A bet with anti-gunners

Does that somehow mitigate the horror of a mass killing?

No, it doesn't, and that is why we should be doing everything with in reason to limit them.

Hardening Schools
Examining the drugs being used on kids
Making sure government, and law enforcement do their jobs

We should be doing everything that does not limit our freedoms, and Rights.
Good start
Hardening schools should be a no-brainer. To advocate for not doing so while having no problem with having banks, shopping malls, celebrities and politicians guarded by guns is to be a complete and utter hypocrite.

Either that, or be honest about your desire to repeal the 2nd amendment and use the military to forcibly disarm people.
In the many discussions of mass murders, the dichotomy is that anti-gunners think they have the solution by restrictions on guns. The pro-gunners think that the way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Very differing opinions indeed.

On the right, we believe that no matter what gun laws are created, the bad guys will always find access to firearms. The left? They believe criminals will obey any and all laws. On the right, we believe (as has been demonstrated in Europe) that even if we could make all guns illegal, that won't stop killers. On the left, they believe that if a mental person doesn't have access to guns, they will take up video games instead. Now to the bet..........

Let's say that the Congress agreed to create a law that read we will give anti-gunners anything they want to stop mass murders (name your poison). The bill would be set to expire in four years. Now if within that time, we see one more mass murder (guns or otherwise) the law would prohibit any further gun restriction legislation for 50 years. If within that time, the law stops all mass murders, we allow the left to keep it and even create more restrictions.

Would any anti-gunner be willing to make this wager?

The reason I ask is that I don't think for one minute the anti-gunners really believe any of their demands would stop mass murders, or even reduce them. It's just something to complain about because we are against their suggestions.

What's an "anti-gunner"?

Are there any who post on this board?

Seriously, I've read anti-dead children in their schools. I'm one of those.

Also have never heard anyone say they believe criminals obey laws or that keeping guns away from the mentally ill would stop shootings. Where do you get this stuff?

I own guns but they don't own me.

So, uh ... Silly OP that's intended to star yet another fight.
Not much of a burden my friend

Losing inalienable rights is not a burden?

Fuck you!!!

Background checks
Databases of those who aren’t allowed to have guns

Suck it up Buttercup

Vice showed a kid in Texass, videoing this classmates, obviously a survivo). Dumb kid was posturing and strutting and parroting the usual gun nut BS - that they don't need "gun conrol" but then said 'we need' and then listed all the gun control issues - like background checks, close loopholes, etc.

Gun nuts are brainwashed and then they brainwash children.
Background checks
Databases of those who aren’t allowed to have guns

Suck it up Buttercup
Give and take. If I am perfectly safe with guns, I will submit to your new, redundant background check and redundant database (as if we don't already have one) and in exchange, I am no threat, and therefore, should have no restrictions.

No more of this take, take, take, with zero give.

Otherwise, the status quo is just fine, if not in bad need of serious repeal.
In the many discussions of mass murders, the dichotomy is that anti-gunners think they have the solution by restrictions on guns. The pro-gunners think that the way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Very differing opinions indeed.

On the right, we believe that no matter what gun laws are created, the bad guys will always find access to firearms. The left? They believe criminals will obey any and all laws. On the right, we believe (as has been demonstrated in Europe) that even if we could make all guns illegal, that won't stop killers. On the left, they believe that if a mental person doesn't have access to guns, they will take up video games instead. Now to the bet..........

Let's say that the Congress agreed to create a law that read we will give anti-gunners anything they want to stop mass murders (name your poison). The bill would be set to expire in four years. Now if within that time, we see one more mass murder (guns or otherwise) the law would prohibit any further gun restriction legislation for 50 years. If within that time, the law stops all mass murders, we allow the left to keep it and even create more restrictions.

Would any anti-gunner be willing to make this wager?

The reason I ask is that I don't think for one minute the anti-gunners really believe any of their demands would stop mass murders, or even reduce them. It's just something to complain about because we are against their suggestions.

Nobody has suggested that gun crimes and mass shootings can be eliminated with common sense gun legislation.

The suggestion is that some will be prevented. That it will become less likely. And that is worth the effort.

The suggestion is that some will be prevented. That it will become less likely. And that is worth the effort.
No, it's not.

How many people a year die from mass shootings?

How many people will be deprived of an inalienable right with your "common sense" gun legislation (of which you are too chicken shit to elaborate because you know it sucks)?
In the many discussions of mass murders, the dichotomy is that anti-gunners think they have the solution by restrictions on guns. The pro-gunners think that the way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Very differing opinions indeed.

