A Challenge For Unbelievers (Impossible Challenge)

Some people like being pumped up going to rally's keeping the same relentless talking points drilled into there heads. gets the blood pumping. Some need no push, minds made up by looking at the issues or not. Just different kinds of people. Not a judgment call for or against either choice.
Big difference.

And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

"So it'd be interesting to check that."

He asking if there is a way to check it out. Do you actually think he would suggest someone inject themselves with disinfectant. Good Lord.
Not only would He, he did. As I've shown you.
Yup because he was a good POTUS. Was he an asshole?? Yes at times but that doesn't negate the fact that he was great for America and Americans.

I liked gas at 1.70 a gallon.

I liked jobs all across the country.

I liked a great economy.

I liked UE the lowest it had been in 50 years.

I liked what Trump did for America. He was all for America and Americans.

If you were honest you would admit that you voted for a walking talking disaster who hasn't done one thing for America or Americans.

As for the stolen election?? It won't matter if it was stolen or not. Bidung is POTUS and will be POTUS for another three year. The election wouldn't be overturned even if they believed the proof that's out there. its a moot point now.
Gas was cheap last year because Trump ran the economy into the ground with his disasterous response to the pandemic.
Prove that a falling tree doesnt make a sound if theres nothing there to hear it.…

You're still missing the point. :rolleyes:
I'LL ASK AGAIN. Forget about the tree in the woods. I have heard and been told 10,000 times morning, noon and night that all of the fraud claims by Trump claiming a stolen election had all been DEBUNKED. Proven wrong, Dismissed. These are all conclusions. Legal conclusions are a PROCESS that occur in time. They are GRAPHABLE. REPEATABLE. CONCLUSIVE.


If such graphable conclusions have been legally resolved, then we need to present this to the nation so we can put all these doubts behind us and unite the country!

WHO debunked the fraud claims and how, when and where did it occur?

Where can I and others go to read the details that everyone else has seen that they are sure beyond any doubt that the CRAZIEST, SCREWIEST, MOST IRREGULAR ELECTION in all of history, which broke EVERY RULE that the 2005 Carter-Baker Commission on Elections warned us against as INVITING cheating and corruption really was on the up and up somehow with Joe the legit winner?

There's no point in asking them anymore. None of them are listening to our questions anyways. :rolleyes:

I think you also need to look at things as they were in the fall of 2020. There was a LOT of animosity towards Trump.

I said in 2016 that Trump won, but there were a LOT of votes against Hillary. It was not just pro-Trump votes that won the election.

I think that happened in 2020. A lot of people were not voting for Biden, as much as they were voting against Trump.

This is the biggest problem with our 2 party system. You get a lot of people voting for what they see as the lesser of 2 evils.

So,.. you're meaning to tell me that eighty million people voted for him and that same amount of people are now shouting we love Trump and fuck Joe Biden? That's basically saying that you think all those Americans are idiots.

Biden got 80 million votes case closed. Deal with it and move on.

See the response I just made to WinterBorn.

Well where to start.....

1. Republican election officials certified the results in their states.
2. Trump's Republican lapdog AG said he looked and there was no serious evidence of fraud.
3. Republican election officials conducted audits, that confirmed the results. Trumpists even did a "forensic" recount for 4 months in AZ...only to find more votes for Biden.
4. Local law enforcement follow ups found only a few isolated individual cases fraud, most by Trump voters.
5. Republican organization posted a bounty of $25,000 to $1,000,000 for reporting leading to indictment of voter fraud. There was one check paid out to date - to election worker who reported a man pretending to be his son to cast a vote for Trump.
6. Trump's horde of layers filed 60+ lawsuits that were all dismissed as garbage, some by Trump's own appointed judges..
7. Congress, administered by Trump's VP certified the election result.

To any sane person that is proof enough.

Not answering mine or toobfreak's question.


Oh really? If you have seven apples and your friend tells you that they want eleven of those apples aren't you going to look at them like they're insane?

Then why don't you take your 'proof' to any GQP lawyer, prosecutor or judge?

