95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, state officials discover

When it comes to claims of voter fraud by the right the past suggests that it's a bullshit excuse for voter suppression. Texas will never offer proof of this claim,

When it's verified they will be prosecuted, TX has prosecuted almost 200 cases in the last few years. On gal that lived in the Dallas area got 8 years, then she can look forward to being deported.

See one of the other 3 threads on this for commentary.

Texas has one of (if not the) most restrictive voter ID laws in the nation. Crying voter fraud in Texas is silly.

When the courts won't allow a State to verify citizenship when someone registers, this is what you get. It's that simple.


And that is happening? 95,000 times?


Tens of millions all over the country, SCOTUS ruled a State can NOT require proof of citizenship for registration. It goes against motor voter laws. Thank you wild willie.

Trump's DOJ is infested with the same deep state goons who were there during the Obama administration.
Shit for brains is speaking up again. There is no deep state.
You seem pretty sure of yourself, but call it what you want, it's there.

I am sure of myself because I have not lost my mind. That is what you have to do to be a Trump supporter. It is not there.

What you have lost is your perception.
It's not hard to see the rot.

Texas Finds 95,000 Non-US Citizens Registered To Vote
58,000 Have Actually Voted...

By Timothy Meads -- On Friday January 25, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that 95,000 individuals registered to vote in the Lone Star State have been identified as "Non-US Citizens," meaning they are illegally registered to vote. Further evidence brought forth by Texas Secretary of State David Whitely confirms that 58,000 of these individuals have broken the law and voted in "one or more" recent elections.... “Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice," AG Paxton said in a statement. "My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed." According to a press release issued by the Attorney General's office, while non-US citizens are legally allowed to obtain driver's licenses and other forms of ID, "only citizens are eligible to vote." Furthermore, the Sec. of State's office notes that "Voting in an election in which the person knows he or she is not eligible to vote is a second-degree felony in the State of Texas. "
"Nothing is more vital to preserving our Constitution than the integrity of our voting process, and my office will do everything within its abilities to solidify trust in every election in the state of Texas. I applaud Secretary of State Whitley for his proactive work in safeguarding our elections," AG Paxton added.

Why isn't this breaking news by the biased MSM? Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftist media wont cover for one simple reason.... they are Democrats.
The Texas investigation is just scratching the surface. What are the odds that 100% of them voted Democratic? And how many are in the States of CA, NY, IL, FL, WA and OR?
The PMS Dem Left want wide Open Border without protection while They Fortify heir Own Mansions with Tall Walls. Others probably are Drug and Human Trafficking for Profits. Like Hillary they`ll do anything for Profits Their Sole motivation to be in Politics, even Importation of Violent Criminals are big Money Makers for Attorneys in every Specialty.

How about because there is no proof. The GOP depends on as few people voting as possible. The Texas Secretary of State is a Republican and we know how Republicans in the era of Trump lie through their teeth.

Oh shut up. Trump trash like you need to be placed in a straitjacket. Voters do not support a wall either.
Trump's DOJ is infested with the same deep state goons who were there during the Obama administration.
Shit for brains is speaking up again. There is no deep state.
You seem pretty sure of yourself, but call it what you want, it's there.

I am sure of myself because I have not lost my mind. That is what you have to do to be a Trump supporter. It is not there.

What you have lost is your perception.
It's not hard to see the rot.


What you have lost is your mind.
I can definitely see the rot in your brain. Trump trash.
Once again, proof of massive voter fraud. We all know the Dims will continue to maintain that voter fraud doesn't happen:

95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, state officials discover

About 95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, and more than half of those have cast ballots in at least one election, Texas Secretary of State David Whitley announced on Friday. Whitley's office, along with the Texas Department of Public Safety, had been investigating possible voter fraud for the last year, according to a news release. Of the 95,000 non-citizens registered, 58,000 have voted in one or more elections since 1996.

The methodology of this study is deeply flawed. The study compiled the names and addresses of people who applied for driver's licenses using a green card or visa for ID. It then checked voter rolls to see if any of these people subsequently appeared on voter rolls or voted. What they didn't do was to enquire as to whether any of these people subequently applied for and received their citizenship prior to registering or voting.

This whole study was designed to give a "false positive" to gin up the base.
Trump's DOJ is infested with the same deep state goons who were there during the Obama administration.
Shit for brains is speaking up again. There is no deep state.
You seem pretty sure of yourself, but call it what you want, it's there.

I am sure of myself because I have not lost my mind. That is what you have to do to be a Trump supporter. It is not there.

What you have lost is your perception.
It's not hard to see the rot.


What you have lost is your mind.
I can definitely see the rot in your brain. Trump trash.

