911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!

So what do you think it is? You've been observing the nature and methods of these 9/11 "Truthers." What drives them to make such silly arguments and half-baked conclusions?

They've internalized their conspiracy. They've Jack Burton'd their narrative. And made their imagined ability to 'see what no one else can see, do what no one else can do' part of their identity.

So if you point out holes in their theories, they get wildly defensive or evasive. As you're essentially attacking a piece of who they are. Equally, they need to perpetuate their stories to maintain this feeling of having 'special knowledge'.

Which is why most 'Truthers' are so invulnerable to contrary evidence. Acknowledging the holes in their theory is often seen as a personal failure or an almost blasphemous attack. As if you were talking shit about their religion. They shut down. And they will ignore anything, from any source, even their own....that contradicts their narrative.

problem is you havent punched holes in anything I posted, if you think you have by all means cite them and I will be happy to explain the facts to you.

do you think that maybe its because the kid who built it in his back yard didnt construct it according to the patents?

No. I think its because there would have to be tens of thousands, hundreds of which would have been dislodged by the planes crashing into the towers. And because the patented version wouldn't even self consume.

scratch you off the credible demolition knowledge list.

Idiot says what?
So this is the ....third?... 'thermetic cutter' you've claimed was in common use?

1) You can't factually establish that any 'thermetic cutter' even exists. You've show us yet another drawing. Not an actual device.

2) You can't factually establish that if existing, it works as claimed. Patents require no proof of concept, no demonstration that the ideas described are viable or work in any way.

3) You can't factually establish that if existing and working as claimed, any where in the WTC 7. And your theory requires thousands.

awe skylar did I ignore you?

So sorry, sure here is a cutter just for you, just to show you what backwards neanderthal you are.

the technology is really easy and simple. you could make on in your back yard and it slices through steel far better than a hot knife through butter and requires very little thermate too.

Oh yeh, well the proof is all that molten shit, unless you want to go for a nook, otherwise the only other options you have available that could produce that kind of heat are the looney tune posers and official story huggers hot air.

enjoy, been a pleasure teaching you how wrong you are.

So how many of those were found in the wreckage?

Exactly. Remember, if you size up the devices to match the size of the girders it would be cutting, it would be approximately 10 feet long and about 3 and half feet in diameter, weighing as much as a small car. And there's need to be one for each girder at each floor. So there would be thousands of them.

So, um....where are they? They'd be everywhere, scattered throughout the rubble, especially toward the top of the pile, as you insist they were used at the top of the building. Yet no one ever found one. Not before, not during, not after the fire and collapse.

Second, how were they syncronized? Remember, they were on fire BEFORE they would have gone off. So all those cables wouldn't have been consumed by the fire. Any timers would have been reduced to bubbling pools of plastic. So how, pray tell, do you get perfect syncronization.

And if they were installed BEFORE the impacts, do you think someone might have noticed these car sized canisters strapped sideways to every girder? These buildings weren't museums. They were used, maintained, inspected. Yet no one ever saw any of the imagined 'thermite canisters' despite your theory mandating thousands.

And if they were installed AFTER the impacts, how did the FDNY miss them? How were they installed while the building was ON FIRE? Invisible, fire proof, ninja janitors was it?

Truthers can't resolve any of these theory killing holes. Any one of which renders the theory virtually impossible. Together, they demonstrate its silliness.

Nah its fun watching ignoramusus maximus huggerus wallow in foolishness.

Laughing.....and yet you still can't tell me where all the enormous canisters strapped to each of the girders on each floor holding the nanothermite went after the buildling collapsed. Because none were ever found. Despite your theory requiring thousands.

Nor can you explain why no girder was cut in a manner consistent with thermite. We had bending. We have warping. We had twisting. But no cuts.

And of course, no thermite reactions were ever observed. And they use nanothermite in fireworks. So we're not exactly talking about subtle here. Your theory mandates they occured by the thousand. And there were none. And you have no explaination.

You also can't explain for how this fantastically complex system of demolition worked while ON FIRE. As the WTC 7 was engulfed in flames.