What's the point? They haven't listened to any evidence thus far so why would I make any difference to that? :rolleyes:

Maybe you should take a looooooong look at Trump & based solely on common sense ask yourself why Trump got the votes he did & why he was even elected in 2016, based on his behaviour during that campaign.

Out of all the candidates that ran in 2016 you guys decided to elect the worst human being ever elected to a high office in the history of this Country. You guys elected Trump who's nothing but a corrupt conman to the most powerful office on the planet.

Speaking of not listening I bet your grades sucked in school.

It's not up to the rest of us to prove the election wasn't stolen. It's up to YOU to prove that it was.

That just proves that you've got nothing.

84 million Americans told Trump to get the hell out

I think you're confusing that with the Biden haters.

The election was not stolen which is proven by the certification of the election officials in all 50 elections. There was proven fraud, so why do I need to prove that there wasn't?

Another person who hasn't got anything.
The ball is in your court, not ours.

Zippola. (Is what you got.)

Let me ask you a question, can you give an honest answer?

If it turns out the election was not stolen and it was just a wild conspiracy concocted by Donald Trump

Would you still support him?

Well that's not true but if it was his mistake wouldn't take away from all the good he's done for our country,.. when so far all Biden's done is lie, cheat, sleep, and poop his pants. Besides driving an eighteen wheeler that is.

Open borders, not charging criminals in Democratic shitholes, and inflation. Biden is destroying the country. A weaponized DOJ and FBI are making sure the destruction continues unhindered.

Yeah, but the libturds (or tards whatever) don't care about that.

Very hard to believe that over 8 million people cheated.

I beg to differ with you. To me, it's very hard to believe that eight million people voted for that sack of potatoes.

Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.

If I'm so stupid then why did I vote for Trump?
Oh my goodness, you can't prove a negative! That is like YOU being put in jail for bank robbery, then being told the only way to get out, is to prove you didn't do it!

LMAO that happens all the time dumbass!! :auiqs.jpg:
You're still missing the point. :rolleyes:

There's no point in asking them anymore. None of them are listening to our questions anyways. :rolleyes:

So,.. you're meaning to tell me that eighty million people voted for him and that same amount of people are now shouting we love Trump and fuck Joe Biden? That's basically saying that you think all those Americans are idiots.

See the response I just made to WinterBorn.

Not answering mine or toobfreak's question.

Oh really? If you have seven apples and your friend tells you that they want eleven of those apples aren't you going to look at them like they're insane?

What's the point? They haven't listened to any evidence thus far so why would I make any difference to that? :rolleyes:

Speaking of not listening I bet your grades sucked in school.

That just proves that you've got nothing.

I think you're confusing that with the Biden haters.

Another person who hasn't got anything.

Zippola. (Is what you got.)

Well that's not true but if it was his mistake wouldn't take away from all the good he's done for our country,.. when so far all Biden's done is lie, cheat, sleep, and poop his pants. Besides driving an eighteen wheeler that is.

Yeah, but the libturds (or tards whatever) don't care about that.

I beg to differ with you. To me, it's very hard to believe that eight million people voted for that sack of potatoes.

If I'm so stupid then why did I vote for Trump?

LMAO that happens all the time dumbass!! :auiqs.jpg:

You are probably a very nice woman, but your take on how we must force Leftists to prove their was no voter fraud is ridiculous.

YOU PROVE THEIR WAS, that is how the system was set up to work when you accuse someone of doing something. And look, I am not suggesting their wasn't, but I am telling you that ANYONE carrying this narrative forward take the onus of responsibility upon themselves, to prove there was; not the other side having to prove there wasn't!

And look here, I think FAR LEFTISTS SUCK! But I also know that if we change the rules to fit our agenda, then we are worse than they are, period, end of story. It is not like Trump, Pence, the GOP, or even you can NOT come up with concrete proof that they stole the election. That would change EVERYTHING! But for now, you trying to reverse Jurus Prudence and set it on its head, helps nobody; except maybe the Far Leftists, as you play into their narrative that you are a Trump supporter who is off the rails, while trying to enact something this country has never seen before as far as legality.

