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911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!

you have to be logged in and if that dont work get a new computer or hire someone or go to the library and use one of theirs.

FYI, you have to be logged in to post anything. Are you saying that 9/11 was an inside job?

are you saying you believe the fairy tales of the governments http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...cia-did-9-11-overwhelming-facts-prove-it.html

that sounds about right! LOL
Hey dimwit the patent proves its existence
You can't prove that the 'thermetic cutter' actually exists, was ever made, does anything it says it will do, or was ever used on any building in any capacity....ever. You assume it all, backed by absolutely nothing.

seems I can, fucker works great too!

1" rebar poof and its toast!

I keep telling you one celled amoeba brained neandrathals to do your homework instead of constantly going full tard out here.
Hey dimwit the patent proves its existence
You can't prove that the 'thermetic cutter' actually exists, was ever made, does anything it says it will do, or was ever used on any building in any capacity....ever. You assume it all, backed by absolutely nothing.

seems I can, fucker works great too!

1" rebar poof and its toast!

I keep telling you one celled amoeba brained neandrathals to do your homework instead of constantly going full tard out here.
no need to do home work ..no evidence of thermite or thermite linear cutters were found.
you have no credible evidence proving they were installed.
grabbing a still from YouTube is not doing how work, [ame=http://youtu.be/Wn-MCCZ3O1M]Linear Thermite Cutting Charges - YouTube[/ame]
the clip is about A "new" cutting technology ..not one that was available in 2001.
epic fail as always!
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Is it possible to use thermate/thermite for demolition purposes?

It's unlikely that thermite and its derivatives would be used to demolish a building on their own. My speculation is that thermite could be placed inside a drilled hole in a steel beam, either from above or from the side of the target beam. Thermite's products are a mix of molten iron and aluminium oxide, and high temperatures over 1000 C, as is stated in the patent[10].

However the logical inference is that thermite could be used on some core columns, with the remainder broken at some point with RDX linear cutter charges. The thermate could be used to weaken the structure, with relatively few linear cutter charges needed to initiate the building collapse.

The only real advantage of using thermate over RDX for cutting beams, is that thermate burns rather than explodes (and therefore does not create a loud explosion).
So this is the mysterious cutter that can cut a rebar? How about an 8 inch beam? And I see lots of evidence left behind in the video.....Lots and lots of evidence that was not found in and around the WTC buildings....
you have to be logged in and if that dont work get a new computer or hire someone or go to the library and use one of theirs.

FYI, you have to be logged in to post anything. Are you saying that 9/11 was an inside job?

are you saying you believe the fairy tales of the governments and the CIA controlled medias version that 19 muslims somehow overpowered trained pilots with mere box cutters and they piloted these air liners making all these impossible maneuvers in the air that expert pilots have said they could not do?:D:lol::lol:

are you saying you believe our corrupt government instituions what they say even though they have a long history of lying to the american people as well?:lol::lol::D

that you take their word on this over the words of qualified experts?:rofl::rofl:

Let me guess,you believe in magic bullets and the other fairy tale of the governments that oswald was the lone assassin right?:D:lol::lol::lmao::lmao:

of course it was an inside job.read this link on this thread and watch the video as well in the OP.Nobody has ever been able to debunk those facts in them or ever has any answers for them.:D


darlene is one of the few posters on here who is a brainwashed sheep in denial who actually believes the governments version of events.someone not a paid shill like gomer ollie,faun,and dawshit-aka sayit,that knows better that it was an inside job paid to come here to troll.

thats obvious because those agents,make up lies when confronted with those videos never addressing them,evading the facts in them changing the subject while farting here all day long.lol.

darlene however is afraid and doesnt want to look at the videos i posted so she has no comment.
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FYI, you have to be logged in to post anything. Are you saying that 9/11 was an inside job?

are you saying you believe the fairy tales of the governments and the CIA controlled medias version that 19 muslims somehow overpowered trained pilots with mere box cutters and they piloted these air liners making all these impossible maneuvers in the air that expert pilots have said they could not do?:D:lol::lol:

are you saying you believe our corrupt government instituions what they say even though they have a long history of lying to the american people as well?:lol::lol::D

that you take their word on this over the words of qualified experts?:rofl::rofl:

Let me guess,you believe in magic bullets and the other fairy tale of the governments that oswald was the lone assassin right?:D:lol::lol::lmao::lmao:

of course it was an inside job.read this link on this thread and watch the video as well in the OP.Nobody has ever been able to debunk those facts in them or ever has any answers for them.:D


darlene is one of the few posters on here who is a brainwashed sheep in denial who actually believes the governments version of events.someone not a paid shill like gomer ollie,faun,and dawshit-aka sayit,that knows better that it was an inside job paid to come here to troll.

thats obvious because those agents,make up lies when confronted with those videos never addressing them,evading the facts in them changing the subject while farting here all day long.lol.

darlene however is afraid and doesnt want to look at the videos i posted so she has no comment.
hey hand job we've all seen your videos a billion times, guess what?

they're still bullshit.
are you saying you believe the fairy tales of the governments and the CIA controlled medias version that 19 muslims somehow overpowered trained pilots with mere box cutters and they piloted these air liners making all these impossible maneuvers in the air that expert pilots have said they could not do?:D:lol::lol:

are you saying you believe our corrupt government instituions what they say even though they have a long history of lying to the american people as well?:lol::lol::D

that you take their word on this over the words of qualified experts?:rofl::rofl:

