A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated

Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

View attachment 507216
He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park trash. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

Because people like that, don't like the new normal.

View attachment 507229
There is certainly nothing new about that.
It's never been accepted as normal, not in my lifetime. Till now.
Of course no one accepts it as normal. Riots over civil rights and policing aren’t new to America. Your faux outrage and feigned ignorance of it’s history is what’s new.

4 years of it? With cops ordered to stand down? With people arrested for defending themselves? To the point that new riots and violence are barely reported?

Yep. It has become the new normal. YOur denial is silly.
Not a single incident driving continued unrest over that time. Right?

Irrelevant to the point. Years of political violence from the left has made political violence and rioting the new normal.

That is a fact that we normal Americans have to deal with, even if we are older and fatter and diabetic.

Violent thugs like the dems like to employ, don't leave old people alone. Hell, they seem to prefer targets that can't fight back or they think can't fight back.
Try working to create a more equitable society rather than blaming the victims. That’s the core of the problem really. Continued ignorance of continuing injustice.
Victims my ass.....

Violent predators and fucking parasites is more accurate.

Take your bullshit on down the road.... no one here is buying it.
Like I said. Continued ignorance of continuing injustice. Riots get your attention but you never learn why they happen. Sad.
Try working to create a more equitable society rather than blaming the victims. That’s the core of the problem really. Continued ignorance of continuing injustice.
Please tell us what you mean by "more equitable society" and describe how we are supposed to be working to create one.
Try reading the discussion where I stated that. The context is there.
Our time to do the right thing was January 6th but all we did was overturn a couple of benches. That should have been the time for tar and feathering and to hold the bastards accountable for stealing an election.

But we didn't do jackshit so we have to face the consequences of a stolen election by incompetent hate mongering anti American Socialists.
Do you still want to murder Pence and Pelosi?
But here's the thing - the ONLY reason you're making a fuss is because Trump lost
What planet did you just arrive from?

We have been demanding election reform for as long as I can remember

And that includes democrats who were outraged that bush defeated gore in 2000

I can accept the possibility of losing in an honest election

Though I am very confident that trump would have won in 2020 if there was no cheating
Who is this WE you`re speaking of that has been demanding election reform for as long as you can remember? I don`t recall anyone demanding anything until a cult leader took an ass kicking in 2020.
You have a very short memory

We have been battling over requiring picture IDs for black people for decades
Why black people?
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

View attachment 507216
He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park trash. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

Because people like that, don't like the new normal.

View attachment 507229
There is certainly nothing new about that.
It's never been accepted as normal, not in my lifetime. Till now.
Of course no one accepts it as normal. Riots over civil rights and policing aren’t new to America. Your faux outrage and feigned ignorance of it’s history is what’s new.

4 years of it? With cops ordered to stand down? With people arrested for defending themselves? To the point that new riots and violence are barely reported?

Yep. It has become the new normal. YOur denial is silly.
Not a single incident driving continued unrest over that time. Right?

Irrelevant to the point. Years of political violence from the left has made political violence and rioting the new normal.

That is a fact that we normal Americans have to deal with, even if we are older and fatter and diabetic.

Violent thugs like the dems like to employ, don't leave old people alone. Hell, they seem to prefer targets that can't fight back or they think can't fight back.
Try working to create a more equitable society rather than blaming the victims. That’s the core of the problem really. Continued ignorance of continuing injustice.

That you are certain you are correct, in your violence, does not change the fact that you have made it normal, nor that those of us threatened by it, feel threatened by it.
It’s not normal at all to ignore injustice. You feel threatened by it because you don’t understand it despite many decades of people screaming their grievance at you. Your white privileged ears don’t allow you to hear and your indifference doesn’t allow you to understand.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
Wow it really must scare you guys that ordinary Americans are willing to rise up against the fascism of the left.

I wonder if it will ever occur to the leftwing idiots that they have gone too far in their anti-American antics that normal everyday Americans are so pissed they would be willing to pick up an AR-15 and fight back.

Keep pushing your bullshit Agenda, and I’m sure you’ll find out.
Smokin' OP You haven't even figured out that you are the one that the pols and media have been lying too? Trump was actually a great president-----we are already suffering without him.
OMG, Trump is the worst president in history.
Certainly the most corrupt, worse than Reagan and Bush.................combined.
By far ............................the dumbest president we ever had.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.