I feel sorry for you, and that is a true statement! Your anger is obvious. But you aren't going to solve the problem by attempting to change the rules that govern us as far as legality. Get a grip, and figure out a better approach.
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He is the CIC. He could have ordered more troops in but didn't.

Biden did have to order more troops in. The 2500 left in Afghanistan on Jan 15, 2021 was the Generals minimal number to sustain current operations supporting the Afghan Army. That was far below the troop level Trump committed too in the surrender accords he and the Taliban signed. Why did ol'Trumpy hamstring the Military like that?
You are probably a very nice woman, but your take on how we must force Leftists to prove their was no voter fraud is ridiculous.

YOU PROVE THEIR WAS, that is how the system was set up to work when you accuse someone of doing something. And look, I am not suggesting their wasn't, but I am telling you that ANYONE carrying this narrative forward take the onus of responsibility upon themselves, to prove there was; not the other side having to prove there wasn't!

And look here, I think FAR LEFTISTS SUCK! But I also know that if we change the rules to fit our agenda, then we are worse than they are, period, end of story. It is not like Trump, Pence, the GOP, or even you can NOT come up with concrete proof that they stole the election. That would change EVERYTHING! But for now, you trying to reverse Jurus Prudence and set it on its head, helps nobody; except maybe the Far Leftists, as you play into their narrative that you are a Trump supporter who is off the rails, while trying to enact something this country has never seen before as far as legality.

I feel sorry for you, and that is a true statement!

For once I don't know how to respond to this because you've got me on the fence when it comes to forming an opinion about you.
Not hard to figure out. He thought Bidung would follow the plan and everyone and everything would have been gone long before the due date.

Of course that wasn't what happened and you can blame the walking, talking disaster.
Not hard to figure out. He thought Bidung would follow the plan and everyone and everything would have been gone long before the due date.

Of course that wasn't what happened and you can blame the walking, talking disaster.

The Generals made it clear there was no plan for the evacuation/withdrawal left for the incoming administration. Trump left them with the minimal number of troops to sustain the Afghan Army. Those plans were developed by Generals and approved by the President after the decision was made to push the evacuation deadline back a few months.
Not hard to figure out. He thought Bidung would follow the plan and everyone and everything would have been gone long before the due date.

Of course that wasn't what happened and you can blame the walking, talking disaster.
You mean the plan where the Afghan Army would be able to sustain itself after we withdrew?

How much time did Trump spend outlining “his plan” with the incoming President?
You mean the plan where the Afghan Army would be able to sustain itself after we withdrew?

How much time did Trump spend outlining “his plan” with the incoming President?
What does that have to do with the tea in China? Trump was a moron who didnt know what he was doing and Joe decided to get us out of Afghanistan, I know this because he said it was his decision live on TV. You dont get to take credit for the decision and also blame the last admin for the plan to execute said decision... Those timelines dont match up.
You're still missing the point. :rolleyes:

There's no point in asking them anymore. None of them are listening to our questions anyways. :rolleyes:

So,.. you're meaning to tell me that eighty million people voted for him and that same amount of people are now shouting we love Trump and fuck Joe Biden? That's basically saying that you think all those Americans are idiots.

See the response I just made to WinterBorn.

Not answering mine or toobfreak's question.

Oh really? If you have seven apples and your friend tells you that they want eleven of those apples aren't you going to look at them like they're insane?

What's the point? They haven't listened to any evidence thus far so why would I make any difference to that? :rolleyes:

Speaking of not listening I bet your grades sucked in school.

That just proves that you've got nothing.

I think you're confusing that with the Biden haters.

Another person who hasn't got anything.

Zippola. (Is what you got.)

Well that's not true but if it was his mistake wouldn't take away from all the good he's done for our country,.. when so far all Biden's done is lie, cheat, sleep, and poop his pants. Besides driving an eighteen wheeler that is.

Yeah, but the libturds (or tards whatever) don't care about that.

I beg to differ with you. To me, it's very hard to believe that eight million people voted for that sack of potatoes.

If I'm so stupid then why did I vote for Trump?