Nor can you explain how canisters the size of a small car strapped to the side of a girder would go unnoticed by say, the folks that work in the building. Or the janitors. Or the building inspectors. Or the Port Authority Bomb Squad. Or the FDNY.

So......giant canisters of thermite that can't be seen, disappear completely after use, that produce thermite reactions that can't be seen either, bringing down a building by NOT cutting any girder. While the building is on fire.

Does that about cover it?

Actually the amount of high grade thermate needed is very little since its only the catalyst and the devices are WAY smaller than what the predictions some web idiots made. Especially if you dope em with generically speaking exotic metals.

Surely you realize that you're talking completely out of your ass, as you don't have the slightest clue how much 'nanothermite' it would take to do anything. Let alone bring down a building. As you don't know what yuo

Hell, you can even decide what conspiracy you're going to follow. As your description of the devices changes with virtually every recitation.

I suppose you are one of the neandrathals who think the only way is det cord?

Just watch the pretty twinkles and you can follow the sychronization

Oh and this one is NOT the wtc

This one is :)

Why are your gifs so uselessly small? Why are they so wildly modified? Why are they in black and white? Remember, in the unmodified images, nothing you're describing is visible. You can't tell us how they were modified, or by whom.

So how do we know that they're even remotely accurate? And why aren't you asking these questions?

you may want to study video forensics and stop talking tard. otherwise its a well known fact that debunkers huggers and posers are are too fucking stoopid to recognize whats going on any other way.
Looks ok to me

awe skylar did I ignore you?

So sorry, sure here is a cutter just for you, just to show you what backwards neanderthal you are.

the technology is really easy and simple. you could make on in your back yard and it slices through steel far better than a hot knife through butter and requires very little thermate too.

Oh yeh, well the proof is all that molten shit, unless you want to go for a nook, otherwise the only other options you have available that could produce that kind of heat are the looney tune posers and official story huggers hot air.

Nah its fun watching ignoramusus maximus huggerus wallow in foolishness.

Actually the amount of high grade thermate needed is very little since its only the catalyst and the devices are WAY smaller than what the predictions some web idiots made. Especially if you dope em with generically speaking exotic metals.

I suppose you are one of the neandrathals who think the only way is det cord?

Just watch the pretty twinkles and you can follow the sychronization

Oh and this one is NOT the wtc

This one is :)

Now had you taken the time to actually understand the material you are ridiculing you wouldnt look so foolish aboyt now.
Where is the video of the self consuming device?

Or the ones that magically self-destruct, after they're dislodged?
They've internalized their conspiracy. They've Jack Burton'd their narrative. And made their imagined ability to 'see what no one else can see, do what no one else can do' part of their identity.

So if you point out holes in their theories, they get wildly defensive or evasive. As you're essentially attacking a piece of who they are. Equally, they need to perpetuate their stories to maintain this feeling of having 'special knowledge'.

Which is why most 'Truthers' are so invulnerable to contrary evidence. Acknowledging the holes in their theory is often seen as a personal failure or an almost blasphemous attack. As if you were talking shit about their religion. They shut down. And they will ignore anything, from any source, even their own....that contradicts their narrative.

The above can be applied to those who support the fanatical hijacker conspiracy bit also. and it only applies to some of the people, some of the time.
ummm ... not for nothin', but ... that 'fanatical hijacker conspiracy' has thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses; whereas the revered truther versions remain cemented in a combustible mixture of conjecture and hallucinations.

wtf you smokin?

post the names of these witnesses and validations.
Moronic distraction. I don't know the names of all the folks who worked on the Apollo 11 mission but I still know thousands worked on it and landed two men on the moon.

But here, check out this video ....

...that's 43 separate eye witnesses who caught it on video plus additional eye witnesses seen in some of the videos. There were also millions more who lived and worked within eye shot of the Twin Towers, many of whom were watching when the second plane hit as they were watching the fire burn from the first plane.
Looks ok to me

awe skylar did I ignore you?

So sorry, sure here is a cutter just for you, just to show you what backwards neanderthal you are.

the technology is really easy and simple. you could make on in your back yard and it slices through steel far better than a hot knife through butter and requires very little thermate too.