Do you really take the rantings of this lunatic seriously?

I mean this lunatic seems to believe that their little weapons are any match for the best military in the world.

It's just the insane raving of a lunatic.

The man needs a therapist.
I don't think this person is a one-off, or even rare.

I don't think that person is rare either.

The Republican Party has been very busy the last few years purging all intelligent and sane people from the party.

What's left is a bunch of raving lunatics.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
Wow it really must scare you guys that ordinary Americans are willing to rise up against the fascism of the left.

I wonder if it will ever occur to the leftwing idiots that they have gone too far in their anti-American antics that normal everyday Americans are so pissed they would be willing to pick up an AR-15 and fight back.

Keep pushing your bullshit Agenda, and I’m sure you’ll find out.
Okay Rambo.

Another good example.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.

Do you really take the rantings of this lunatic seriously?

I mean this lunatic seems to believe that their little weapons are any match for the best military in the world.

It's just the insane raving of a lunatic.

The man needs a therapist.
I don't think this person is a one-off, or even rare.

I don't think that person is rare either.

The Republican Party has been very busy the last few years purging all intelligent and sane people from the party.

What's left is a bunch of raving lunatics.
Turns out this has been bubbling under the surface for years now. A growing paranoid rage driven by talk radio and then the internet.

I don't think anyone saw this coming. Not even Republican politicians.

But this is now the party. Pledge allegiance to one profoundly damaged man, or you're the enemy too.

Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
I try to get my head around this, I ask them a lot of questions and try to understand, but I can only get so far. There is so much here that is just a mystery to me, and their devotion to that person, of all people, is at the heart of it.
The prime example of a cult.
I went a long time trying to avoid that word, but there are just too many similarities.
Just following the determination and classification made by the FBI.
Not a credible organization at all there.
^ Not reality. :cuckoo:

If you believe that, you're the one with a screw loose.

You guys who are still professing belief in the FBI remind me of all those old school Catholics who refused to believe there was any fuckery by the church to cover for the pedophile priests (and the amount of abuse there is still less than in the public school system, by an order of magnitude.) You are placing your faith in an organization and that never works out well..... see; Pournelle's Iron Law.

And you all say Trump voters are the ones in a cult? (smh)
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

View attachment 507216
He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park trash. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

Because people like that, don't like the new normal.

View attachment 507229
There is certainly nothing new about that.
It's never been accepted as normal, not in my lifetime. Till now.
Of course no one accepts it as normal. Riots over civil rights and policing aren’t new to America. Your faux outrage and feigned ignorance of it’s history is what’s new.

4 years of it? With cops ordered to stand down? With people arrested for defending themselves? To the point that new riots and violence are barely reported?

Yep. It has become the new normal. YOur denial is silly.
Not a single incident driving continued unrest over that time. Right?

Irrelevant to the point. Years of political violence from the left has made political violence and rioting the new normal.

That is a fact that we normal Americans have to deal with, even if we are older and fatter and diabetic.

Violent thugs like the dems like to employ, don't leave old people alone. Hell, they seem to prefer targets that can't fight back or they think can't fight back.
Try working to create a more equitable society rather than blaming the victims. That’s the core of the problem really. Continued ignorance of continuing injustice.
Victims my ass.....

Violent predators and fucking parasites is more accurate.

Take your bullshit on down the road.... no one here is buying it.
Like I said. Continued ignorance of continuing injustice. Riots get your attention but you never learn why they happen. Sad.
No, we know exactly why, and that's our objection.
If you want to riot over something real, that's different, but we ain't going to burn our world down for the sake of a bunch of worthless shitbags. And that's all you guys ever riot over...... I didn't see any riots over Daniel Shaver.

Save your self-righteous hypocrisy for someone else, liar.
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

View attachment 507216
He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park trash. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

Because people like that, don't like the new normal.

View attachment 507229
There is certainly nothing new about that.
It's never been accepted as normal, not in my lifetime. Till now.
Of course no one accepts it as normal. Riots over civil rights and policing aren’t new to America. Your faux outrage and feigned ignorance of it’s history is what’s new.

4 years of it? With cops ordered to stand down? With people arrested for defending themselves? To the point that new riots and violence are barely reported?

Yep. It has become the new normal. YOur denial is silly.
Not a single incident driving continued unrest over that time. Right?

Irrelevant to the point. Years of political violence from the left has made political violence and rioting the new normal.