LMAO that happens all the time dumbass!! :auiqs.jpg:
Nope. Just because I believe the election was stolen doesn't mean I'm a fool.

You voted for a walking talking disaster so I'd say YOU are the fool.

Yes it does mean that you’re a fool because you’re willing to believe one man who is a proven liars, over tens of thousands of people who have found no fraud.

You have to willingly discard and disavow every affidavit, signature and court case involving tens of thousands of people saying what they saw was honest and fair. And you have to accept the testimony of people who have been proven to have lied to you at every turn.

Only a total and complete fool believes the liars and disparages the truth tellers.
You're still missing the point. :rolleyes:
Nope I get the point you think you are trying to make. You just cant see the logic mistake you're making. I'll say it again, but I need you to read it slowly so that maybe it will sink in.

Lack of proof that something didnt happen doesnt equate to proof that it did.

I dont like Joe Biden as President. I think he's quite awful and I didnt vote for him. That doesnt change the sentence above.....
What does that have to do with the tea in China? Trump was a moron who didnt know what he was doing and Joe decided to get us out of Afghanistan, I know this because he said it was his decision live on TV. You dont get to take credit for the decision and also blame the last admin for the plan to execute said decision... Those timelines dont match up.

Great for our President

US Forces were down to 2500 when Biden took office. Biden decided to ignore the temptation to ramp up troops and continued the withdrawal

After 20 years, it was a wise move
For once I don't know how to respond to this because you've got me on the fence when it comes to forming an opinion about you.
Want to know what I think? Just put my name in the search engine on here, and you will see my posts, that I am a conservative, a staunch one at that.

My only problem with your post in this thread is....................I can NOT claim to want to change the rules for thee, (far Leftists) and not for me. That would make me totalitarian, wouldn't it? And for me, I am not going to suggest that in our society, the burden of proof that they did NOT do something falls upon them, for what if it is you or I who then would have to prove, we didn't do something also!

Consistency is what we need, for everyone.

But let me say that should Trump or anyone else come up with concrete proof that something was amiss, I am right there with you. The outrage against the Left would be over the top, that I can promise you.

And why?

Because we are the society we are, and that is why we must continue to support the rules that are for legality. Look, we might think something is really fishy and string them up. What if it came out later we were wrong, or even partially wrong? I couldn't live with myself, and that is how I view this mess.

I want YOU to understand where I am coming from. Think of Jan 6th. If there was PROOF positive that the election was stolen, those people would today, be heroes. They would be seen as protecting Democracy, and or the Republic. Instead, all we see is how EVIL they were, they were trying to take down the Republic, etc.

We can NOT as a political party continue down this road; we just can't, without proof..............for if we do, we will give the Leftists the independent vote that will keep them in power, and I know you do not want that.

I would NEVER assume to tell you, or anyone else what to do, but until something comes out, take a more populist approach, one that already has facts in evidence, that the Biden agenda/far Leftist agenda, SUCKS, and is hurting ALL Americans, regardless of color or political affiliation. As you can plainly see, that is an easy win, and I urge you to carry on while holding your head high-)

One last thing...........unless Trump knows something is already in the pipeline to prove his case, we will NOT be able to nominate him.

Forget what you and I think; and instead, think how independents think. They will perceive Trump as having no proof, and us as crazy as he is because we accept what he has said without any proof positive. That is a disaster in the making, wouldn't you say?
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For once I don't know how to respond to this because you've got me on the fence when it comes to forming an opinion about you.
Silly, it's not about who he is, it's about what he is saying.

Legally, the burden of proof of wrongdoing is on the accuser.

These principles also underpin the basics of rational thought and belief forming, not just legality.

We can't just belive whatever we feel like, there should be postive supporting evidence to beliefs.

I can't rationally belive you to be a child mollester or other wordly alien, just because you didn't yet prove to me that it is false. That is completely absurd. How would you go about disproving that? WHAT DOES THAT EVIDENCE EVEN LOOK LIKE? All there could be is postive evidence of mollestation or you being alien.

In the same way, what you are asking for in this thread is absurd. It's a false, irrational construct in your head.
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