A Burning Question about the NYC attack and terrorism in general...

So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.
A select few from Saudi Arabia attacks US and you want all Saudi's to pay for it? We just had 2 liberals one in Virgina(shooting up congressmen) and one in Las Vegas(shooting up young kids) so should we ban all liberals and put them in jail?


Your "select few" Saudis carried out an attack that took over 3000 American lives in a single day. The greatest attack ever on American soil.
Your precious liberal shot down 50 young kids and wounded 500 others. The greatest single attack of liberalism on American soil, since the civil war. Why do you liberals hate the United States and the children of US citizens?

Paddock wasn't a liberal, but we already know you know this.
Paddock was a Bernie Supporter, also you don't see conservatives out there shooting up young kids at a country western event. But then you are too stupid to realize that.

Time to find some other liberal to piss off, because you keep saying the same thing over and over, hoping it will come true.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.

At least we are getting something out of it. What is our country getting when terrorist judges stop Trump from banning these Muslims?
Banning Muslims isn't Trump's intention. He said so. It wouldn't have stopped this guy, anyway. His country wasn't on the list.

You are correct about that. So when do we start banning countries---after they attack us first?

The ban is in place for countries that don't do a very good job of record keeping--not because any of their citizens have attacked us in the past. Even border agents say that because of their inability to give us proper information for vetting, it's impossible to know who is coming here in good faith and who is using our compassion to sneak in terrorists.
My understanding is the "ban" is over. The State Department has concluded it's study into improving extreme vetting and it's all a moot point now. The 90 day clock has run a couple times now.
A majority of the "boots on the ground" and in the air fighting ISIS in Iraq are Muslim, including Muslim women. These are our allies. All this nonsense about Muslims not doing anything about their radicals is pure garbage circulated by idiots with an evil agenda who want to trick the American people into getting into a war with an entire religion, which would not only be the height of stupidity and waste, but also would be completely immoral. Some just want to fight because they are sick people who like war, and I suspect that some are members of some right-wing Christian cults in the U.S. that embrace weird ideologies that involve fighting Muslims and that have somehow distorted the Christian faith.

Not all terrorism can be linked to the Muslim faith. Among other things, a plot planned by at least three men who were members of some "militia" gang to bomb a mosque and an apartment plot in Kansas was foiled, and a bomb placed along the route of an MLK day march thankfully was defused. Both would have resulted in mass casualties. Several people were killed in an attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin (what the Sikhs have to do with any of this is beyond me). More died and several more were injured in an attack on a Colorado women's clinic. The Los Vegas shooting resulted in 58 deaths and more badly injured, and we don't know why or what ideology, if any, the shooter embraced. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Although this post was addressed to "Democrats," as if what political party anyone supports matters here, the subject to be addressed is how to stop terrorism, regardless of what ideology is behind it, and with all of the radical ideologies flying around thanks to the internet, this effort is going to have to be huge.

Directing the fight exclusively against Muslim-inspired terrorism is the equivalent of only seeking to remove part of a cancerous tumor. The cancer here is terrorism because it results in death and injury. The effort should be focused on taking the entire tumor out.
Nuke Mecca, then send them all on a pilgrimage! :spinner:

Okay, that's not really feasible, I suppose. How about vetting all mosques in the country, hmm??

They did it in France, why not here?
A majority of the "boots on the ground" and in the air fighting ISIS in Iraq are Muslim, including Muslim women. These are our allies. All this nonsense about Muslims not doing anything about their radicals is pure garbage circulated by idiots with an evil agenda who want to trick the American people into getting into a war with an entire religion, which would not only be the height of stupidity and waste, but also would be completely immoral. Some just want to fight because they are sick people who like war, and I suspect that some are members of some right-wing Christian cults in the U.S. that embrace weird ideologies that involve fighting Muslims and that have somehow distorted the Christian faith.

Not all terrorism can be linked to the Muslim faith. Among other things, a plot planned by at least three men who were members of some "militia" gang to bomb a mosque and an apartment plot in Kansas was foiled, and a bomb placed along the route of an MLK day march thankfully was defused. Both would have resulted in mass casualties. Several people were killed in an attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin (what the Sikhs have to do with any of this is beyond me). More died and several more were injured in an attack on a Colorado women's clinic. The Los Vegas shooting resulted in 58 deaths and more badly injured, and we don't know why or what ideology, if any, the shooter embraced. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Although this post was addressed to "Democrats," as if what political party anyone supports matters here, the subject to be addressed is how to stop terrorism, regardless of what ideology is behind it, and with all of the radical ideologies flying around thanks to the internet, this effort is going to have to be huge.