That is a fact that we normal Americans have to deal with, even if we are older and fatter and diabetic.

Violent thugs like the dems like to employ, don't leave old people alone. Hell, they seem to prefer targets that can't fight back or they think can't fight back.
Try working to create a more equitable society rather than blaming the victims. That’s the core of the problem really. Continued ignorance of continuing injustice.

That you are certain you are correct, in your violence, does not change the fact that you have made it normal, nor that those of us threatened by it, feel threatened by it.
It’s not normal at all to ignore injustice. You feel threatened by it because you don’t understand it despite many decades of people screaming their grievance at you. Your white privileged ears don’t allow you to hear and your indifference doesn’t allow you to understand.
You do it all day, every day...... you aren't about "justice" in any way, you're about bullying and intimidating your way into power.

"Justice" my ass....
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
Wow it really must scare you guys that ordinary Americans are willing to rise up against the fascism of the left.

I wonder if it will ever occur to the leftwing idiots that they have gone too far in their anti-American antics that normal everyday Americans are so pissed they would be willing to pick up an AR-15 and fight back.

Keep pushing your bullshit Agenda, and I’m sure you’ll find out.
They are the epitome of "entitled"; they can't believe anyone would dare object to the offensive, objectionable, and just plain shitty behavior.
And since we didn't bitch-slap them back into place when they started, it's now gone so far, that we're probably going to have to kill them..... they sure as hell don't seem inclined to quit, do they?
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
Wow it really must scare you guys that ordinary Americans are willing to rise up against the fascism of the left.

I wonder if it will ever occur to the leftwing idiots that they have gone too far in their anti-American antics that normal everyday Americans are so pissed they would be willing to pick up an AR-15 and fight back.

Keep pushing your bullshit Agenda, and I’m sure you’ll find out.
Okay Rambo.

Another good example.
LOLOLOLOL....... you guys are a fucking joke.

One minute, right-wing, conservative, allegedly "white-supremacist", Trump voting, gun owners who have never committed a single crime in their lives are all potential "domestic terrorists", and the "biggest threat to the entire country", so says the DHS and the FBI, and the next, you say they're all just shit-talking "Rambos" who aren't going to do shit.

Well, which is it?
You can't have it both ways guys........ they're either dangerous or they're not.

If they are, maybe you should think twice about talking shit.

If they're not, why are you cheering on the .fedgov witch hunt against them?

Yeah...... it's pretty fucking obvious who the real bad guys are in our society. You aren't fooling anyone, fucktards.
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

View attachment 507216
He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park trash. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

Because people like that, don't like the new normal.

View attachment 507229
There is certainly nothing new about that.
It's never been accepted as normal, not in my lifetime. Till now.
Of course no one accepts it as normal. Riots over civil rights and policing aren’t new to America. Your faux outrage and feigned ignorance of it’s history is what’s new.

4 years of it? With cops ordered to stand down? With people arrested for defending themselves? To the point that new riots and violence are barely reported?

Yep. It has become the new normal. YOur denial is silly.
Not a single incident driving continued unrest over that time. Right?

Irrelevant to the point. Years of political violence from the left has made political violence and rioting the new normal.

That is a fact that we normal Americans have to deal with, even if we are older and fatter and diabetic.

Violent thugs like the dems like to employ, don't leave old people alone. Hell, they seem to prefer targets that can't fight back or they think can't fight back.
Try working to create a more equitable society rather than blaming the victims. That’s the core of the problem really. Continued ignorance of continuing injustice.

That you are certain you are correct, in your violence, does not change the fact that you have made it normal, nor that those of us threatened by it, feel threatened by it.
It’s not normal at all to ignore injustice. You feel threatened by it because you don’t understand it despite many decades of people screaming their grievance at you. Your white privileged ears don’t allow you to hear and your indifference doesn’t allow you to understand.
You want to cry about "injustice"? Okay, let's talk about it.....

This guy;

beat his own child to death. And he got less time than Chauvin did.

When's the protest march scheduled for?

Where is it going to be held?

Is there a shopping center on the route that everyone can loot as soon as the sun goes down?

GTFOOH you fucking racist liar. :flameth:
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
Wow it really must scare you guys that ordinary Americans are willing to rise up against the fascism of the left.

I wonder if it will ever occur to the leftwing idiots that they have gone too far in their anti-American antics that normal everyday Americans are so pissed they would be willing to pick up an AR-15 and fight back.