Oh yeh, well the proof is all that molten shit, unless you want to go for a nook, otherwise the only other options you have available that could produce that kind of heat are the looney tune posers and official story huggers hot air.

Nah its fun watching ignoramusus maximus huggerus wallow in foolishness.

Actually the amount of high grade thermate needed is very little since its only the catalyst and the devices are WAY smaller than what the predictions some web idiots made. Especially if you dope em with generically speaking exotic metals.

I suppose you are one of the neandrathals who think the only way is det cord?

Just watch the pretty twinkles and you can follow the sychronization

Oh and this one is NOT the wtc

This one is :)

Now had you taken the time to actually understand the material you are ridiculing you wouldnt look so foolish aboyt now.
So simple yet you can't prove a single one ever existed in 2001, was powerful enough to cut through an actual steel beam, or explain why none were found.

Other than your hallucinations, you have nothing at all. :cuckoo:
They've internalized their conspiracy. They've Jack Burton'd their narrative. And made their imagined ability to 'see what no one else can see, do what no one else can do' part of their identity.

So if you point out holes in their theories, they get wildly defensive or evasive. As you're essentially attacking a piece of who they are. Equally, they need to perpetuate their stories to maintain this feeling of having 'special knowledge'.

Which is why most 'Truthers' are so invulnerable to contrary evidence. Acknowledging the holes in their theory is often seen as a personal failure or an almost blasphemous attack. As if you were talking shit about their religion. They shut down. And they will ignore anything, from any source, even their own....that contradicts their narrative.

The above can be applied to those who support the fanatical hijacker conspiracy bit also. and it only applies to some of the people, some of the time.
ummm ... not for nothin', but ... that 'fanatical hijacker conspiracy' has thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses; whereas the revered truther versions remain cemented in a combustible mixture of conjecture and hallucinations.

wtf you smokin?

post the names of these witnesses and validations.
Moronic distraction. I don't know the names of all the folks who worked on the Apollo 11 mission but I still know thousands worked on it and landed two men on the moon.

But here, check out this video ....

...that's 43 separate eye witnesses who caught it on video plus additional eye witnesses seen in some of the videos. There were also millions more who lived and worked within eye shot of the Twin Towers, many of whom were watching when the second plane hit as they were watching the fire burn from the first plane.

the ghost plane HAHAHA

this among several other compositing errors proves its a composite fake, if you think its not be my guest and prove it.

Looks ok to me

awe skylar did I ignore you?

So sorry, sure here is a cutter just for you, just to show you what backwards neanderthal you are.

the technology is really easy and simple. you could make on in your back yard and it slices through steel far better than a hot knife through butter and requires very little thermate too.

Oh yeh, well the proof is all that molten shit, unless you want to go for a nook, otherwise the only other options you have available that could produce that kind of heat are the looney tune posers and official story huggers hot air.

Nah its fun watching ignoramusus maximus huggerus wallow in foolishness.

Actually the amount of high grade thermate needed is very little since its only the catalyst and the devices are WAY smaller than what the predictions some web idiots made. Especially if you dope em with generically speaking exotic metals.

I suppose you are one of the neandrathals who think the only way is det cord?

Just watch the pretty twinkles and you can follow the sychronization

Oh and this one is NOT the wtc

This one is :)

Now had you taken the time to actually understand the material you are ridiculing you wouldnt look so foolish aboyt now.
So simple yet you can't prove a single one ever existed in 2001, was powerful enough to cut through an actual steel beam, or explain why none were found.

Other than your hallucinations, you have nothing at all. :cuckoo:

you may want to stop doing drugs before posting or are you a psychopathic liar?

Where is the video of the self consuming device?

Or the ones that magically self-destruct, after they're dislodged?

buy one FFS!

no one is stopping you. are you too fucking stoopid to read patents.

How do you know anything was dislodged? Got proof?

They've internalized their conspiracy. They've Jack Burton'd their narrative. And made their imagined ability to 'see what no one else can see, do what no one else can do' part of their identity.

So if you point out holes in their theories, they get wildly defensive or evasive. As you're essentially attacking a piece of who they are. Equally, they need to perpetuate their stories to maintain this feeling of having 'special knowledge'.

