A Challenge For Unbelievers (Impossible Challenge)

He should have ramped them up enough to get all of our people and the friendlies out. Hell he caused the deaths of 13 marines.

Had he followed the plan he would have gotten everyone and our equipment out with time to spare. He didn't follow the plan thus the clusterfuck of a withdrawal. He still left 200 Americans and God knows how many friendlies.
Lack of proof that something didnt happen doesnt equate to proof that it did.

True, but it also doesn't mean that it didn't.

I can't rationally belive you to be a child mollester just because you didn't yet prove to me that it is false, that is completely absurd. How would you even go about proving that you haven't ever mollested anyone? WHAT DOES THAT EVIDENCE EVEN LOOK LIKE? All there could be is postive evidence of mollestation.

In the same way, what you are asking for in this thread is absurd. It's a false construct in your head .

It's all about witnesses and a fair trial.
He should have ramped them up enough to get all of our people and the friendlies out. Hell he caused the deaths of 13 marines.

Had he followed the plan he would have gotten everyone and our equipment out with time to spare. He didn't follow the plan thus the clusterfuck of a withdrawal. He still left 200 Americans and God knows how many friendlies.

Are you so bloody stupid you never heard of ISIS? Trump claimed he'd irradicated them.
True, but it also doesn't mean that it didn't.

It's all about witnesses and a fair trial.
There can never be a witness that you have never mollested a child.

Do you not get that?

It is irrational for me to belive that you are a mollester unless there is sufficient POSITIVE EVIDENCE that you've mollested someone.

In the same way it is IRRATIONAL for you to belive there was some huge, election outcome changing fraud commited unless you have sufficient POSITIVE EVIDENCE that it is so.

These are the basics of rationality we are talking about.
There can never be a witness that you have never mollested a child.

No, only a witness if I ever had. (Which I haven't and if I did I would probably be locked up right now and not talking to you.) The point is we have proof of election fraud, but people like you keep saying that we don't but you don't have the kind of evidence to back it up like we do.
No, only a witness if I ever had. (Which I haven't and if I did I would probably be locked up right now and not talking to you.) The point is we have proof of election fraud, but people like you keep saying that we don't but you don't have the kind of evidence to back it up like we do.

No, actually the equivalent point of your thread is to claim that because someone can't give you proof that you didn't mollest someone, then therefore you've mollested someone.

If your thread was about evidence of election fraud, you wouldn't be asking for proof there was no fraud, you would be making a postive case with positive evidence.

So go ahead, find positive evidence...just stop waisting everyone's time and search for that topic first, because we have been up and down all this supposed evidence many many times by now.
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No, actually the equivalent point of your thread is to claim that because someone can't give you proof that you didn't mollest someone, then therefore you've mollested someone.

Look, even though I know that you're just using this as an example and you're not really accusing me of this can we please use another one? It's still making me feel really uncomfortable.
He should have ramped them up enough to get all of our people and the friendlies out. Hell he caused the deaths of 13 marines.

Had he followed the plan he would have gotten everyone and our equipment out with time to spare. He didn't follow the plan thus the clusterfuck of a withdrawal. He still left 200 Americans and God knows how many friendlies.
Which was a trap all of our previous presidents fell for

Truth is
Taliban was taking over when we eventually left

Our equipment was doomed once the Afghan forces were unwilling to defend it

Biden got us out
Time after time the Trumpy Campaign made legitimate sounding but wild accusations
How can wild accusations sound "legitimate" unless gross fraud is a very real possibility?

in the public sphere like on Faux News or OAN,
Thanks for telling us that you incessantly watch Fox and OAN 24/7. I haven't the time nor interest.

but when it came time to put up or shut up in front of a real judge, the lawyers for the Trumpybear were mostly silent.
Perhaps or perhaps not, but either way does not amount to proof of anything other than either a bad legal team or just too little time to prepare cases and the evidence would suggest BOTH.
Biden had 13 killed in Afghanistan
Previous Presidents had 6000 killed

I will take Biden

So why don't you just go ahead and invite Biden, Harris, and the caravan over for Thanksgiving dinner? (Also I can understand why Trump's an asshole sometimes,.. because he has to deal with people like you daily.)
If you believe that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Prove it. Prove there wasn't any fraud,.. but the answer because they said there wasn't any isn't an answer. I doubt anybody is going to be able to do this let alone listen to me. :rolleyes: (I was inspired by another thread to make this topic.)
It's logically impossible to prove a negative. But I realize you're stupid. But no I'm not going to waste my time explaining basic logic to you. But thanks for showing the world how stupid you are. LOL! If you really want to know why it is impossible to prove a negative, take 5 minutes to look it up on the internet. I DARE you to gain some basic knowledge on how to think.
So why don't you just go ahead and invite Biden, Harris, and the caravan over for Thanksgiving dinner? (Also I can understand why Trump's an asshole sometimes,.. because he has to deal with people like you daily.)
They are welcome to share dinner with me and my family

Trump is not
What does that have to do with the tea in China? Trump was a moron who didnt know what he was doing and Joe decided to get us out of Afghanistan, I know this because he said it was his decision live on TV. You dont get to take credit for the decision and also blame the last admin for the plan to execute said decision... Those timelines dont match up.

Those timelines match up perfectly. Biden would have assumed that the military had a plan for getting out of Afghanistan.

What wasn’t anticipated, was the speed of the collapse of the Afghan military. That is entirely on Donald Trump leaving the Afghan government out of negotiations with the Taliban. Those in the military rightfully assumed that Trump was allowing the Taliban to take over the country once the Americans left.

When the puppet president fled the country, one would hardly expect the army to continue to defend the government but longer existed. That collapses entirely at the feet of Donald Trump and the deal he signed with the Taliban.
I agree. Doesn't matter if there is proof or not as Bidung is in the WH and sure won't be removed.

Kinda funny that hundred if not thousands took the time to fill out affidavits. Some of those were Dems and one said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Also kinda funny they kicked the Rep watchers out and put up paper so no one could see what was being done. Also funny that watchers had to use binoculars to see what the counters were doing. Oh and lets not forget the boxes of ballots that were delivered in the dead of night and counted long after the counters had gone home. Ballots found under desks and in the trunks of cars. Kinda funny that. No proof my ass.

Nobody with any real evidence or filled out real affidavits citing evidence of fraud. The "affidavit's" were like the one in Michigan cited by the judge who disbarred Powell, Wood and Guiliani. Somebody saw a postal worker in a parking lot waiting and someone dropped off a clear plastic bag filled with paper, which "might have been ballots". The postal worker loaded the bag in his truck and drove away, "possibly to a ballot counting centre". The judge called this evidence of no value since the "witness" was simply speculating on what occurred. The postal worker could have just as easily received a bag of flyer to be delivered with the mail.

Furthermore, the lawyers didn't even bother to interview the witnesses to confirm their evidence before submitted the affidavits, which is, at the least, a minimal requirement. Powell, Guiliani and Wood have all been disbarred in multiple jurisdictions for lying to the courts and submitting false evidence.

But still you believe the liars and the grifters, as always.

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