Directing the fight exclusively against Muslim-inspired terrorism is the equivalent of only seeking to remove part of a cancerous tumor. The cancer here is terrorism because it results in death and injury. The effort should be focused on taking the entire tumor out.

Like any other country, we have problems with our own people, however that doesn't mean we need to invite more in from other countries. "Bring them all in" and then figure out how to solve the problem is counterproductive. Closing the border off and letting in only those who absolutely have to be here is the better approach.
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.
A select few from Saudi Arabia attacks US and you want all Saudi's to pay for it? We just had 2 liberals one in Virgina(shooting up congressmen) and one in Las Vegas(shooting up young kids) so should we ban all liberals and put them in jail?


Your "select few" Saudis carried out an attack that took over 3000 American lives in a single day. The greatest attack ever on American soil.

And what was one of the reasons they attacked? That's right, because the Saudi government kicked Bin Laden and his buddies out of the country.

Link to that assertion.

Why attack Iraq then which had zero to do with attack. And why aren't saudis on ban list?

Your unproven assertion doesn't speak to that.
.....And why aren't saudis on ban list?
Your unproven assertion doesn't speak to that.

Maybe Melania is hoping to get $1,300,000 in personal jewelry from the Saudis like Michelle did? And of course the Obama's took all of their $millions in personal gifts from the Saudis when they left
So, nobody will address the fact that every country listed never attacks us while we sign arms deals with Saudi Arabia?

You disingenuous partisan hacks.
A select few from Saudi Arabia attacks US and you want all Saudi's to pay for it? We just had 2 liberals one in Virgina(shooting up congressmen) and one in Las Vegas(shooting up young kids) so should we ban all liberals and put them in jail?


Your "select few" Saudis carried out an attack that took over 3000 American lives in a single day. The greatest attack ever on American soil.

And what was one of the reasons they attacked? That's right, because the Saudi government kicked Bin Laden and his buddies out of the country.

Link to that assertion.

Why attack Iraq then which had zero to do with attack. And why aren't saudis on ban list?

Your unproven assertion doesn't speak to that.

Then maybe you should read the entire conversation instead of a reply here and a reply there.

As I explained, the ban is not about what countries have terrorists in them, it's about countries that have lax record keeping for us to identify who is entering our country. Trump didn't make this up. Even the FBI stated that it's impossible to vet some of these people for that reason.

Yet Osama was quickly disappointed with what he believed was a corrupt Saudi government, and his frustration with the U.S. occupation of Saudi Arabia during the Persian Gulf War led to a growing rift between Osama and his country's leaders. Bin Laden spoke publicly against the Saudi government's reliance on American troops, believing their presence profaned sacred soil. After several attempts to silence Osama, the Saudis banished the former hero. He lived in exile in Sudan beginning in 1992.

Osama bin Laden
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen
Did the Las Vegas shooting leave you in this state of preponderance also?
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen
I've said it many times. The Middle East has to go through a process similar to what Europe had to go through over the past two centuries. The transition from theocracies to democracies is bloody. There is no avoiding it.

What we in the US have to decide is how involved we want to be in that process. My opinion is that we should be involved as little as possible.

The only reason we are involved at all is because of geopolitical and natural resource considerations. Which is why the past umpteen Presidents have promised to make us energy independent.

I have confidence the Arab world will come through. I think all the US can do by getting involved is delay the process or making it more bloody than it will already have to be.
A majority of the "boots on the ground" and in the air fighting ISIS in Iraq are Muslim, including Muslim women. These are our allies. All this nonsense about Muslims not doing anything about their radicals is pure garbage circulated by idiots with an evil agenda who want to trick the American people into getting into a war with an entire religion, which would not only be the height of stupidity and waste, but also would be completely immoral. Some just want to fight because they are sick people who like war, and I suspect that some are members of some right-wing Christian cults in the U.S. that embrace weird ideologies that involve fighting Muslims and that have somehow distorted the Christian faith.

Not all terrorism can be linked to the Muslim faith. Among other things, a plot planned by at least three men who were members of some "militia" gang to bomb a mosque and an apartment plot in Kansas was foiled, and a bomb placed along the route of an MLK day march thankfully was defused. Both would have resulted in mass casualties. Several people were killed in an attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin (what the Sikhs have to do with any of this is beyond me). More died and several more were injured in an attack on a Colorado women's clinic. The Los Vegas shooting resulted in 58 deaths and more badly injured, and we don't know why or what ideology, if any, the shooter embraced. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Although this post was addressed to "Democrats," as if what political party anyone supports matters here, the subject to be addressed is how to stop terrorism, regardless of what ideology is behind it, and with all of the radical ideologies flying around thanks to the internet, this effort is going to have to be huge.

