A detailed look at the democrat party and the destruction of Black Americans.

Shoplifting at an all time high. Libs sent the message it’s OK to steal and police better be real careful about how they stop it if at all. Glorifying illegals and criminals is destroying America
See, you can't think of it as anything else but a game because you're nothing but stunted little cosplayers. 😄

More fantasy while you ignore what's really going on. Your demographic replacement. :funnyface:
The 'reconquista' does not include Blacks. Better think about that. For your children and their descendants.

No matter, it isn't going to work anyway. Just mental masturbation by perennially unhappy people.

Our culture works, yours doesn't and -- Has never. You could join a successful culture if you wanted to. You've been invited but for some reason all you want to do is criticize and denounce your benefactors.
Shoplifting at an all time high. Libs sent the message it’s OK to steal and police better be real careful about how they stop it if at all. Glorifying illegals and criminals is destroying America
Like I said.

All they want to do is belly-up to the Feed Trough. dimocrap FILTH are more than willing to let them steal YOUR money.

And they are more than willing to accept it. Without consequences.
The 'reconquista' does not include Blacks. Better think about that. For your children and their descendants.

No matter, it isn't going to work anyway. Just mental masturbation by perennially unhappy people.

Our culture works, yours doesn't and -- Has never. You could join a successful culture if you wanted to. You've been invited but for some reason all you want to do is criticize and denounce your benefactors.
Boy. Yours is a shit culture that is going extinct in your own country. 😄
Boy. Yours is a shit culture that is going extinct in your own country. 😄
'Boy', huh? You must call King Kong a monkey.

All cultures go extinct at some point. But do you think you can replace ours? You've never had a successful culture in your history.

The best you could do was the 25th Dynasty. And you took that by military force.

Result? The destruction of the greatest Empire (at that time) in Earth's history. And the longest lasting civilization ever.

Afterwards, the Kushites disappeared from history. But, it's been 2,600 years, maybe it's time.

Try 'creating' something for a change instead of stealing it from somebody else. It would be a nice change.
'Boy', huh? You must call King Kong a monkey.
Imagine yourself how you like, objectively you're still the bitch who's people are being demographically replaced in their own country. 😄
All cultures go extinct at some point. But do you think you can replace ours? You've never had a successful culture in your history.
No one thinks you fail whites really understand history. 😄
The best you could do was the 25th Dynasty. And you took that by military force.

Result? The destruction of the greatest Empire (at that time) in Earth's history. And the longest lasting civilization ever.

Afterwards, the Kushites disappeared from history. But, it's been 2,600 years, maybe it's time.

Try 'creating' something for a change instead of stealing it from somebody else. It would be a nice change.
Try not being a bitch and getting you land and county taken from you. 😄
It was bi partisan. And todays republican party is trying to take us back there.
What legislative proposals lead you to believe that?

And, while we're at it, Jim Crow, bad as it was, in no way was the same as slavery. You still haven't dealt with that.
Virtually everyone assimilates except your tribe. You fucked up Jamaica almost immediately after Britain handed you the keys.
You cuck whites haven't paid attention to Cubans down in Miami have you? 😄 Assimilate.... 😄 No one is adopting your shit culture. We're replacing it. You haven't made the connection between the rejection of Confederate iconography and demographic change? You fail whites are slow on the uptick aren't you? 😄
Virtually everyone assimilates except your tribe. You fucked up Jamaica almost immediately after Britain handed you the keys.
The only, ONLY, racial genocide ever committed on this Planet was done by Blacks in Haiti in 1804.

Some white folks--conservative asshats--believe that a white cop who shoots a black man in his own apartment should get zero jail time.

And you’re amazed that blacks aren’t down with that?

'Some white folks', who would that be?
You cuck whites haven't paid attention to Cubans down in Miami have you? 😄 Assimilate.... 😄 No one is adopting your shit culture. We're replacing it. You haven't made the connection between the rejection of Confederate iconography and demographic change? You fail whites are slow on the uptick aren't you? 😄
I go to Miami frequently. Coconut Grove, Hialeah, Rte 27 to the VA. Spent some time there. Cubans are pretty cool.

The majority of them don't want to replace Americans, they want to be one. Unlike you.

The Goths didn't want to conquer Rome, they wanted to be Roman. But Rome was too arrogant and too decadent. We are not.

You are. And it will lead to your downfall. Bigly.

Since the Hamas raid on Israel, Americans are starting to see the true colors of your people. It's pretty ugly. If one good thing came from that abomination, it was seeing who and what you really are.
You cuck whites haven't paid attention to Cubans down in Miami have you? 😄 Assimilate.... 😄 No one is adopting your shit culture. We're replacing it. You haven't made the connection between the rejection of Confederate iconography and demographic change? You fail whites are slow on the uptick aren't you? 😄
You wish you were Cuban cane picker.
I understand better than you do. I call you what you are. What are you disagreeing with? Because you haven't been black in order to disagree. So to think you're so superrior that you can, is a hallmark of racism. You're the one who needs to become better. You're white and you're telling, a black man that I 'm wrong about why blacks are democrats.
I’m telling an idiot to be smarter skin tone has nothing to do with it.
I’m telling an idiot to be smarter skin tone has nothing to do with it.
You could point out what their culture did for Rhodesia, Jamaica, Haiti, South Africa and every other country they've ever taken over.

If the USA sucks so bad, 'splain this --


They got nothing. All they got is their mouths and their assholes. Which are interchangeable.
I go to Miami frequently. Coconut Grove, Hialeah, Rte 27 to the VA. Spent some time there. Cubans are pretty cool.

The majority of them don't want to replace Americans, they want to be one. Unlike you.
Sure. They want American rights and protections. If you've spent time in Hialeah though you must of noticed how proud they are of their Cuban culture. How they fly their Cuban flags and how their businesses advertise in Spanish first and foremost because that mostly what you're going to hear down there. And I love that too. Glad you agree. 😄
The Goths didn't want to conquer Rome, they wanted to be Roman. But Rome was too arrogant and too decadent. We are not.
You're too fat and slow and lazy. You're content enough to imagine yourselves conquerors that you'll allow yourselves to be conquered, even agree with it, as you have above. 😄 At this point you have to concede South Florida to Cubans because you can't hold the State without them. They have you over a barrel and you think them allies. Or you desperately want to believe it.

By the way my niece is partly Cuban. It's the older Cubans than lean more heavily Republican. The younger ones aren't such a lock.
You are. And it will lead to your downfall. Bigly.
Uh huh. 😄
Since the Hamas raid on Israel, Americans are starting to see the true colors of your people. It's pretty ugly. If one good thing came from that abomination, it was seeing who and what you really are.
All I see is Israel and warmongers losing moral support the world over.
And during that 100 years blacks were freed, gained citizenship, the right to vote and civil rights. Then you decided to switch and it’s been all downhill from there. Failed schools, rampant crime, drugs, poverty, welfare, single parent homes.

And they still vote for the democrats....the politcal party of slavery........you won't find Jewish people ever voting for a future nazi party, let alone one based on the old nazi party......and the democrat party fought Civil Rights, voting rights, they created jim crow, lynching and church bombings......

And blacks vote for the democrat party over 95%.......it is just insane......

Now, on top of the history, you have the democrat party in control of the public education systems that do not teach math, reading, writing, or anything else to blacks and hispanics.....trapping them in generational crime and poverty...

yet the republicans are the racists? The republican party that wants school choice for all children, in particular blacks and hispanics so they can actually have lives that are happy, and free of crime and violence.....

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