Which is why most 'Truthers' are so invulnerable to contrary evidence. Acknowledging the holes in their theory is often seen as a personal failure or an almost blasphemous attack. As if you were talking shit about their religion. They shut down. And they will ignore anything, from any source, even their own....that contradicts their narrative.

The above can be applied to those who support the fanatical hijacker conspiracy bit also. and it only applies to some of the people, some of the time.
ummm ... not for nothin', but ... that 'fanatical hijacker conspiracy' has thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses; whereas the revered truther versions remain cemented in a combustible mixture of conjecture and hallucinations.

wtf you smokin?

post the names of these witnesses and validations.
Moronic distraction. I don't know the names of all the folks who worked on the Apollo 11 mission but I still know thousands worked on it and landed two men on the moon.

But here, check out this video ....

...that's 43 separate eye witnesses who caught it on video plus additional eye witnesses seen in some of the videos. There were also millions more who lived and worked within eye shot of the Twin Towers, many of whom were watching when the second plane hit as they were watching the fire burn from the first plane.

the ghost plane HAHAHA

this among several other compositing errors proves its a composite fake, if you think its not be my guest and prove it.


The proof exists in no less than 43 video recordings, each one recorded independently. The burden to prove they are all 100% faked falls upon you -- beginning with evidence of whomever you delude yourself into believing was behind 9.11, acquiring 100% of the videos ... editing 100% of the videos with the identical image of a plane striking the building, regardless of the angle ... rational explanation for how eyewitnesses said they saw the same image you claim was digitally added ... rational explanation for why not one single video exists without the plane striking the building ... rational explanation for why not a single person who recorded the event has claimed their video was edited by adding a plane which wasn't there.

The reality is -- you can't even begin to touch any one of those, no less all of them. You're still stuck with nothing at all but your psychotic delusions.
Looks ok to me

awe skylar did I ignore you?

So sorry, sure here is a cutter just for you, just to show you what backwards neanderthal you are.

the technology is really easy and simple. you could make on in your back yard and it slices through steel far better than a hot knife through butter and requires very little thermate too.

Oh yeh, well the proof is all that molten shit, unless you want to go for a nook, otherwise the only other options you have available that could produce that kind of heat are the looney tune posers and official story huggers hot air.

Nah its fun watching ignoramusus maximus huggerus wallow in foolishness.

Actually the amount of high grade thermate needed is very little since its only the catalyst and the devices are WAY smaller than what the predictions some web idiots made. Especially if you dope em with generically speaking exotic metals.

I suppose you are one of the neandrathals who think the only way is det cord?

Just watch the pretty twinkles and you can follow the sychronization

Oh and this one is NOT the wtc

This one is :)

Now had you taken the time to actually understand the material you are ridiculing you wouldnt look so foolish aboyt now.
So simple yet you can't prove a single one ever existed in 2001, was powerful enough to cut through an actual steel beam, or explain why none were found.

Other than your hallucinations, you have nothing at all. :cuckoo:

you may want to stop doing drugs before posting or are you a psychopathic liar?

You retard. :eusa_doh: I challenged you for proof that a "thermate cutter" existed in 2001 -- not proof of a drawing of one. :eusa_doh:

Making an ass of yourself does not impress anyone.
They've internalized their conspiracy. They've Jack Burton'd their narrative. And made their imagined ability to 'see what no one else can see, do what no one else can do' part of their identity.

So if you point out holes in their theories, they get wildly defensive or evasive. As you're essentially attacking a piece of who they are. Equally, they need to perpetuate their stories to maintain this feeling of having 'special knowledge'.

Which is why most 'Truthers' are so invulnerable to contrary evidence. Acknowledging the holes in their theory is often seen as a personal failure or an almost blasphemous attack. As if you were talking shit about their religion. They shut down. And they will ignore anything, from any source, even their own....that contradicts their narrative.

