A bet with anti-gunners

Not everyone. Mostly unmotivated, lazy leftists looking for handouts.
When the f*** are you going to allow the minimum wage to go up. This is ridiculous. Ditto training for good jobs Health Care Day Care infrastructure spending
... Unbelievable. Must save the rich LOL aaarrrggghhh.
There shouldn't be a minimum wage.
WTF is wrong with you people? Unbelievable LOL! Another 20 years of this and we are a banana Republic. Aaarrrggghhh hhhh
Nah. A banana republic is a country dependent on a single export. The only export we would have at mass quantities would be liberals. But nobody wants them because they don't work.
You are absolutely out of your mind. LOL.
I have lived in England France and Spain and got very drunk in Germany Munich and cologne and down the Rhine Valley
When the f*** are you going to allow the minimum wage to go up. This is ridiculous. Ditto training for good jobs Health Care Day Care infrastructure spending
... Unbelievable. Must save the rich LOL aaarrrggghhh.
There shouldn't be a minimum wage.
WTF is wrong with you people? Unbelievable LOL! Another 20 years of this and we are a banana Republic. Aaarrrggghhh hhhh
Nah. A banana republic is a country dependent on a single export. The only export we would have at mass quantities would be liberals. But nobody wants them because they don't work.
You are absolutely out of your mind. LOL.
I have lived in England France and Spain and got very drunk in Germany Munich and cologne and down the Rhine Valley
I think I bumped into you at a winefest in Ktown! I know you!!!
If you're in poverty, that's your fault. But that's what uninformed leftists do. They blame leaders and political parties for their own irresponsible behavior.
Sure has nothing to do with making College ridiculously expensive, ditto training, and actually raising taxes on the non Rich, everyone just decided to get lazy and takecrappy jobs, super duper
Not everyone. Mostly unmotivated, lazy leftists looking for handouts.
When the f*** are you going to allow the minimum wage to go up. This is ridiculous. Ditto training for good jobs Health Care Day Care infrastructure spending
... Unbelievable. Must save the rich LOL aaarrrggghhh.
There shouldn't be a minimum wage.
WTF is wrong with you people? Unbelievable LOL! Another 20 years of this and we are a banana Republic. Aaarrrggghhh hhhh
Socialism is a banana republic... We have passed the point of no return
Sure has nothing to do with making College ridiculously expensive, ditto training, and actually raising taxes on the non Rich, everyone just decided to get lazy and takecrappy jobs, super duper
Not everyone. Mostly unmotivated, lazy leftists looking for handouts.
When the f*** are you going to allow the minimum wage to go up. This is ridiculous. Ditto training for good jobs Health Care Day Care infrastructure spending
... Unbelievable. Must save the rich LOL aaarrrggghhh.
There shouldn't be a minimum wage.
WTF is wrong with you people? Unbelievable LOL! Another 20 years of this and we are a banana Republic. Aaarrrggghhh hhhh
Socialism is a banana republic... We have passed the point of no return
What do you have against better pay, good vacations, cheap college and training, good infrastructure, Healthcare and taxing the bloated rich. 80% want to fix background checks system.
Not everyone. Mostly unmotivated, lazy leftists looking for handouts.
When the f*** are you going to allow the minimum wage to go up. This is ridiculous. Ditto training for good jobs Health Care Day Care infrastructure spending
... Unbelievable. Must save the rich LOL aaarrrggghhh.
There shouldn't be a minimum wage.
WTF is wrong with you people? Unbelievable LOL! Another 20 years of this and we are a banana Republic. Aaarrrggghhh hhhh
Socialism is a banana republic... We have passed the point of no return
What do you have against better pay, good vacations, cheap college and training, good infrastructure, Healthcare and taxing the bloated rich. 80% want to fix background checks system.
Who’s going to pay for all of that socialism?
80% of fucked up progressives... lol
everyone just decided to get lazy and take crappy jobs,

And who's fault is that?
That's all there are. Thanks GOP for the investment in training and education for good jobs. They've all gone to Germany Etc.

Jobs left because of unions and government costs. I work with industry every day and have seen them leave first hand. Unions misled people into believing that good paying monkey jobs would be in the US forever.
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because you believe bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJs and bimbos on the propaganda machine

I never watched CCN once outside of waiting at the doctors office.

You dupes blame the poor for our failing economy, inequality, and ruined middle class. Brilliant.

What failing economy? Get out of the basement sometime. The economy hasn't been this good since the 90's. The Republicans are in charge now and Trump is making America great again. No, your welfare check didn't go up, but for us working folks, the future looks mighty bright.
Hey I have an idea white america. Start raising better citizens
It's not easy when the giveaway to the rich GOP is driving everyone else into poverty.
If you're in poverty, that's your fault. But that's what uninformed leftists do. They blame leaders and political parties for their own irresponsible behavior.
Sure has nothing to do with making College ridiculously expensive, ditto training, and actually raising taxes on the non Rich, everyone just decided to get lazy and takecrappy jobs, super duper
Not everyone. Mostly unmotivated, lazy leftists looking for handouts.
When the f*** are you going to allow the minimum wage to go up. This is ridiculous. Ditto training for good jobs Health Care Day Care infrastructure spending
... Unbelievable. Must save the rich LOL aaarrrggghhh.

