A Challenge For Unbelievers (Impossible Challenge)

That collapses entirely at the feet of Donald Trump and the deal he signed with the Taliban.
More than that. The agreement left 8600 US troops in Afghanistan. Right after losing the election Trump actually ordered a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan by Jan 15th. But the Generals convinced him to leave the minimal number needed to continue to support the Afghan Army. So by Jan 15, there were only 2500 troops left and they were supporting the ongoing efforts by the Afghan Army. That reduction was an unearned gift to the Taliban. and a stab in the back to the US Military.

But it made Joe look bad so the Neo-GOP is happy.
If you believe that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Prove it. Prove there wasn't any fraud,.. but the answer because they said there wasn't any isn't an answer. I doubt anybody is going to be able to do this let alone listen to me. :rolleyes: (I was inspired by another thread to make this topic.)
Your post is a textbook argument from ignorance fallacy.

No you can't. Not one iota of evidence that there was huge amounts of fraud. There were little bits here and there from BOTH sides - there was a repub chick in florida or Georgia (forget which state) who voted for her mother who was dead. I think there were a couple of cases in Western states with a Biden voter. But this huge, systemic fraud that caused the election to be stolen? Total horseshit. Not one piece of credible evidence.
BTW, it has always been, and always will be, up to the accuser to prove the point. That's the case in law, and in debates. You make the accusation - prove it.
Yet I can prove the fraud but they don't listen anyways so..
No you can't. Not one iota of evidence that there was huge amounts of fraud. There were little bits here and there from BOTH sides - there was a repub chick in florida or Georgia (forget which state) who voted for her mother who was dead. I think there were a couple of cases in Western states with a Biden voter. But this huge, systemic fraud that caused the election to be stolen? Total horseshit. Not one piece of credible evidence.
BTW, it has always been, and always will be, up to the accuser to prove the point. That's the case in law, and in debates. You make the accusation - prove it.
They dont know what proof is. Nor do they care. This dumb bitch starts a thread like this every single day. And the mods just let it go every single day.
He should have ramped them up enough to get all of our people and the friendlies out. Hell he caused the deaths of 13 marines.

Had he followed the plan he would have gotten everyone and our equipment out with time to spare. He didn't follow the plan thus the clusterfuck of a withdrawal. He still left 200 Americans and God knows how many friendlies.
I thought the terrorist who set off the bombs caused the 13 deaths.

Thanks for clearing that up. Now we can blame Bush for 9/11.
I thought the terrorist who set off the bombs caused the 13 deaths.

Thanks for clearing that up. Now we can blame Bush for 9/11.

That was different. The terrorists came onto our territory without us being able to predict it. Biden should already know (even though he doesn't) that Afghanistan is dangerous territory and he didn't get them out of there before it happened.
That was different. The terrorists came onto our territory without us being able to predict it. Biden should already know (even though he doesn't) that Afghanistan is dangerous territory and he didn't get them out of there before it happened.
Gee, Trump had 4 years to get us out of that "dangerous territory".
Gee, Trump had 4 years to get us out of that "dangerous territory".

Surprisingly,.. I agree with you as that was one of his flaws. However, Biden was supposed to do the right thing and get them out of there to be the better president but instead thirteen people lost their lives.
Surprisingly,.. I agree with you as that was one of his flaws. However, Biden was supposed to do the right thing and get them out of there to be the better president but instead thirteen people lost their lives.
It's not INSTEAD, Trump had 4 years to do the right thing and didn't. Biden did, sorry he didn't stop a scuicide bomber attack, by umm, well...you know
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It's not INSTEAD, Trump had 4 years to do the right thing and didn't. Biden did, sorry he didn't stop a scuicide bomber attack, by umm, well...you know
These dumb fucks evidently forget people DIE in wars. Compare this to the Reagan debacle in Beirut. Not even close.
More than that. The agreement left 8600 US troops in Afghanistan. Right after losing the election Trump actually ordered a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan by Jan 15th. But the Generals convinced him to leave the minimal number needed to continue to support the Afghan Army. So by Jan 15, there were only 2500 troops left and they were supporting the ongoing efforts by the Afghan Army. That reduction was an unearned gift to the Taliban. and a stab in the back to the US Military.

But it made Joe look bad so the Neo-GOP is happy.

It most certainly did not leave ANY troops in Afghanistan. Trump did exactly the same thing that W did to Obama. He fucked up the surge, and then signed a Withdrawal of Forces Agreement, leaving the execution of the withdrawal to his successor. That way, Trump doesn't have to take the political blame for the fallout of that agreement.

Trump wanted to get all US troops out of Afghanistan BEFORE the election so he could claim that promise kept and distract from the ongoing failure of his pandemic strategy, but even he realized that such a withdrawal had the potential to be a total clusterfuck (see the Fall of Saigon), and the last image of Trump's army, running for their lives, would have had the same effect on Trump supporters as it had on Democratic voters when it happened to Biden.

I was impressed with the job Biden did in getting everyone out safely. But the reality is that the Taliban wanted you gone so they kept the lid on things until after you were safely out of the way.

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