A Challenge For Unbelievers (Impossible Challenge)

If you're not even going to bother reading through it or even glance the OP I can see how you came to that idiotic conclusion of yours.
If you're not even going to bother reading through it or even glance the OP I can see how you came to that idiotic conclusion of yours.
Well of course you think normal, rational thought is idiotic. You HAVE to think that, to maintain your absurd, childish fantasies. You don't really have any choice in that. Believing the Big Lie has taken away a lot of your free will, and now you are an automaton who has to stay on a prescribed set of rails.
Easy. We counted them

Yes,.. you did. But did you keep track of which ones were illegal, multiple, and from dead people?
There is a right way to shit your pants?

I will say this about you. You amuse me LOL but how do you expect a person to be in charge of a country when he's not even charge of his own bladder?
That ain't how it works moron.

YOU are obligated to prove there was fraud and you can't
Well Biden is far far more unpopular than Obama.....and Hiliary. Atleast Hiliary could get people to show up at her rallies. There is no way then that Biden got more votes than Obama especially while losing almost half the counties that even Hiliary won (Obama won more.). Biden gets more protestors than supporters where ever the stupid corrupt fuck goes. Ergo logic dictates that Biden cheated (more than Hiliary and Obama did)..........sorry its common sense. We regular Americans can smell the bullshit.

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Easy! Biden got more EC votes.

Prove their was no fraud? Okay: Not one shred of evidence of fraud. That's the best proof you are ever going to get.

Well that was easy. What a worthless thread.
You really think Biden got more votes than Obama as much as people hate his ass especially among the black community?
Well Biden is far far more unpopular than Obama.....and Hiliary. Atleast Hiliary could get people to show up at her rallies. There is no way then that Biden got more votes than Obama especially while losing almost half the counties that even Hiliary won (Obama won more.). Biden gets more protestors than supporters whereever the stupid corrupt fuck goes. Ergo logic dictates that Biden cheated (more than Hiliary and Obama did)..........sorry its common sense.
Sorry...none of that shit means anything.

Trump was uniquely unpopular
Yes,.. you did. But did you keep track of which ones were illegal, multiple, and from dead people?
Did you?
Well Biden is far far more unpopular than Obama.....and Hiliary. Atleast Hiliary could get people to show up at her rallies. There is no way then that Biden got more votes than Obama especially while losing almost half the counties that even Hiliary won (Obama won more.). Biden gets more protestors than supporters where ever the stupid corrupt fuck goes. Ergo logic dictates that Biden cheated (more than Hiliary and Obama did)..........sorry its common sense. We regular Americans can smell the bullshit.

You are anything but a regular American. You are a Deplorable. Anybody who would follow such a narcissistic piece of shit like Trump - and believe his constant lies - is far from regular. Brainwashed moonbat more like. Don't forget that Biden's popularity is dropping, but it was pretty high during the election. Just reading Trump's ex lawyer Cohen's book. Anybody who likes Trump as a person, let alone president, deserves no respect. I mean, how can you respect people who don't respect themselves? And any person AT ALL who voted for the low-life pond scum absolutely has no respect for their own person.
It most certainly did not leave ANY troops in Afghanistan.
The Agreement left 8600 US troops and a proportional number of Allied troops as well, until the final pull out date of May 1st. Trump reduced that 8600 number down to just 2500 by Jan 15, 2021 for no good reason. It facilitated more distrust in the Afghan Army. According to several sources he had originally ordered all the troops out by then. The Generals told him what a clusterfuck that would be, so he went with their minimal number of 2500 to continue the support to Afghans. He of course left the hard messy work of actually standing up to the Generals and getting us out, to President Biden.

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