The above can be applied to those who support the fanatical hijacker conspiracy bit also. and it only applies to some of the people, some of the time.
ummm ... not for nothin', but ... that 'fanatical hijacker conspiracy' has thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses; whereas the revered truther versions remain cemented in a combustible mixture of conjecture and hallucinations.

wtf you smokin?

post the names of these witnesses and validations.
Moronic distraction. I don't know the names of all the folks who worked on the Apollo 11 mission but I still know thousands worked on it and landed two men on the moon.

But here, check out this video ....

...that's 43 separate eye witnesses who caught it on video plus additional eye witnesses seen in some of the videos. There were also millions more who lived and worked within eye shot of the Twin Towers, many of whom were watching when the second plane hit as they were watching the fire burn from the first plane.

the ghost plane HAHAHA

this among several other compositing errors proves its a composite fake, if you think its not be my guest and prove it.


All of those videos were faked?

Can you tell us how many times you were dropped on your head?
At least give us a range.
Looks ok to me

awe skylar did I ignore you?

So sorry, sure here is a cutter just for you, just to show you what backwards neanderthal you are.

the technology is really easy and simple. you could make on in your back yard and it slices through steel far better than a hot knife through butter and requires very little thermate too.

Oh yeh, well the proof is all that molten shit, unless you want to go for a nook, otherwise the only other options you have available that could produce that kind of heat are the looney tune posers and official story huggers hot air.

Nah its fun watching ignoramusus maximus huggerus wallow in foolishness.

Actually the amount of high grade thermate needed is very little since its only the catalyst and the devices are WAY smaller than what the predictions some web idiots made. Especially if you dope em with generically speaking exotic metals.

I suppose you are one of the neandrathals who think the only way is det cord?

Just watch the pretty twinkles and you can follow the sychronization

Oh and this one is NOT the wtc

This one is :)

Now had you taken the time to actually understand the material you are ridiculing you wouldnt look so foolish aboyt now.
So simple yet you can't prove a single one ever existed in 2001, was powerful enough to cut through an actual steel beam, or explain why none were found.

Other than your hallucinations, you have nothing at all. :cuckoo:

you may want to stop doing drugs before posting or are you a psychopathic liar?

Where is the drawing for the magical self-consuming device?
Where is the video of the self consuming device?

Or the ones that magically self-destruct, after they're dislodged?

buy one FFS!

no one is stopping you. are you too fucking stoopid to read patents.

How do you know anything was dislodged? Got proof?

buy one FFS!

Buy a magical device that only exists in your mind? Where?

How do you know anything was dislodged?

Thousands of devices were secretly installed and none were dislodged by the planes hitting the buildings?
Wow, that's some precision flying.
Thousands of devices were secretly installed and none were dislodged by the planes hitting the buildings?

Nor destroyed by the ensuing fires. It's amazing how the planners of KooKoo's CT could know where those planes would hit and where those fires would burn and managed to rig their CD precisely where required to destroy all the critical supports.
The above can be applied to those who support the fanatical hijacker conspiracy bit also. and it only applies to some of the people, some of the time.
ummm ... not for nothin', but ... that 'fanatical hijacker conspiracy' has thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses; whereas the revered truther versions remain cemented in a combustible mixture of conjecture and hallucinations.

wtf you smokin?

post the names of these witnesses and validations.
Moronic distraction. I don't know the names of all the folks who worked on the Apollo 11 mission but I still know thousands worked on it and landed two men on the moon.

But here, check out this video ....

...that's 43 separate eye witnesses who caught it on video plus additional eye witnesses seen in some of the videos. There were also millions more who lived and worked within eye shot of the Twin Towers, many of whom were watching when the second plane hit as they were watching the fire burn from the first plane.

the ghost plane HAHAHA

this among several other compositing errors proves its a composite fake, if you think its not be my guest and prove it.


The proof exists in no less than 43 video recordings, each one recorded independently. The burden to prove they are all 100% faked falls upon you -- beginning with evidence of whomever you delude yourself into believing was behind 9.11, acquiring 100% of the videos ... editing 100% of the videos with the identical image of a plane striking the building, regardless of the angle ... rational explanation for how eyewitnesses said they saw the same image you claim was digitally added ... rational explanation for why not one single video exists without the plane striking the building ... rational explanation for why not a single person who recorded the event has claimed their video was edited by adding a plane which wasn't there.