Let me guess,you believe in magic bullets and the other fairy tale of the governments that oswald was the lone assassin right?:D:lol::lol::lmao::lmao:

of course it was an inside job.read this link on this thread and watch the video as well in the OP.Nobody has ever been able to debunk those facts in them or ever has any answers for them.:D


darlene is one of the few posters on here who is a brainwashed sheep in denial who actually believes the governments version of events.someone not a paid shill like gomer ollie,faun,and dawshit-aka sayit,that knows better that it was an inside job paid to come here to troll.

thats obvious because those agents,make up lies when confronted with those videos never addressing them,evading the facts in them changing the subject while farting here all day long.lol.

darlene however is afraid and doesnt want to look at the videos i posted so she has no comment.
hey hand job we've all seen your videos a billion times, guess what?

they're still bullshit.

Oh Please, you know he's had us on ignore for years so he didn't have to try to answer our questions to him....
But truth is no I haven't watched his 2 hour video. Anytime he wants to break it down into 5 minute segments I'll be glad to tell him again where he is wrong. I did watch all of Loose change, and the revised loose change. Then "Fuck loose change".... It was the best made video of the bunch, it had real facts in it....
darlene is one of the few posters on here who is a brainwashed sheep in denial who actually believes the governments version of events.someone not a paid shill like gomer ollie,faun,and dawshit-aka sayit,that knows better that it was an inside job paid to come here to troll.

thats obvious because those agents,make up lies when confronted with those videos never addressing them,evading the facts in them changing the subject while farting here all day long.lol.

darlene however is afraid and doesnt want to look at the videos i posted so she has no comment.
hey hand job we've all seen your videos a billion times, guess what?

they're still bullshit.

Oh Please, you know he's had us on ignore for years so he didn't have to try to answer our questions to him....
But truth is no I haven't watched his 2 hour video. Anytime he wants to break it down into 5 minute segments I'll be glad to tell him again where he is wrong. I did watch all of Loose change, and the revised loose change. Then "Fuck loose change".... It was the best made video of the bunch, it had real facts in it....
not to worry Ollie I'll give you the synopsis of all of his videos.. no evidence and lot's of paranoid rambling...
four more farts from the paid shills.:9::9::9::9:

yep like i said,darlene doesnt constantly troll the boards here everyday posting outright lies like gomer pyle ollie and dawgshit-aka sayit do.like they she evades facts and wont address them only difference is she doesnt make up lies everyday when cornered,she just posts some childish one liner as her rebuttal knowing she is licked and doesnt come back. so its obvious she isnt a paid shill like gomer ollie and dawgshit-say it are.
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four more farts from the paid shills.:9::9::9::9:

yep like i said,darlene doesnt constantly troll the boards here everyday posting outright lies like gomer pyle ollie and dawgshit-aka sayit do.like they she evades facts and wont address them only difference is she doesnt make up lies everyday when cornered,she just posts some childish one liner as her rebuttal knowing she is licked and doesnt come back. so its obvious she isnt a paid shill like gomer ollie and dawgshit-say it are.
any thing you say o handjob of nutcaseville
your handlers sure are worried all these facts are getting out sayit,the fact they sent you here so quick to fart so soon agin after my last post.

that folks again is the difference betwen paid shills like gomer ollie and dawgshit-aka sayit.that their handlers get so worried they send them to come back and fart IMMEDIATELy after your posts.

not a very good way of trying to deny it coming back so soon.!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::rofl::lmao:

but dawgshits handlers are so stupid,they never consider these things.

again truthers,thats the difference between paid shills like dawgshit and darlene.darlene is just been brainwashed and afraid to look at the facts and doesnt know any better so confronted with facts,she leaves.dawgshit knows he is licked but wont admit it so he comes back to shit all over the place posting debwunker links and debwunker videos since thats what he is very weel paid to do,come back for constant ass beatings everyday
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your handlers sure are worried all these facts are getting out sayit,the fact they sent you here so quick to fart so soon agin after my last post.

that folks again is the difference betwen paid shills like gomer ollie and dawgshit-aka sayit.that their handlers get so worried they send them to come back and fart IMMEDIATELy after your posts.

not a very good way of trying to deny it coming back so soon.!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::rofl::lmao:

but dawgshits handlers are so stupid,they never consider these things.

again truthers,thats the difference between paid shills like dawgshit and darlene.darlene is just been brainwashed and afraid to look at the facts and doesnt know any better so confronted with facts,she leaves.dawgshit knows he is licked but wont admit it so he comes back to shit all over the place posting debwunker links and debwunker videos since thats what he is very weel paid to do,come back for constant ass beatings everyday
the above was completely false the first time you posted it, it still is...
wow your handlers sure are desperate dawgshit,still ANOTHER fart from you they sent you to post.:D:9:
Notice how 911shitforbrains complains that we never watch his videos, yet pretends we are all on ignore so he doesn't have to try to answer when we destroy his theories..

Please ignore the upcoming fart joke from 911shitforbrains......
I don't know if it's funny as hell that people actually believe this shit.
Or be weirded out that there are people out there who believe this shit.
"never argue with a moron, he'll lower you to his level, and beat you with experience" :clap2:

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