A baker must bake a cake for a gay couple if memory serves

Do you have to create the cake for gays, or does it have to be a "gay cake" (with two dudes/women on it and all that jazz)?
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Do you have to create the cake for gays, or does it have to be a "gay cake" (with two dudes/women on it and all that jazz)?
Gay cake.....:71:

You know what I mean. I don't think anyone should be forced to sell a product that they don't want to sell.

At the same time, they shouldn't be able to pick and choose who they sell their products to. I think kicking out Trump supporters is wrong, but apparently it's not in violation of the law.
Why does it seem like morality is NOW is a rock-paper scissors game instead of a actual independent factual issue?
In general, a business in New York State may lawfully refuse to provide service to a particular individual for any reason or no reason, as long as the business does not refuse service because the individual belongs to a member of a class protected by statute. Classes protected under the New York State Human Rights Law include any person's race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex, disability, or marital status.
If I was the guy's lawyer I would have gone for it on claim the hat was a sign of mental disability and not some sort of religious attire.​
Yea liberal thinking has turned the Country into a armpit, Trump is the man ,if he was in that bar he would of bitch slapped those liberal assholes.

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