The reality is -- you can't even begin to touch any one of those, no less all of them. You're still stuck with nothing at all but your psychotic delusions.

heh heh

that last post a little painful for ya eh!

You say the are real then I want to know every source with all the details, what kind of camera, the cameraman where they were standing the whole 9 yards.

Oh and good luck with that btw since they are video composites and computer generated.

I patiently await your proof that you have 43 distinct videos from different authors.
Looks ok to me

awe skylar did I ignore you?

So sorry, sure here is a cutter just for you, just to show you what backwards neanderthal you are.

the technology is really easy and simple. you could make on in your back yard and it slices through steel far better than a hot knife through butter and requires very little thermate too.

Oh yeh, well the proof is all that molten shit, unless you want to go for a nook, otherwise the only other options you have available that could produce that kind of heat are the looney tune posers and official story huggers hot air.

Nah its fun watching ignoramusus maximus huggerus wallow in foolishness.

Actually the amount of high grade thermate needed is very little since its only the catalyst and the devices are WAY smaller than what the predictions some web idiots made. Especially if you dope em with generically speaking exotic metals.

I suppose you are one of the neandrathals who think the only way is det cord?

Just watch the pretty twinkles and you can follow the sychronization

Oh and this one is NOT the wtc

This one is :)

Now had you taken the time to actually understand the material you are ridiculing you wouldnt look so foolish aboyt now.
So simple yet you can't prove a single one ever existed in 2001, was powerful enough to cut through an actual steel beam, or explain why none were found.

Other than your hallucinations, you have nothing at all. :cuckoo:

you may want to stop doing drugs before posting or are you a psychopathic liar?

You retard. :eusa_doh: I challenged you for proof that a "thermate cutter" existed in 2001 -- not proof of a drawing of one. :eusa_doh:

Making an ass of yourself does not impress anyone.

Both thermate cutters and thermate welders existed when they made the railroad.

Face it you should have stayed in school instead of doing so many drugs.
The thermite (thermit) reaction was discovered in 1893 and patented in 1895 by German chemist Hans Goldschmidt.[7] Consequently, the reaction is sometimes called the "Goldschmidt reaction" or "Goldschmidt process". Goldschmidt was originally interested in producing very pure metals by avoiding the use of carbon in smelting, but he soon discovered the value of thermite in welding.[8]

The first commercial application of thermite was the welding of tram tracks in Essen in 1899.[9]

Actually making an ass out of myself would shock many people, making an ass out of you on the other hand is another story, with both brains tied behind my head.

Have a wonderful day
Thousands of devices were secretly installed and none were dislodged by the planes hitting the buildings?

Nor destroyed by the ensuing fires. It's amazing how the planners of KooKoo's CT could know where those planes would hit and where those fires would burn and managed to rig their CD precisely where required to destroy all the critical supports.

hey loonar tick, thermate cutters are immune to fires, see if you can figure out why!

I feel like I entered tardville, got anyone with a functional braincell around here other than me?
Thousands of devices were secretly installed and none were dislodged by the planes hitting the buildings?

Nor destroyed by the ensuing fires. It's amazing how the planners of KooKoo's CT could know where those planes would hit and where those fires would burn and managed to rig their CD precisely where required to destroy all the critical supports.

hey loonar tick, thermate cutters are immune to fires, see if you can figure out why!

I feel like I entered tardville, got anyone with a functional braincell around here other than me?

I feel like I entered tardville

The day you were born.
If you ever decide to move out of there, let us know.
ummm ... not for nothin', but ... that 'fanatical hijacker conspiracy' has thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses; whereas the revered truther versions remain cemented in a combustible mixture of conjecture and hallucinations.

wtf you smokin?

post the names of these witnesses and validations.
Moronic distraction. I don't know the names of all the folks who worked on the Apollo 11 mission but I still know thousands worked on it and landed two men on the moon.

But here, check out this video ....

