to counter hard science, your arguments seem quite weak.

I will request that Mr. EOTS please refrain from ad-hominum attacks and stick to observable science, engineering and evidence. Such personal attacks make it harder for people, such as Mr. DiveCon, to ppause and reassess everything that has been learned.

If you observe enough data you will soon observe the evidence that that Mr Divecon regardless of your approach will never pause or reassess and will consistently claim that he has explained or supplied answers that he never has in a flailing attempt to hide his inability to do so...true story

could not have said it better myself.:clap2:
YOU can NEVER say anything better
you are incapable
[There is zero evidence of any such thing except in the fertile mind of weak individuals such as yourself.

I suggest you go play with children your own age. You're doing nothing but embarrassing yourself here sonny boy.

Mr. CandyCorn:

Let me reiterate a little secret about why I am on this thread.

I am here to leave a series of reponses, based on physical evidence, science and engineering, that ultimately can't be argued with. I do this not for your benefit ... but those that will later read this post to see what the issues and evidence are.

I do this for those that follow ... not to flatter you.

I do not think you have any interest in understanding the physical events that destroyed the three World Trade Center skyscrapers.

In fact, I am a registered professional engineer that believes the laws of physics apply everyday. Everyday, including Septemer 11th.

you hit the nail right on the head.this candy guy has NO INTEREST whatsoever in the truth.You will find that he blantantly ignores evidence,facts and witness testimonys.He is the exact same way in the kennedy assassination debates as well tooting the governments horn that oswald killed kennedy.same with Ditzcon.hense why so many people have these two on their ignore list.
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[There is zero evidence of any such thing except in the fertile mind of weak individuals such as yourself.

I suggest you go play with children your own age. You're doing nothing but embarrassing yourself here sonny boy.

Mr. CandyCorn:

Let me reiterate a little secret about why I am on this thread.

I am here to leave a series of reponses, based on physical evidence, science and engineering, that ultimately can't be argued with. I do this not for your benefit ... but those that will later read this post to see what the issues and evidence are.

I do this for those that follow ... not to flatter you.

I do not think you have any interest in understanding the physical events that destroyed the three World Trade Center skyscrapers.

In fact, I am a registered professional engineer that believes the laws of physics apply everyday. Everyday, including Septemer 11th.

you hit the nail right on the head.this candy guy has NO INTEREST whatsoever in the truth.You will find that he blantantly ignores evidence,facts and witness testimonys.He is the exact same way in the kennedy assassination debates as well tooting the governments horn that oswald killed kennedy.same with Ditzcon.hense why so many people have these two on their ignore list.
the only ones that have me on ignore are morons like you that cant handle the truth
Mr. CandyCorn:

Let me reiterate a little secret about why I am on this thread.

I am here to leave a series of reponses, based on physical evidence, science and engineering, that ultimately can't be argued with. I do this not for your benefit ... but those that will later read this post to see what the issues and evidence are.

I do this for those that follow ... not to flatter you.

I do not think you have any interest in understanding the physical events that destroyed the three World Trade Center skyscrapers.

In fact, I am a registered professional engineer that believes the laws of physics apply everyday. Everyday, including Septemer 11th.

you hit the nail right on the head.this candy guy has NO INTEREST whatsoever in the truth.You will find that he blantantly ignores evidence,facts and witness testimonys.He is the exact same way in the kennedy assassination debates as well tooting the governments horn that oswald killed kennedy.same with Ditzcon.hense why so many people have these two on their ignore list.
the only ones that have me on ignore are morons like you that cant handle the truth

Does this dumb ass know how many people have him on their ignore list?
you hit the nail right on the head.this candy guy has NO INTEREST whatsoever in the truth.You will find that he blantantly ignores evidence,facts and witness testimonys.He is the exact same way in the kennedy assassination debates as well tooting the governments horn that oswald killed kennedy.same with Ditzcon.hense why so many people have these two on their ignore list.
the only ones that have me on ignore are morons like you that cant handle the truth

Does this dumb ass know how many people have him on their ignore list?
likely not


When I went through Navy boot camp I got brainwashed. That's the purpose for boot camp to make us follow orders without question. Brainwashing has nothing to do with intelligence. To be completely in agreement with the bribe / kickback system they claim is free speech is the perfect example of the national epidemic of the brain dead, brainwashed people in America.

Even the the mortgage meltdown didn't wake up most Americans. America has turned into a pack of dead beats who won't pay their debts starting with the government Americans keep reelecting.


When I went through Navy boot camp I got brainwashed. That's the purpose for boot camp to make us follow orders without question. Brainwashing has nothing to do with intelligence. To be completely in agreement with the bribe / kickback system they claim is free speech is the perfect example of the national epidemic of the brain dead, brainwashed people in America.

Even the the mortgage meltdown didn't wake up most Americans. America has turned into a pack of dead beats who won't pay their debts starting with the government Americans keep reelecting.

and any of this has to do with what exactly?


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