Directing the fight exclusively against Muslim-inspired terrorism is the equivalent of only seeking to remove part of a cancerous tumor. The cancer here is terrorism because it results in death and injury. The effort should be focused on taking the entire tumor out.

Like any other country, we have problems with our own people, however that doesn't mean we need to invite more in from other countries. "Bring them all in" and then figure out how to solve the problem is counterproductive. Closing the border off and letting in only those who absolutely have to be here is the better approach.

And become an isolationist country like North Korea? Like it or not, we now live in a world in which international borders mean very little, a world of the internet and jets. We get major talent from other nations, like nurses from the Philippines, doctors from Asian countries, even good cooks bringing new flavors. Everyone who comes contributes to the richness of our culture. I was thinking about this last night, watching my beautiful New Yorkers (I was born and raised on the Jersey side of the GW Bridge) rise up and party in the wake of such a tragedy. There are crazed ideologues willing to commit terrorism everywhere, from Oklahoma City, to London, to Karachi, to Nairobi, to God-only-knows where. There is no use trying to stick our heads in the sand and just go into lock-down, and it is impossible anyway. We all have to buck up, stay united across the world, and refuse to be defeated by what really amounts, considering the amount of people in the world, to a handful of nuts.
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen

If only Democrats went after terrorists suspects the way they went after Manafort....if only
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen

If only Democrats went after terrorists suspects the way they went after Manafort....if only
You have absolutely no leg to stand on for that statement.
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen

and how should that be done, idiot? do you take the internet away from angry men? if they did, you would be off-line permanently.

a lot more people have been killed by terrorism in this country since 9/11 by white christian terrorists.

do we take them out of the country?

it's all well and good to pound your chest. but if you're going to pound your chest, take responsibility for YOUR terrorists, too.

We don't have terrorists.

You are the only assholes that supports them and make excuses for them.
Dem's invite these killers into our country, while at the same time trying to disarm American citizens with gun control laws.
I've said it many times. The Middle East has to go through a process similar to what Europe had to go through over the past two centuries. The transition from theocracies to democracies is bloody. There is no avoiding it.

What we in the US have to decide is how involved we want to be in that process. My opinion is that we should be involved as little as possible.

The only reason we are involved at all is because of geopolitical and natural resource considerations. Which is why the past umpteen Presidents have promised to make us energy independent.

I have confidence the Arab world will come through. I think all the US can do by getting involved is delay the process or making it more bloody than it will already have to be.[/QUOTE]

I don't see the mess in the Middle East as being a problem of transitioning from theocracies to democracies. I can think of only two theocracies there: Iran and Saudi Arabia, and the U.S. has been sucking up to Saudi Arabia for decades. The other countries seem to have a majority religion, just as Christianity is the majority faith in the U.S., but this is far from being a theocracy. I know that Ataturk set up Turkey as a secular nation, for example. Egypt has had secular leadership for decades, although some of these leaders have played footsie with the Muslim religious right similar to the way some of our politicians play footsie with the Christian religious right, but the Egyptian government would not want to lose the big bucks it gets from the tourist trade. Most of the countries are simply politically unstable, with wannabe dictators and strongmen, similar to what has been going on in countries in Central and South America, and are being harassed by religious fundamentalist insurgents.

If the U.S. and the U.K. had left the Middle East alone, half of this crap over the last decades probably would not have happened and the people in the region would not view the U.S. with such suspicion.

The following is an interesting account of the CIA's and British Intelligence's involvement in overthrowing Iran's democratically-elected government in 1953:
64 Years Later, CIA Finally Releases Details of Iranian Coup

This situation horribly complicated, but has much less to do with religion than it does with regional alliances, factions, rivalries, and, of course, oil.
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen

If only Democrats went after terrorists suspects the way they went after Manafort....if only
You have absolutely no leg to stand on for that statement.

Bull fucking shit
.....And why aren't saudis on ban list?
Your unproven assertion doesn't speak to that.

Maybe Melania is hoping to get $1,300,000 in personal jewelry from the Saudis like Michelle did? And of course the Obama's took all of their $millions in personal gifts from the Saudis when they left

Yeah let's see a link to that one bubbalah

One that isn't trumpsters nonsense.

Nice deflection btw. Thanks for trolling by.

Now answer the questions I politely posed. You know, without shilling for Donald
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen

If only Democrats went after terrorists suspects the way they went after Manafort....if only
You have absolutely no leg to stand on for that statement.

Bull fucking shit

Hahahahahahahaha has. You're so funny Frankie

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