A detailed look at the democrat party and the destruction of Black Americans.

I know what it means and that's why I said what I did. How in hell are you going to calll yourself thinking you can disagree with a black person on a black persons lived experience? What in the hell makes you racists continually post this bullshit about blacks and the democratic party? Do you not think we're able to look at what both parties offer and decide? And who the hell do you think you are to argue with me about how aand why blacks left the Republican party? I AM black dammit. I most certainly know the reason. I don't need to read some crap from some black sellout to give me ideas like you and others in this thread do...
There you are back to calling anyone who disagrees with you as a racist and sellout. You obviously don’t understand the words you are misusing. You could be a better person but you choose not to be, and that has zero to do with skin tone.
Black racism..

What you call black racism is not racism..
I understand that those such as a you like to pretend everything is tthe same.

But it's not.. And I am certain that if whites endured what we have, you would not call the animosity created by being treated that way racism..
Yeah... yeah... yeah... after 150+ years this Black Victim $hit has gone stale... nobody outside your demographic really wants to hear it anymore.
If you want to live in an all white place, move back to Europe because whites made this country diverse when they decided to float over here and Iive with the over 500 nations that were already here.
Spare us the Noble First Peoples bull$hit... it was a case of Advanced Civilization Meets Neolithic Hunter-Gatherer-Nomad primitives.

Vae victis.
There you are back to calling anyone who disagrees with you as a racist and sellout. You obviously don’t understand the words you are misusing. You could be a better person but you choose not to be, and that has zero to do with skin tone.
I understand better than you do. I call you what you are. What are you disagreeing with? Because you haven't been black in order to disagree. So to think you're so superrior that you can, is a hallmark of racism. You're the one who needs to become better. You're white and you're telling, a black man that I 'm wrong about why blacks are democrats.

Yeah... yeah... yeah... after 150+ years this Black Victim $hit has gone stale... nobody outside your demographic really wants to hear it anymore.

Spare us the Noble First Peoples bull$hit... it was a case of Advanced Civilization Meets Neolithic Hunter-Gatherer-Nomad primitives.

Vae victis.
Nobody wants to hear arrogant white man anymore. That's the reality we live in now, not the delusion you state in this post. Whites were so superior that the First Nations had to teach them how to farm so they would quit eating their ddead relatives. Go relearn history junior.
Conservatives support what Chauvin did to Floyd and then wonder why black people don't vote Republican.

Yeah... yeah... yeah... after 150+ years this Black Victim $hit has gone stale... nobody outside your demographic really wants to hear it anymore.

Spare us the Noble First Peoples bull$hit... it was a case of Advanced Civilization Meets Neolithic Hunter-Gatherer-Nomad primitives.

Vae victis.
I'm glad you cuck whites are okay with people being replaced by their betters.... 😄
I'm glad you cuck whites are okay with people being replaced by their betters.... 😄
Yeah... given that Blacks (13%) have been replaced by Hispanics (16%) as the leading Minority, ya'll would know about that. :auiqs.jpg:

Just as well... at least they've (collectively) got a strong work-ethic and family and religious focus and are willing to mainstream. :cool:
Yeah... given that Blacks (13%) have been replaced by Hispanics (16%) as the leading Minority, ya'll would know about that. :auiqs.jpg:

Just as well... at least they've (collectively) got a strong work-ethic and family and religious focus and are willing to mainstream. :cool:
Moron, first of all, that 13% is holding steady. Every other demographic other than whites is either maintaining or expanding their population. You're the only ones who's deaths outpace births and therefore you're the only ones being replaced. Secondly, we're all mixing. Mixed race births are up over 200% in the last decade. Me and my brothers are African and Asian. My brothers kids are now African, Asian, and Hispanic. And even when that mixture includes whites those mixed race children hardly ever identify with the whites. Think Obama and Bob Marley. Increased cultural and ethnic mixing coupled with your dwindling birth rates only equals you and your culture going extinct. 😁
Moron, first of all, that 13% is holding steady
Yes. Breeding like bunny-rabbits is a consolation prize for being dead-enders, alright.
. Every other demographic other than whites is either maintaining or expanding their population.
That's nice.
You're the only ones who's deaths outpace births and therefore you're the only ones being replaced.
And here I thought there wasn't a "replacement" going on, according to LibProgs. Who would've thunk it? :auiqs.jpg:

Wake me up when you get into the high 30s or low 40s. :cool:

Secondly, we're all mixing. Mixed race births are up over 200% in the last decade.
Yep. Plenty of Wiggers out there.
Me and my brothers are African and Asian. My brothers kids are now African, Asian, and Hispanic.
Sounds like you've got a vested interest in that Replacement business, eh? :auiqs.jpg:

I find it amusing... every time Whites speak frankly about the State of Minorities, they're attacked with genocidal inferences.

Fair enough... we all know what the rules are... bring it...

And even when that mixture includes whites those mixed race children hardly ever identify with the whites.
Yep. Plenty of Wiggers out there.
Think Obama and Bob Marley. Increased cultural and ethnic mixing coupled with your dwindling birth rates only equals you and your culture going extinct. 😁
I find it amusing... every time Whites speak frankly about the State of Minorities, they're attacked with genocidal inferences. :cuckoo:

Yes. Breeding like bunny-rabbits is a consolation prize for being dead-enders, alright.

