A Burning Question about the NYC attack and terrorism in general...

So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.
A select few from Saudi Arabia attacks US and you want all Saudi's to pay for it? We just had 2 liberals one in Virgina(shooting up congressmen) and one in Las Vegas(shooting up young kids) so should we ban all liberals and put them in jail?


Your "select few" Saudis carried out an attack that took over 3000 American lives in a single day. The greatest attack ever on American soil.

And what was one of the reasons they attacked? That's right, because the Saudi government kicked Bin Laden and his buddies out of the country.
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen

and how should that be done, idiot? do you take the internet away from angry men? if they did, you would be off-line permanently.

a lot more people have been killed by terrorism in this country since 9/11 by white christian terrorists.

do we take them out of the country?

it's all well and good to pound your chest. but if you're going to pound your chest, take responsibility for YOUR terrorists, too.

This isn't something we should be divided about. I agree with your point that some people here are doing useless chest pounding, but we're all frustrated by these terrorist attacks and the inability to make them go away. No one has any great ideas about what to do now, but we always try to think of something after people have been killed.
I wish you wouldn't turn around and make it worse by pulling Christians into it.
We should be fighting terrorism, not each other. No one wants this.
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

Do you remember how Trump was lambasted for even saying a ban on Muslims?
So...let me get this straight...the Democrats get to scream bloody hatred at Trump for the very idea of banning muslims...but then also get to question why that ban doesn't include more nations?

that is leftards for ya

par for the course
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

At least we are getting something out of it. What is our country getting when terrorist judges stop Trump from banning these Muslims?

What are we getting out of it? He made up a list of countries that have posed no threat to us while receiving gifts from countries who have. No previous administration was any better in regards to Saudi Arabia, but he made criticizing the Saudis a highlight of his campaign.

Putting Americans to work for one. Two, really pissing off the Iranians.

How does the ban put anybody to work, and how are we pissing off the Iranians? The Iranian people who may want to come here for whatever reason maybe, but you think the ban really effects their government in any way?
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.
A select few from Saudi Arabia attacks US and you want all Saudi's to pay for it? We just had 2 liberals one in Virgina(shooting up congressmen) and one in Las Vegas(shooting up young kids) so should we ban all liberals and put them in jail?


Your "select few" Saudis carried out an attack that took over 3000 American lives in a single day. The greatest attack ever on American soil.
Your precious liberal shot down 50 young kids and wounded 500 others. The greatest single attack of liberalism on American soil, since the civil war. Why do you liberals hate the United States and the children of US citizens?
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.
A select few from Saudi Arabia attacks US and you want all Saudi's to pay for it? We just had 2 liberals one in Virgina(shooting up congressmen) and one in Las Vegas(shooting up young kids) so should we ban all liberals and put them in jail?


Your "select few" Saudis carried out an attack that took over 3000 American lives in a single day. The greatest attack ever on American soil.

And what was one of the reasons they attacked? That's right, because the Saudi government kicked Bin Laden and his buddies out of the country.

Who has ever said that Saudi Arabia kicking Bin Laden out was one of the reasons they attacked the United States? How does that make any sense?
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.
A select few from Saudi Arabia attacks US and you want all Saudi's to pay for it? We just had 2 liberals one in Virgina(shooting up congressmen) and one in Las Vegas(shooting up young kids) so should we ban all liberals and put them in jail?


Your "select few" Saudis carried out an attack that took over 3000 American lives in a single day. The greatest attack ever on American soil.
Your precious liberal shot down 50 young kids and wounded 500 others. The greatest single attack of liberalism on American soil, since the civil war. Why do you liberals hate the United States and the children of US citizens?

Paddock wasn't a liberal, but we already know you know this.
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

At least we are getting something out of it. What is our country getting when terrorist judges stop Trump from banning these Muslims?

What are we getting out of it? He made up a list of countries that have posed no threat to us while receiving gifts from countries who have. No previous administration was any better in regards to Saudi Arabia, but he made criticizing the Saudis a highlight of his campaign.

Putting Americans to work for one. Two, really pissing off the Iranians.

How does the ban put anybody to work, and how are we pissing off the Iranians? The Iranian people who may want to come here for whatever reason maybe, but you think the ban really effects their government in any way?

The $110 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia is fake news
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen

Read the First Amendment and get back to me

Did you support a ban on Italians during the mob wars of the 60s and 70s?
Did you support a ban on the Irish after the IRA bombings and assassinations?
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

At least we are getting something out of it. What is our country getting when terrorist judges stop Trump from banning these Muslims?

What are we getting out of it? He made up a list of countries that have posed no threat to us while receiving gifts from countries who have. No previous administration was any better in regards to Saudi Arabia, but he made criticizing the Saudis a highlight of his campaign.

The Saudis gave gifts to the Obamas, and they graciously accepted,...$1,300,000 worth pf jewelry...oh...and that was just one year.

I said in the post you quoted that no previous administration was any better in regard to the Saudis. Now address Trump. Obama isn't president anymore.

