A Challenge For Unbelievers (Impossible Challenge)

Okay, if you want to take that route so does that mean Biden supporters don't go to rallies at all? (Not like he ever really had any or campaigned.)
Biden absolutely campaigned, it's crazy to say he did not.

Again, just because a carnival barker like Trump can get a crowd, does not mean majority of voters want him as a president of this great country.
So if you can't prove something wrong, the person claiming it true with no evidence has a much stronger case.

Nobody is this stupid. This is a fake.
It certainly helps when the courts won’t take the cases. Standing seems to be the rule. You can’t sue until he’s in office, then you can’t do anything about it because he’s in office. Nothing ever gets to the point of a trial or evidence.
The courts lack the guts to take those cases. If it was proved the election was rigged then what? We could possible end up in a civil war.

I do know this — if enough people lose faith in the validity of our elections we will likely see a number of states secede from the UnIon.

Trumps AG Bill Barr said it wasn’t stolen

What more proof do you need?
Bill Barr is a Swamp critter. One of Trump‘s biggest problems was finding people to fill positions in his administration who knew how to operate in D.C. but were not Swamp critters. He would have been better served if he had hired a bunch of total outsiders.



One of Trump‘s biggest problems was finding people to fill positions in his administration who knew how to operate in D.C. but were not Swamp critters.
So, people who knew DC... but had no experience in DC. So, basically, people that complimented him and told them how amazing they were in DC and that they knew everyone in DC. But didn't. And had no creds for their jobs. Or were felons. Or foreign agents. Or...
So, people who knew DC... but had no experience in DC. So, basically, people that complimented him and told them how amazing they were in DC and that they knew everyone in DC. But didn't. And had no creds for their jobs. Or were felons. Or foreign agents. Or...
Considering almost everyone in D.C.and a high percentage of Trump’s administration were busy leaking stories and undermining his success,
Trump did an amazing job. Just compare his successes to Joe Biden’s.

The Trump administration leaked so copiously because he had assembled not a team of rivals to serve under him but a team of enemies, who used the press to fight their policy battles and wage psychological warfare on each other in public. For example, the Javanka faction in his White House advanced a personal PR agenda separate from the president’s, and their White House enemies were forever leaking information about the power couple to disable them. Biden, who has no analogous warring factions, has had an easier time keeping the peace.

Evidentiary hearings were denied. You do not fail when you don't get a chance to try.
When evidence was examined and dismissed, as in Michigan, you covered that failure with the whine that it was just a judge's opinion and yours is as valid. What a hoot.

When evidence was examined and dismissed, as in Michigan, you covered that failure with the whine that it was just a judge's opinion and yours is as valid. What a hoot.

Mine could be more valid. I am under no political scrutiny. I am not worried about losing my job. I am not trying to show anyone how loyal or scared I am.
Heeeeeeellll no.

Vanilla gramps Biden just barely got that degenerate out of office, I wouldn't gamble on anyone else.

We'll see about 2024.
Yes. Most of the prairie's EC votes went to the LOTUS.
Mine could be more valid. I am under no political scrutiny. I am not worried about losing my job. I am not trying to show anyone how loyal or scared I am.
Interestingly, your opinion has no legal standing. And an opinion with legal standing said that on examination the presented evidence was worthless.

Why do you keep pretending evidence wasn't examined?
Considering almost everyone in D.C.and a high percentage of Trump’s administration were busy leaking stories and undermining his success
Haha, yeah, that never happens to ANY president. Poor, poor baby. The Big Orange Bully Asshole, a trait which makes you and his supporters LOVE him. But also the poor victim of the deep state, the mean ol' libs, the media, foreign leaders mocking him, etc. etc. The bully AND the victim. Seamlessly, from one tweet to the next.

He certainly has you people pegged.
Haha, yeah, that never happens to ANY president. Poor, poor baby. The Big Orange Bully Asshole, a trait which makes you and his supporters LOVE him. But also the poor victim of the deep state, the mean ol' libs, the media, foreign leaders mocking him, etc. etc. The bully AND the victim. Seamlessly, from one tweet to the next.

He certainly has you people pegged.
Trump pisses liberals off because he isn’t your typical wimpy republican. At times his obnoxiousness irritated me and he tended to punch down far too much. However he did fight for the Americans in the fly over states and we appreciated that.

Your Trump derangement syndrome allowed a senile, old and corrupt politician in the early stages of dementia to end up running our nation.

Imagine how much more Trump could have done for this nation had the liberal media reported fairly about his administration and the FBI followed the law while investigating him and those around him.

The media and the deep state does everything they can to remove Trump from office and that is just fine with you. The media and the deep state kiss Joe Biden’s ass and that is just fine with you too.

Notice how the liberal media is covering up for Joe Biden. Some in the liberal media are even claiming Joe’s falling approval rating is do the the media not doing a better job of covering up for him.

Imagine what would be happening if Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” belonged to Don Jr.

Interestingly, your opinion has no legal standing. And an opinion with legal standing said that on examination the presented evidence was worthless.

Why do you keep pretending evidence wasn't examined?
I am not pretending when a case is dismissed itt prevents an evidentiary hearing. A judges opinion is still not good enough.
Again, just because a carnival barker like Trump can get a crowd, does not mean majority of voters want him as a president of this great country.

Yep, you're a dumbass alright.
Again, just because a carnival barker like Trump can get a crowd, does not mean majority of voters want him as a president of this great country.

And even IF a majority of voters want him as president, it doesn't mean the rest of us have to put up with their insanity.

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