...that's 43 separate eye witnesses who caught it on video plus additional eye witnesses seen in some of the videos. There were also millions more who lived and worked within eye shot of the Twin Towers, many of whom were watching when the second plane hit as they were watching the fire burn from the first plane.

the ghost plane HAHAHA

this among several other compositing errors proves its a composite fake, if you think its not be my guest and prove it.


The proof exists in no less than 43 video recordings, each one recorded independently. The burden to prove they are all 100% faked falls upon you -- beginning with evidence of whomever you delude yourself into believing was behind 9.11, acquiring 100% of the videos ... editing 100% of the videos with the identical image of a plane striking the building, regardless of the angle ... rational explanation for how eyewitnesses said they saw the same image you claim was digitally added ... rational explanation for why not one single video exists without the plane striking the building ... rational explanation for why not a single person who recorded the event has claimed their video was edited by adding a plane which wasn't there.

The reality is -- you can't even begin to touch any one of those, no less all of them. You're still stuck with nothing at all but your psychotic delusions.

heh heh

that last post a little painful for ya eh!

You say the are real then I want to know every source with all the details, what kind of camera, the cameraman where they were standing the whole 9 yards.

Oh and good luck with that btw since they are video composites and computer generated.

I patiently await your proof that you have 43 distinct videos from different authors.

Of course they're computer generated. :rolleyes: That's why there are eyewitnesses who said they saw a plane fly into the building. Because eyewitnesses saw a computer generated image while looking at the WTC. :eusa_doh:

You come up with the dumbest shit.

Like asking for proof that 43 distinct videos came from 43 distinct "authors." Moron, first of all, an author writes. These were video recordings. I posted a video of 43 separate videos of the event from 43 different angles from various parts of the city and New Jersey, many of which were recorded with hand held cameras. That requires as many as 43 distinct people.

Meanwhile, I note you can't even touch the points I made.

Not one.
Looks ok to me

awe skylar did I ignore you?

So sorry, sure here is a cutter just for you, just to show you what backwards neanderthal you are.

the technology is really easy and simple. you could make on in your back yard and it slices through steel far better than a hot knife through butter and requires very little thermate too.

Oh yeh, well the proof is all that molten shit, unless you want to go for a nook, otherwise the only other options you have available that could produce that kind of heat are the looney tune posers and official story huggers hot air.

Nah its fun watching ignoramusus maximus huggerus wallow in foolishness.

Actually the amount of high grade thermate needed is very little since its only the catalyst and the devices are WAY smaller than what the predictions some web idiots made. Especially if you dope em with generically speaking exotic metals.

I suppose you are one of the neandrathals who think the only way is det cord?

Just watch the pretty twinkles and you can follow the sychronization

Oh and this one is NOT the wtc

This one is :)

Now had you taken the time to actually understand the material you are ridiculing you wouldnt look so foolish aboyt now.
So simple yet you can't prove a single one ever existed in 2001, was powerful enough to cut through an actual steel beam, or explain why none were found.

Other than your hallucinations, you have nothing at all. :cuckoo:

you may want to stop doing drugs before posting or are you a psychopathic liar?

You retard. :eusa_doh: I challenged you for proof that a "thermate cutter" existed in 2001 -- not proof of a drawing of one. :eusa_doh:

Making an ass of yourself does not impress anyone.

Both thermate cutters and thermate welders existed when they made the railroad.

Face it you should have stayed in school instead of doing so many drugs.
The thermite (thermit) reaction was discovered in 1893 and patented in 1895 by German chemist Hans Goldschmidt.[7] Consequently, the reaction is sometimes called the "Goldschmidt reaction" or "Goldschmidt process". Goldschmidt was originally interested in producing very pure metals by avoiding the use of carbon in smelting, but he soon discovered the value of thermite in welding.[8]

The first commercial application of thermite was the welding of tram tracks in Essen in 1899.[9]

Actually making an ass out of myself would shock many people, making an ass out of you on the other hand is another story, with both brains tied behind my head.

Have a wonderful day

After all your posting, it turns out you don't know the difference between "thermite welding" and a "thermate cutter."


That would be like you saying the Chinese had AK-47s in the 1300's because they invented gunpowder in the 9th century. :eek:

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