On the right, we believe that no matter what gun laws are created, the bad guys will always find access to firearms. The left? They believe criminals will obey any and all laws. On the right, we believe (as has been demonstrated in Europe) that even if we could make all guns illegal, that won't stop killers. On the left, they believe that if a mental person doesn't have access to guns, they will take up video games instead. Now to the bet..........

Let's say that the Congress agreed to create a law that read we will give anti-gunners anything they want to stop mass murders (name your poison). The bill would be set to expire in four years. Now if within that time, we see one more mass murder (guns or otherwise) the law would prohibit any further gun restriction legislation for 50 years. If within that time, the law stops all mass murders, we allow the left to keep it and even create more restrictions.

Would any anti-gunner be willing to make this wager?

The reason I ask is that I don't think for one minute the anti-gunners really believe any of their demands would stop mass murders, or even reduce them. It's just something to complain about because we are against their suggestions.

After failing the bet the leftists would tell you to go screw yourself and keep the guns... after extracting all your wealth with the government guns of course.

It's foolish to think that gun control has ANYTHING to do with these dead kids. It does not... more people die every year in bath tubs and all kinds of accidents and the leftists don't give a shit. They want your guns so you can't defend yourself against them.

The moment you give them your guns is the moment they will be shooting you with them.
The reason I ask is that I don't think for one minute the anti-gunners really believe any of their demands would stop mass murders, or even reduce them. It's just something to complain about because we are against their suggestions.

Actually, we already did that.

We passed a Assault Weapon ban in the 1990's, and the number of mass shootings decreased. Then we let it lapse, and the number of mass shootings increased.

Wrong...that isn't true...

the so called Assault weapon ban had no effect on mass shootings...please...do some basic research before you talk out of your ass...

Here is a list of mass shootings from anti gun, left wing, Mother JOnes........notice...no real change......

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
It's foolish to think that gun control has ANYTHING to do with these dead kids. It does not... more people die every year in bath tubs and all kinds of accidents and they don't give a shit. They want your guns so you can't defend yourself against them.
Winner, winner.

Chicken, motherfucking, dinner!!!!

Commies do not go away. They re-brand and bring the same shit at you for centuries.

That's why the only good commie is a dead commie:


Now, follow Ernesto's example, and be good commies.
The suggestion is that some will be prevented. That it will become less likely. And that is worth the effort.
No, it's not.

How many people a year die from mass shootings?

How many people will be deprived of an inalienable right with your "common sense" gun legislation (of which you are too chicken shit to elaborate because you know it sucks)?

Elaborate? The policies have been outlined HUNDREDS of times here. Stop trying to make people tire of the discussion by demanding they repeat info that is common knowledge.

I own a firearm. I will still own one if all of the reforms that most Americans want are made.

Elaborate? The policies have been outlined HUNDREDS of times here. Stop trying to make people tire of the discussion by demanding they repeat info that is common knowledge.

I own a firearm. I will still own one if all of the reforms that most Americans want are made.

What firearm would that be?


A shotgun? Like the mass shooter down in Santa Fe? Or a revolver?

Your "assault weapons" (scary looking) ban will not change ANYTHING!!!
Elaborate? The policies have been outlined HUNDREDS of times here. Stop trying to make people tire of the discussion by demanding they repeat info that is common knowledge.

I own a firearm. I will still own one if all of the reforms that most Americans want are made.

What firearm would that be?


A shotgun? Like the mass shooter down in Santa Fe? Or a revolver?

Your "assault weapons" (scary looking) ban will not change ANYTHING!!!

It's a nice little Glock 21. And I enjoy going to the range. My son the detective gave it to me.

I keep it in a fingerprint safe. So nobody who isn't me will get it. Thats one of the regulations that will save lives. The Santa Fe fucker got hold of his pappy's guns. Pappy ought to be paying a price for that. Don't you agree?

It's foolish to think that gun control has ANYTHING to do with these dead kids. It does not... more people die every year in bath tubs and all kinds of accidents and they don't give a shit. They want your guns so you can't defend yourself against them.
Winner, winner.

Chicken, motherfucking, dinner!!!!

Commies do not go away. They re-brand and bring the same shit at you for centuries.

That's why the only good commie is a dead commie:


Now, follow Ernesto's example, and be good commies.

He was both Red and Dead.....

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