That's nice.

And here I thought there wasn't a "replacement" going on, according to LibProgs. Who would've thunk it? :auiqs.jpg:

Wake me up when you get into the high 30s or low 40s. :cool:

Yep. Plenty of Wiggers out there.

Sounds like you've got a vested interest in that Replacement business, eh? :auiqs.jpg:

I find it amusing... every time Whites speak frankly about the State of Minorities, they're attacked with genocidal inferences.

Fair enough... we all know what the rules are... bring it...

Yep. Plenty of Wiggers out there.

I find it amusing... every time Whites speak frankly about the State of Minorities, they're attacked with genocidal inferences. :cuckoo:

Do you cuck whites know what the rules are? If you do why did you cuck whites let your children become minorities in their own country? 😄 Wake you? It isn't my job to make you care that your white children are already demographic minorities for their peer group. 😄
To be fair the vast majority of blacks have shitty lives in America is their own fault. Even the poorest of blacks in America still have it better than the poor in most other countries.

Most of them refuse ambition. They want to be dumb thugs, dopeheads, criminals and leach off the system and do as little as possible. Bill Cosby was a poor ghetto kid but he made something of himself so this idea all blacks are held back is incorrect. Pretty much every black person that has achieved much all on their own also came from a white nation. White people have propped up blacks.

There is a reason why most criminals are black despite being the minority. Why there has never been a black first world country, why they have contributed very very little to mankind's advances, and so on. Compared to other races in the world they have done very little.

It's easy to say white people held them back or democrats keep them down but the reality is throughout mankind's history blacks have always been way behind every other race.

When you look at America today they don't actually do anything for the country or American society. We push them up to the front but most don't ever get there on their own and when they do get up there they don't actually do much.

Most of them are savages that just do the bare minimum, a lot are just criminals, and most of the successful ones play sports, or singers meaning they are just entertainers.
It amazes me that you still have black Americans defending the democrat party.....the party of slavery, jim crow, the kkk, lynching and the Civil War......this article details the continuous destruction against the black American community by the democrat party......

The democrats have trapped black children in generational poverty and crime, and their policies have led to the deaths of 10s of thousands of black children every year.....

And blacks still vote for the democrats...

To sum it up, since 1964, Democrat policies that are ostensibly intended to benefit blacks have, instead, impoverished them, broken up their families, ravaged their communities with unchecked crime, and left their children illiterate and uninformed. These inculcated societal problems have spread to Hispanics, too, but they’re a little less vulnerable to them because they don’t have the blacks’ long, tangled history with the Democrats.

But Democrats aren’t done. Most recently, in the name of equity, Democrats are using their war on children’s education to reinstate…segregation. It’s not just for college dormitories anymore. According to the Wall Street Journal:

As per usual the threaad makes the premise that blacks can't think for themselves and that they have no free will therefore they are not like other humans.
To be fair the vast majority of blacks have shitty lives in America is their own fault. Even the poorest of blacks in America still have it better than the poor in most other countries.

Most of them refuse ambition. They want to be dumb thugs, dopeheads, criminals and leach off the system and do as little as possible. Bill Cosby was a poor ghetto kid but he made something of himself so this idea all blacks are held back is incorrect. Pretty much every black person that has achieved much all on their own also came from a white nation. White people have propped up blacks.

There is a reason why most criminals are black despite being the minority. Why there has never been a black first world country, why they have contributed very very little to mankind's advances, and so on. Compared to other races in the world they have done very little.

It's easy to say white people held them back or democrats keep them down but the reality is throughout mankind's history blacks have always been way behind every other race.

When you look at America today they don't actually do anything for the country or American society. We push them up to the front but most don't ever get there on their own and when they do get up there they don't actually do much.

Most of them are savages that just do the bare minimum, a lot are just criminals, and most of the successful ones play sports, or singers meaning they are just entertainers.
You just have to love people so stupid and and culturally conquered that they say things like this but are still aware enough that they should pretend it's the other side that's racist. 😄
We were played for 100 years by Republicans. And all this garbage is just more republican propaganda. White racism is bi partisan and that's the problem.
And during that 100 years blacks were freed, gained citizenship, the right to vote and civil rights. Then you decided to switch and it’s been all downhill from there. Failed schools, rampant crime, drugs, poverty, welfare, single parent homes.
Do you cuck whites know what the rules are? If you do why did you cuck whites let your children become minorities in their own country? 😄 Wake you? It isn't my job to make you care that your white children are already demographic minorities for their peer group. 😄
Whites haven't started playing Cowboys and N*#^%s yet.

dimocraps are just filling the Feed Trough for minorities. At some point, that will fail and then.....
Whites haven't started playing Cowboys and N*#^%s yet.
See, you can't think of it as anything else but a game because you're nothing but stunted little cosplayers. 😄
dimocraps are just filling the Feed Trough for minorities. At some point, that will fail and then.....
More fantasy while you ignore what's really going on. Your demographic replacement. :funnyface:

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