No...you don't get to bitch to high heaven about a "racist" Muslim ban,,,and then also try to turn this somehow against Trump when it was Democrat laws that didn't vote for ANY muslim ban, and NYC is a sanctuary city and liberal judges overrule ANY ban Trump tries to place.
This isn't about Saudi Arabia.
This is about a muslim green card holder, that despite past arrest and traffic violations STILL had a drivers license and STILL lived here...in a Sanctuary city that refused to comply with existing federal laws and Blasio wants to reduce the size of ICE in NYC.

Nice try....but you fail.
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.
A select few from Saudi Arabia attacks US and you want all Saudi's to pay for it? We just had 2 liberals one in Virgina(shooting up congressmen) and one in Las Vegas(shooting up young kids) so should we ban all liberals and put them in jail?


Your "select few" Saudis carried out an attack that took over 3000 American lives in a single day. The greatest attack ever on American soil.

And what was one of the reasons they attacked? That's right, because the Saudi government kicked Bin Laden and his buddies out of the country.

Who has ever said that Saudi Arabia kicking Bin Laden out was one of the reasons they attacked the United States? How does that make any sense?

That's what started the problem with this guy. George H Bush was dealing with Saudi Arabia, and Bin Laden objected. He protested to the government that infidels were on holy land and not welcome. So they threw his ass out of the country and that's when he started terrorist training. I believe he moved to Sudan, and Bush had him thrown out of there as well when he learned about this terrorism BS.
The religion is in desperate need of a modern Reformation, but because it falls into the "oppressed" side of the Left's "Oppressed/Oppressor" template, they're just not going to say anything.

They're going to do what they do for ALL "oppressed" groups, and that is keep standards low, spin for it, refuse to hold it accountable, and as a result enable its worst behaviors - no matter what damage is caused.

It's just what they do.

The problem is the Islamic Martin Luther will be killed long before he can have any impact.
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

At least we are getting something out of it. What is our country getting when terrorist judges stop Trump from banning these Muslims?
Banning Muslims isn't Trump's intention. He said so. It wouldn't have stopped this guy, anyway. His country wasn't on the list.
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

At least we are getting something out of it. What is our country getting when terrorist judges stop Trump from banning these Muslims?

What are we getting out of it? He made up a list of countries that have posed no threat to us while receiving gifts from countries who have. No previous administration was any better in regards to Saudi Arabia, but he made criticizing the Saudis a highlight of his campaign.

The Saudis gave gifts to the Obamas, and they graciously accepted,...$1,300,000 worth pf jewelry...oh...and that was just one year.

I said in the post you quoted that no previous administration was any better in regard to the Saudis. Now address Trump. Obama isn't president anymore.

No...you don't get to bitch to high heaven about a "racist" Muslim ban,,,and then also try to turn this somehow against Trump when it was Democrat laws that didn't vote for ANY muslim ban, and NYC is a sanctuary city and liberal judges overrule ANY ban Trump tries to place.
This isn't about Saudi Arabia.
This is about a muslim green card holder, that despite past arrest and traffic violations STILL had a drivers license and STILL lived here...in a Sanctuary city that refused to comply with existing federal laws and Blasio wants to reduce the size of ICE in NYC.

Nice try....but you fail.

another democrat policy taking lives of the innocent
The religion is in desperate need of a modern Reformation, but because it falls into the "oppressed" side of the Left's "Oppressed/Oppressor" template, they're just not going to say anything. They're going to do what they do for ALL "oppressed" groups, and that is keep standards low, spin for it, refuse to hold it accountable, and as a result enable its worst behaviors - no matter what damage is caused. It's just what they do.
The problem is the Islamic Martin Luther will be killed long before he can have any impact.
Yeah. As much as I hate to admit it, this won't happen overnight, even if it DOES start soon. But right now there is little movement in that direction.
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

At least we are getting something out of it. What is our country getting when terrorist judges stop Trump from banning these Muslims?
Banning Muslims isn't Trump's intention. He said so. It wouldn't have stopped this guy, anyway. His country wasn't on the list.


however not having the "diversity visa program" of chuck schumers

would have prevented this

democrats let this killer in the door
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

At least we are getting something out of it. What is our country getting when terrorist judges stop Trump from banning these Muslims?
Banning Muslims isn't Trump's intention. He said so. It wouldn't have stopped this guy, anyway. His country wasn't on the list.

You are correct about that. So when do we start banning countries---after they attack us first?

The ban is in place for countries that don't do a very good job of record keeping--not because any of their citizens have attacked us in the past. Even border agents say that because of their inability to give us proper information for vetting, it's impossible to know who is coming here in good faith and who is using our compassion to sneak in terrorists.
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

At least we are getting something out of it. What is our country getting when terrorist judges stop Trump from banning these Muslims?
Banning Muslims isn't Trump's intention. He said so. It wouldn't have stopped this guy, anyway. His country wasn't on the list.

aaronleland's only concern is trying somehow to make this about Trump, not about what actually happened, not asking the question how did the guy still have a drivers license after more than one traffic violation and past arrests...who is only a green card holder. Why was he banned nationwide from driving with Uber?
How is this guy not on a radar? Was he on radar? Does NYC's sanctuary city practices not give the Fed's info about his arrest record etc?
How does a Muslim come here, get arrested, multiple traffic violations (reportedly) and STILL have a drivers license??

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