Nope.... That's the shit in your eyes lefty..
Better clean it out and then learn Spanish
Muy pronto ese!
Last edited:
Born and raised in the same county as Rush Limbaugh. Whatever happened to that "we're an exceptional nation" shtick? Look at it now. "Hey! We're better that an eastern european shithole so there!"

Nope....referring to you and you only, dirtbag.
We have already witnessed the California Democratic Party usurp democracy with its “vote harvesting” laws that allowed Nancy Pelosi and Democrats to steal elections weeks after polls have closed. Now this. Go figure. Democratic Party in the United States is ran by extremists who want to destroy the worlds bastion of freedom and democracy and all those who fought and died for it.
Texas says it found 95,000 non-citizens on voter rolls; 58,000 have voted

These votes were legitimately cast. You just do not want to count them. You are the ones who want to destroy our country. You far right wing extremists will do anything to not count votes to retain your power. No elections were stolen. Take your garbage and shove it.
See one of the other 3 threads on this for commentary.

Texas has one of (if not the) most restrictive voter ID laws in the nation. Crying voter fraud in Texas is silly.

Texas also has Democrats who are willing to break laws, in order to get illegal votes.

Did you think everyone in Texas was a Republican or something? Ever been to Austin, Dallas, or Houston?

Don’t be stupid.
The Secretary of State’s office is responsible for voter registration. It has been a subsidiary of the GOP for about 2 decades. They are responsible. Not the Democrats. A democrat in Houston couldn’t register you to vote any more than they could give you a tour of the Governor’s mansion.

Bullshit, the commies run registration drives all the time, just fill out the card and turn it in.


Its the hatboy thing all over again.

Third time...The Secretary of State’s office is responsible for voter registration. I can turn in whatever I want. Whether I get a voter's registration card or not is up to a Republican bureaucrat if I'm in Texas.
Texas says it found 95,000 non-citizens on voter rolls; 58,000 have voted
Those who wanted proof illegals were voting, here it is.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Friday that the state has discovered 95,000 non-citizens on the voter rolls going back to 1996, 58,000 of whom have voted in at least one Texas election -- an announcement likely to raise fresh concerns about the prospect of voter fraud.

Texas has some of the toughest voter ID laws in the nation and has been one of the main battlegrounds in the Republican-led fight against alleged voter fraud.
Now it's that many in a state with severe voter id laws imagine how many there are in states with few like California. The problem is they have to get caught to be counted and if nobody is trying to catch them, like in California, then they aren't counted and the dems on here act like they don't exist.

The problem is that there is no proof of this. Republicans are liars. The Secretary of State is a Republican. Therefore he is a liar.
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See one of the other 3 threads on this for commentary.

Texas has one of (if not the) most restrictive voter ID laws in the nation. Crying voter fraud in Texas is silly.

When the courts won't allow a State to verify citizenship when someone registers, this is what you get. It's that simple.


And that is happening? 95,000 times?


Tens of millions all over the country, SCOTUS ruled a State can NOT require proof of citizenship for registration. It goes against motor voter laws. Thank you wild willie.


Yeah because most people registering to vote at the DMV aren't carrying their birth certificate with them. Yet again, whatever the DMV or DPS does, the people who make the decision (not that the DMV or DPS are not run by a GOP bureaucrat) is, in Texas, up to the Texas Secretary of State.
If they are just handing out voter registration cards...blaming the democrats and liberals is silly.
Well, my posting history on the topic is solid and for you to investigate if you wanted to know the facts.

Prohibiting people from voting based on their heritage.... wow.

And you wonder why Trump supporters are considered the scum of the earth?

Yeah, like I'm going to waste my time proving you're a commie dupe.
Well, if you continue to occupy a house of ignorance...that is your choice.

As far as "heritage" goes, would you elect a hijab wearing arab woman to Congress who was an al-Qaida sympathizer? wait, your party just did.

You voted for a Russian Asset in 2016 it seems.

I win.
Trump's DOJ is infested with the same deep state goons who were there during the Obama administration.
Shit for brains is speaking up again. There is no deep state.
You seem pretty sure of yourself, but call it what you want, it's there.

I am sure of myself because I have not lost my mind. That is what you have to do to be a Trump supporter. It is not there.

What you have lost is your perception.
It's not hard to see the rot.


What you have lost is your mind.
I can definitely see the rot in your brain. Trump trash.

Nope.... That's the shit in your eyes lefty..
Better clean it out and then learn Spanish
Muy pronto ese!

The fact that you are a Trump supporter means you have shit for brains. That is the only kind of voter that supports Trump. You have better get your brains out of hock unless that is your natural state.

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