Keep pushing your bullshit Agenda, and I’m sure you’ll find out.
Okay Rambo.

Another good example.
LOLOLOLOL....... you guys are a fucking joke.

One minute, right-wing, conservative, allegedly "white-supremacist", Trump voting, gun owners who have never committed a single crime in their lives are all potential "domestic terrorists", and the "biggest threat to the entire country", so says the DHS and the FBI, and the next, you say they're all just shit-talking "Rambos" who aren't going to do shit.

Well, which is it?
You can't have it both ways guys........ they're either dangerous or they're not.

If they are, maybe you should think twice about talking shit.

If they're not, why are you cheering on the .fedgov witch hunt against them?

Yeah...... it's pretty fucking obvious who the real bad guys are in our society. You aren't fooling anyone, fucktards.
Too bad.
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

View attachment 507216
He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park trash. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

Because people like that, don't like the new normal.

View attachment 507229
There is certainly nothing new about that.
It's never been accepted as normal, not in my lifetime. Till now.
Of course no one accepts it as normal. Riots over civil rights and policing aren’t new to America. Your faux outrage and feigned ignorance of it’s history is what’s new.

4 years of it? With cops ordered to stand down? With people arrested for defending themselves? To the point that new riots and violence are barely reported?

Yep. It has become the new normal. YOur denial is silly.
Not a single incident driving continued unrest over that time. Right?

Irrelevant to the point. Years of political violence from the left has made political violence and rioting the new normal.

That is a fact that we normal Americans have to deal with, even if we are older and fatter and diabetic.

Violent thugs like the dems like to employ, don't leave old people alone. Hell, they seem to prefer targets that can't fight back or they think can't fight back.
Try working to create a more equitable society rather than blaming the victims. That’s the core of the problem really. Continued ignorance of continuing injustice.

That you are certain you are correct, in your violence, does not change the fact that you have made it normal, nor that those of us threatened by it, feel threatened by it.
It’s not normal at all to ignore injustice. You feel threatened by it because you don’t understand it despite many decades of people screaming their grievance at you. Your white privileged ears don’t allow you to hear and your indifference doesn’t allow you to understand.

I reject any attempt to hold me responsible for ANYTHING, I did not personally do.

That you want to use that as an excuse for dismissing my concerns about violent mobs killing people in the streets, is just you talking shit, as you escalate the violence and racial strife that is gaining you political wins.

You want to keep doing that? Because it means you win?

I can't stop you. BUT, don't come whining to me, like a faggot, when you are unhappy that the violence got out of control or bounced a way you did not want.
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

View attachment 507216
He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park trash. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

Because people like that, don't like the new normal.

View attachment 507229
There is certainly nothing new about that.
It's never been accepted as normal, not in my lifetime. Till now.
Of course no one accepts it as normal. Riots over civil rights and policing aren’t new to America. Your faux outrage and feigned ignorance of it’s history is what’s new.

4 years of it? With cops ordered to stand down? With people arrested for defending themselves? To the point that new riots and violence are barely reported?

Yep. It has become the new normal. YOur denial is silly.
Not a single incident driving continued unrest over that time. Right?

Irrelevant to the point. Years of political violence from the left has made political violence and rioting the new normal.

That is a fact that we normal Americans have to deal with, even if we are older and fatter and diabetic.

Violent thugs like the dems like to employ, don't leave old people alone. Hell, they seem to prefer targets that can't fight back or they think can't fight back.
Try working to create a more equitable society rather than blaming the victims. That’s the core of the problem really. Continued ignorance of continuing injustice.

That you are certain you are correct, in your violence, does not change the fact that you have made it normal, nor that those of us threatened by it, feel threatened by it.
It’s not normal at all to ignore injustice. You feel threatened by it because you don’t understand it despite many decades of people screaming their grievance at you. Your white privileged ears don’t allow you to hear and your indifference doesn’t allow you to understand.

I reject any attempt to hold me responsible for ANYTHING, I did not personally do.

That you want to use that as an excuse for dismissing my concerns about violent mobs killing people in the streets, is just you talking shit, as you escalate the violence and racial strife that is gaining you political wins.

You want to keep doing that? Because it means you win?

I can't stop you. BUT, don't come whining to me, like a faggot, when you are unhappy that the violence got out of control or bounced a way you did not want.

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