You are confused Moon Bat.

"Allow minimum wage to go up"? LOL! The free market of labor should be the determination of labor rates not the filthy ass government.

Trump is creating real jobs unlike that asshole Obama who only created burger flipping jobs.

It is your responsibility to provide your own health care. Not my responsibility to provide it for you.

It is your responsibility to provide day care for your children, not the government's.

Trump wants to fix the infrastructure but the stupid Democrats won't go along with it because they don't want to give him a win.
Nope. We aren’t talking about eliminating all mass murders just lowering the numbers.

Why are so many white men so angry?
You want to decrease mass shooting deaths by MAYBE 3 people per year, maximum, while fucking over MILLIONS of people who would never harm anyone.

Still wondering why we're pissed, you racist motherfucker?
Hey I have an idea white america. Start raising better citizens
It's not easy when the giveaway to the rich GOP is driving everyone else into poverty.
And conservatives/republicans say that it’s liberals that are for the rich. And corporations are run by liberals they say. Ceos are liberal.
Some libtards are ceo's. But most are too lazy to rise above bottle washer.
Or they stop being liberal once they get rich
Nope. We aren’t talking about eliminating all mass murders just lowering the numbers.

Why are so many white men so angry?
You want to decrease mass shooting deaths by MAYBE 3 people per year, maximum, while fucking over MILLIONS of people who would never harm anyone.

Still wondering why we're pissed, you racist motherfucker?
Hey I have an idea white america. Start raising better citizens

Oh, you mean like the blacks do?
By the way, I can no longer make fun of you white Americans. Until the latest shooter I would have never believed a boy raised by a Greek father would be a mass shooter but that kid was Greek.

So it’s not just you aspro axanos’. It’s something about America that’s making citizens violent.

Arabs, Asians, blacks, Greeks, Czech, white

All races have nuts.
It's the new poverty and inequality. Thanks GOP. that's a lot of stress and broken homes...
And it might not be poverty but instead it’s these 20 year olds who can no longer go get a good union job and become self sufficient. Instead they’re working at Walmart and living with their parents.

I’m not justifying I’m just trying to figure out why white men are so mad. Perhaps Fox News and msnbc are riling up the nuts
the same way there are limits on the 1st amendment, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater, you shouldn't have an AR-15 if you're mentally ill.

I have lived in England France and Spain and got very drunk in Germany Munich and cologne and down the Rhine Valle
You are probably happier being a subject. The U.S. isn't right for you.

Despite the nonsense spewed by the non-English speaking illegal Mexican Sancho commonly known as danielpalos, we Americans, as individuals and citizans, have a great responsibility. We must be the last line of defense for control of THE MOST POWERFUL MILITARY THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. We must be armed sufficiently to make certain that our government in control of said military acts appropriately. We prevent the loss of checks and balances on the use of that ridiculously huge and way-too-powerful military.

No citizen of any other world power has this serious responsibility.

Those who don't want to partixipate in sharing this responsibility by sufficiently arming themselves have the option to live as subject elsewhere.

You should consider doimg so.
Having social consciousness is not synonymous with being 'socialist' (as if these threads show any evidence of understanding what "socialism" even means).
"Mass shootings" are the bogeyman because the Media makes them a big splash. Like an airliner crashing which kills many at one time, they enjoy promoting calls to "do something" yet airline travel is statistically one of the safest. Violent crime, including homicides committed by people with guns has been trending significantly down for decades, yet the media wants you to think we have to fear mass shootings more than any other activity. You want to remain significantly safer? Don't drive, or ride in a motor vehicle.

As human being we tend to overact with emotion, to "do something" even if we know it will be ineffective, or perhaps counterproductive.

More people get killed on a holiday weekend in Chicago than a mass shooting. The media is the most proficient brainwashing organization we have in this country. All they have to do is sensationalize any story, and the sheep flock to it.
Chicago has six million people, those schools have a little over a thousand
Why does it surprise you more get killed in Chicago?

Do you need to be educated on ratios?

Gotta laugh at this one

Prove me wrong on the murder rate in Chicago vs that High School

Are you really that dumb?
Having social consciousness is not synonymous with being 'socialist' (as if these threads show any evidence of understanding what "socialism" even means).
I just make it easy and refer to all of you as commies, but what I really mean is authoritarianism v. liberalism (libertarianism). If you are an authoritarian, I will likely call you a commie, even if you are a racist national socialist. You're all commies. It's the same result.
On the right, we believe that no matter what gun laws are created, the bad guys will always find access to firearms.
This delusion is shattered by the simple fact that advanced countries with strict gun laws have not only less gun homicides, they have lower homicide rates, period.

So you don't need to make a wager. You've already lost the bet. You just need to open your eyes.

I will wager, however, that you WON'T open your eyes and will keep them firmly shut.
This delusion is shattered by the simple fact that advanced countries with strict gun laws have not only less gun homicides, they have lower homicide rates, period.

So you don't need to make a wager. You've already lost the bet. You just need to open your eyes.

I will wager, however, that you WON'T open your eyes and will keep them firmly shut.
So, what should be done, Mr. Libertarian?

What strict, unconstitutional, rights-trampling gun laws would you support?

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